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Two women of 34 and 31 years suffered an acute myocardial infarction in the puerperium. One of them had many risk factors for atherosclerosis: hypercholesterolaemia, hypertriglyceridaemia, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, nicotine abuse and a positive family history for cardiovascular disease. She had an occluded right coronary artery and was successfully treated with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty. The other patient had an acute myocardial infarction after her first delivery. She was known with hypercholesterolaemia, obesity and nicotine abuse. During her latest pregnancy she was treated with acetylsalicylic acid. Again she developed an acute myocardial infarction in the puerperium, probably due to coronary dissection. Although the incidence of acute myocardial infarction is low in the peripartal period (less than 1 in 10,000) the diagnosis should be considered when a woman presents with chest pain or dyspnoea.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that the risk of cerebral infarction is increased during the puerperium but not during pregnancy itself. Most of the known causes of ischaemic stroke in the young have been reported during pregnancy. In most of these conditions, it is uncertain whether pregnancy is coincidental or plays a role in the occurrence of stroke. Eclampsia is the main pregnancy-specific cause, which may be associated with focal neurological deficits of sudden onset, consistent with a clinical diagnosis of stroke. However, the precise pathogenesis of these stroke-like focal deficits remains poorly understood. The two other pregnancy-specific conditions (choriocarcinoma and amniotic fluid embolism) are rarely responsible for focal cerebral ischaemia. In a significant number of patients, the cause of the stroke remains undetermined, despite an extensive aetiological investigation. Whether a hypercoagulable state and vessel wall changes associated with pregnancy may play a role in the occurrence of these otherwise unexplained ischaemic strokes remains unknown. The occurrence of cerebral venous thrombosis is clearly linked to the puerperal state, suggesting a direct role of the latter. However, cerebral venous thrombosis during pregnancy or the puerperium has been related to various aetiologies, stressing the need for an aetiological study, particularly when the thrombosis occurs during pregnancy. Pregnancy may increase the risk of subarachnoid haemorrhage, The most common cause is rupture of an arterial aneurysm. Although this is a controversial issue, the increased tendency of an aneurysm to bleed with advancing gestational age suggests that haemodynamic, hormonal or other physiological changes of pregnancy may play a role in aneurysmal rupture. The classic notion that rupture of an arterial aneurysm occurs more frequently during labour has not been confirmed. Most authors agree that surgical management after subarachnoid haemorrhage in pregnancy should be the same as that in the non-pregnant state. Data specifically devoted to intraparenchymal haemorrhage in pregnancy are scarce. Pregnancy and in particular the puerperium seem to be associated with an increased risk of intracerebral haemorrhage. The most common causes are eclampsia and ruptured vascular malformations. Whether pregnancy increases the risk of rupture of an arteriovenous malformation is controversial.  相似文献   

Mothers who have just given birth need support from medical staff and also from their home surroundings. The type of support given to mothers and their new babies varies in different countries and cultures, but should be equally adequate and beneficial. Breast-feeding, as the very best method of early nutrition of the newborn, is the central event of puerperium. Its importance, and other practical approaches during this period are discussed and reviewed.  相似文献   

A report is given in a case of appendicitis after delivery in childbed. This was the third case of appendicitis within 17 657 deliveries in the gestation of the district hospital in Sangerhausen in the period from 1960 to 1975. The chronic relapsed appendicitis produced a paralytic Ileus. By using correspondent measures (infusional therapy, appendectomy, adhesion solutions) the patient could be cured without any complications. The patient feeled a Douglas-touch of pain that extended especially to the right. This was the only symptom that was noticed by the patient besides the Ileus that had been clinical well defined and secured with the help of x-ray photo.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The appropriateness of laparoscopic colon resection (LCR) as treatment for malignancy has been questioned. METHODS: From 1992 to 1997, 91 patients were entered into a prospective study of LCR for cancer. Clinical, pathologic, and economic parameters of LCR were compared in a cohort of patients matched for age, tumor stage, and type of colectomy who underwent open colon resection (OCR) during the same time period. RESULTS: With a median follow-up of 26 months, there were no significant differences in survival rate for patients in the LCR, converted colon resection, and OCR groups. There were no port-site recurrences and the number of lymph nodes harvested was similar among the procedures. Hospital stay was significantly shorter if laparoscopic resection was successful. Total hospital costs were similar for LCR and OCR; however, the costs were significantly higher for converted colon resection. CONCLUSIONS: LCR is a sound oncologic procedure that can be performed with costs similar to OCR.  相似文献   

