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对新装修住宅室内常见的几种主要空气污染物做了简单介绍,建议对新装修预备入住或入住初期的房子进行室内空气自然净化法治理,即采用自然通风、摆放绿色植物与活性炭联合净化室内空气。这种治理方法低碳环保、经济实用,可以广泛为大多数家庭接受。绿色植物还可以美化居室环境、调节居室主人的情绪,并可以持续起到净化作用。  相似文献   

目的了解烟台市新装修住宅室内空气质量及对居民健康的影响,为室内空气污染控制提供科学依据。方法随机选择烟台市区内50户新装修完并入住的住宅作为研究对象,检测指标为甲醛、苯系物(苯、甲苯和二甲苯)和总挥发性有机物(TVOC)。按室内空气质量标准(GB/T 18883-2002)对各种污染物进行评价。结果监测结果显示室内空气中甲醛、苯系物和总挥发性有机物存在不同程度的超标现象,其中甲醛超标尤为严重,最大超标7.8倍,卧室中的污染物超标普遍高于其他房间。结论烟台市新装修住宅室内空气污染存在不同程度的超标。  相似文献   

据天津市卫生防疫中心最近对天津市室内空气质量进行的监测调查结果表明:室内空气污染严重,已成为影响公共卫生的重要问题之一。据了解,此次调查共监测天津市近3万m2房屋的空气质量,合格率不到35%。监测的180余户新建或新装修的居室主要是写字楼和家庭居室。不合格的室内空气中,氨污染最严重,超标率为56.9%;此外,室内污染四大污染物中,甲醛超标率为27.8%,苯系物(苯、甲苯、二甲苯等)超标率为15%。专家指出,新房装修时一定要注意装修材料的选择,尽量选用无毒和少毒材料,最好请正规的家装公司施工,交工时要求提供室内空气质量检测报告;购买新…  相似文献   

通过对40个新装修住宅内的甲醛浓度调查,结果表明:新装修和有新家具的居室室内空气中甲醛超标,而且污染程度与装修程度正相关,装修程度越高,污染越严重。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,越来越多的居民搬向新装修的住宅中,而在新装修的住宅中又存在着诸如甲醛、苯及苯系物等对人体危害极大的空气污染物,需要对其进行有效治理。基于此,本文在以当前新装修住宅和非住宅建筑物室内空气污染现状为分析基础上,探讨了有效的空气污染物治理技术,希望可以为同类的实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为了解兰州市新装修房屋室内空气污染物甲醛的变化特征,通过对兰州市安宁区某户新装修房屋长期跟踪检测,确定室内污染物甲醛的释放规律及影响因素。实验结果表明:一天之内,室内甲醛浓度变化微小;随着季节的变化,甲醛的浓度呈现出先降低后升高再降低的趋势,特别在夏季(7、8月),室内甲醛浓度达到峰值;温度对室内甲醛影响呈正相关;大气压强对室内甲醛影响呈负相关。本研究对改善地区建筑室内空气质量,改善兰州市生态环境,降低能源消耗,促进人居环境可持续发展均有一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

国内居室的甲醛污染及防治措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着我国室内装修的普及,含有甲醛的树脂被广泛应用于建材、绝热材料、家具等方面,这使得室内空气产生了十分严重的甲醛污染。城市多数新装修居室内的平均甲醛浓度是国家标准(0.8 mg/m3)的3~10倍。本文重点介绍了国内居室甲醛的污染现状及对人体健康的危害,提出降低室内甲醛浓度的几种有效措施。  相似文献   

随着居室装修成为消,费热点,室内空气质量问题也逐渐成为市场关注的重点,而对于室内空气的治理和净化便成为很多企业主攻方向,空气净化更是被列入了国家“十五”攻关计划。但目前国内还没有关于气体化学污染物净化效果的参考标准。对此专家呼吁,室内空气治理和净化的相关标准要尽快出台。  相似文献   

