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The design of urban stormwater systems and sanitary sewer systems consists of solving two problems: generating a layout of the system and the pipe design which includes the crown elevations, slopes and commercial pipe sizes. A heuristic model for determining the optimal (minimum cost) layout and pipe design of a storm sewer network is presented. The hierarchical procedure combines a sewer layout model formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem which is solved using the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) and a simulated annealing optimization procedure for the pipe design of a generated layout was developed in Excel. The GAMS and simulated annealing models are interfaced through linkage of Excel and GAMS. The pipe design model is based upon the simulated annealing method to optimize the crown elevations and diameter of pipe segments in a storm sewer network using layouts generated using GAMS. A sample scenario demonstrates that using these methods may allow for significant costs saving while simultaneously reducing the time typically required to design and compare multiple storm sewer networks.  相似文献   

用遗传算法求解给水管网系统优化改扩建模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对给水管网系统所面临的改扩建问题 ,建立了给水管网系统实用优化改扩建模型。采用遗传算法求解 ,一次性解决了求解管径标准化的难题 ,同时计算得到水源最优分配流量。在不影响水力模型计算精度的前提下 ,引入管网简化 ,对非改扩建区域的管网实现任意程度的简化 ,大大提高了计算速度 ,并用实例进行了验证  相似文献   

Optimization of Sewer Networks Using an Adaptive Genetic Algorithm   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This work aims at introducing an optimization model to design sewer networks. The approach specially focuses on handling the nonlinear and discrete constraints of the problem. For this purpose, an adaptive genetic algorithm is developed so that every chromosome, consisting of sewer diameters and slopes and pump indicators, is a feasible design. The binary chromosomes are freely generated and then decoded to feasible design alternatives following a sequential design-analysis algorithm. The adaptive decoding strategy is set up based on the open channel hydraulics and sewer design criteria. Through the proposed method, all the sewer system??s constraints are systematically satisfied. Consequently, there is neither need to discard or repair infeasible chromosomes nor to apply penalty factors to the cost function. A benchmark sewer network from the literature is considered to be designed using the proposed approach. The obtained results are then discussed and compared with the previous works. It is found that the adaptive constraint handling method computationally makes the optimization more efficient in terms of speed and reliability.  相似文献   

介绍了在排水无出路、地下水位高、土质差、地面自然坡度小等不利的客观条件下 ,通过科学决策 ,精心设计施工 ,难题得以解决的情况。  相似文献   

In the context of water as an economic good, from the use of water, one can derive a value, which can be affected by the reliability of supply. On-demand irrigation systems provide valuable water to skilled farmers who have the capacity to maximize economic value of water. In this study, simultaneous optimization of on-demand irrigation network layout and pipe sizes is considered taking into account both investment and annual energy costs. The optimization problem is formulated as a problem of searching for the upstream head value, which minimizes the total cost (investment and energy costs) of the system. The investment and annual energy costs are obtained in two separate phases. Max–Min ant system (MMAS) algorithm is used to obtain the minimum cost design considering layout and pipe diameters of the network simultaneously. Clement methodology is used to determine flow rates of pipelines at the peak period of irrigation requirements. The applicability of the proposed method is showed by re-designing a real world example from literature.  相似文献   


Optimization models are developed for simultaneously determining the pipe layout and the pipe design for storm sewer systems. The pipe design process includes computation of commercial diameters, slopes, and crown elevations for the storm sewer pipes. The optimization models aim to minimize the total costs of the layout and the pipe design for most of system elements. The optimization models are formulated as a 0–1 Integer Nonlinear Programming problem and solved using the General Algebraic Modeling System without the use of heuristic models which were characteristic of all previous models for the simultaneous determine of the pipe layout and pipe design of sewer networks. The models are based upon two different optimization approaches: (1) considers one or more commercial diameters of pipe connecting two manholes and (2) considers only one commercial diameter in a pipe connecting two manholes. The commercial diameters, pipe slopes, crown elevations, and total costs of the storm sewer system were compared for the two approaches using an example that illustrates the savings in cost by allowing multiple pipe sizes. The two new optimization modeling approaches developed herein can simultaneously determine the minimum cost pipe design (commercial diameters, slopes, and crown elevations) and pipe layout of storm sewer systems and satisfy all design constraints.


