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The electrographic features of successful sites of radiofrequency catheter ablation were analyzed in 33 cases of posteroseptal accessory pathways and compared with those from 155 cases of free wall accessory pathways. The atrioventricular intervals in the posteroseptal cases were significantly longer than in the free wall cases (posteroseptal vs left and right free wall; 38 vs 33 and 26 msec, respectively; p < 0.05), and the incidences of continuous electrograms (42 vs 63 and 79%; p < 0.01) and PQS-pattern unipolar electrograms (50 vs 76 and 78%; p < 0.05) were significantly lower in the posteroseptal cases. The V-delta intervals in the posteroseptal cases were significantly longer than in the left free wall cases (17 vs 13 msec; p < 0.05), but shorter than in the right free wall cases (17 vs 23 msec; p < 0.05). No statistically significant difference in the incidence of Kent potentials among the 3 groups was observed. In radiofrequency ablation of posteroseptal pathways, the length of the atrioventricular interval and the incidences of continuous electrograms and PQS-pattern unipolar electrograms may be unsatisfactory even at the appropriate target site, but the V-delta interval and Kent potential are good indicators of suitable target sites.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated substantial risk reduction by risk factor modification in patients with established coronary artery disease. The number of studies investigating the implementation of risk factor intervention in clinical practice, however, is limited. We have, therefore, recorded drug use and cardiovascular risk factors in all 148 patients who had undergone percutaneous coronary angioplasty (PTCA) in 1989 at the University Hospital, Zurich, on hospital admission, after 6 months and 5 years later. Most patients had antithrombotic treatment with little change over time (78%, 87% and 83% on admission, after 6 months and after 5 years respectively, p = 0.27). The use of beta-blockers decreased moderately after 5 years (73%, 81% and 61% respectively, p < 0.01). Calcium channel blockers were used frequently without significant change in the follow-up period (56%, 50% and 46%, p = 0.25). Five years after PTCA, 91% of patients with a history of hypertension were on antihypertensive drugs. The use of lipid-lowering drugs increased markedly (5%, 16% and 33% respectively, p < 0.01). However, only a small proportion of patients qualifying for lipid-lowering drugs according to Swiss guidelines were treated. The proportion of current smokers decreased from 26% on hospital admission in 1989 to 12% in 1994. We conclude that in our study population secondary prevention was generally satisfactorily implemented. However, better monitoring and treatment of increased lipid levels is mandatory.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Intraluminal beta-irradiation has been shown to markedly decrease fibrointimal proliferation after arterial injury in experimental models. With the aim of reducing the incidence of restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA), we undertook a pilot clinical evaluation to assess both the technical feasibility and the clinical safety of this treatment after balloon coronary angioplasty. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Between June 21 and November 15, 1995, 15 patients (6 women and 9 men, aged 72 +/- 5 years) underwent intracoronary beta-irradiation immediately after a conventional PTCA procedure. Both the PTCA and irradiation procedure were done in a conventional catheterization laboratory, using an endoluminally centered pure metallic 90Y source, a newly developed technique of intracoronary beta-irradiation. This was done after documenting the ability of the system to generate reproducible dose delivery to the arterial wall. RESULTS: Both the PTCA and the irradiation procedure were technically feasible in all attempted cases, and a dose of 18 Gy was delivered with a local exposure time of 391 +/- 206 s (range 153-768). In four patients, the intervention was completed by intraarterial stent implantation because of dissection induced by the initial PTCA. No in-hospital complications occurred, and serial creatine kinase measurements remained within the normal range in all cases. CONCLUSION: Our early experience thus suggests that reliable and reproducible dose delivery can be achieved, and that coronary endoluminally centered beta-brachytherapy is both feasible and safe on a short-term basis in the clinical setting. Whether this novel mode of therapy will favorably influence post-PTCA restenosis in patients, as it does in experimental models, must await long-term angiographic follow-up of the present series as well as further clinical study.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The characteristics of restenosis and remodeling after carotid percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) were badly known. OBJECTIVE: To describe these characteristics in our series of carotid PTA. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A total of 78 cases of PTA for symptomatic > 70% atherosclerotic stenosis of the extracranial internal carotid artery, were selected from our series of PTA if follow-up was > 12 months. All of them were followed with extracranial continuous-wave Doppler. RESULTS: Restenosis of any degree was found in 17 cases (21.79%) and always asymptomatic. A restenosis > or = 70% was found in 5 cases (6.4%). Restenosis was mainly found in cases without residual stenosis nor dissection after PTA (p = 0.002). Restenosis was found in 16 cases (94.11%) in the first 6-months, with no progression thereafter. Remodeling of residual stenosis was frequent (17 cases; 53.11%) and found mainly during the first month after PTA. Its incidence was highest in patients with dissection treated with heparin. In cases with restenosis, remodeling was infrequent, incomplete and occurred after 18-24 months. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Significant restenosis after PTA due to myointimal proliferation, was infrequent. All cases were asymptomatic, under antiplatelet treatment. A new interventional procedure might not be necessary. 2. Complete remodeling was frequently found after 1-month control, mainly in arteries with some residual stenosis and dissection after PTA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Our objective was to find the specific angiographic characteristics of atherosclerotic lesions that indicate suitability for intracranial percutaneous transluminal cerebral balloon angioplasty (PTCBA). METHODS: Forty-two clinically symptomatic patients with 42 hemodynamically significant intracranial lesions (>70% stenosis) were treated by PTCBA between January 1992 and May 1996. Before treatment, the patients were assigned to three groups according to the angiographic characteristics of the lesions, as follows: type A, short (5 mm or less in length) concentric or moderately eccentric lesions less than totally occlusive; type B, tubular (5 to 10 mm in length), extremely eccentric or totally occluded lesions, less than 3 months old; and type C, diffuse (more than 10 mm in length), extremely angulated (>90 degrees) lesions with excessive tortuosity of the proximal segment, or totally occluded lesions, and 3 months old or older. The patients were followed up for a period of 1 month to 6 years to compare the results of PTCBA treatment among the three groups. Primary end points were death, stroke, or bypass surgery. RESULTS: The clinical success rates for the type A, B, and C groups were 92%, 86%, and 33%, respectively. Cumulative risks of fatal or nonfatal ischemic stroke or ipsilateral bypass surgery in type A, B, and C groups were 8%, 26%, and 87%, respectively. The cumulative risk of 8% among patients in the type A group appeared to be smaller than in studies reported in the literature. CONCLUSION: PTCBA for intracranial simple (type A) lesions yields a favorable clinical outcome for symptomatic patients.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To develop a method for receiver operating characteristics (ROC) studies in mammography. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We developed a phantom based on excised breast tissue and overlay tiles that could be arranged in an arbitrary pattern across the surface of the breast tissue. Some of the tiles contained structures simulating calcifications or masses that produced image contrast near the experimentally determined detection threshold. Based on this phantom, a methodology for performing ROC studies in mammography was developed. The ROC curves were constructed from reporting schemes filled in by radiologists at five different laboratories. The curves were determined by a novel method: a non-linear least-squares fit of a mathematical model to the data. RESULTS: There were large differences among the areas under the ROC curves obtained from the five laboratories.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the quality of storage of tetanus vaccine in accident and emergency (A&E) departments and also of the awareness of Department of Health guidelines. A postal questionnaire was sent to 50 randomly selected major A&E departments in the British Isles, enquiring about awareness of Department of Health guidelines (Department of Health, 1990). Forty (80%) A&E departments responded. Only 14 were aware of the Department of Health guidelines and in only 18 was there a member of staff taking responsibility for vaccine storage. The study found that safe storage of vaccine, and therefore guarantee of efficacy, is not occurring in the majority of A&E departments. Unnoticed failure of refrigerators could be exposing patients to the risk of tetanus infection.  相似文献   

