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In this study, a dual interval two-stage restricted-recourse programming (DITRP) method is developed for flood-diversion planning under uncertainty. Compared with other conventional methods, DITRP improves upon them by addressing system uncertainties with complex presentations and incorporating subjective information within its optimization framework. Uncertainties in DITRP can be represented as probability distributions and intervals. In addition, the dual-interval concept is presented when the available information is highly uncertain for boundaries of intervals. Moreover, decision makers’ attitudes towards system risk can be reflected using a restricted-resource measure by controlling the variability of the recourse cost. The method has been applied to a case study of flood management. The results indicate that reasonable solutions for planning flood management practice have been generated which are related to decisions of flood-diversion. Several policy scenarios are analyzed, assisting in gaining insight into the tradeoffs between risk and cost. 相似文献
This study proposes a two-stage intelligence-based pumping control (TWOPC) model for real-time pumping operation to solve the complex problem of estimating the desired pump flow and determining the optimal combination of pumps deployed in a flood event. In Stage I of the model, the desired pump flow was forecasted using the multilayer perceptron (MLP) with hydrological information including rainfall and basin runoffs, forebay water levels, and pump flows. In Stage II, the optimal pump combination was forecasted using tree-derived rules obtained from C4.5, classification and regression tree (CART), and chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID) classifiers. The East Chung-Kong pumping station in New Taipei City was used as the study area. The pumping facilities included both submersible and upright axial pumps. The optimal input–output patterns, derived from a deterministic pumping operation optimization model, were used to train and validate the proposed TWOPC model. Data for this study were collected from three storms and four typhoons that affected an urban drainage basin. A total of 1,765 records were available. The results indicated that the case with a lag time of 5 min provided the most desirable pump flows in Stage I, and the C4.5 tree-based classifier performed well in Stage II. In addition, Typhoons Sinlaku (2) (2008/9/15) and Jangmi (2008/9/29) were selected for simulating the TWOPC model. The results demonstrated that the TWOPC model provided a more favorable performance than the traditional experienced method did. Overall, the proposed two-stage prediction model successfully addressed the problems of both determining the desired pump flow and optimal pump combination. 相似文献
典型洪水选择是水库设计洪水研究中的重要内容。以陈守煜创立的可变模糊集理论为基础,提出水库典型洪水选择的可变模糊模式识别方法,建立了水库典型洪水选择的数学模型,突破传统方法依照定性分析原则选择典型洪水、缺乏数学模型与定量方法的局限。以丹江口水库夏汛典型洪水选择为例,具体说明方法的基本思路和步骤。实例研究结果表明,方法合理、可行。 相似文献
Water Resources Management - Flood management in a reservoir-outlet system is a multi-criterion decision-making (MCDM) issue, in which preventing flood damage and flood overtopping, as well as... 相似文献
Prioritization the sub-basins available in a basin to flood vulnerability analysis can be discussed in the form of a spatial multi criteria decision making (SMCDM) problem. In this research a fuzzy planning support system based on the spatial analysis using tow multi criteria decision making methods, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and TOPSIS (Technique for order-preference by similarity to ideal solution) is used. AHP method is used to determine the structure of decision making process and to estimate criteria weights and TOPSIS model is used to rank the sub-basins of Tehran urban basin as a study area regarding the flood vulnerable areas. Also in order to perform spatial analysis for decision-making process, a developed toolbox is used within the Geographic Information System (GIS). In this research a model is presented in which some vague concepts such as weight of decision making criteria are expressed in the form of linguistic variables to be converted to triangular fuzzy numbers. Finally, the sensitivity of model was analyzed by changing the weights of decision making criteria and providing of ranking scenarios. The results show the optimum alternatives for mitigation flood vulnerability in the study area. 相似文献
