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Free-recall and multiple-choice measures of memory for landmarks, sequential order, turns, and route configurations were obtained from younger and older adults after they viewed slides of 2 overlapping routes. Instructions focused attention on either the contents of the slides or on the course of the path; a control condition provided no orientational instructions. Half the Ss viewed maplike diagrams of the joint spatial configuration. Age interacted with instruction only for multiple-choice tests of landmark memory. Age interacted with diagram for each of the other 3 route memory components, although the generality of this interaction across instruction condition depended on whether free-recall or multiple-choice tests were used. The results suggest that route memory may involve both scene and layout representation, which may be differentially sensitive to age and presentational variables. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We report a spatial-memory scanning experiment that was used to measure age differences in entropy. A target grid consisting of four adjacent letters followed by the presentation of a single probe letter was presented on each trial. Half of the trials presented the probe stimulus in the same spatial position was the target letter (i.e., the probe letter was always a member of the positive set), and half of the trials transposed the target letter one, two, or three spaces of the right or left of the original target display position (i.e., different trials). The experiment involved blocks of primary-memory and secondary-memory tasks. Reaction-time and error-rate data, as well as entropy analyses and the fitting of an entropy model (based on Allen, Kaufman, Smith, and Propper, in press) to the empirical data indicated that older adults showed higher entropy levels than young adults. These results are interpreted in a "computational temperature" framework in which older adults' higher computational temperatures result in less efficient spatial, episodic memory functioning.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated adult age differences in episodic and semantic long-term memory tasks, as a test of the hypothesis of specific age-related decline in context memory. Older adults were slower and exhibited lower episodic accuracy than younger adults. Fits of the diffusion model (R. Ratcliff, 1978) revealed age-related increases in nondecisional reaction time for both episodic and semantic retrieval. In Experiment 2, an age difference in boundary separation also indicated an age-related increase in conservative criterion setting. For episodic old-new recognition (Experiment 1) and source memory (Experiment 2), there was an age-related decrease in the quality of decision-driving information (drift rate). As predicted by the context-memory deficit hypothesis, there was no corresponding age-related decline in semantic drift rate. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test competing models of declarative memory. Data from middle-aged participants provided support for a model comprised of 2 2nd-order (episodic and semantic memory) and 4 1st-order (recall, recognition, fluency, and knowledge) factors. Extending this model across young-old and old-old participants established support for age invariance. Tests of group differences showed an age deficit in episodic memory that was more pronounced for recall than for recognition. For semantic memory, there was an increase in knowledge from middle to young-old age and thereafter a decrease. Overall, the results support the view that episodic memory is more age sensitive than semantic memory, but they also indicate that aging has differential effects within these 2 forms of memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine whether adult age differences in working memory should be attributed to less efficient processing, a smaller working memory storage capacity, or both. In Experiment 1, young, middle-age, and older adults solved 3 additional problems before giving the answers to any. Older adults added as well as young and middle-age adults but showed a more pronounced serial position curve across the 3 problem positions. In Experiment 2, young and older adults constructed linear orderings (e.g., ABCD) from pairwise information presented in sentences (e.g., BC). Manipulations involving processing (e.g., type of sentence) did not interact with age differences, but those involving storage capacity (e.g., ordering length) did. All main effects and interactions support the hypothesis of a smaller storage capacity but do not rule out some processing deficit in older adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Active and passive measures of short-term memory over a large segment of the adult life span were compared. Two hundred twenty-eight volunteers, aged 30 to 99 years, performed the digit span forward and backward task, the Peterson-Peterson task, and a new working memory task in which active manipulation of information is emphasized. Age differences were slight for passive tasks. For the working memory task, significant declines were found between the ages of 60 to 69 and 70+ years. It is suggested that the age differences may be due to a decrease in the flexibility with which processing changes are made. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To determine the cognitive mechanisms underlying age differences in temporal working memory (WM), the authors examined the contributions of item memory, associative memory, simple order memory, and multiple item memory, using parallel versions of the delayed-matching-to-sample task. Older adults performed more poorly than younger adults on tests of temporal memory, but there were no age differences in nonassociative item memory, regardless of the amount of information to be learned. In contrast, a combination of associative and simple order memory, both of which were reduced in older adults, completely accounted for age-related declines in temporal memory. The authors conclude that 2 mechanisms may underlie age differences in temporal WM, namely, a generalized decline in associative ability and a specific difficulty with order information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Cleft lip and palate occurs in approximately 1 in every 750 live human births, making it one of the most common congenital malformations. Surgical closure of the palatal cleft does not always result in a velopharyngeal port capable of supporting normal speech. The University of Florida (UF), in collaboration with the University of S?o Paulo (USP), is engaging in a 5-year prospective, randomized controlled study to compare velopharyngeal function for speech outcomes between patients undergoing palatoplasty for complete unilateral cleft lip and palate performed using the von Langenbeck procedure with intravelar velarplasty