Nowadays water distribution operation systems are accomplished with the aid of qualified professionals who use their experience in order to achieve a satisfactory performance of the several hydromechanical devices, which are part of the system, such as boosters and valves. In general, these operational rules are empirical and the main goal is to assure the availability of water for the population, with no special concerns about saving energy used in pumping systems. Besides, these empirical rules often disregard hours of lower energy rates. There are several research works concerning the developments of operational rules optimization applied to specific water distribution systems. However, in this work, a general optimization routine integrated with EPANET is presented, which allows the determination of strategic optimal rules of operation for any type of water distribution system. Moreover, a Branch-and-Bound algorithm is also used, where finding the global optimal solution is guaranteed, in admissible computational times. The water distribution system used in this work corresponds to a hypothetical network proposed in the specialized literature.  相似文献   

An optimization procedure has been developed for branching storm and sanitary sewer systems with a pre-determined layout for determining the minimum total cost. The model was developed within Microsoft Excel using simulated annealing as the optimization procedure. The total cost of the storm sewer system that was obtained with this optimal design procedure was compared to the total cost of the system as obtained from the conventional straight slope design procedure. Applying the simulated annealing optimizer to the design of the branching storm sewer network resulted in a cost savings of over $77,100 or about 7 % (a reduction from $1,117,700 to $1,040,600). These significant savings were realized by simply going an extra step and implementing an optimization technique during the design phase. Use of Excel should enhance the availability and the usage of such an optimization model for the design of storm and sanitary sewer systems by consulting engineers and various agencies.  相似文献   

城市排水管道系统设计计算的进展   总被引:14,自引:4,他引:10  
在市政建设和环境治理工程建设中,雨水和污水管道系统常占有较大的投资比例。因此如何在满足规定的各种技术条件下,合理设计城市排水管道系统是设计中的一个重要课题。从已定管线下的优化设计、管线的平面优化布置和雨水径流模型的研究3 方面论述了排水管道系统设计计算发展中出现的方法及需要解决的问题。从中可以看出,今后仍需投入大量精力来研究和完善其设计计算方法。  相似文献   

Rosin  T. R.  Romano  M.  Keedwell  E.  Kapelan  Z. 《Water Resources Management》2021,35(4):1273-1289
Water Resources Management - Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs) are a major source of pollution and urban flooding, spilling untreated wastewater directly into water bodies and the surrounding...  相似文献   

A Model for Optimal Allocation of Water to Competing Demands   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
The present study develops a simple interactive integrated water allocation model (IWAM), which can assist the planners and decision makers in optimal allocation of limited water from a storage reservoir to different user sectors, considering socio-economic, environmental and technical aspects. IWAM comprises three modules—a reservoir operation module (ROM), an economic analysis module (EAM) and a water allocation module (WAM). The model can optimize the water allocation with any of two different objectives or two objectives together. The two individual objectives included in the model are the maximization of satisfaction and the maximization of net economic benefit by the demand sectors. Weighting technique (WT) or simultaneous compromise constraint (SICCON) technique is used to convert the multi-objective decision-making problem into a single objective function. The single objective functions are optimized using linear programming. The model applicability is demonstrated for various cases with a hypothetical example.  相似文献   

The adoption of measures leading to higher efficiencies in the use of both water and energy in water distribution networks is strongly demanded. The methodology proposed combines a multi-objective approach and a financial analysis to determine de optimal design of pressurized irrigation networks which entails the minimization of both the investment cost and operational cost under three operating scenarios that incorporate energy saving strategies: 1- all hydrants operate simultaneously; 2- hydrants are grouped into sectors and irrigation turns are established; 3- the on-demand operation of the network is assumed. This methodology has been applied in a real irrigation network located in Southern Spain showing that the lowest overall design cost (investment and operational costs) is achieved in scenario 2. The comparison of the selected solutions in the three proposed scenarios with the current network design considering the total fulfillment of irrigation requirements showed that operational cost savings between 65% and 76% could be achieved.  相似文献   

Decision-making for the rehabilitation of water distribution networks in the traditional procedure is based on some simple indices such as the number of incidents while several mechanical, hydraulic and qualitative factors are involved in this process. Evidently, making decision on the rehabilitation of water networks seems to be very difficult as the number of factors increases and they interact with each other. The main objective of this research is to prepare, implement and evaluate a conceptual model to prioritize the rehabilitation of pipes based on different scenarios with respect to the combination effects of basic factors in physical, hydraulic and experimental categories. In order to organize the wide range of data to be used in decision-making models, including the plans aimed for pipe replacement, it is necessary to use geographical information systems (GIS). By determining and introducing the factors involved in the rehabilitation of water networks, this research aims to provide an integrated model consisting of conceptual, GIS, hydraulic analysis and the breakage models to prioritize the rehabilitation schemes. By using the data provided from a real network, the advantages of the proposed methodology are evaluated. Based on the obtained results, age factor, among all the other physical parameters, and pressure, among the hydraulic factors, have the greatest influence in outlining the final rehabilitation scenario. The importance of the pipe length has decreased considerably as well. Furthermore, it can be concluded that rehabilitation management of pipe networks can be optimized by using this methodology.  相似文献   

The design of the urban sewage system is site specific, and it makes the use of three-dimensional (3D) model an alternative to a field study or a laboratory experiment. However, the use of 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the study of the urban sewage system has been generally limited to the study of a single structural component with simplified assumptions. In this study, the 3D model that adopted the renormalized group (RNG) k-ε turbulence model, the volume of fluid (VOF) free water surface model and the particle tracking approach was verified comparing the predicted flow field data with the measurements in laboratory scale experiments. Then, the model was applied to optimize the design of the combined sewer system (CSS) in the city of Edmonton with multiple hydraulic structures. Considering the details of predicted flow characteristics and the behaviors of the suspended solids, the final design was chosen and implemented to reduce the water pollution induced by the direct combined sewer overflow (CSO) discharge to the receiving water body. It is shown that the proposed 3D CFD modeling approach is a cost-effective tool to design the municipal sewer system.  相似文献   