The regulation of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian axis during puerperium is reviewed. The lactotrophic hormone prolactin is necessary for the growth of the milk producing system, initiation and maintenance of lactation. Inappropriate responsiveness of the hypothalamic-hypophyseal-ovarian system causes independent of the actual prolactin serum values postpartum amenorrhea during early puerperium. However, the duration of amenorrhea depends on the duration of breast-feeding. The prolactin peaks induced by suckling interfere with the reappearance of normal cyclic ovarian regulation.  相似文献   

Six patients who presented cerebrovascular disease during puerperium or pregnancy were studied. One of them presented hemorrhagic stroke caused by intracerebral bleeding due to pre-eclampsia. Three patients presented ischemic stroke, they all had positive serologic reactions for Chagas' disease, but only two of them had clinical cardiopathy; one of these patients had anticardiolipin antibody. The other two patients presented cerebral venous thrombosis of sagittal sinus. Both were smokers and one of them used oral contraceptive. We emphasize the importance of clinical investigation to seek for the common causes of cerebrovascular disease in young people, with special attention to Chagas disease in Brazil.  相似文献   

Urinary tract infections (UTI) are the most frequent nosocomial infections of women during puerperium. Since, in these women, diagnostic accuracy is affected by lochial secretion, suprapubic urinary bladder puncture (SPB) is recommended. Between December 1989 and January 1993, we subjected 903 women to suprapubic urinary bladder puncture (SpBP) at the 4th or 5th day after delivery. A urine culture of SpBP was done in all cases. Semiquantitative leukocyte counts (n = 891) and nitrite test (n = 830) were done on mid-stream urine (MSU). Side by side with microbiological investigation for urinary tract pathogens via SpPB, MSU was performed in 246 cases immediately after SpPB had been carried out. Leukocyte counts were also estimated in SpBP urine samples. In 370 (41.1%) of 903 SpBP, one or more microorganisms were cultivated. Only 36 (4.0%) of 903 women showed UTI symptoms. Microorganisms were detectable via SpBP in only 26 (72.7%) of these 36 symptomatic patients. Vaginal-operative or secondary caesarean section are related to an increased UTI rate (p < 0.001). UTI were also significantly (p < 0.0001) more frequent in women subjected to catheterisation sub partu (54.5%) compared to no catheterism (24.4%). No significant differences between the number of leukocytes in MSU sediment and the SpBP findings were seen. Semiquantitative leukocyte counts in SpBP offered a significantly (p < 0.001) increased number of leukocytes in cases with microorganism detection in SpBP irrespective of MSU findings. These results justify the designation of uterine tract infection also in the absence of complaints as "infection" and not common "bacteriuria".(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Serum levels of prolactin (PRL), FSH, LH and oestradiol-17 beta were determined by radioimmunoassay in 57 lactating women and in 20 women in whom lactation was inhibited by ergocryptine (CS-154). Women who breast fed their infants exhibited high PRL levels which abruptly declined within 48 h post-partum, and remained low for the duration of the study. Serum FSH was undetectable during the first week post-partum in lactating as well as in CB-154 treated women. Thereafter, lactating women showed increasing FSH levels which reached a maximum by the third week post-partum. These FSH values were higher in lactating women than in the CBS-154 treated group. In contrast, LH levels were higher in those women receiving CB-154. Serum oestradiol-17 beta remained in low levels throughout the study, and no difference was observed between the two groups of subjects. From these results it seems that: 1) inhibition of PRL secretion leads to a faster recovery of gonadotrophin secretion toward the "menstrual type", and 2) PRL suppression produces no effect on the ovarian oestrogen production.  相似文献   

