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技术改造和技术革新是矿山发展生产和扩大再生产的重要手段。各级领导都非常重视。多年来,群从性的技术新活动,在全国各黄金矿山中蓬勃开展,广大的科研人员,矿山中的技术人员和职工充分发挥才能,挖掘潜力,取得了非常湿著的提高了黄金矿山的经济效益,本专集从破碎筛分工艺与设备,磨矿分级工艺与设备,重浮选工艺与设备,氰化工艺与设备,脱水工艺与设备,冶炼工艺与设备,污水处理,综合利用与回收等众多资料中,精选出代表性  相似文献   

涟钢型改棒项目是利用原六轧钢厂大部分设备和原型钢厂毛轧设备,造成设备匹配与满足工艺功能的矛盾,尤为突出的是升降台与毛轧的匹配,为了达到工艺要求,我们针对原升降系统进行改造,在实际应用中不仅满足了工艺要求,而且大大简化了升降系统,降低了维护难度。  相似文献   

介绍了在现有的工艺和设备条件下,通过工艺完善和设备改进等手段,提高配合煤的粉碎细度,取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   

1998年邯钢-烧对二车间普通烧结工艺进行改造,在原设备基础上增加12台造球盘、一套外配煤系统、一台二次混合机及相关设备,改成小球团烧结工艺,并在投产后半年多的生产中对新增设备进行了改进和完善,保证了工艺顺行,取得了较好的生产效果,同时,在小球吉工艺的设备性能、结构和格质,以及运行参数方面也积累了经验。  相似文献   

探讨了工艺调整后,设备改造所面临的问题,针对具体情况提出解决办法,确保设备正常运行,实现工艺目的。  相似文献   

由于高炉焦炭所需高质量炼焦煤的匮乏,迫使设备提供商和钢铁生产厂寻求只需要少量焦炭的炼铁设备。COREX就是满足这种条件的一种工艺,该工艺使用非焦煤做燃料、球团矿做含铁原料。该工艺由于不需要建设焦炉,比高炉工艺对环境更加友好。印度京达尔公司投产了两套COREX炼铁设备,每套设备的年产量均为80万t。  相似文献   

介绍了HK法钢渣粒化工艺及应用设备。HK钢渣粒化工艺占地面积小,不用铁路专用线,不用重型设备,减轻了环境污染。  相似文献   

通过局部调整轧钢工艺路线,改造工装设备,改变了原加热炉布料方式的不合理弊端,在理顺工艺,减少设备事故,节能降耗,提高产量和综合成材率方面取得了明显效果。  相似文献   

结合工艺布置、设备配置以及设备性能参数分析,简要介绍了柳州钢铁集团公司新建转炉炼钢厂7机7流方坯连铸机的工艺设计特点。  相似文献   

在我国各特殊钢厂中,盘圆的涂油包装一直沿用着传统的工艺方法,且设备陈旧。本文介绍了新研制的自动完成盘圆涂油包装的设备和工艺,并着重分析了涂油装置等主要设备的结构及控制系统  相似文献   

TJ Brooks 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1997,8(3):377-82; discussion 382-3
Health care reform presents both challenges and opportunities for African Americans. On the one hand, reform could result in the closure of black medical institutions and fewer black physicians. On the other hand, reform gives African Americans an opportunity to bargain for available resources to gain equality in health care services. To this end, the Volunteer State Medical Association has been involved in state health care reform. Its goals are to resolve the current financial crisis at black medical institutions; to assist in the survival and development of local black managed care organizations; to assure that all licensed black physicians have continued access to patients; and to develop black-owned health-related businesses. The association has formed the Tennessee Coalition for Quality Health Care, a group of African American politicians, physicians, educators, and health care administrators who can negotiate with state and federal officials in the issue of health care reform.  相似文献   

