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根据气候特点,我国可以划分为集中采暖地区、过渡地区及非集中采暖三个地区。上海、安徽、湖北及江苏、河南、四川、浙江、江西的部分地区均属过渡地区。由于目前过渡地区城市住宅围护结构保温隔热性能差,并且不设置采暖和空调设备,所以冬夏季室内热环境很差。由于居民正在越来越多地采用各种方式取暖,使该地区的能源供需矛盾口趋紧张。本文探讨在不设置采暖设备的前提下,从改善围护结构热工性能及合理设计出发,  相似文献   

随着环保节能的要求,传统的燃煤取暖正逐渐被新的取暖方式取代,一些新型的采暖设施也被逐渐采用。本文通过研究近年来我国北方地区建筑供暖的发展现状,指出我国集中采暖存在的问题和不足,提出燃气分散采暖的优越性,以及发展燃气采暖需要解决的技术问题。  相似文献   

根据“民用建筑热工设计规范”GB50176-93附录八“全国建筑热工设计分区图”,南通属“夏热冬冷地区”。其气候特点:冬季寒冷,空气干燥;夏季炎热,太阳辐射强,日照时间长,雨量充足,空气潮湿,每年实际采暖与降温时间都超过90天。因此,住宅建筑必需满足夏季隔热、冬季保温的要求。由于历史的原因和经济条件的限制,我市已建和在建大部分住宅建筑,主要用来解决广大  相似文献   

<正>长江流域是我国经济相对发达、人口密集、居住建筑建造和建筑能耗迅速增长的地区。该地区气候特点是夏热冬冷、潮湿期长,采暖、降温、除湿与通风需求并存,目前还没有形成高效节能的室内热湿环境控制技术体系和与之配套的采暖、降温、除湿与通风户式专用机组和住宅用小型除湿设备。针对以  相似文献   

东南沿海地区是我国文物建筑集中区域之一,受到沿海潮湿气候影响,风力、光照和潮湿空气的变量作用,木构文物建筑面临严重的病理环境,造成程度各异、复杂多变的病害现象。文章选取皲裂与面层脱落病害为研究对象,从东南沿海城市气候特征入手,通过大量病害样本信息采集,解析其病理机制,从而为木构文物建筑病害防治提供详实的基础资料。  相似文献   

苏黎 《建筑技术开发》2020,47(10):13-14
建筑防潮是人类抵抗自然灾害、改善居住环境的一个重要环节。我国南方滨水地区、山林地区,气候常年高度潮湿,致使建筑墙体内外表层发霉、室内物件霉变,影响居民的身心健康。因此建筑的防潮技术和策略就成为了设计的重中之重。分析了南方湿热气候传统建筑的生土防潮技术,并基于现代建筑材料和建筑设备的辅助,提出了在极端的重潮湿气候下的新建建筑的整体防潮策略。  相似文献   

朱赴强 《城市住宅》2012,(11):I0018-I0022
随着2012年冬天来临,中国北方各省的供暖也启动了。由清华大学建筑节能研究中心发布的研究报告显示,我国北方城镇采暖能耗占全国城镇建筑总能耗的40%,为建筑能源消耗的最大组成部分。传统的冬季采暖方式是煤炭消耗的大头,这种方式有诸多缺点,取暖效率低,容易造成大气污染等。中惠地热所推出的电热膜取暖则是一种全新的低碳采暖方式。  相似文献   

<正>采暖自古以来是北方居民重要的民生问题之一,而近年来南方采暖已从早前的呼吁到了实际发展阶段,纵观南北采暖由于各种外部因素的不同,走了一条与北方完全不同的道路,而且似乎更加领先。一、市场化高南方供暖市场,不像北方,有政策的倾向。中国的集中供暖制度始于20世纪的50年代,参照当时苏联的模式,初步建立了建筑供暖体系。根据前苏联的气候计算方法规定,室外温度5摄氏度以下定义为冬天。因此,只有累年日平均气温稳定低于或等于5℃的日数大于或等于90天被界定为集中供暖的地区,主要包括华北、东北、西北等地区。传统意义上的"中国南方",是指我国秦岭  相似文献   

夏热冬冷地区的气候特点是夏季闷热,冬季湿冷,昼夜温差小,年降水量大,日照时间短,按照我国建筑气候区域划分,一般为长江中下游地区。该地区夏季极端气温达43℃,湿度在80%左右;冬季日平均气温低于5℃的天数,武汉58天、南京75天、合肥70天,湿度高达73%~83%。按民用建筑热工设计规范(GB50176~93)规定,该地区不属于冬季采暖区,建筑围护结构的保温隔热性能也比采暖区差,因此多年来无论冬夏,这一地区的室内热环境同其他地区相比是最差的。目前,该地区的多层、高层住宅建筑以砖混和钢筋混凝土结构为主,外墙和填充墙多采用标准多孔黏土砖、硅酸盐…  相似文献   

湖南位于夏热冬冷地区,冬季潮湿寒冷,无集中供暖。通常使用电,燃气,煤等独立采暖,本研究目的在于了解夏热冬冷地区城乡老年人冬季住宅内不同的热舒适情况。在长沙市与湘西城步县共发放120份住宅及个人信息问卷,测量空气温度、相对湿度、二氧化碳浓度及室内VOC含量,调查不同住宅类型的冬季室内环境与老年人的热舒适情况。通过统计供暖方式与热舒适状况,发现该地区住户相对与北方的集中供暖更偏向于通过增加衣物和局部供暖,独立供暖不仅满足热舒适也更节能。湘西城步县的苗族建筑因材质结构与长沙市的住宅有很大差距,因此两者的采暖设备,室内温度,二氧化碳、VOC等浓度均有较大差别,由此来分析城市与乡村冬季的室内居住环境。  相似文献   