We report on a case of a 34-year-old I. Grav./I. Para. After a normal pregnancy and Caesarean section, the patient developed a postpartum HELLP-syndrome with an eclamptic attack.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent reports suggest that pregnancy and the puerperium may precipitate or exacerbate obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). The influence of this illness on other reproductive events, such as the premenstruum, is unknown. We examined retrospectively the relationships of pregnancy, the puerperium, and premenstruum to the course of OCD in 57 women. METHOD: Women outpatients with OCD meeting DSM-III-R criteria completed a standardized telephone interview administered by a psychiatric resident. They were asked retrospectively about the clinical course of their illness premenstrually and during and after pregnancy. RESULTS: Of 72 women eligible for the study, 79% (N = 57) completed the interview. Premenstrual worsening of OCD was described by 24 (42%) of the 57 women, and 12 (21%) described premenstrual dysphoria. Of the 57 women, 38 (67%) had been pregnant at least once; 31 (54%) had delivered at least one child. Pregnancy was associated with the onset of OCD in only 5 (13%) of the 38 women. Of the 29 women with preexisting OCD who became pregnant, 20 (69%) described no change in symptoms during pregnancy, 5 (17%) described worsening, and 4 (14%) described improvement. Postpartum exacerbation of OCD symptoms was reported by 7 (29%) of the 24 women with preexisting OCD who completed full-term pregnancies. Nine (37%) of the 24 women with both preexisting OCD and completed pregnancies also reported postpartum depression. CONCLUSION: The premenstrual and postpartum exacerbation of OCD symptoms in some women suggests that the course of this disorder may, in some cases, be influenced by changes in gonadal hormones. Our finding that women with OCD may be at increased risk for postpartum depression underscores the importance of careful postpartum evaluation of women with OCD to prevent maternal and infant morbidity.  相似文献   

Sterilization of the woman during puerperium is performed immediately following delivery via a periumbilical incision during a caesaren section isthmica intraperitonealis via laparoscopy or 3--5 days following delivery by pelviscopy. The surgical procedure currently in use for ligating or severing the fallopian tubes is accompanied by extensive loss of blood. This procedure should, therefore, be replaced by the coagulation method which is safer and does not contribute to the formation of adhesions. If the abdomen has been dissected, either high frequency current or the Endo-coagulation procedure may be used to produce the destructive heat necessary to coagulate the fallopian tubes. If the abdomen has not been opened and the coagulation of the fallopian tubes must be performed via pelviscopy, the Endo-coagulation method should be used instead of the high frequency current procedure which cannot be absolutely controlled by the surgeon. The Endo-coagulation procedure works at or about the temperature of boiling water. The failure rate for this procedure is about 2--3 %0.  相似文献   

The influence of bromocriptine on carbohydrate tolerance in the puerperium was examined and its effects compared with those of an oestrogenic compound. Sixteen patients were studied in each group. The controls consisted of 16 women who were breast-feeding. Compared with the controls, no significant difference was found in the oral glucose tolerance test in patients who had oestrogen, but blood glucose values in women receiving bromocriptine were significantly lower. Inhibition of lactation with bromocriptine may obscure abnormal glucose tolerance.  相似文献   

Pregnancy has been referred to as a time of well-being for patients with psychiatric disorder. However, this impression is derived primarily from anecdotal reports and retrospective studies, rather than systematic prospective evaluation. In this study, 10 pregnant women with previous histories of panic disorder were evaluated prospectively across pregnancy and the postpartum period using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R and the Clinical Global Impression. Information regarding pharmacotherapy received was also recorded. Seven of 10 subjects continued to meet DSM-III-R criteria for panic disorder at all trimester visits. Symptoms persisted for some patients even in the context of treatment with antipanic medications. Most subjects (n = 9) met DSM-III-R criteria at 1-3 months postpartum despite nearly uniform intensification of antipanic treatment. Although some women may experience diminished symptoms of panic during pregnancy, in this sample most continued to experience panic attacks and to require antipanic treatment to control symptoms.  相似文献   

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