本文通过对深圳市新装修住宅室内空气质量进行现场测试和长期监测,总结了此类住宅的室内空气污染现状,对装饰装修所带来的室内空气污染规律进行了分析。调研结果显示,深圳市装修污染水平基本与全国平均水平一致,甲醛和TVOC超标率均高于60%;家具是住宅室内空气化学污染最主要的污染源,且由于其使用密度高,卧室和儿童房等功能房间污染程度最为严重;化学污染在装修后初期能够快速下降,但后期衰减缓慢,持续时间长;不同的污染物衰减过程有所差异,苯系物污染相比于甲醛污染衰减的更快一些。  相似文献   

冯利华 《山西建筑》2007,33(30):352-354
通过对五个典型的忻州市家庭居室进行监测,以实验结果为分析依据,阐述了室内空气污染的现状、主要来源、污染物的危害以及监测方法,从而提出了一些防治室内污染的具体措施,以减少室内空气污染。  相似文献   

对当前室内装修所用到的装修材料进行了介绍,分析了室内装修材料带来的室内污染物和对人体的危害。以一套经过新装修的住宅为例,主要对卧室内的污染物种类与含量进行了测量,给出室内污染物浓度随着时间的变化情况,测量发现室内主要污染物甲醛的浓度受温度、相对湿度、天气状况等影响。针对室内污染物的散发特点与分布,合理的对装饰装修引起的室内空气污染进行控制。  相似文献   

陈涛 《重庆建筑》2007,(7):56-58
重庆初装修房室内环境污染物浓度较低,建议检测时可减小抽检数量;精装修房室内环境污染物浓度高于初装修房,污染状况令人担忧,应以目前国内技术和经济条件为基础,从建筑材料控制、设计、施工、检测等几个方面对室内环境污染物浓度进行控制。  相似文献   

高彩凤  张欢  王斌  由世俊 《暖通空调》2006,36(7):106-109
为研究办公楼装修后室内挥发性有机物的释放特性,利用活性炭吸附采样与气相色谱分析相结合的方法,跟踪监测了天津市某办公楼四个典型房间的室内污染物浓度。得出了装修后室内污染物浓度的变化规律,即污染物浓度随时间推移而降低,其间可能会由于房间温度、相对湿度和气流组织的变化而出现短暂的起伏。  相似文献   

Indoor/outdoor measurements have been performed in the Oslo metropolitan area during summer and winter periods (2002-2003) at two different residential houses. The objective of the measurement study was to characterize, physically and chemically, the particulate matter (PM) and gaseous pollutants associated with actual human exposure in the selected places, and their indoor/outdoor relationship. In this paper, we focus on the PM measurements and examine the relationship between the indoor and outdoor PM concentrations taking into account the ventilation rate, indoor sources and meteorological conditions. The indoor/outdoor measurements indicate the important contribution of the outdoor air to the indoor air quality and the influence of specific indoor sources such as smoking and cooking to the concentration of PM inside houses. However, no specific correlation was found between the indoor/outdoor concentration ratio and the meteorological parameters. This study provides information on the physical characteristics and the relationship of indoor to outdoor concentration of particulate matter in residential houses. Moreover, the parameters that influence this relationship are discussed. The results presented here are specific to the sampled houses and conditions used and provide data on the actual human exposure characteristics which occur in the spatial and temporal scales of the present study.  相似文献   

The indoor air quality in several types of dwellings that were renovated to save energy for spatial heating has been investigated. Concentrations of pollutants were monitored in three rooms of inhabited houses. Data of the outside air and ventilation and infiltration were also collected. Relationships were established between observed concentrations and ventilation. In some cases concentrations show a good relationship with the calculated air change rate, in other cases this relationship was poor or absent. Elevated levels of pollutants could be related to sources in most cases. The ventilation behavior of the inhabitants has a major influence on the concentrations. From this and other studies it can be concluded that, in general, making dwellings more airtight leads to higher concentrations of pollutants. Deviations from health-related guidelines then become more likely.  相似文献   