National, state, and local education reform agendas have been on a fast track for more than a decade. Although some psychologists have been active in promoting psychology and psychological services in education reform initiatives, knowledge about their efforts is fragmented. In order to educate psychologists about education reform, this article highlights the impetus for the recent education reform movement, briefly reviews the latest waves of education reform, and discusses the development of the National Education Goals. Then, an argument is made for the integration of education, health, and social reform initiatives; state-level education reform principles and initiatives are highlighted, illustrated by the systemic education reform mandate in Kentucky. Next, progress toward the development and implementation of an APA-sponsored response to the National Education Goals is discussed. Finally, objectives and roles for psychologists in advancing education reform are presented, and guidelines for the education and training of future psychologists are introduced. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the financing mechanisms for graduate medical education (GME) in the United States. In so doing, we identify Medicare as the single largest contributor to GME and the most important barrier to producing a physician workforce that is appropriately sized, balanced, and skilled. Until passage of the 1997 Budget Reconciliation Agreement, the structure of Medicare payments promoted overproduction and skewed production toward training specialists in tertiary settings. We then examine the various reform proposals put forward by major health care organizations and policy bodies. These organizations generally agree on seven policy objectives: Remove incentives that promote expanded resident production; Base the GME subsidy on actual costs and distribute it more uniformly; Focus reductions on specialty residency positions; Provide GME payments for training provided in ambulatory, community, and managed care sites; Decouple Medicare GME reimbursement from payments to health maintenance organizations for patient care; Require all health insurers to contribute to GME; and Ensure that reductions in the GME subsidy do not reduce access to care for low-income persons. A myriad of different mechanisms for achieving these objectives have been recommended, many of which could be melded together to form a comprehensive approach to GME reform. The prospects for meaningful GME reform are dim in the absence of broader Medicare reform. The costs to stake-holders are too concentrated while the benefits to the public are too diffuse for GME reform to stand alone. But the political imperative to deal with the federal budget's short-term deficit and Medicare's long-term solvency will likely create an opportunity for GME reform. An addendum has been added that shows how the 1997 Budget Reconciliation Agreement addresses most of the major reform objectives identified but that several important issues remain unresolved.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,我国国有和民营矿业企业竞相发展,许多公司在国际矿业界颇有影响,但是由于历史原因,我国矿业企业管理还存在着许多亟需改进的地方,包括组织、运营、地质资源管理、工程维修管理和休假制度等方面。通过分析西方现代采掘业企业和我国目前国有、民营矿业企业具体的运营管理模式,比较了各自的优势与不足,提出了我国采掘业企业管理的改进措施,即模拟国际现代先进矿业企业管理模式运营,这一措施正好同国家对国有企业进行混合所有制改革的政策相一致,将为我国矿企业的管理改进与改革提供行动指导。 关键词:中图分类号:文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-2518(2017)04-0065-08 DOI: 引文格式:YIN Kaizhou.Study on the New Round of Management Improvement and Reform of Chinese Mining Enterprises[J].Gold Science and Te  相似文献   

以国内260 t转炉为研究对象,分析转炉复吹改造前后的冶金效果,结果表明,通过改进底吹结构和工艺, 转炉终点钢水磷质量分数达到较低的水平,钢水中氧和炉渣中TFe质量分数有显著的降低。在整个炉役期间,钢 水中的碳氧积都能达到较低的水平。由于冶炼低碳钢较多,给炉衬的维护带来困难。研究表明,采用合理的溅渣 和调渣工艺,可保证转炉炉龄和底吹供气效果同步。  相似文献   

题铭 《黄金》2017,38(3)
随着国内经济的发展,尤其是国际环境的复杂多变,"新常态"将是企业微观层面经营发展遇到的新课题。基于传统视角的需求管理已无法满足中国经济发展和转型升级的需要,而供给侧改革是对中国新形势下经济问题的再认识,是寻求未来经济增长点和改革升级的有效选择,对中国企业的可持续经营和稳健发展意义重大。以供给侧改革为基点,探讨其对于黄金矿山企业转型升级的意义,并提出相应建议,以促进国内黄金矿山企业的稳健发展。  相似文献   

郝志强  郭宝志  闫清军 《钢铁》2000,35(6):22-24
介绍了凌源钢铁公司与连铸技术国家工程研究中心合作 ,对凌钢 15 0 mm× 15 0 mm小方坯连铸机进行高效化改造的情况。采用国内自主开发的抛物线型连续锥度结晶器、半板弹簧振动装置、连续矫直拉矫机、二冷优化等设备和技术对小方坯连铸机进行改造 ,实现了“高拉速、高作业率、高连浇炉数、高质量和高效益”的高效化目标  相似文献   

介绍了石家庄钢铁有限责任公司(简称石钢)炼钢分厂2~#罗可普方坯连铸机高效改造的情况及改造后的效果。改造后的连铸机进行试车,四流拉钢一次成功,且最高拉速达到2.9m/min。  相似文献   

回眸50年的办学历程,大体可分为创建办学、改革兴校和升格发展三个阶段。学校为了坚持育人的中心地位不动摇,坚持做到全面贯彻党的教育方针 科学定位,发挥优势,办出特色 以学生为本,深化教改,提升素质 重视师资队伍建设,不断开创党建与思想政治工作新局面。  相似文献   

梁冬梅 《黄金》2006,27(9):3-5
由于在黄金市场放开过程中,一些相关政策、法规研究不够,有关措施没能及时跟上,使黄金交易市场在运作过程中出现了一些不容忽视的问题,制约了黄金交易市场功能的充分发挥,、因此,在研究黄金流通体制改革和完善黄金交易市场功能时,必须做到:明确黄金商品的功能定位;建立健全法规体系;加强黄金流通体制改革的组织与管理;强化我国黄金市场的宏观调控及与国际黄金市场的衔接;发挥政府职能,培育、扶持有序的黄金市场:  相似文献   

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