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在建立Accu-Roll轧机变形区模型的基础上,开发出计算机模拟软件,可方便地通过变形区纵剖面计算机图象显示分析工艺参数对变形区的影响,从而为合理地选取与优化工艺参数提供依据。  相似文献   

为了优化起重机用Q345材料薄壁箱梁结构的焊接顺序,采用有限元热弹塑性分析方法对不同焊接顺序的焊接变形和残余应力进行了数值模拟。定量描述了焊接顺序对焊接变形和残余应力的影响。通过对比分析,总结了焊接变形和残余应力的变化规律,提出了薄壁箱梁结构的最优焊接顺序。结果表明,采用同时同方向分段退焊的焊接顺序,并按照图5中方案三或四进行施焊,可有效控制薄壁箱梁结构的焊接变形和残余应力。  相似文献   

采用热-弹-塑性有限元方法模拟焊接残余应力和变形时,对于移动热源模型形状参数的选取,在大多数情况下大都是根据研究者的经验来确定.然而对于热源模型形状参数对焊接残余应力和变形的影响尚不十分明确.基于ABAQUS有限元软件,以高强钢SM490A单道TIG焊为例,通过建立三维有限元模型和采用双椭球体积移动热源模型,研究了热源模型形状参数对焊接残余应力和变形的影响.结果表明,热源模型形状参数对焊接残余应力影响较小,而对焊接变形,尤其是对角变形有一定程度的影响.  相似文献   

周燕妮  孙智 《焊接》2011,(12):12-14
在焊接过程中,强烈的局部加热和随后的快速冷却在焊件中造成了很大的温度梯度,不可避免地产生了一定程度的残余应力和变形而降低焊缝的力学性能.优化焊接顺序是降低焊接残余应力的一种简单易行、成本低且行之有效的方法.系统地对焊接顺序在焊接残余应力中的影响进行了综述,并运用其机理对不同焊接结构进行了分类评述,得出判定单条焊缝、多道...  相似文献   

通过对低碳钢对接接头残余角变形量进行数据采集,得到了残余焊接角变形量与不同刚性约束时间的关系曲线,并进行了分析。认为:在焊接过程中,刚性约束对减小残余角变形量效果明显;随着刚性约束时间的增加,焊接残余角变形量明显减小;当焊接电弧熄灭后,继续增加刚性约束时间对减小残余角变形量没有明显效果。  相似文献   

建立了干燥盘焊接的有限元模型,采用分段移动热源法对同向、对向和反向三种焊接方案共15种焊接顺序的残余变形进行了数值模拟.结果表明,干燥盘的焊接残余变形为向上的环形凸起变形,从外径到内径变形量逐渐增大,最大变形量位于内径处;反向焊接方案间隔三排的焊接顺序得到的残余变形最小,仅为同向焊接方案间隔三排的63%,是15种焊接顺序中最大残余变形量的58.8%.干燥盘直径越大,每排焊缝的间隔时间加长,各种优化方案之间的焊接变形相对量的差有所降低,可以将每排焊缝之间的冷却时间适当缩短.  相似文献   

纯铝等径角挤技术(Ⅱ)--变形行为模拟   总被引:19,自引:5,他引:19  
通过有限元模拟和坐标网格,对纯铝等径角挤过程的变形行为进行了模拟和试验。结果表明,纯铝在单道次等径角挤压过程中所需的载荷随着样品位移的增加大致可分为快速增加、缓慢增加、快速增加、载荷值趋于稳定、载荷下降5个阶段。由于样品外部在主要变形区的流动速率比样品内部的快,因而样品在等径角挤压过程中会出现不均匀变形,样品底部沿宽度方向的塑性变形量明显少于样品顶部和中部的,坐标网格法实验结果也证明了这一点。在等径角挤压过程中,样品不同部位的应力状态不一致,样品内部存在压应力→拉应力的转变,样品外部存在压应力→拉应力→压应力的转变。摩擦消除后,有效应变有所增加,但并不能降低样品变形的不均匀性;采用尖角模具既能产生更大的剪切应变,又能提高变形的均匀性。  相似文献   

应用Deform-3D软件,对6061铝合金的等径角挤压过程进行了数值模拟,研究了摩擦对挤压过程的影响,并分析了挤压过程中挤压力的变化以及应力和应变的分布情况。等径角挤压试验在1000kN压力机上进行,测定了实际挤压载荷,并采用不同的润滑剂对摩擦的影响进行了研究。结果表明,6061铝合金的等径角挤压变形过程中应力和应变呈不均匀分布,摩擦对挤压过程有着重要的影响。摩擦因数越大,挤压力越大,变形越不均匀。另外,对模拟结果进行了试验验证,结果基本一致。  相似文献   

