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非平衡晶界偏聚理论在INCONEL 718合金研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
徐庭栋  郑磊 《材料导报》2002,16(11):1-3,7
评述了国际上将溶质晶界偏聚领域的最新研究成果-非平衡晶界偏聚理论,用于INCONEL718合金研究中所取得的最新进展。  相似文献   

高温拉伸过程中磷在晶界上的动态偏聚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

目的 针对镍基Inconel 718合金在高温服役时强化相转化为晶界δ脆性相从而降低服役性能的问题,通过热机械处理工艺调整晶界脆性相的析出和分布,以提升合金在高温环境下的耐用性和服役性能。方法 通过晶界工程(GBE)技术提高样品中低Σ重位点阵(CSL)晶界的比例,调整晶界处δ相的分布规律。利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术分析样品的显微组织演化规律。结果 GBE处理使样品中低ΣCSL晶界比例较固溶态的54.34%提高至81.43%,显著优化了晶界特征分布。通过SEM分析了δ相在不同类型晶界处的分布特征:较小的δ相沿平行于Σ3c晶界两侧分布、沿垂直于Σ3i晶界两侧分布,沿Σ9晶界一侧呈针状分布;较大的δ相沿Σ27晶界一侧呈短棒状或层片状分布,在随机晶界处杂乱分布。GBE处理后合金的塑性显著提升,其延伸率从固溶态的21.1%提升至GBE态的26.6%。结论 通过晶界工程技术提升了镍基合金中低ΣCSL晶界的比例,调整了晶界处δ相的析出规律,优化了Inconel 718合金的微观结构,从而有望提高其在高温环境下的服役性能。  相似文献   

用径迹照相方法(PTA)研究了含硼面心Fe-30%Ni合金在1000℃下不同预变形后,再结晶过程中运动晶界反常偏聚规律以及形变量对反常硼偏聚程度的影响。用定量统计方法测量了不同形变量下,运动晶界上的硼偏聚量。结果表明,新晶粒长大过程中,晶界反常偏聚与形变量、晶界运动速度等因素有关。用晶界展宽机制对此现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

依据LI2型金属间化合物八面体,四面体间隙的特点,并利用硬球模型计算了上述各类间隙的空球半径大小,发现Ni3Al合金中6Ni八面体间空球半径比其他间隙大,使硼原子在更易进入6Ni八间隙,由于富Ni-Ni3Al合金晶界比Al-Ni3Al合金有更我的6Ni八面体间隙,所以硼在富Ni-Ni3Al晶界偏聚较多,另外富Al-Ni3Al合金晶界原子间作用力比富Ni-Ni3Al合金晶界原子间作用力大,这也阻碍了  相似文献   

用径迹显微照相技术研究了含硼 10× 10 - 6和 30× 10 - 6的 Fe- 40 % Ni合金在模拟冷却 -等温 -冷却处理过程后硼的晶界偏聚特征。结果表明 ,在从 115 0℃以 2℃ / s冷速分别冷却到 110 0℃ ,10 0 0℃ ,90 0℃ ,80 0℃和 70 0℃保温 2 min,然后再以 2℃ / s冷速冷却到 6 0 0℃水淬的冷却 -等温 -冷却过程中 ,硼在晶界会形成明显的偏聚 ,晶界偏聚量随等温温度的下降先有所减少后增加 ,最低值在 10 0 0℃左右出现。含硼 10× 10 - 6 合金在 80 0℃以上温度等温后冷到 6 0 0℃时 ,试样晶界偏聚包括连续硼偏聚带及一定量含硼析出相 ,其它试样沿晶硼偏聚带中硼主要以析出相形式存在。实验还观察到在晶内亚晶界上也有明显的硼偏聚存在 ,并在偏聚带两侧存在有贫硼区。在晶粒晶界与亚结构相交处 ,硼原子优先偏聚在晶粒晶界上  相似文献   

