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堆焊再制造技术在水泥粉磨设备耐磨件上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘振英 《四川水泥》2011,(5):100-104
该文介绍了中国再制造产业,阐述了水泥工业中再制造的应用,详细论述了水泥粉磨耐磨件的堆焊再制造的发展、再制造产品寿命评估、风险防范等问题。  相似文献   

磨辊、磨盘衬板堆焊质量的过程控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磨辊、磨盘衬板等关键部件的堆焊方法、方式、检测手段、材料的正确选择,是磨辊、磨盘衬板堆焊质量过程控制的关键。  相似文献   

堆焊施工同其它施工工程相比既有共性也有其特殊性,其组织管理水平直接关系到最终的工程质量,是项目成功的关键因素之一。水泥企业堆焊施工应针对磨机的不同情况进行分析论证,确定合适的堆焊施工时机,选择离线堆焊还是在线堆焊形式。堆焊施工服务企业应做好堆焊施工的计划管理、堆焊施工人员的管理、施工配合、技术文件和施工管理记录、施工安全管理等几个方面的工作。  相似文献   

磨辊、磨盘衬板等关键部件的堆焊方法、方式、检测手段、材料的正确选择,是磨辊、磨盘衬板堆焊质量过程控制的关键。  相似文献   

近几年来,节能减排、降低消耗已成为国家引导企业发展的主要指标和企业减少损耗、降低成本的主要手段,耐磨材料成为很多企业生产设备中必不可少的一部分,但耐磨材料并不是万能的,依然存在着损耗  相似文献   

本刊讯2月24日~25日,国家建筑材料工业机械标准化技术委员会在京召开《水泥工业用耐磨件堆焊通用技术条件》行业标准审定会。国家建筑材料工业机械标准化技术委员会副秘书长王玉敏,中国水泥协会副会长兼秘书长孔祥忠,  相似文献   

以某公司制造的内壁堆焊抛光的封头为例,对封头成型偏差大、堆焊、抛光等3个制造难点加以论述,作为类似情况的参考.  相似文献   

介绍了大直径、大厚度15Cr Mo+SS堆焊管板的生产制造技术。由于管板直径大,相对厚度较薄,堆焊时很容易产生变形,在制造过程中需从毛坯件加工余量、管板加工工序、焊接方法、焊接规范及防变形措施等方面加以控制。  相似文献   

生料立磨耐磨件在粉磨系统的运行过程中逐渐磨损,系统的运行工况和参数也随之发生变化,包括生料产量和质量。中控操作中,必须根据耐磨件(包括辊皮翻边后)的磨损情况调整操作参数,力求耐磨件能力的充分发挥。  相似文献   

CDG辊压机挤压辊的制造与硬面堆焊   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
磨损问题是CDG系列辊压机设计与制造中重点关注的问题.根据辊面磨损失效机理,CDG辊压机辊子母体采用优质合金钢整体锻造,辊面耐磨层科学地采用郑州机械研究所研制的ZD系列堆焊材料及堆焊工艺,将防撕裂层,过渡层、耐磨层的材料、硬度组合搭配.辊面为一字形耐磨花纹,能使物料拉入角更加均衡、稳定,同时能有效消除辊子的轴向作用力,使设备工作更加稳定,辊面补焊工作也更加简单.实践证明,辊面使用寿命可达6000~8000h.  相似文献   

<正>1存在的问题我公司辊压机于2007年8月投入运行,在试生产时由于铁质异物进入辊压机,使部分辊面受伤,因面积不大没有处理,运行到2008年5月辊面出现剥落,使物料破碎率下降,台产受到影响。当时公  相似文献   

在汽车上市两年后的质检中发现,其车架焊道发生腐蚀。腐蚀的原因是焊接过程中产生了Fe、Si、Mn等氧化物,而该氧化物不导电,使其电泳时表面无电泳漆。对车架焊道防腐处理工艺的改进方案进行了讨论,确定了将保护气由单一的CO2改为80%Ar+20%CO2混合保护气的方案,并对恶劣环境使用的汽车采用底盘装甲的方案。改进后,焊道表面的氧化结晶体大幅度减少,防腐能力增强,产品质量优于同类合资品牌。  相似文献   