以壁厚为1 mm的高温合金尾喷管为研究对象,基于热-弹-塑性有限元法与固有应变法,研究外部约束对薄壁高温合金尾喷管工件焊接变形的影响。通过焊接工艺试验和热-弹-塑性有限元法仿真,进行焊接热源校核,获得对接接头的固有应变和材料模型参数。建立全尺寸三维尾喷管焊接有限元模型,基于固有应变理论的弹性有限元方法,利用平板对接获得的材料模型参数,计算不同外部约束对尾喷管工件焊接变形的影响。结果表明:进气口约束对控制尾喷管焊后变形起主要作用,在进气口施加约束时,工件变形最小,为2.39 mm,变形发生在尾喷管内环与外环弧形焊缝位置。通过尾喷管组件产品焊后变形测量与仿真结果对照,验证了仿真计算方法的准确性,固有应变法可适用于薄壁尾喷管焊接变形预测。  相似文献   

李玉生  房元斌 《焊接技术》2022,(12):32-35+114
不同焊脚尺寸影响结构件焊接变形和残余应力分布,对实际工程意义较大。文中借助焊接数值模拟手段,对T形接头的焊接过程进行分析,获得了接头焊后变形和残余应力。同时,结合盲孔法试验,验证有限元模型的正确性和有效性。结果表明:Z1×Z2=9 mm×9 mm方案焊后总变形量和等效残余应力峰值最小,Z1×Z2=8 mm×10 mm方案焊后总变形量最大;Z1×Z2=10 mm×8 mm方案纵向和横向残余应力峰值最大。纵向和横向残余应力仿真结果与试验测量结果相对误差最大分别为8.82%和8.43%,满足工程应用的要求。该研究为焊脚尺寸控制和残余应力优化提供指导。  相似文献   

通过测试低碳钢(Q235)对接接头动态角变形,对其变化过程和特点进行了分析和总结。结果表明:除温度变化引起的体积线性变化对角变形产生影响外,高温相变对自由状态下单层对接接头焊缝以及多层多道焊的首层焊缝角变形变化将产生影响;而多层焊接除首层以外的其他层焊缝,高温相变对角变形变化不产生影响。  相似文献   

马世辉  杨广臣  宋英杰 《热加工工艺》2012,41(15):203-204,207
对低碳钢对接接头多层多道焊的角变形动态过程进行数据采集,得到了不同工艺及不同工件厚度条件下角变形与时间的关系曲线,并进行了分析.认为,角变形发生发展的动态过程复杂;多层多道焊时,每层焊缝角变形动态过程既有一定的规律,又存在差异;残余角变形是焊接过程中角变形增量不断累加的结果.  相似文献   

Thermal distortion of gray iron brake disks due to residual stress and its effect on brake vibrations were studied. The residual stress of heat- and non-heat-treated gray iron disks was measured using neutron scattering. Dynamometer tests were performed to measure the friction force oscillation caused by the disk runout during brake applications. High-temperature tensile tests were carried out to find out possible plastic deformation due to residual stress during brake applications. The results showed that the average residual stress of the heat-treated disk (47.6 MPa) was lower than that of the non-heat-treated disk (99.6 MPa). Dynamometer tests at high temperatures (up to 600 °C) indicated that the residual stress pronounced the runout: the increase in disk runout after the tests for the non-heat-treated sample was more than twice that for the heat-treated sample. This difference correlated well with the neutron scattering results and the dimensional changes after a separate vacuum heat treatment. The high-temperature tensile tests showed severe reductions in yield strength at 600 °C, suggesting that disks produced with no stress relaxation could be deformed during severe braking.  相似文献   

以含有六个接管的1000MW级压水堆核电站反应堆压力容器中筒体与接管连接处马鞍形焊缝为研究对象,利用热弹塑性有限元数值模拟方法详细研究了不同焊接线能量下马鞍形焊接接头处温度场、残余应力场以及变形的大小和分布情况,并在焊后将构件进行高温回火处理,即整体加热到610℃保温3 h后空冷。结果表明,在满足焊接的条件下,2.57 kJ/mm的线能量焊后焊接残余应力和变形均小于线能量为2.75和2.89kJ/mm焊后,焊后热处理使得焊接残余应力和变形在一定程度上得到了改善。  相似文献   

