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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the reasons for the decline in deaths attributed to ischaemic heart disease in Poland since 1991 after two decades of rising rates. DESIGN: Recent changes in mortality were measured as percentage deviations in 1994 from rates predicted by extrapolation of sex and age specific death rates for 1980-91 for diseases of the circulatory system and selected other categories. Available data on national and household food availability, alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, socioeconomic indices, and medical services over time were reviewed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Age specific and age standardised rates of death attributed to ischaemic heart disease and related causes. RESULTS: The change in trend in mortality attributed to diseases of the circulatory system was similar in men and women and most marked (> 20%) in early middle age. For ages 45 to 64 the decrease was greatest for deaths attributed to ischaemic heart disease and atherosclerosis (around 25%) and less for stroke (< 10%). For most of the potentially explanatory variables considered, there were no corresponding changes in trend. However, between 1986-90 and 1994 there was a marked switch from animal fats (estimated availability down 23%) to vegetable fats (up 48%) and increased imports of fruit. CONCLUSION: Reporting biases are unlikely to have exaggerated the true fall in ischaemic heart disease; neither is it likely to be mainly due to changes in smoking, drinking, stress, or medical care. Changes in type of dietary fat and increased supplies of fresh fruit and vegetables seem to be the best candidates.  相似文献   

This article explores the complex barriers which may have prevented the formal integration of the spiritual dimension within programmes of nurse education in the UK. These barriers have been termed intrinsic (arising from within the educational institutions themselves) and extrinsic (reflecting society's and individuals' values, beliefs and cultural norms). It is argued that these barriers have slowed down curriculum innovation and change, preventing the spiritual dimension from receiving due recognition within programmes of nurse education.  相似文献   

Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) of 200 ppm 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (2,3-DAN) was studied alone and in conjunction with 100 ppm of 34 different metal and non-metal ions and revealed three relatively intense ECL responses from interactions of 2,3-DAN with Au+, Fe+3 and V+5. ECL responses from Cr+6 or Ru+3 with 2,3-DAN were less intense, but noteworthy, as was the coloured fluorescent product of the non-metal ion Se+4 interaction with 2,3-DAN. Several intense 2,3-DAN-metal ion ECL reactions were studied in greater detail and revealed various titration curves with ionic detection limits in the low ppm range, using a fixed level (200 ppm) of 2,3-DAN.  相似文献   

The relative risk of death by calendar date of diagnosis was investigated in a population-based incident cohort of 845 (463 males:382 females) IDDM diagnosed in Leicestershire before the age of 17 years between 1940 and 1989. The mortality status of 844 (99.9%) patients was determined as of the 31 December 1991, representing 14,346 person-years of risk. Trends in relative risk of death were investigated using Cox proportional hazards modelling for within cohort comparisons and age/sex and calendar time adjusted standardized mortality ratios (SMR) using generalized linear modelling for external comparisons. Median age at diagnosis was 10 years (range 3 months to 16 years); median duration of diabetes 15 years (range 1-51 years). Forty-four patients had died (5.2%; median age at death 31 years, range 11-51 years). A further four patients died at presentation (within 24 h) from ketoacidosis and are excluded from all analyses. Calendar date of diagnosis was found to be an important predictor of mortality. Adjusting for attained age there was evidence of a decline in relative risk of death with calendar date of diagnosis of 3.4% (95% CI, 0.005-6.9%) per annum, equivalent to a 32% fall per decade (95% CI, 5-51%), or 84% (95% CI, 21-97) from 1940 to 1989. The data are consistent with a large fall in mortality between the 1940s and 1950s representing over 50% of the total reduction in mortality between 1940 and 1991. Neither sex nor age at diagnosis were significant predictors of mortality. Over the study period 1940-89 the SMR (male and female combined) fell from 981 (541-1556) to 238 (60-953) relative to the general population. This population-based study shows that the prognosis for Type 1 (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus has improved markedly over the period 1940-1991.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: As with total stroke, mortality rates from subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) have declined in New Zealand since the mid-1970s. Data from the Auckland Region Stroke studies allow an understanding of reasons for the change, as SAH incidence and 28-day case fatality rates were measured as part of population-based stroke registers. METHODS: National death registrations were used to describe the trends in mortality rates from SAH (International Classification of Diseases [ICD] code 430) among men and women in New Zealand. Changes in incidence and case fatality rates were determined from 2 large-scale population-based stroke registries carried out in 1981-1983 and 10 years later in Auckland. Similar methodology and case ascertainment techniques were used in both studies. RESULTS: The mortality rates from SAH declined in both men and women after the mid-1970s. The mortality rate remained higher among women than men. The incidence of SAH was lower in 1991-1993 (11.3 per 100,000) compared with 1981-1983 (14.6 per 100,000). In the younger age groups, the decrease was mostly due to a lower incidence among men, whereas in the older age groups women older than 65 years had a lower incidence. There was no consistent change in case fatality rates between the 2 periods in either men or women. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality rates from SAH have decreased in both men and women. This decrease may be explained by a decrease in the incidence of SAH, because case fatality rates showed no change.  相似文献   

