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Consider a class of binary functions h: X→{ − 1, + 1} on an interval . Define the sample width of h on a finite subset (a sample) S ⊂ X as ω S (h) =  min x ∈ S |ω h (x)| where ω h (x) = h(x) max {a ≥ 0: h(z) = h(x), x − a ≤ z ≤ x + a}. Let be the space of all samples in X of cardinality ℓ and consider sets of wide samples, i.e., hypersets which are defined as Through an application of the Sauer-Shelah result on the density of sets an upper estimate is obtained on the growth function (or trace) of the class , β > 0, i.e., on the number of possible dichotomies obtained by intersecting all hypersets with a fixed collection of samples of cardinality m. The estimate is .   相似文献   

A traveling salesman game is a cooperative game . Here N, the set of players, is the set of cities (or the vertices of the complete graph) and c D is the characteristic function where D is the underlying cost matrix. For all SN, define c D (S) to be the cost of a minimum cost Hamiltonian tour through the vertices of S∪{0} where is called as the home city. Define Core as the core of a traveling salesman game . Okamoto (Discrete Appl. Math. 138:349–369, [2004]) conjectured that for the traveling salesman game with D satisfying triangle inequality, the problem of testing whether Core is empty or not is -hard. We prove that this conjecture is true. This result directly implies the -hardness for the general case when D is asymmetric. We also study approximately fair cost allocations for these games. For this, we introduce the cycle cover games and show that the core of a cycle cover game is non-empty by finding a fair cost allocation vector in polynomial time. For a traveling salesman game, let and SN, x(S)≤εc D (S)} be an ε-approximate core, for a given ε>1. By viewing an approximate fair cost allocation vector for this game as a sum of exact fair cost allocation vectors of several related cycle cover games, we provide a polynomial time algorithm demonstrating the non-emptiness of the log 2(|N|−1)-approximate core by exhibiting a vector in this approximate core for the asymmetric traveling salesman game. We improve it further by finding a -approximate core in polynomial time for some constant c. We also show that there exists an ε 0>1 such that it is -hard to decide whether ε 0-Core is empty or not. A preliminary version of the paper appeared in the third Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA), 2005.  相似文献   

Given a multivariate polynomial P(X 1,…,X n ) over a finite field , let N(P) denote the number of roots over . The modular root counting problem is given a modulus r, to determine N r (P)=N(P)mod r. We study the complexity of computing N r (P), when the polynomial is given as a sum of monomials. We give an efficient algorithm to compute N r (P) when the modulus r is a power of the characteristic of the field. We show that for all other moduli, the problem of computing N r (P) is -hard. We present some hardness results which imply that our algorithm is essentially optimal for prime fields. We show an equivalence between maximum-likelihood decoding for Reed-Solomon codes and a root-finding problem for symmetric polynomials. P. Gopalan’s and R.J Lipton’s research was supported by NSF grant CCR-3606B64. V. Guruswami’s research was supported in part by NSF grant CCF-0343672 and a Sloan Research Fellowship.  相似文献   

The typechecking problem for transformations of relational data into tree data is the following: given a relational-to-XML transformation P, and an XML type d, decide whether for every database instance the result of the transformation P on satisfies d. TreeQL programs with projection-free conjunctive queries (see Alon et al. in ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 4(3):315–354, 2003) are considered as transformations and DTDs with arbitrary regular expressions as XML types. A non-elementary upper bound for the typechecking problem was already given by Alon et al. (ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 4(3):315–354, 2003) (although in a more general setting, where equality and negation in projection-free conjunctive queries and additional universal integrity constraints are allowed). In this paper we show that the typechecking problem is coNEXPTIME-complete. As an intermediate step we consider the following problem, which can be formulated independently of XML notions. Given a set of triples of the form (φ,k,j), where φ is a projection-free conjunctive query and k,j are natural numbers, decide whether there exists a database such that, for each triple (φ,k,j) in the set, there exists a natural number α, such that there are exactly k+j*α tuples satisfying the query φ in . Our main technical contribution consists of a NEXPTIME algorithm for the last problem. Partially supported by Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education research project N206 022 31/3660, 2006/2009. This paper is an extended version of 20, where the coNEXPTIME upper bound was shown.  相似文献   

Stability of differential inclusions F(x(t)) is studied by using minorant and majorant mappings F and F +, F (x)F(x)F +(x). Properties of F ,F + are developed in terms of partial orderings, with the condition that F , F + are either heterotone or pseudoconcave. The main results concern asymptotically stable absorbing sets, including the case of a single equilibrium point, and are illustrated by examples of control systems.  相似文献   