用径迹照相方法研究了含硼面心Fe-30%Ni合金在1000℃下不同预变形后,再结晶过程中运动晶界反常偏聚规律以及形变量对反常硼偏聚程度的影响。用定量统计方法测量不同形变量下,运动晶界上的硼偏聚量。结果表明,新晶粒长大过程中,晶界反常偏聚与形变量,晶界运动速度等因素有关。用晶界展宽机制对此现象进行了讨论。  相似文献   

研究了退火、淬火状态下 Al-Mg 合金的晶界内耗。实验表明,随 Mg 含量的增加,晶界内耗峰的峰宽和弛豫强度单调下降,峰位开始移向高温,后又移向低温;高温淬火处理能压低 Al-2.4wt-%Mg的晶界峰,但对其它低 Mg 含量试样不敏感,一定温度的保温能使压低的晶界峰回升。  相似文献   

应用TEM、EDS和EBSD等技术研究了Inconel 600合金在715℃时效过程中不同类型晶界处碳化物的结构、形貌和晶界附近Cr浓度的分布。结果表明,不同类型晶界处碳化物的结构和形貌有较大的不同:在Σ3c晶界析出的碳化物很少,在Σ3i晶界析出不规则形状的M23C6碳化物,在Σ9晶界析出较大的M23C6碳化物颗粒,在Σ27晶界随机析出粗大的M7C3碳化物颗粒。富Cr碳化物在晶界的析出使晶界附近贫铬,在相同的时效条件下晶界的Σ值越高其附近贫铬越严重。随着时效时间的延长各晶界附近贫铬区的宽度不同程度地增大,时效15 h贫铬区的深度最大,时效50 h后深度不同程度地减小。  相似文献   

溶质晶界偏聚和晶间脆性断裂的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
徐庭栋 《材料导报》2002,16(4):11-15
从六个方面总结了作者二十多年来晶界偏聚和晶间脆性断裂研究上所取得的国际领先的进展,并评述了这些进展在国内外的实验证实情况。  相似文献   

Grain boundary precipitates in Inconel 718 and ATI 718Plus are important to control during hot working processes, since they can control the grain size. Precipitating excessive or insufficient amounts can be detrimental to the final component. Therefore, it is important for manufacturers to understand the formation and kinetics of grain boundary precipitation and the effect this has on mechanical properties. This review considers the background of grain boundary precipitation, including the effect of the thermal stability of γ′ and γ phases. In addition, the effect of stress on the grain boundary phases and their precipitation kinetics in different conditions are also included. Also, the impact of grain boundary precipitation on the mechanical properties is explored.

This review was submitted as part of the 2017 Materials Literature Review Prize of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining run by the Editorial Board of MST. Sponsorship of the prize by TWI Ltd is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Inconel 718 superalloy has wide applications in several industries due to its excellent mechanical properties. However, it is very difficult to machine using conventional cutting and grinding because of its high strength at elevated temperatures. Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is an alternative competitive process to machine Inconel alloys by electrical erosion. However, machinability and surface characteristics of EDMed Inconel surfaces are poorly understood. This study focuses on the machining characteristics of Inconel 718 by Wire-EDM and Sinking-EDM with a new Cu-SiC electrode, respectively. Material removal efficiency, surface roughness, surface topography, surface alloying, and electrode wear have been characterized. It is found that the high toughness of Inconel 718 would be the major contributing factor to the absence of microcracks on the EDMed surface. The new fabricated Cu-SiC electrode for Sinking-EDM has better performance in terms of material removal rate (MRR), surface roughness, and electrode wear. The higher melting temperature and fine microstructure of SiC contribute to the lower electrode wear of the new Cu-SiC electrode than the traditional Cu electrode.  相似文献   