To address the decision-making problem for real-time multi-objective flood operations in multi-reservoir system, this paper develops a multi-objective best compromise decision model (MoBCDM). Utility function is used to quantitatively express the preference of decision maker, and also fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) and segmentation and averaging (Seg/Ave) are adopted together with the preferences of decision participants (hydrologist and reservoir manager) to convert the problem into a scalar optimization. The differential evolution (DE) algorithm is implemented for obtaining the best compromise solution. The multi-objective flood operation problem in Shiguan River Basin (in China), which contains two reservoirs and three flood control points, is used as a case study. The analyses are performed to compare four historical flood operations scenarios, this model and current operating rules. The results of the analyses show that the MoBCDM outperforms all operational scenarios in terms of peak flow reduction at three flood downstream control points. In addition, the MoBCDM execution is very efficient in real-time implementation, and also weighting coefficients for the use by the MoBCDM can get high resolution calculated by FAHP. 相似文献
Using structural and nonstructural measures for flood damage reduction is a long-standing problem in water resources planning and management. In the present study, an algorithm is presented for the optimal design of structural and nonstructural flood mitigation measures based on simulation-based optimization approach. For this purpose, the MIKE-11 simulation model, a one-dimensional hydrodynamic model, was used to calculate the potential damages of different flood scenarios under the various combinations of structural and nonstructural measures and this model was coupled with the NSGA-II multi-objective optimization model to provide the optimal Pareto solutions between two conflict objectives of minimizing the investment costs of flood mitigation measures and the potential damages of the floodplain. The proposed model was then applied to a small watershed in central part of Iran as a case study and the optimal trade-off solutions were calculated for different flood scenarios. Using these trade-offs, for each level of funding, decision makers can assign the optimal design of flood mitigation measures considering decision criteria. 相似文献
结合现有决策树技术的研究结果,在已有决策树方法的基础上,从积累的大量数据资料和信息反馈形成的水文相关数据库出发,基于决策树C4.5算法设计合理的计算流程来建立了洪水预报模型,并以预报太湖水位为例进行了实例研究.结果表明,基于决策树的洪水预报模型结构清晰,最终生成的预报规则简单明了,模型在率定期与检验期内均具有很高的精度... 相似文献
为缓解水资源缺乏以及发展区域经济,人们在流域内修建了大量的水利工程,改变了流域的下垫面条件,从而影响了蒸发、入渗、产流、汇流等特性,导致传统的洪水预报模型难以反映流域产汇流规律。文章文通过决策树技术,挖掘上游水库群拦蓄或泄放洪水的规律,建立场次洪水拦洪比推理模型,对洪水预报予以修正,有效提高洪水预报精度。 相似文献
By analyzing the present situation of reservoir flood control operation, this paper proposes multi-person multiobjective decision-making model for the problems of flood control operation. The model takes the influence of multiobjectives and experience and knowledge of decision-makers into account. In order to find an optimal alternative decided by multiple decision-makers from all the given alternatives, the relative optimal membership degree of every decision-maker to every alternative is first obtained and then the optimal membership degree of every decision-maker to every alternative is obtained which collects group preferences through two stages. The advantages of this model are simple and more adaptable to the practical problem. The model is demonstrated by application in Fengman Reservoir located in Songhua River Basin in China. Of course, this method can also be applied in other science fields. 相似文献
The sustainability concept has influenced decision-making patterns in various managerial fields. Watershed-based flood risk management (FRM), as an extremely complex multidisciplinary issue, has to deal with various conflicting, sustainable development criteria. The following measures through a novel structure were considered to address the complexity and uncertainty of watershed-based FRM: (1) the FRM strategies were formulated via matching internal strategic factors against external ones through Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat (SWOT-TOWS) matrix; (2) a Multi Attribute Group Decision Making (MAGDM) process was applied to prioritize the strategies with consideration of sustainable development attributes; (3) the Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Numbers (IVIFNs) were merged into TOWS matrix as a novel procedure to overcome the uncertainty of the judgments. According to pairwise comparisons of the seven proposed attributes, the urgency of need was obtained as the first-ranked attribute. The overall prioritization of 10 TOWS-based strategies with IVIFNs revealed that the highest priority among the strategies belonged to implementation of social learning process to raise the residents’ awareness concerning water and soil conservation plus sustainable agriculture with the aid of NGOs. Throughout the present study, SWOT-TOWS matrix not only could properly identify the fundamental strategic factors but also developed the mitigation strategies including structurally and non-structurally-based measures. In addition to the IVIFNs, pairwise comparisons performed appropriately to evaluate the attributes’ weights. Finally, the proposed IVIFN-based MAGDM technique allows the analysts to aggregate several individual exact numerical scores of an attribute into an IVIFN through a simple, practical and straightforward group decision making mechanism. 相似文献