Romeo Rizzi 《Algorithmica》2009,53(3):402-424
In the last years, new variants of the minimum cycle basis (MCB) problem and new classes of cycle bases have been introduced, as motivated by several applications from disparate areas of scientific and technological inquiry. At present, the complexity status of the MCB problem is settled only for undirected, directed, and strictly fundamental cycle bases (SFCB’s). Weakly fundamental cycle bases (WFCB’s) form a natural superclass of SFCB’s. A cycle basis of a graph G is a WFCB iff ν=0 or there exists an edge e of G and a circuit C i in such that is a WFCB of Ge. WFCB’s still possess several of the nice properties offered by SFCB’s. At the same time, several classes of graphs enjoying WFCB’s of cost asymptotically inferior to the cost of the cheapest SFCB’s have been found and exhibited in the literature. Considered also the computational difficulty of finding cheap SFCB’s, these works advocated an in-depth study of WFCB’s. In this paper, we settle the complexity status of the MCB problem for WFCB’s (the MWFCB problem). The problem turns out to be -hard. However, in this paper, we also offer a simple and practical 2⌈log 2 n⌉-approximation algorithm for the MWFCB problem. In O(n ν) time, this algorithm actually returns a WFCB whose cost is at most 2⌈log 2 n⌉∑ eE(G) w e , thus allowing a fast 2⌈log 2 n⌉-approximation also for the MCB problem. With this algorithm, we provide tight bounds on the cost of any MCB and MWFCB.  相似文献   

A framework is presented for processing fuzzy sets for which the universe of discourse X = {x} is a separable Hilbert Space, which, in particular, may be a Euclidian Space. In a given application, X would constitute a feature space. The membership functions of sets in such X are then “membership functionals”, that is, mappings from a vector space to the real line. This paper considers the class Φ of fuzzy sets A, the membership functionals μ A of which belong to a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) F(X) of bounded analytic functionals on X, and satisfy the constraint . These functionals can be expanded in abstract power series in x, commonly known as Volterra functional series in x. Because of the one-to-one relationship between the fuzzy sets A and their respective μ A , one can process the sets A as objects using their μ A as intermediaries. Thus the structure of the uncertainty present in the fuzzy sets can be processed in a vector space without descending to the level of processing of vectors in the feature space as usually done in the literature in the field. Also, the framework allows one to integrate human and machine judgments in the definition of fuzzy sets; and to use concepts analogous to probabilistic concepts in assigning membership values to combinations of fuzzy sets. Some analytical and interpretive consequences of this approach are presented and discussed. A result of particular interest is the best approximation of a membership functional μ A in F(X) based on interpolation on a training set {(v i , u i ),i = 1, . . . , q} and under the positivity constraint. The optimal analytical solution comes out in the form of an Optimal Interpolative Neural Network (OINN) proposed by the author in 1990 for best approximation of pattern classification systems in a F(X) space setting. An example is briefly described of an application of this approach to the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

We study the parameters of bent and hyper-bent (HB) functions in n variables over a field $ P = \mathbb{F}_q We study the parameters of bent and hyper-bent (HB) functions in n variables over a field with q = 2 elements, ℓ > 1. Any such function is identified with a function F: QP, where . The latter has a reduced trace representation F = tr P Q (Φ), where Φ(x) is a uniquely defined polynomial of a special type. It is shown that the most accurate generalization of results on parameters of bent functions from the case ℓ = 1 to the case ℓ > 1 is obtained if instead of the nonlinearity degree of a function one considers its binary nonlinearity index (in the case ℓ = 1 these parameters coincide). We construct a class of HB functions that generalize binary HB functions found in [1]; we indicate a set of parameters q and n for which there are no other HB functions. We introduce the notion of the period of a function and establish a relation between periods of (hyper-)bent functions and their frequency characteristics. Original Russian Text ? A.S. Kuz’min, V.T. Markov, A.A. Nechaev, V.A. Shishkin, A.B. Shishkov, 2008, published in Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, 2008, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 15–37. Supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project nos. 05-01-01018 and 05-01-01048, and the President of the Russian Federation Council for State Support of Leading Scientific Schools, project nos. NSh-8564.2006.10 and NSh-5666.2006.1. A part of the results were obtained in the course of research in the Cryptography Academy of the Russian Federation.  相似文献   