对16MnCr5钢制变速器从动齿轮定位孔和螺钉孔热处理变形进行测试、分析,指明选用“H”钢、严格控制钢的淬透性波动范围和热处理前冷加工尺寸范围,同时施行正确热处理的工艺是生产中的关键问题。  相似文献   

Autogenous arc welds with minimum upper weld bead depression and lower weld bead bulging are desired as such welds do not require a second welding pass for filling up the upper bead depressions (UBDs) and characterized with minimum angular distortion. The present paper describes optimization and prediction of angular distortion and weldment characteristics such as upper weld bead depression and lower weld bead bulging of TIG-welded structural steel square butt joints. Full factorial design of experiment was utilized for selecting the combinations of welding process parameter to produce the square butts. A mathematical model was developed to establish the relationship between TIG welding process parameters and responses such as upper bead width, lower bead width, UBD, lower bead height (bulging), weld cross-sectional area, and angular distortions. The optimal welding condition to minimize UBD and lower bead bulging of the TIG butt joints was identified.  相似文献   

Immersion quenching in evaporable fluids like oil, polymer solutions, or water is a widely used technique in heat treatment shops because this technique provides higher heat transfer coefficients than the most alternative gas quenching techniques. The disadvantages of immersion quenching in evaporating fluids are the complex heat transfer mechanisms which consist of the three phases, film boiling, nucleate boiling, and convection. Especially the transition from film to nucleate boiling—the rewetting of the sample surface—is a complex process which leads to a strong position dependence of the heat transfer coefficient of the cooled work pieces. In particular, immersion quenching of thin-walled rings can result in large changes of ovality with comparable high scattering. To understand these results, two series of experiments were performed. Rings were quenched in oil in a special quenching tank and the rewetting behavior was documented. Furthermore, bearing races were quenched in a standard tank. Before and after heat treatment, these rings were measured by a coordinate measuring system and the distortion was determined. The investigations have clearly shown that the vapor film can have an important influence on distortion generation during oil quenching. The resulting distortion can principally be explained by the observed rewetting behavior.  相似文献   

钢件淬火会导致其产生复杂且难以预测的尺寸和形状改变(畸变)。甚至用同一块坯料不同部位的材料制作的零件,其淬火过程中发生的畸变行为也大不相同。这是由于若干引起畸变的潜在因素(如合金元素、偏析、残余应力和相组成等)不均匀分布所造成的,而这些潜在因素作用的累积贯穿于零件制造的全过程。本文研究了合金元素的分布和偏析对淬火畸变的影响。研究用试棒为用直径45 mm的SAE 52100钢棒料加工成的不同直径圆柱体,并将其编号,以便分辨其在原棒料上的确切位置。然后将试棒装入通氮气保护的井式炉加热奥氏体化,随后进行喷气淬火。测量结果表明,试棒在淬火过程中的尺寸变化与其在坯料中的取样位置密切相关,而试棒的弯曲程度和方向与取样位置和直径之间没有显著的关联。  相似文献   

线能量对TC4钛合金激光焊接残余应力和变形的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用有限元分析和实验测试,研究了TC4钛合金平板激光焊接线能量对变形和残余应力的影响规律,并通过焊缝金相实验分析了线能量与焊接残余应力和变形的内在关系。结果表明:钛合金激光焊接产生的纵向残余拉伸应力约700MPa~850MPa,而横向残余拉伸应力只有50MPa~80MPa。激光焊接线能量增加时,纵向残余应力拉伸区域变宽,峰值应力降低,而横向残余应力随线能量的增加而升高。在临界焊透规范以上焊接时,角变形随线能量的增大而减小,但横向收缩变形增大。试件被完全穿透焊接时,线能量对角变形的影响作用降低。  相似文献   

Two individual high-pressure die casting geometries were developed to study the influence of process parameters and alloy composition on the distortion behavior of aluminum alloy castings. These geometries, a stress lattice and a V-shaped lid, tend to form residual stress due to a difference in wall thickness and a deliberate massive gating system. Castings were produced from two alloys: AlSi12(Fe) and AlSi10MnMg. In the experimental castings, the influence of important process parameters such as die temperature, ejection time, and cooling regime was examined. The time evolution of process temperatures was measured using thermal imaging. Subsequent to casting, distortion was measured by means of a tactile measuring device at ambient temperatures. The measured results were compared against a numerical process and stress simulations of the casting, ejection, and cooling process using the commercial finite element method software ANSYS Workbench. The heat transfer coefficients were adapted to the temperature distributions of the die, and the castings were observed by thermal imaging. A survey of the results of the comparison between simulation and experiment is given for both alloys.  相似文献   

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