Traditionally, houses in the US have been ventilated by passive infiltration in combination with active window opening. However in recent years, the construction quality of residential building envelopes has been improved to reduce infiltration, and the use of windows for ventilation also may have decreased due to a number of factors. Thus, there has been increased interest in engineered ventilation systems for residences. The amount of ventilation provided by an engineered system should be set to protect occupants from unhealthy or objectionable exposures to indoor pollutants, while minimizing energy costs for conditioning incoming air. Determining the correct ventilation rate is a complex task, as there are numerous pollutants of potential concern, each having poorly characterized emission rates, and poorly defined acceptable levels of exposure. One ubiquitous pollutant in residences is formaldehyde. The sources of formaldehyde in new houses are reasonably understood, and there is a large body of literature on human health effects. This report examines the use of formaldehyde as a means of determining ventilation rates and uses existing data on emission rates of formaldehyde in new houses to derive recommended levels. Based on current, widely accepted concentration guidelines for formaldehyde, the minimum and guideline ventilation rates for most new houses are 0.28 and 0.5 air changes per hour, respectively.  相似文献   

This report presents the results of investigations on the indoor air quality of common Japanese detached houses. It is necessary to control the emission rates from the interior materials and the ventilation rates to keep indoor concentration of VOC enough low. And it is also necessary to consider the influence of the pollution sources in the concealed spaces for better indoor air quality in some kinds of building structures and some kinds of ventilation systems. In this study the influences of the concealed pollution sources upon the indoor concentrations of pollutants were investigated using three detached houses with four ventilation systems and the following results were obtained. When the ventilation system was changed from the air-supply type to the air-exhaust type, the indoor concentrations of formaldehyde increased. The infiltration ratios: the ratios of the infiltration rate to the indoor space toward the emission rate of a pollutant in the concealed space were measured using the tracer-gas method. The ratios from the beam spaces and the partition were about 100% in most cases. The ratios from the crawl space under the first floor and the truss space under the roof were lower than those from the beam space and partitions in most cases, because those spaces have ventilation openings. But the ratio from the crawl space reached about 100% in the house without ventilation openings at the crawl space. And even in the house with ventilation openings at crawl space, the ratio reached 50% in the house with the exhaust-ventilation system. Therefore, it became clear that the use of the medicine to prevent the deterioration of the wooden structure and the white ants in the crawl spaces must be limited. The ratio from the envelope wall was changed with the pressure difference between inside and outside. These results showed that it is necessary to prevent infiltration from the concealed spaces and to control the emission rate from the concealed pollution sources.  相似文献   

Park E  Lee K 《Indoor air》2003,13(3):253-259
Biomass fuel is the most common energy source for cooking and space heating in developing countries. Biomass fuel combustion causes high levels of indoor air pollutants including particulates and other combustion by-products. We measured indoor air quality in 23 houses with a wood burning stove in rural residential areas of Costa Rica. Daily PM2.5, PM10 and CO concentrations, and particle size distribution were simultaneously measured in the kitchen. When a wood burning stove was used during the monitoring period, average daily PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations were 44 and 132 microg/m3, respectively. Average CO concentrations were between 0.5 and 3.3 ppm. All houses had a particle size distribution of either one or two peaks at around 0.7 and 2.5 microm aerodynamic diameters. The particulate levels increased rapidly during cooking and decreased quickly after cooking. The maximum peak particulate levels ranged from 310 to 8170 microg/m3 for PM2.5 and from 500 to 18900 microg/m3 for PM10 in all houses. Although the 24-h particulate levels in this study are lower than the National Ambient Air Quality Standards of PM2.5 and PM10, it is important to note that people, especially women and children, are exposed to extremely high levels of particulates during cooking.  相似文献   

建筑节能与改善建筑功能是矛盾对立的两方面, 讲节能, 限制了通风, 产生了房间空气质量问题;而满足了房间空气质量的通风,会产生能量大的损失,经济负担太大,一般住户难以承担。也是国家政策所不允许。所以,处理好这一对矛盾是解决建筑节能的关键问题。中国四合院建筑是既解决建筑节能又改善功能的典型,作者将对此进行论证。对被动太阳房因能量有限是绝对不能通风的,也产生室内空气质量问题,这可采用在四合院建筑形成被动太阳房来解决房间空气质量的问题。还研究了大气长波辐射的利用、强化和减弱的措施。  相似文献   

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