Halfspace Matrices   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

In this paper, we study the merging of two sorted arrays and on EREW PRAM with two restrictions: (1) The elements of two arrays are taken from the integer range [1,n], where n=Max(n 1,n 2). (2) The elements are taken from either uniform distribution or non-uniform distribution such that , for 1≤ip (number of processors). We give a new optimal deterministic algorithm runs in time using p processors on EREW PRAM. For ; the running time of the algorithm is O(log (g) n) which is faster than the previous results, where log (g) n=log log (g−1) n for g>1 and log (1) n=log n. We also extend the domain of input data to [1,n k ], where k is a constant.
Hazem M. BahigEmail:

Radio networks model wireless data communication when the bandwidth is limited to one wave frequency. The key restriction of such networks is mutual interference of packets arriving simultaneously at a node. The many-to-many (m2m) communication primitive involves p participant nodes from among n nodes in the network, where the distance between any pair of participants is at most d. The task is to have all the participants get to know all the input messages. We consider three cases of the m2m communication problem. In the ad-hoc case, each participant knows only its name and the values of n, p and d. In the partially centralized case, each participant knows the topology of the network and the values of p and d, but does not know the names of the other participants. In the centralized case, each participant knows the topology of the network and the names of all the participants. For the centralized m2m problem, we give deterministic protocols, for both undirected and directed networks, working in time, which is provably optimal. For the partially centralized m2m problem, we give a randomized protocol for undirected networks working in time with high probability (whp), and we show that any deterministic protocol requires time. For the ad-hoc m2m problem, we develop a randomized protocol for undirected networks that works in time whp. We show two lower bounds for the ad-hoc m2m problem. One lower bound states that any randomized protocol for the m2m ad hoc problem requires expected time. Another lower bound states that for any deterministic protocol for the m2m ad hoc problem, there is a network on which the protocol requires time when np(n)=Ω(n) and d>1, and that it requires Ω(n) time when np(n)=o(n). The results of this paper appeared in a preliminary form in “On many-to-many communication in packet radio networks” in Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), Bordeaux, France, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4305, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 258–272. The work of B.S. Chlebus was supported by NSF Grant 0310503.  相似文献   

A linear difference operator L with polynomial coefficients and a function F(x) satisfying the equation LF(x) = 0 are considered. The function is assumed to be analytic in the interval (–, d), where > 0. In the paper, an implementation of an algorithm suggested by S.A. Abramov and M. van Hoeij for finding conditions that guarantee analyticity of F(x) on the entire real axis is presented. The analyticity conditions are linear relations for values of F(x) and its derivatives at a given point belonging to the half-interval [0, d). A procedure for computing values of F(x) and its derivatives up to a prescribed order at a given point x 0 is also implemented. Examples illustrating the program operation are presented.  相似文献   

Approximate string matching is about finding a given string pattern in a text by allowing some degree of errors. In this paper we present a space efficient data structure to solve the 1-mismatch and 1-difference problems. Given a text T of length n over an alphabet A, we can preprocess T and give an -bit space data structure so that, for any query pattern P of length m, we can find all 1-mismatch (or 1-difference) occurrences of P in O(|A|mlog log n+occ) time, where occ is the number of occurrences. This is the fastest known query time given that the space of the data structure is o(nlog 2 n) bits. The space of our data structure can be further reduced to O(nlog |A|) with the query time increasing by a factor of log  ε n, for 0<ε≤1. Furthermore, our solution can be generalized to solve the k-mismatch (and the k-difference) problem in O(|A| k m k (k+log log n)+occ) and O(log  ε n(|A| k m k (k+log log n)+occ)) time using an -bit and an O(nlog |A|)-bit indexing data structures, respectively. We assume that the alphabet size |A| is bounded by for the -bit space data structure.  相似文献   

We describe and analyze a 3-state one-way population protocol to compute approximate majority in the model in which pairs of agents are drawn uniformly at random to interact. Given an initial configuration of x’s, y’s and blanks that contains at least one non-blank, the goal is for the agents to reach consensus on one of the values x or y. Additionally, the value chosen should be the majority non-blank initial value, provided it exceeds the minority by a sufficient margin. We prove that with high probability n agents reach consensus in O(n log n) interactions and the value chosen is the majority provided that its initial margin is at least . This protocol has the additional property of tolerating Byzantine behavior in of the agents, making it the first known population protocol that tolerates Byzantine agents.  相似文献   

