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杨震中 《数字通信》1997,24(2):11-14,17
当前在Internet和其他计算机网上广泛使用的TCP/IP协议与未来准备在B-ISDN上应用的ATM技术之间的有机结合,是一个战略性的技术课题。本文以TCP/IP协议的体系结构及其作用、ATM信号元结构与ATP适应层为依据,对IP与ATM适配的种种构想(其中包括协议复用、封装、地址分辨和连接管理等项功能的实现)做了轮廓性的探讨。  相似文献   

文章介绍了几种实用化的快速IP流分类技术,如三重内容寻址、基于比特向量的多维范围匹配、有向非循环图、交叉乘积和递归流分类算法等流分类技术,并根据各种流分类技术的不同应用场合,给出了设计分类算法的原则。  相似文献   

Performance Evaluation of Routing Protocols for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
A mobile ad hoc network is a collection of autonomous mobile nodes that communicate with each other over wireless links. Such networks are expected to play an increasingly important role in future civilian and military settings, being useful for providing communication support where no fixed infrastructure exists or the deployment of a fixed infrastructure is not economically profitable and movement of communicating parties is possible. However, since there is no stationary infrastructure such as base stations, mobile hosts need to operate as routers in order to maintain the information about the network connectivity. Therefore, a number of routing protocols have been proposed for ad hoc wireless networks. In this paper, we study and compare the performance of the following routing protocols AODV, PAODV (preemptive AODV), CBRP, DSR, and DSDV. A variety of workload and scenarios, as characterized by mobility, load and size of the ad hoc network were simulated. Our results indicate that despite its improvement in reducing route request packets, CBRP has a higher overhead than DSR because of its periodic hello messages while AODV's end-to-end packet delay is the shortest when compared to DSR and CBRP. PAODV has shown little improvements over AODV.  相似文献   

In this contribution, novel access techniquesfor the future cellular information networks areproposed. To facilitate a fast deployment, the suggestedaccess techniques have been implemented over well-known technological platforms, namely DECT (DigitalEnhanced Cordless Telecommunications) containing aFDM/TDMA (Frequency Division Multiplex/Time DivisionMultiple Access) structure. Two situations areconsidered: i) no limits in the use of the all carriers atterminal (ideal case) and ii) maximum number ofcontiguous/simultaneous carriers at terminal (realisticcase). First, to grant a quick access channel, a random access mechanism with reservation is proposed.It is called contention-TDMA (C-TDMA). Next, in order tostudy the feasibility of better collision resolutionalgorithms for C-TDMA, a centralized approach called Centralized C-TDMA Demand Assignment(CC-TDMA-DA) has also been studied. For the ideal case,numerical results indicate that C-TDMA and CC-TDMA-DAyield similar throughput values in typical cellular scenarios. Also, CC-TDMA-DA tends to bepreferable for traffic sources with long messages andweak delay constraints, while C-TDMA performs better forbursty traffic sources with hard time requirements. Additional numerical results for the realisticcase have demonstrated that system performancedeteriorates little with respect to the ideal case interms of collisions, delays and throughputfigures.  相似文献   

In this research, we first investigate the cross-layer interaction between TCP and routing protocols in the IEEE 802.11 ad hoc network. On-demand ad hoc routing protocols respond to network events such as channel noise, mobility, and congestion in the same manner, which, in association with TCP, deteriorates the quality of an existing end-to-end connection. The poor end-to-end connectivity deteriorates TCP's performance in turn. Based on the well-known TCP-friendly equation, we conduct a quantitative study on the TCP operation range using static routing and long-lived TCP flows and show that the additive-increase, multiplicative-decrease (AIMD) behavior of the TCP window mechanism is aggressive for a typical multihop IEEE 802.11 network with a low-bandwidth-delay product. Then, to address these problems, we propose two complementary mechanisms, that is, the TCP fractional window increment (FeW) scheme and the Route-failure notification using BUIk-losS Trigger (ROBUST) policy. The TCP FeW scheme is a preventive solution used to reduce the congestion-driven wireless link loss. The ROBUST policy is a corrective solution that enables on-demand routing protocols to suppress overreactions induced by the aggressive TCP behavior. It is shown by computer simulation that these two mechanisms result in a significant improvement of TCP throughput without modifying the basic TCP window or the wireless MAC mechanisms.  相似文献   

In high-speed communication networks, the ratio between the end-to-end propagation delay to packet transmission time is large, causing increased scheduling overhead in demand assignment protocols and increased collision probabilities in random access schemes. These lead to rapid degradation of the channel utilization in both channel access control approaches. In this paper, we present a "random token" oriented protocol where channel access is scheduled by random, implicit token passing leading to lower channel access control penalty. By optimally balancing the collision and scheduling penalties, the protocol allows the network to reach better performance than that obtained from random access schemes in networks with and without collision detection, without imposing additional system operational assumptions. Specifically, the random token protocol does not require knowledge of the number of stations, their identities, or synchronization in periods of silence. Therefore, the protocol is also suitable for high-speed networks with frequent reconfiguration and for mobile radio networks.  相似文献   