and those receiving the Furlow double-reversing Z-plasty palatoplasty. The von Langenbeck procedure was selected as the time-tested standard against which the Furlow procedure could be judged. The Furlow procedure, a relatively new operation, has been reported to yield substantially higher rates of velopharyngeal competency for speech than have most other reported series and theoretically should result in less disturbance to midfacial growth. A total of 608 patients will be entered into one of two age categories. Inclusion of two age groups will allow a comparison of results between patients having surgery before 1 year of age (9-12 months) and patients undergoing surgery at approximately 1.5 years of age (15-18 months). Speech data will be collected and will be available for definitive analysis throughout the last 3 years of the study. Collection of preliminary growth data will require more than 5 years; growth analysis is anticipated to continue until all patients have reached maturity. The Hospital for Research and Rehabilitation of Patients with Cleft Lip and Palate at the University of S?o Paulo (USP-HPRLLP) in Bauru, Brazil, is uniquely situated for conducting this study. The well-equipped and modern facilities are staffed by well-trained specialists representing all disciplines in cleft-palate management. In addition, an already existing social services network throughout Brazil will ensure excellent follow-up of study cases. The clinical caseload at this institution currently exceeds 22,000, and more than 1200 new cases are added annually. This project represents a unique opportunity to obtain prospective data from a large number of subjects while controlling the variables that have traditionally plagued cleft-palate studies. This study is designed to determine which of the two proposed surgical procedures is superior in constructing a velum capable of affecting velopharyngeal competency for the development of normal speech.  相似文献   

Young and older adults were contrasted in three experiments that involved manipulation of the number of required spatial integration operations (Experiments 1 and 2) and manipulation of the amount of information per operation (Experiment 3). Older adults performed at lower levels of accuracy than did young adults in each experiment. However, the magnitude of the age differences tended to increase with each successive integration operation but was constant across different quantities of relevant information. I interpreted these results as suggesting that one factor responsible for age differences in tests of spatial ability is an age-related reduction in the efficiency of executing operations responsible for the accurate and stable representation of spatial information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Participants in two studies conducted by Salthouse (in press) were called 2 to 182 days after participation and asked to describe the activities that they had performed in the previous study. Hierarchical regression analyses were used to examine the prediction of activity recall from age, speed, and retention interval. Overall, age was associated with 20% of the variance in activity recall, and retention interval was associated with 19%, but there was no significant interaction of age and retention interval. When perceptual speed was entered into the regression equation before age, the age-related variance was reduced by 70%. A small, but statistically significant, amount of age-related variance in activity memory remained after controlling for speed and retention interval.  相似文献   

Age-related deficits in short-term memory have been widely reported, but reduced overall scores could reflect increased order errors, increased omissions, or increased intrusions. Different explanations for reduced short-term memory with aging lead to different predictions. In this study, young (n?=?68; M age?=?20 years) and older (n?=?99; M age?=?65 years) adults were presented with lists of letters and were asked to recall each list immediately in the correct order. Age differences in error patterns were similar for auditory and visual presentation. For example, older adults made more errors of every type, and a greater proportion of the older adults' errors were omissions. An additional condition, in which older adults were encouraged to guess, ruled out an age increase in response threshold as a full explanation for the results. The data were modeled by an oscillator-based computational model of memory for serial order. A good fit to the aging data was achieved by simultaneously altering two parameters that were interpreted as corresponding to frontal decline and response slowing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments tested whether the relationship between age differences in temporal and item memory depends on the degree to which the item memory measure relies on memory for context. The authors predicted a stronger relationship of temporal memory to free recall than to recognition memory. Results showed that age differences in temporal memory could be eliminated after controlling for free recall but not recognition memory performance. Under some conditions recognition memory accounted for a significant portion of age-related variance in temporal memory. These results challenge past research that has interpreted age differences in temporal and item memory as independent and suggest that a generalized decline in context memory may underlie reduced performance in older adults on all types of memory tests. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Young and old adults were asked, in 3 experiments, to make decisions about the identity of line segment patterns after either adding or subtracting line segments from the original pattern. On some of the trials, the line segments from the initial display were presented again in the second display to minimize the necessity of remembering early information during the processing of later information. Although this manipulation presumably reduced the importance of memory in the tasks, it had little effect on the magnitude of the age differences in any of the experiments. Because the 2 groups were equivalent in accuracy of simple recognition judgments, but older adults were less accurate when the same types of decisions were required in the context of an ongoing task, the results suggested that older adults may be impaired in the ability to retain information while simultaneously processing the same or other information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Short-term memory for actions was investigated for young adult and elderly adult Ss with the Brown-Peterson procedure at retention intervals of 0 and 15 sec. The short-term memory trials were followed by the long-term recall of the prior to-be-remembered actions. The 15-sec retention interval was filled either with no activity or with 1 of 3 different interfering activities. Verbal interference had little effect on short-term memory at either age level. Actions performed in the interval either by the Ss or by the experimenter produced significantly lower recall scores at each age level, with the decrement being more pronounced for the elderly than for the young Ss. The long-term memory results indicated that successful short-term recall enhanced later long-term recall, regardless of age level. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Young and older adults performed a memory search task in which, before probe onset, a cue indicated which of 4 memory-set items the probe was most likely to be. Results were consistent with an attentional allocation model in which performance represents a weighted combination, across trials, of focused (i.e., selective) vs distributed attention. The model significantly underestimated the reaction time (RT) required by miscued trials, probably because of the response inhibition occurring on these trials. The degree to which Ss relied on focused attention was significantly greater for older adults than for young adults. The estimated time required to shift attention between memory-set items was equivalent for the 2 age groups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The memory performance of groups of younger, middle-aged, and older participants was tested on indirect and direct tests of word stem completion and on a process-dissociation task. As expected, on the direct tests of stem completion, older participants had lower scores than the younger and middle-aged groups. Age effects were also found on the indirect word completion test. The process-dissociation task allowed memory performance to be divided into controlled and automatic processing components. Estimates of automatic processing were comparable for the three groups, but there was an age effect for controlled processing, with the middle-aged and older groups differing from the younger group. These results confirm the findings of J. M. Jennings and L. L. Jacoby (1993) and suggest that the decline in conscious processing efficiency begins in middle age. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How aging affects the utilization of monitoring in the allocation of study time was investigated by having adults learn paired associates during multiple study-test trials. During each trial, a subject paced the presentation of individual items and later judged the likelihood of recalling each item on the upcoming test; after all items had been studied and judged, recall occurred. For both age groups in Study 1, (1) people's judgments were highly accurate at predicting recall and (2) intraindividual correlations between judgments (or recall) on one trial, and study times on the next trial were negative, which suggests that subjects utilized monitoring to allocate study time. However, the magnitude of these correlations was less for older than for younger adults. Study 2 revealed that these differences were not due to age differences in forgetting. Results from both studies suggest that older adults do not utilize on-line monitoring to allocate study to the same degree as younger adults do, and that these differences in allocation contribute to age deficits in recall.  相似文献   

With a delayed-response task, spatial working memory function was assessed in normal students who were selected for schizotypy. The Wisconsin Card Sorting Test was also administered. Twenty-eight undergraduate students who scored high on the Perceptual Aberration Scale (PerAb) and 23 who scored low on this scale participated in this study. High PerAb students performed less accurately compared with the low PerAb controls on the delayed-response task, and they were more than twice as likely as low PerAb students to be impaired. The groups did not differ in the number of perseverative errors or number of categories achieved on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, but, as predicted, high PerAb students were less able to maintain set than were the low PerAb students. Neuropsychological implications of these data are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Adult age differences are frequently observed in the performance of memory tasks, but the changes in neural function mediating these differences are largely unknown. We used (H2)15O positron emission tomography (PET) to measure changes in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) during Encoding, Baseline, and Retrieval conditions of a recognition memory task. Twelve young adults (20-29 years) and 12 older adults (62-79 years) participated. During each task condition, participants made a two-choice manual response to each of 64 words. Analyses of the performance data yielded evidence of age-related slowing of encoding and retrieval processes, and an age-related decline in the accuracy of yes/no recognition (d'). The rCBF activation associated with both encoding and retrieval was greater for older adults than for young adults, but this pattern was more clearly evident for memory retrieval. For young adults, rCBF activation during retrieval occurred primarily in right prefrontal cortex, whereas older adults exhibited a more bilateral pattern of prefrontal activation. Regression analyses predicting reaction time in the memory task from regional PET counts confirmed that the neural system mediating memory retrieval is more widely distributed for older adults than for young adults. Both age groups exhibited some decrease in rCBF activation in the second half of the test session, relative to the first half. The practice-related decrease in rCBF activation was more prominent for young adults, suggesting that the older adults' recruitment of additional neural systems reflects a more continual allocation of attention to support task performance.  相似文献   

Three studies investigated (a) the plausibility of the claim that increasing the processing demands in a memory task contributes to greater involvement of a central processor and (b) the effects of altering reliance on the central processor on the magnitude of age-related differences in working-memory tasks. In the first study, young adults performed versions of 2 tasks presumed to vary in the degree of reliance on the central processor. In the second and third studies, young and older adults performed versions of a computation-span task that were assumed to vary along a rough continuum of the amount of required processing. The results indicated that although a central processor appears to be involved when working-memory tasks require simultaneous storage and processing of information, age related differences in working memory seem to be determined at least as much by differences in the capacity of storage as by differences in the efficacy of processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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