A. Negro 《Calcolo》1969,6(1):35-50
Sommario Un problema economico di programmazione degli interventi conduce allo studio dell'equazione funzionale . Essa non rientra nelle classi di equazioni della programmazione dinamica per le quali attualmente si conoscono teoremi di esistenza ed unicità. Sotto condizioni naturali per la funzionek (x) si dimostrano esistenza ed unicità di una soluzione ϕ (x) tendente a zero perx tendente a zero. Si considerano alcuni casi particolari e si presenta un procedimento di approssimazioni successive.
An economic problem of development programming leads to the study of the functional equation . It does not belong to any class of dynamic programming equations for which at pressent existence and uniqueness theorems are known. Under proper requirements for the functionk(x), existence and uniquenness of a solution ϕ(x) convergent to 0 whenx→0 is prooved. Some particular cases are considered and an iterative method of successive approximations is given.

A caterpillar is a tree in which all vertices of degree three or more lie on one path, called the backbone. We present a polynomial time algorithm that produces a linear arrangement of the vertices of a caterpillar with bandwidth at most O(log n/log log n) times the local density of the caterpillar, where the local density is a well known lower bound on the bandwidth. This result is best possible in the sense that there are caterpillars whose bandwidth is larger than their local density by a factor of Ω(log n/log log n). The previous best approximation ratio for the bandwidth of caterpillars was O(log n). We show that any further improvement in the approximation ratio would require using linear arrangements that do not respect the order of the vertices of the backbone. We also show how to obtain a (1+ε) approximation for the bandwidth of caterpillars in time . This result generalizes to trees, planar graphs, and any family of graphs with treewidth .  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of scheduling n jobs on a single machine, where the jobs are processed in batches and the processing time of each job is a step function depending on its waiting time, which is the time between the start of the processing of the batch to which the job belongs and the start of the processing of the job. For job i, if its waiting time is less than a given threshold value D, then it requires a basic processing time a i ; otherwise, it requires an extended processing time a i +b i . The objective is to minimize the completion time of the last job. We first show that the problem is NP-hard in the strong sense even if all b i are equal, it is NP-hard even if b i =a i for all i, and it is non-approximable in polynomial time with a constant performance guarantee Δ<3/2, unless . We then present O(nlog n) and O(n 3F−1log n/F F ) algorithms for the case where all a i are equal and for the case where there are F, F≥2, distinct values of a i , respectively. We further propose an O(n 2log n) approximation algorithm with a performance guarantee for the general problem, where m * is the number of batches in an optimal schedule. All the above results apply or can be easily modified for the corresponding open-end bin packing problem.  相似文献   

In the paper, we prove that is compatible with p}, the set of commutant of p, and , the projection commutant of a, are all normal sub-effect algebras of a compressible effect algebra E, and is a direct retraction on E} is a normal sub-effect algebra of an effect algebra E. Moreover, we answer an open question in Gudder’s (Rep Math Phys 54:93–114, 2004), Compressible effect algebras, Rep Math Phys, by showing that the cartesian product of an infinite number of E i is a compressible effect algebra if and only if each E i is a compressible effect algebra. This work was supported by the SF of Education Department of Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 07JK267), P. R. China.  相似文献   

We study the communication primitives of broadcasting (one-to-all communication) and gossiping (all-to-all communication) in known topology radio networks, i.e., where for each primitive the schedule of transmissions is precomputed based on full knowledge about the size and the topology of the network. We show that gossiping can be completed in time units in any radio network of size n, diameter D, and maximum degree Δ=Ω(log n). This is an almost optimal schedule in the sense that there exists a radio network topology, specifically a Δ-regular tree, in which the radio gossiping cannot be completed in less than units of time. Moreover, we show a schedule for the broadcast task. Both our transmission schemes significantly improve upon the currently best known schedules by Gąsieniec, Peleg, and Xin (Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS PODC, pp. 129–137, 2005), i.e., a O(D+Δlog n) time schedule for gossiping and a D+O(log 3 n) time schedule for broadcast. Our broadcasting schedule also improves, for large D, a very recent O(D+log 2 n) time broadcasting schedule by Kowalski and Pelc. A preliminary version of this paper appeared in the proceedings of ISAAC’06. F. Cicalese supported by the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award 2004 of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung. F. Manne and Q. Xin supported by the Research Council of Norway through the SPECTRUM project.  相似文献   

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