Polyetherimide (PEI) is an important candidate for fabrication of high-performance polymer foams. Nevertheless, the manufacture of PEI foamed parts with specific three-dimensional geometry shape and lightweight properties remains a big challenge worldwide. Herein, a microwave (MW)-assisted foaming and selective sintering approach was proposed towards rapid fabrication of robust PEI bead foams. During the process, compressed carbon dioxide/tetrahydrofuran was used as physical co-foaming agent, and the surface-coated graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) was used as MW absorbent. Upon MW irradiation, the GNPs selectively heated and served as solders that effectively facilitated the foaming of expandable PEI (EPEI) beads, and strongly promoted the local polymer melt and entanglement across the surface of EPEI beads. The MW irradiation power and time were considered as the important parameters to achieve fine inter-bead bonding strength between foamed beads. As a model system, we successfully fabricated a 25-mm-thickness foamed part with an apparent density of 0.32 g/cm3 and achieved excellent inter-bead bonding performance. Specifically, we also utilized the COMSOL Multiphysics simulations to study the MW selective heating mechanism. This MW-assisted fabrication strategy offers a new foaming approach toward high-performance polymer foamed parts for many advanced applications.  相似文献   

A new type of ceramic material was prepared by adding flux with floating beads and kaolin. The influence of the characteristics of floating beads on the properties of fly ash ceramics was discussed. The best sintering conditions were determined through experiments. The optimum floating bead content was 16.7%-28.6%, and the sintering properties of the ceramic improved when the iron oxide content in the floating beads was 2.59%. The ceramic sintered at 1100°C for 5 hours showed excellent properties. A ceramic body with high porosity, low volume density, and appropriate resistance to bending strength can be sintered by using floating bead with particle size of 0.12-0.18 mm. Moreover, a ceramic that is highly resistant to bending can be obtained when the particle size was 0.08-0.096 mm, which is suitable under a high mechanical demand.  相似文献   

注塑件熔接痕位置预测技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了注塑件充填过程熔接痕形成的数学模型,综述了数值模拟技术、数值模拟技术结合数学规划理论、阀式浇注塑大型注塑成型制品多浇口进料顺序控制技术等3种注塑件熔接痕位置预测、优化和控制方法,介绍了该技术的分析流程、预测方法及国内外的研究进展和应用实例,熔接痕控制技术,尤其是熔接痕消除技术的完善是今后熔接痕研究的一个重要方向。  相似文献   

Ceramic On-Demand Extrusion (CODE) process has been recently proposed for additive manufacturing of strong ceramic components via extrusion. This paper focuses on fabricating 3 mol% yttria-stabilized zirconia (3YSZ) components using CODE process, and enabling CODE to produce parts with support structures. A colloidal suspension of 3YSZ was developed and deposited through the main nozzle, and an organic feedstock was developed and deposited by means of another nozzle to fabricate supports. After printing and drying of raw parts, supports were removed by increasing the temperature and parts were then sintered to near theoretical (~99%) density. The maximum overhang angle that could be built with no support was also found out to be approximately 60 degrees. Three organic support materials, that is, polycaprolactone (PCL), silicone, and petrolatum were prepared and tested. PCL and petrolatum were identified as feasible support materials. Specimens were fabricated to validate the efficiency of the support materials and to evaluate CODE's capability for building parts with complex geometry. The microstructures of these parts were also analyzed via scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Thermally induced phase separation (TIPS) was used to produce spherical polypropylene–zirconia composite powder for selective laser sintering (SLS). The influence of the composition of the composite starting powder and the SLS parameters on the density and strength of the composite SLS parts was investigated, allowing realizing SLS parts with a relative density of 36%. Pressure infiltration (PI) and warm isostatic pressing (WIPing) were applied to increase the green density of the ZrO2–PP SLSed parts. Infiltrating the SLS parts with an aqueous 30 vol.% ZrO2 suspension allowed to increase the sintered density from 32 to 54%. WIPing (135 °C and 64 MPa) of the SLS and SLS/infiltrated complex shape green polymer–ceramic composite parts prior to debinding and sintering allowed raising the sintered density of the 3 mol Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 parts to 92 and 85%, respectively.  相似文献   

To improve the density of SiC ceramic components with complicated shape built by laser sintering (LS), cold isostatic pressing (CIP) and reaction sintering (RS) were incorporated into the process. In the process of LS/CIP/RS, Phenol formaldehyde resin (PF)-SiC composite powder was prepared by mechanical mixing and cold coating methods, with an optimized content of PF at 18?wt%. For the purpose of obtaining improved density of the sintered body after final reaction sintering, carbon black was added into the initial mixed powder. The material preparation, LS forming and densification steps were optimized throughout the whole fabrication process. The final sintered SiC bodies with the bending strength of 292 ~ 348?MPa and the density of 2.94–2.98?g?cm? 3 were prepared using the PF coated SiC-C composite powder and the LS / CIP / RS process. The study further showed a positive and practical approach to fabricate SiC ceramic parts with complicated shape using additive manufacturing technology.  相似文献   

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