Restenosis is a clinical problem after coronary angioplasty associated with major ischemic events or repeat interventions in 20-50% of the patients undergoing this procedure. Major efforts have been undertaken in the past decade to successfully prevent or treat restenosis but no pharmacologic approach to the problem has as yet been identified to be effective enough in clinical conditions. New strategies to cope with restenosis are targeted by local application of ionizing radiation which markedly reduces cell proliferation after angioplasty in animal experiments. Preliminary clinical trials indicate that endovascular radiation therapy is a safe and effective means to treat restenosis. Randomized, multicenter studies with long follow-up periods are needed to support these early results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], which structurally resembles-tissue-type plasminogen, is reported to be associated with coronary atherosclerosis. We examined whether the acute change in Lp(a) by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) is related to restenosis after PTCA. METHODS AND RESULTS: We measured serum Lp(a) and other lipid parameters (triglycerides and total, LDL, and HDL cholesterol) before and 1 day after PTCA in 143 procedures and 3 days after and 4 months after PTCA in 62 procedures. Quantitative coronary angiography was performed, and restenosis was defined according to three criteria: (1) clinical recurrence of ischemic symptoms, (2) a final stenosis > 50%, and (3) an absolute decrease in minimal lumen diameter > 1/2 of the acute gain in the dilated segment. Restenosis was recognized in 25.9%, 35.7%, and 38.5% of the cases 4 months after PTCA for each criterion, respectively. Although triglyceride and LDL, HDL, and total cholesterol levels were similar in the restenosis and no-restenosis groups before PTCA, Lp(a) was significantly higher in the restenosis group. We found a significant reduction in Lp(a) in the restenosis but not the no-restenosis group 1 day after PTCA. At 3 days after and 4 months after PTCA, Lp(a) was similar in the two groups. A multivariate-analysis revealed that the absolute change in Lp(a) (before versus 1 day after PTCA) to be the sole significant predictor of restenosis among the clinical, angiographic, and plasma lipid parameters examined. CONCLUSIONS: Lp(a) levels were significantly higher in the restenosis group, and they fell significantly after PTCA in the restenosis group.  相似文献   