移动网络中数据传输流量与速率与日俱增,如何评估数据业务传输过程中TCP的性能成为运营商研究的重点。主要提出了一种TCP性能评估的方法,该方法除了对于TCP连接过程中的连接时延,数据包重传问题进行了统计以外,还对TCP的实时统计速率进行了相应的算法改进,即符合移动互联网用户数据流量使用规律的统计方法,其最大的特点在于消除静默时间内均化速率造成的不准确性。此外,在移动网络实验环境下对本评估方法进行测试,对比了传统的整体化性能评估方法,精细化的评估方法在牺牲一定内存消耗的条件下,提升了TCP性能统计的精确性。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the first ns2-based comparative performance evaluation among four major solutions presented in the literature for forming multi-hop networks of Bluetooth devices (scatternet formation). The four protocols considered in this paper are BlueTrees [1], BlueStars [2], BlueNet [3] and the protocol presented in [4] which proposes geometric techniques for topology reduction combined with cluster-based scatternet formation. We implemented the operations of the four protocols from device discovery to scatternet formation. By means of a thorough performance evaluation we have identified protocol parameters and Bluetooth technology features that affect the duration of the formation process and the properties of the produced scatternet. We have investigated how possible modifications of the BT technology (e.g., backoff duration, possibility for a BT inquirer to identify itself) make device discovery more efficient for scatternet formation in multi-hop networks. We have then discussed implementation concerns for each of the selected protocols. Finally, we have analyzed the protocols overhead as well as the effect of the different protocols operations on key metrics of the generated scatternets, which includes the time needed for forming a scatternet, the number of its piconets, the number of slaves per piconet, the number of roles assumed by each node and the scatternet route lengths.  相似文献   

The growing interest in mobile computing and communication devices leads to the necessity of wireless broadband network. Data transmission over such networks requires suitable error control schemes to guarantee high data reliability as well as efficient bandwidth utilization.In this paper we propose an accurate yet simple analytical approach to evaluate the performance of wireless networks using gated and exhaustive polling protocols combined with the Stop and Wait (SW) or Go Back N (GBN) ARQ schemes [Bertsekas and Gallager, 2]. Moreover, simulation results concerning the performance of polling protocols combined with the Selective Repeat (SR) ARQ scheme are also shown for comparison purposes.Protocol performance is estimated under very general assumptions, such as: AWGN or fading channels, arbitrary value of the round trip delay and arbitrary distribution of the traffic load (i.e., both symmetric or asymmetric system have been considered).  相似文献   

Conventionally, most network protocols assume that the network entities who participate in the network activities will always behave as instructed. However, in practice, most network entities are selfish: they will try to maximize their own benefits instead of altruistically contributing to the network by following the prescribed protocols. Thus, new protocols should be designed for the non-cooperative network that is composed of selfish entities. In this paper, we specifically show how to design truthful multicast protocols for non-cooperative networks such that these selfish entities will follow the protocols out of their own interests. By assuming that every entity has a fixed cost for a specific multicast, we give a general framework to decide whether it is possible and how, if possible, to transform an existing multicast protocol to a truthful multicast protocol by designing a proper payment protocol. We then show how the payments to those relay entities are shared fairly among all receivers so that it encourages collaboration among receivers. As running examples, we show how to design truthful multicast protocols for several multicast structures that are currently used in practice.  相似文献   

Energy-Scalable Protocols for Battery-Operated MicroSensor Networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
In wireless sensor networks, the goal is to gather information from a large number of sensor nodes and communicate the information to the end-user, all under the constraint of limited energy resources. Network protocols minimize energy by using localized communication and control and by exploiting computation/communication tradeoffs. In addition, data fusion algorithms such as beamforming aggregate data from multiple sources to reduce data redundancy and enhance signal-to-noise ratios, thus further reducing the required communications. We have developed a sensor network system that uses a localized clustering protocol and beamforming data fusion to enable energy-efficient collaboration. We compare the performance of two beamforming algorithms, the Maximum Power and the Least Mean Squares (LMS) beamforming algorithms, using the StrongARM SA-1100 processor. Results show that the LMS algorithm requires less than one-fifth the energy required by the Maximum Power beamforming algorithm with only a 3 dB loss in performance, thus showing that the LMS algorithm is better suited for energy-constrained systems. We explore the energy-scalability of the LMS algorithm, and we propose an energy-quality scalable architecture that incorporates techniques such as variable filter length, variable voltage supply and variable adaptation time.  相似文献   