The data presented here are part of an on-going longitudinal study of the relationship between socioeconomic status and mortality in the major metropolitan centers of Ohio. Using a Standardized Mortality Ratio, we find that mortality in the seven-city urban aggregate exceeds that of the rest of the state by 39 per cent for the nonwhite population and only 1 per cent for the white population. Further, for the nonwhite population, living in a high income area has no discernible health benefit for nonwhites as compared to whites. On the other hand, for the AIDS virus, there is a clear inverse association between economic status and mortality from AIDS. It is clear that the interrelationship among race, economic status, and health continues to be a complex one on which further research is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Increased mortality is associated with both very low and very high ambient temperatures. This study assesses the relationship between daily numbers of deaths and variations in ambient temperature within the city of Valencia. METHODS: The daily number of deaths from all causes (total deaths and only those occurring in people aged over 70), as well as those deaths from specific causes (e.g. cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, malignant tumours and all causes except external ones) occurring within the city of Valencia were related to the average daily temperature using autoregressive Poisson regression controlling for seasonality, day of the week, holidays, air pollution, influenza incidence, and humidity. Temperature was measured within the regression model as two complementary variables: 'Heat' and 'Cold'; also taken into account were their delayed effects up to 2 weeks after measurement. RESULTS: Graphical analysis revealed a relationship between temperature and mortality according to the time of year. For the cooler months (November-April), the temperature at which mortality was lowest was the 'minimum' (i.e. around 15 degrees C), while for the warmer months (May-October), it occurred at around 24 degrees C. Because of this, a stratified analysis was undertaken with different values for the 'Heat' and 'Cold' variables according to which of the two seasons was involved. During the colder months of the year, higher temperatures tended to exert a rapid influence on mortality and the lower temperatures a more delayed relation. During the hot season it is the heat variable which more clearly manifests an effect, and this is prolonged over the two following weeks. Variations also occur according to age and cause of death. The effect of temperature is greater in persons aged over 70 years of age, and it is also greater in cases of circulatory and respiratory diseases. CONCLUSIONS: A statistically significant association has been found between temperature and mortality. This relationship is not monotonic, but mortality increases in proportion to the variance in ambient temperature from a range of temperatures that varies from winter to summer.  相似文献   

Until recently, the families of patients who have given the gift of life have been the invisible group in the transplant circle. They donated the organs and tissues of their loved ones to unknown transplant recipients and then were to grieve alone. As transplantation has matured and become the treatment of choice for end stage organ failure and for other life-enhancing procedures, the importance of the donor and the donor family is being recognised and their needs and expectations identified.  相似文献   