针对目前水闸工程管理考核评价中存在的问题,研究了水闸工程管理的模糊评价方法。在确定评价指标、权重分配的基础上,构建了2层模糊评价模型,利用专家定性评价结果计算各项2级指标的隶属度,采用模糊运算,依据最大隶属度原则确定评价结果。实例计算表明,水闸工程管理模糊评价得出的结果合理。因此,构建的水闸工程管理模糊评价模型是正确的。 相似文献
Water Resources Management - Watershed planning and management is a complex process due to existing different influential criteria in social, economic and environmental sectors as well as... 相似文献
An interval-parameter fuzzy robust nonlinear programming (IFRNP) approach was developed for stream water quality management under uncertainty. The interval and fuzzy robust programming methods were incorporated within a general framework to address uncertainties associated with the nonlinear objective and the left- and right-hand sides of the constraints. A piecewise linearization approach was developed to deal with the nonlinear cost function. IFRNP could explicitly address complexities of various system uncertainties, where parameters were represented as both interval numbers and fuzzy membership functions. Furthermore, the dual uncertain information associated with the lower and upper bounds of each interval parameter could be effectively tackled through the concept of fuzzy boundary interval. The proposed IFRNP method was applied to a case of water quality management in the Guoyang section of the Guo River in Anhui province, China. A number of cost-effective schemes for water quality management were generated, and allowable wastewater discharge amounts were recommended. The results indicated that IFRNP was applicable to water quality management problems, where high nonlinearities and dual uncertainties exist. 相似文献
Natural variations in the global climate are governed by complex interactions among the atmosphere, oceans, and land cover. Modern climate models suggest that these variations will continue, but with larger magnitudes and greater variability due to human influences. This is expected to increase the risk of flood disaster events. To improve flood risk management, a flood decision support system architecture is proposed that capitalizes on the latest advances in remote sensing, geographic information systems, hydrologic models, numerical weather prediction, information technology, and decision theory. Specifically, the dynamic climate prediction system developed by the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is discussed in the context of flood management and planning in the Yangtze River valley, China. 相似文献
1洪水管理概化模型假设某区域A有两片除洪水风险外其他条件完全相同的土地资源A1、A2,一片(A2)有洪水风险,另一片(A1)没有,区域人口为M,单位面积年均产出为分别为e1和e2(见图1).在A2未建防洪工程以前,洪水年期望损失为D1,A1和A2的年均产出分别为E1=A1·e1E2=A2·e2-D1(1)设合理的人口分布模式以人均收益在两个区域相等,则人口分布(设A1,A2区的人口分别为M1,M2)与产出的关系M=M1+M2A1·e1/M1=(A2·e2-D1)/M2(2)在有风险区域A2的人口M2占总人口的比例为M2… 相似文献
对水库防洪调度方案评价中需要考虑的问题进行了分析,建立了评价指标体系,利用协商定权以及主客观定权方法确定评价指标的权重,借助模糊物元模型对备选方案进行综合评价。结果表明:该方法充分考虑了评价的模糊性和不相容性,能够全面地对方案进行决策,在陡河水库洪水调度中取得了较好的效果。 相似文献
提出一种水库防洪优化调度风险决策模型.通过多目标防洪优化调度获取可行调度方案集.结合洪水预报误差进行风险分析,计算调度方案风险率.在此基础上,建立基于改进熵权的灰色关联分析模型,实现均衡考虑上下游风险的调度方案的灰色优选.将该风险决策模型应用于三峡水库防洪风险决策实例,确定了最佳洪水调度过程. 相似文献
对河段洪水形成规律的先验认识是制定预报方案的重要基础,这些先验知识对于正确选择神经网络预报模型的结构也有重要的指导意义。本文基于河段先验知识与神经网络结构相结合的思想.给出了一种新的BP网络模型,它比传统模型更符合实际,在紫坪铺河段洪水短期预报中的应用结果令人满意。 相似文献
ABSTRACT This paper sets forth a desired economic framework for flood plain management. After expressing serious concern that efficient flood hazard mitigation may not be desired as a goal of public policy, six major management issues are outlined. First is the task of reformulation of the problem of flood hazard mitigation from an emphasis on hazard reduction per se to one of an efficient use of flood-prone lands and development of socially acceptable levels of residual risk. Second, there is need to specify more clearly what is the economic rationale for public action (particularly in a national system) in flood hazard mitigation in relation to the role of markets and private choice. Third, analysis is needed to specify in theoretical and in operational terms the efficient level of mitigation. Fourth, the question of what constitutes a proper measure of loss is of Critical importance. Fifth, economic evaluation of existing institutions and policies in the flood hazard field is clearly needed. Finally, benefit-cost studies of selected mitigation measures are proposed. An overlying concern throughout the paper is that present institutional arrangements may act as barriers to efficient policy and obscure the rationale for other kinds of economic analysis. 相似文献