一种处理离散流场数据的神经网络模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据流体运动的连续性,提出“空间邻域矢量相近”准则,建立人工神经网络模型,对由试验获取的异常散流速数据以及网格化插补引起的误差进行修补,通过数值试验的方法,对该网络模型进行验证,并对产生误差的主要控制参数进行分析。  相似文献   

惠州市污水管道工程设计及施工简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭春 《给水排水》2001,27(8):72-75
惠州市污水管道工程采用了大开挖与顶管施工两种方式 ,详细介绍了采用大开挖方式根据不同的地质条件和施工环境采取不同的基础处理方法的情况以及顶管施工的具体过程 ,对于施工中遇到的问题 ,提出了具体的解决措施。  相似文献   

This paper presents cross entropy (CE) optimization for optimal design of water distribution networks (WDN) under demand uncertainty. In design of WDNs, it is desired to achieve a minimum cost WDN that provides higher reliability in meeting the demands. To achieve these goals, an optimization model is formulated for design of WDNs with an objective of minimizing the total cost of WDN subject to meeting the nodal demands at a specified system reliability, mass conservation and other physical constraints. The uncertainty in future water demands is modeled using the theory of fuzzy random variable (FRV). The water demand at each node is assumed to be following a normal distribution with a fuzzy mean, and 10 % (or 20 %) of the fuzzy mean as its standard deviation. The water demand is represented as a triangular fuzzy number with the random demand as its kernel, and the interval of ±5 % (or ±10 %) variation of the random demand as its support for two scenarios. The fuzzy random system reliability (R) of WDNs is defined on the basis of necessity measure to assess system performance under fuzzy random demands and crisp head requirements. The latin hypercube sampling method is adopted for sampling of uncertain demands. The methodology is applied to two WDNs, and optimization models are solved through cross entropy optimization for different levels of reliability, and generated tradeoffs between the cost and R. On comparing the solutions obtained with the proposed methodology with earlier reported solutions, it is noted that the proposed method is very effective in producing robust optimal solutions. On analyzing the tradeoffs between reliability and costs, the results show that negligence of uncertainty can lead to under design of the WDNs, and the cost increases steeply at higher levels of reliability. The results of the two case studies demonstrate that the presented CE based methodology is effective for fuzzy-probabilistic design of WDNs.  相似文献   

本文研究了气液均相流的模型相似律,推导得出竖井式水平旋流洞的模型相似律是:原、模型几何相似;原、模型佛罗德数 相同;原、模型含气率相同。推导得出竖井式水平旋流洞原、模型通气管截面积的换算关系和原、模型含气率分布的换算关系。最后,应用所得理论公式分析公伯峡水电站竖井式水平旋流式泄洪洞模型试验结果,为改进和完善模型设计提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This paper described manage sewer in-line storage control for the city of Drammen, Norway. The purpose of the control is to use the free space of the pipes to reduce overflow at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). This study combined the powerful sides of the hydraulic model and neural networks. A detailed hydraulic model was developed to identify which part of the sewer system have more free space. Subsequently, the effectiveness of the proposed control solution was tested. Simulation results showed that intentionally control sewer with free space could significantly reduce overflow at the WWTP. At last, in order to enhance better decision making and give enough response time for the proposed control solution, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) was employed to forecast flow. Three RNN architectures, namely Elman, NARX (nonlinear autoregressive network with exogenous inputs) and a novel architecture of neural networks, LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory), were compared. The LSTM exhibits the superior capability for time series prediction.  相似文献   


The water distribution network (WDN) design comprises determining optimal pipe sizes to achieve minimum cost pipe network to meet the required demands and performance levels. However, with time, the water demand for any region changes due to population, migration, and lifestyles, so interventions need to be made to the existing WDNs. Therefore, the capacity expansion problem consists of determining the suitable interventions at various stages such that the required demands are met at minimum cost. The present study proposed a novel methodology for planning such interventions based on Dynamic Programming (DP) formulation and presented a combined Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution and DP (SADE-DP) methodology for solving the WDN expansion problems considering life cycle costs. The methodology is applied and tested on three benchmark WDNs, namely New York Tunnel (NYT), Two loop (TL), and Blacksburg (BLA) networks, and also for a real case study of the Badlapur WDN in Maharashtra, India. The proposed model solutions are validated by comparing them with other WDN expansion methods taken from the literature. The results indicate that the proposed SADE-DP approach is computationally efficient and provides cost-effective solutions by meeting desired performance levels at various stages, and can serve as a potential alternative for solving real-world WDN expansion problems.


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