The acceptance and sensory characteristics of standard and reduced-fat cookies were evaluated either with or without fat-content information by pre-adolescent children. Results indicate that acceptance ratings were not affected by the fat content or information about fat content when evaluated on nine-point scales. However, when asked to choose which cookie they liked better and to predict how many cookies they would eat (in forced-choice questions), fat content and information about fat content had a significant effect on cookie preference and prospective intake. When no information was available, subjects preferred the cookie with the higher fat content; when information was presented, subjects' preference shifted to the reduced-fat cookie. When asked which cookie they would choose to eat for dessert with hypothetical lunches, a similar shift in choice was observed following a low-fat lunch. The low-fat label was also associated with an increase in perceived healthiness relative to the high-fat label, as indicated on "good for me" scales. The effects of fat content information on cookie preference and prospective consumption were seen in pre-adolescents who indicated a "high concern" for the health consequences of dietary fat. Cookie preference and prospective intake of subjects who indicated a "low concern" were not affected by fat content labeling. Results suggest that fat content and information about fat content may affect food preference and intake in pre-adolescent children.  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of diabetes mellitus (DM) in 34 patients with acromegaly were studied. The incidence was higher (55.9%) than any other series reported. Nineteen had DM, of which 10 were symptomatic. Only one had diabetic retinopathy. Glucose tolerance was improved after successful treatment of acromegaly.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Requirements for cytokines and adhesion molecules for peritoneal neutrophil recruitment during glycogen-induced peritonitis in rats were systematically defined. SUBJECTS: Male Long Evans rats (275-300 g). METHODS: Four hours after intraperitoneal injection of 25 mg oyster glycogen, neutrophilic exudates were harvested. Effects of blocking reagents (injected intravenously) to rat E-, L- and P-selectins, beta1 (VLA-4) and beta2 integrins (LFA-1 and Mac-1), ICAM-1, and the cytokines TNFalpha, IL- and IL-8 were assessed. RESULTS: Administration of synthetic sialyl Lewis(x) oligosaccharide reduced neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneum by 26%. Antibody to E-selectin reduced neutrophil accumulation by 71%, while anti-L-selectin reduced neutrophil accumulation by 59%, and anti-P-selectin was without an effect. Similar patterns of inhibition were found when selectin-Ig chimeras were employed. Antibodies to LFA-1 (CD11a), Mac-1 (CD11b) or CD18 reduced neutrophil accumulation by 62 percent, 59 percent and 86%, respectively, while anti-VLA-4 was without effect. Anti-ICAM-1 reduced cell influx by 65%. IL-1 receptor antagonist and antibodies to IL-1 and human IL-8 reduced neutrophil accumulation by 43alpha, 40% and 62 percent, respectively. Unexpectedly, blockade of TNFalpha had no effect. CONCLUSIONS: These studies identify requirements for selectins, beta2 integrins, IL-1 and a rat chemokine(s) similar to human IL-8 for neutrophil recruitment during glycogen-induced peritonitis. The lack of participation of VLA-4, P-selectin and TNFalpha suggests organ-specific cytokine and adhesion molecule requirements for neutrophil recruitment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Thymectomy can induce a remission or at least an improvement in myasthenia gravis (MG) patients. After sternotomy MG patients with compromised muscle strength need an excellent postoperative pain relief. This study was designed to evaluate the efficacy of intrathecal morphine (ITM) on ventilatory function among MG patients undergoing trans-sternal thymectomy, when intravenous morphine served as control. METHODS: Twenty consecutive MG patients were randomised to receive either morphine (10 micrograms/kg) intrathecally at induction or intravenous morphine (30 micrograms/kg) with a patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) device. Anaesthesia was standardised. Forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, arterial blood gases, pain intensity and morphine consumption were assessed during 48 hours. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 35 +/- 3.4 years and the mean duration of the disease 1.9 +/- 0.5 years. According to Osserman's classification 70% of the patients belonged to Class IIA and 30% to Class IIB. ITM restored ventilatory function significantly better than iv PCA morphine. FVC recovered to 60% and FEV1 to 57% of the baseline values in the ITM group compared with 32% (P < 0.05) and 37% in the PCA morphine group, respectively. Postpuncture headache occurred in 4/10 patients. CONCLUSION: Intrathecal morphine provided effective postoperative analgesia and significantly improved ventilatory function when compared with intravenous morphine.  相似文献   

Traditional views of pure alexia have held that the disorder results from a disconnection between the secondary visual cortices of both hemispheres and the angular gyrus of the dominant hemisphere. Evidence has accumulated, however, suggesting the importance of the posterior inferior temporal area in visual language processing. We describe clinical-pathological support for the presence of a lateralized visual language association area residing in the dominant posterior inferior temporal lobe.  相似文献   

Experimental observations on rat glomerulosa cells inspired a model which postulates that plasmalemmal dihydropyridine receptors are in juxtaposition and interaction with inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors in subplasmalemmal calciosomes. Activation of dihydropyridine receptors promotes the Ca2+ releasing effect of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. The most important observations compatible with the model are the following: (1) angiotensin II does not influence Ca2+ influx during the peak phase of Ca2+ signal; (2) dihydropyridine drugs modify the initial peak of the Ca2+ signal induced by angiotensin II; (3) inhibitors of the dihydropyridine receptor reduce the initial Ca2+ signal also in the presence of 5 mM Ni2+, an inhibitor of voltage dependent Ca2+ influx; and (4) changes in extracellular K+ concentration within the physiological range also modify the cytoplasmic Ca2+ response to angiotensin II.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data are limited regarding the classification and prognosis of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) in the community. METHODS AND RESULTS: Using the resources of the Rochester Epidemiology Project, we evaluated all patients receiving a first diagnosis of CHF in Olmsted County, Minnesota, in 1991 (n=216). Among these patients, 88% were >/=65 years and 49% were >/=80 years of age. The prognosis of patients with a new diagnosis of CHF was poor; survival was 86+/-2% at 3 months, 76+/-3% at 1 year, and 35+/-3% at 5 years. Of the 216 patients, 137 (63%) had an assessment of ejection fraction. In these patients, systolic function was preserved (ejection fraction >/=50%) in 59 (43%) and reduced (ejection fraction <50%) in 78 (57%). Survival adjusted for age, sex, NYHA class, and coronary artery disease was not significantly different between patients with preserved and those with reduced systolic function (relative risk, 0.80; P=0.369). ACE inhibitors were used in only 44% of the total population with CHF. CONCLUSIONS: The present study reports the clinical characteristics and natural history of CHF as it presents in the community in the vasodilator era. CHF is a disease of the "very elderly," frequently occurs in the setting of normal ejection fraction, and has a poor prognosis, regardless of the level of systolic function. Diagnostic and therapeutic methods are underused in the community.  相似文献   

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