This study investigated the regional distribution of fatty and lean tissue in long-distance runners, and the relation to training, sex hormones, and serum lipids. One hundred and twenty lean men (22 elite, 86 recreational runners and 12 non-running controls) aged 32 +/- 8.1 years (mean +/- SD) participated. Body composition (adipose and lean tissue) was measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry in the total body and in the abdomen, the arms and the legs. Regional and total body fat correlated inversely with the performance at an incremental treadmill exercise test (-0.61 < r < -0.52, P < 0.0001), and the fat percentage in the abdomen and in the legs was 42% and 36% lower in the elite runners in comparison with the non-running controls. Sex hormonal status and serum lipids were unrelated to training. After multiple regression analysis the most significant determinant of the fat percentage in the legs was the weekly distance run (partial r = -0.40, P < 0.0001), whereas in the abdominal region the free testosterone index also contributed strongly (partial r = 0.39, P < 0.0001). In conclusion, long-distance runners had very low amounts of fatty tissue in the abdomen and in the extremities, and the fat percentages in the abdomen and in the legs were associated with both the training intensity and androgenic activity. Since the abdominal fatty tissue is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, running may have a positive impact on the long-term risk.  相似文献   

Poikilocytosis of red blood cells (RBCs) was observed to be associated with anemia in rats given subcutaneous injections of cadmium (Cd). Phase-contrast light and scanning electron microscopic examinations revealed that acanthocytes appeared in the early stages of administration, and that the number of RBC fragments increased later. Ultrastructural analysis of RBC ghosts by negative staining demonstrated that the normal lattice structure of the membrane skeleton was abolished. The osmotic fragility curve of the Cd-exposed RBCs disclosed that most of the cells were less fragile than control RBCs. These data indicate that the RBC membrane skeleton is initially altered by Cd-exposure, followed by deformation of the cell, thus promoting intrasplenic hemolysis, and resulting in anemia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND IMPORTANCE: Angioplasty for basilar artery stenosis is often complicated by recurrent abrupt vessel closure. The clinical results can be catastrophic. In this case report, we assess the effects of intra-arterial papaverine (American Regent Laboratories Inc., Shirley, NJ) on rebound occlusion. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: The patient presented with crescendo transient ischemic attacks from atherosclerotic narrowing of the midbasilar artery despite maximal medical treatment. INTERVENTION: Angioplasty of the midbasilar artery was performed with serial balloon inflations. The patient was treated successfully with intra-arterial papaverine and achieved a nearly full recovery, with only mild dysarthria, by the time of the 7-month follow-up examination. CONCLUSION: Using intra-arterial papaverine, we were able to reverse the effects of this potentially life-threatening complication of basilar artery angioplasty.  相似文献   

A cDNA library enriched for human fetal-specific liver genes was constructed by suppressive subtractive hybridization. EST fls223 generated from this library was found to represent a novel putative serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) kinase. A full-length clone isolated for this gene encodes a protein of 396 amino acids. The amino acid sequence has 40% identity over 305 amino acids with the B1R Ser/Thr protein kinase of vaccinia virus. This gene has therefore been named VRK1 (vaccinia virus B1R kinase related kinase). VRK1 was also found to have sequence identity (62.0% over 481 nucleotides) to a database EST. A full-length clone for this EST was isolated and sequenced. Conceptual translation predicts a protein of 508 amino acids that, like VRK1, has similarity to B1R kinase (38.7% identity over 300 amino acids). This gene has been named VRK2. Comparison of VRK1 with VRK2 indicates that they encode structurally related putative Ser/Thr protein kinases. Northern analysis shows that expression of both genes is widespread and elevated in highly proliferative cells, such as testis, thymus, and fetal liver. B1R kinase is reported to be essential for DNA replication of vaccinia virus. The similarity of VRK1 and VRK2 to B1R indicates that these genes may have similar functions.  相似文献   

From December 1989 to October 1996, 1,318 PTCAs (percutaneous transluminal coronaly angioplasty) were performed for AMI (acute myocardial infarction) or postinfarction angina in our institute. Within 7 days to 71 days after successful PTCA, five patients who had been diagnosed as cholelithiasis or gastric cancer were operated under general anesthesia. Performed operations were cholecystectomy in the first patient, subtotal gastrectomy in the second, third and fourth patients, and total gastrectomy and cholecystectomy in the fifth patient. There was no serious cardiac complication during the operations and perioperative period. PTCA is considered to have decreased cardiac complications in patients with ischemic heart disease having undergone abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

Symptomatic restenosis occurs in approximately 30-40% of patients after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA). Despite intensive research, the primary pathophysiological mediators have not been defined, and pharmacological therapy has not been effective in preventing restenosis. Restenosis is a multifactorial and sequential process, which is initiated by mechanical injury of the vessel wall, and involves neointima formation caused by the local proliferation of smooth muscle cells and production of an extracellular matrix, followed by vascular remodelling. Numerous mediators are involved in these processes, e.g., protooncogenes, growth factors, cytokines and nitric oxide. This review discusses the pathobiological mechanisms underlying coronary restenosis, and outlines the prospects for future therapy.  相似文献   

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