在认知无线电网络中,传统的TCP协议无法适应认知用户周期性感知频谱、切换信道等特点,使得网络的传输性能大大降低。在TCP-Reno基础上提出了一种基于传输预判与慢启动门限值(Slow Start Threshold,SSThresh)的自适应调整的传输层协议———TCP-Cog,该协议通过预测下一个数据包的传输时延,调整发送端的发送,并通过预测切换信道的带宽调整SSThresh。通过在NS2工具中进行仿真,验证了TCP-Cog能够提高TCP的传输速率,降低重传率,提升传输性能。  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - Current wireless networks are based on unicast routing protocol derived from wired networks. The purpose of this paper is to implement and to evaluate...  相似文献   

Distributed cooperative networks use the cooperation among nodes to fulfill network resource sharing. However,designing an efficient Media Access Control (MAC) protocol is a key issue for the distributed cooperative network. Based on the principle of MAC-layer cooperation,this paper discusses problems and challenges for MAC protocol design in the distributed cooperative network. Through the analysis of typical cooperative MAC protocols and their performance,this paper concludes that only a reasonable MAC pr...  相似文献   

SPINS: Security Protocols for Sensor Networks   总被引:99,自引:0,他引:99  
Perrig  Adrian  Szewczyk  Robert  Tygar  J.D.  Wen  Victor  Culler  David E. 《Wireless Networks》2002,8(5):521-534
Wireless sensor networks will be widely deployed in the near future. While much research has focused on making these networks feasible and useful, security has received little attention. We present a suite of security protocols optimized for sensor networks: SPINS. SPINS has two secure building blocks: SNEP and TESLA. SNEP includes: data confidentiality, two-party data authentication, and evidence of data freshness. TESLA provides authenticated broadcast for severely resource-constrained environments. We implemented the above protocols, and show that they are practical even on minimal hardware: the performance of the protocol suite easily matches the data rate of our network. Additionally, we demonstrate that the suite can be used for building higher level protocols.  相似文献   

基于网络编码的无线网络路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于机会的网络编码方法(COPE)研究网络编码在无线环境中的协议层面上具体实现的问题,但COPE被动地等待编码机会的出现.为了更大限度的提高网络编码的性能,需要将网络编码与无线路由协议相结合来在无线节点上创造出更多的编码机会以减少总的传输次数,以有效的提升网络的吞吐量.当前的编码感知路由算法主要包括基于Markovian路由度量的路由协议、编码感知机会路由协议(CORE)、分布式编码感知路由协议(DCAR)、速率匹配的编码感知多路径路由协议(RCR)、编码感知多路径路由协议(CAMP)等.无线网络内的编码感知路由领域中新型路由度量和跨层设计等问题还需要进一步研究.  相似文献   

分布式协作网络通过节点间的相互合作来达到网络资源的共享,然而如何设计高效的媒体访问控制(MAC)层协议是分布式协作通信网络中的核心问题之一。文章基于MAC层协作的动机,探讨了分布式协作网络中MAC层协议设计所面临的问题和挑战,基于近年来涌现的典型协作MAC协议和协议性能的分析,得出结论:只有全面考虑分布式网络的特点和需求,合理地设计协议的各个环节,才能使协同通信技术在分布式网络中得到更好应用。  相似文献   

This paper examines congestion control issues for TCP flows that require in-network processing on the fly in network elements such as gateways, proxies, firewalls and even routers. Applications of these flows are increasingly abundant in the future as the Internet evolves. Since these flows require use of CPUs in network elements, both bandwidth and CPU resources can be a bottleneck and thus congestion control must deal with ldquocongestionrdquo on both of these resources. In this paper, we show that conventional TCP/AQM schemes can significantly lose throughput and suffer harmful unfairness in this environment, particularly when CPU cycles become more scarce (which is likely the trend given the recent explosive growth rate of bandwidth). As a solution to this problem, we establish a notion of dual-resource proportional fairness and propose an AQM scheme, called Dual-Resource Queue (DRQ), that can closely approximate proportional fairness for TCP Reno sources with in-network processing requirements. DRQ is scalable because it does not maintain per-flow states while minimizing communication among different resource queues, and is also incrementally deployable because of no required change in TCP stacks. The simulation study shows that DRQ approximates proportional fairness without much implementation cost and even an incremental deployment of DRQ at the edge of the Internet improves the fairness and throughput of these TCP flows. Our work is at its early stage and might lead to an interesting development in congestion control research.  相似文献   

针对互联网中端对端带宽、时延和丢包率等的差异性日益加剧,导致TCP传输性能严重退化,该文提出一种链路自适应TCP拥塞控制算法(INVS)。INVS在拥塞避免阶段初期采用基于指数函数的凸窗口增长函数,以提高链路利用率;在窗口增长函数中引入了自适应增长因子实现窗口增长速率与链路状态相匹配;采用了自适应队列门限的丢包区分策略以提高无线环境下TCP的性能。性能分析和评估表明,INVS提高了TCP拥塞控制算法的吞吐量、公平性、链路利用率和RTT公平性。  相似文献   

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