The steady state creep rate equdtion ofa nickel base superalloy Inconel 718, strengthenedby coherent ordered disc-shaped bct γ~(11) phaseand coherent spherical fcc γ~1 phase precipitates,has been established in the stress and temperatureranges of 620-840 MN m~(-2) and 853-943K, respecti-vely. Constant stress tensile creep tests wereused to medsure the values of steady state creeprate, ε_s, and the consecutive stress reductionmethod was used to measure the back stress duringcreep deformation. The values of effective stressexponent, n_e, were detemined from the slopesof the lgε_s vs. lg(σ_a-σ_0)/G plots. The effectof grain size, d, on steady state creep rdtehas been also studied in this investigation,and the grain size sensitive exponents m weredetemined from the slopes of lgε_s vs. lg(b/d)plots. The creep rate equations of Inconel 718,in the above stress and temperature ranges,have been proposed to beε_s=1.6×10~(-5)(D_1Gb/KT) (b/d )~(0.19)[(σ_a-σ_0)/G]~(1.35)in diffusional creep region, andε_s =75(D_1Gb/KT) (b/d)~(-0.42)[(σ_a-σ_0)/G]~(5.5)in dislocation power law creep region.  相似文献   

The microstructural evolution of Inconel 718 during aging processes has been studied through a combination of eddy current testing, X-ray diffraction analysis, and metallography and hardness measurements. Measurements were carried out in samples subjected to eight different heat treatment cycles, between 620 and 1035°C for 1–18 h. Different amounts of secondary precipitates were achieved, reaching 18% of delta phase for samples overaged at 900°C for 18 h. Results show that the different microstructures of Inconel 718 obtained have a distinguishable effect on electrical conductivity when this is measured through an appropriately sensitive technique (i.e. eddy current testing). The lowest conductivity values were observed for under aged samples (1·44% IACS). A clear increase in conductivity values was seen for all aged or overaged conditions, reaching a maximum of 1·63% IACS, when coarsening of intra granular precipitates, associated with an increase in density of globular precipitates at grain boundaries, was identified. The influence of microstructure on conductivity could be shown to be due to the competition between two effects on the scattering of electrons: matrix purification and precipitation characteristics. A combination of hardness values and electrical properties proved to be a fast and practical way of determining the stage of aging of the alloy.  相似文献   

Inconel718合金扩散连接接头的组织与性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对细晶Incone1718高温合金无中间层和加Ni箔中间层两种情况下的扩散连接进行了研究,分析了不同的连接温度、连接压力、连接时间等工艺参数对接头剪切强度的影响;通过SEM、EPMA和金相技术对接头微观组织和力学性能进行了分析.确定了获得优质接头的最佳工艺参数区间,即扩散连接温度T=1 050℃,连接压力P=20 MPa,连接时间t=45 min,选用Ni箔作为中间层,厚度为25 μm.  相似文献   

The effect of δ phase on the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) sensitivity of Inconel 718 was investigated by conducting notch tensile tests. Notch tensile specimens with various precipitation morphologies of δ phase were prepared with different heat treatments, and hydrogen was charged into the tensile specimens before tensile tests via a cathodic charging process. The loss of notch tensile strength (NTS) due to the charged hydrogen was used to evaluate the hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity. The results show that δ phase has deleterious effect on NTSs, and the fracture of hydrogen-charged specimens initiated near the notch surfaces. The loss of NTS caused by precharged hydrogen can be greatly decreased by dissolving δ phase. δ-free Inconel 718 alloy is proposed for the applications in hydrogen environments.  相似文献   

研究了壁厚0.15mmGH169合金端接接头的焊接缺陷产生机理,认为焊接缺陷是焊接过程中焊缝金属被氧化造成的,由于金属被氧化导致了焊缝熔合不良。采用端接接头反面成型及加强背面保护等工艺措施可以极大地降低焊缝熔合不良的敏感性。  相似文献   

The results of thermal conductivity measurements on Inconel 718 and 304 stainless steel by the comparative and flash diffusivity techniques are reported for the temperature range 0–700°C. For 304 stainless steel, excellent agreement with published data is found for the specific heat, thermal diffusivity, and thermal conductivity. In the case of Inconel 718, the measurements show that the conductivity depends critically on the sample thermal history and the metallurgical condition of the alloy. Measurements on a solution-treated sample indicated a conductivity function close to that reported previously, while precipitated samples showed a higher conductivity, similar to the conductivityvs-temperature function used for reduction of comparative thermal conductivity data with Inconel 718 references. These results indicate that Inconel 718 is not a suitable reference for high-accuracy comparative thermal conductivity measurements unless its thermal history and associated conductivity function are known.  相似文献   

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