<正>China is a big country,so the weather is different in different places.In the north,it is very cold in winter.In some places,the temperature is-20℃to-40℃.People like to skate.But in the southern part of China,it’s warm.It is hot in summer both in the north and in the  相似文献   

Summer and winter discomfort in terms of heat and cold stresses in the nine major architectural climate zones and sub-zones across China in the 21st century were investigated using predictions from general circulation models for the low and medium emissions scenarios. For the six severe cold and cold climate zones in the north, reductions in cumulative cold stress outweighed the increase in cumulative heat stress resulting in an overall decreasing trend in the annual cumulative stress, and vice versa for the other three warmer climate zones in the south. Compared with the 20th century, significant reduction in the cumulative cold stress was observed across the six zones in severe cold and cold climates, ranging from 15.8 in cold-III to 42.3 in severe cold-II. There were modest increases in the cumulative heat stress from 0.3 in cold-II to 12.3 in cold-III. For the warmer climates in the south, reduction in cumulative cold stress ranged from 7.6 in hot summer and warm winter (HSWW) to 10.3 in hot summer and cold winter, while cumulative heat stress increased from 9.9 in the mild zone to 30.6 in HSWW. A reduction in cold stress would result in less winter heating and an increase in heat stress more cooling requirement.  相似文献   

为了改善冬冷夏热地区冬季室内热环境恶劣的现状,通过对该地区的气候特点、居住建筑的形式和消费水平等因素进行综合分析研究,提出太阳能与电能互补供暖新方案。太阳能与电能互补供暖方案是将电能与太阳能有机结合在一起巧妙的应用于地热供暖系统中。该方案不仅可以有效改善冬冷夏热地区住宅的室内热环境,大大提高居民生活的舒适性。而且能够满足当前生态节能建筑的设计要求,并且灵活的实现了以户为单位的分散式采暖。  相似文献   

Cluster analysis of summer and winter discomfort in terms of heat and cold stresses based on 102-year (1901-2002) weather data in China was conducted. Five bioclimate zones were identified. These were compared with the corresponding thermal and solar zoning classifications. Bio-I and Bio-II tended to locate largely within severe cold and cold climates in the north with excellent solar availability (annual clearness index Kt generally exceeding 0.5). Bio-III and Bio-IV covered mostly the hot summer and cold winter and mild climate zones. Despite the relatively low Kt in winter, passive solar heating should be able to meet a significant proportion of the heating requirements. Bio-V covered the hot summer and warmer winter region, where heat stress and hence cooling requirement dominated. Decreasing trends in the zone-average annual cumulative cold stress during the 102-year period were observed for all five zones. There was, however, no distinct pattern for the heat stress and the changes tended to be more subtle. These indicate that climate change during the 20th century affected winter discomfort (especially in colder climates in the north) more than the summer discomfort. This could have significant implications for energy use in buildings if such trends persist.  相似文献   

程志军  叶凌  陈乐端 《施工技术》2012,41(3):22-26,77
首先通过统计2008—2010年3年间的113个绿色建筑标识项目的年度、星级、城市、省份,论述了夏热冬冷地区对于我国绿色建筑现有项目成果的重要贡献。然后,给出了我国绿色建筑在控制性技术要求和适宜性技术应用两方面的调查结果,重点分析了立体绿化、可再生能源、非传统水源、可调节外遮阳等四项适宜技术在夏热冬冷地区绿色建筑项目中的应用现状。最后,展望了绿色建筑在夏热冬冷地区的发展前景,并提出了具体技术应用时应做到基于"节流"的"开源"的理念。  相似文献   

白舸  王前骥 《山西建筑》2010,36(30):1-2
以武汉为例结合其气候特点,探讨了夏热冬冷地区居住区设计应注意的一些问题,将节能环保的绿色设计理念贯穿其中,为武汉今后的居住区建设提供了一种新的设计思路,对夏热冬冷地区的其他城市的居住区设计有指导作用。  相似文献   

与建筑有关的耗能约占我国总能耗的30%,降低建筑能耗、节约能源已成为建筑业亟需解决的问题.基于此,结合夏热冬冷地区的气候特征,针对该地区的近零能耗建筑的围护体系关键技术进行探索,以期为该气候特征地区近零能耗建筑的发展提供参考.  相似文献   

华北地区采暖居住建筑全年能耗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用DOE-2动态冷热负荷模拟计算软件对华北地区既有建筑节能改造前后的全年建筑能耗进行了分析,提出了华北地区既有建筑节能改造节能效益分析的新观点,即华北地区既有建筑节能改造要分析冬夏两季的全年综合节能效益,同时应计入热源和电力建设初投资费用的节省,这对推动我国华北地区既有建筑的节能改造具有积极意义。  相似文献   

分析夏热冬冷地区对集中供热的需求。通过对合肥市集中供热现状的分析,总结夏热冬冷地区实施集中供热面临的问题,对适用的热源方案及选择原则进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Sleep thermal environments substantially impact sleep quality. To study the sleep thermal environment and thermal comfort in China, this study carried out on-site monitoring of thermal environmental parameters in peoples’ homes, including 166 households in five climate zones, for one year. A questionnaire survey on sleep thermal comfort and adaptive behavior was also conducted. The results showed that the indoor temperature for sleep in northern China was more than 4°C higher than that in southern China in winter, while the indoor temperatures for sleep were similar in summer. Furthermore, 70% of people were satisfied with their sleep thermal environment. Due to the use of air conditioning and window opening in various areas in summer, people were satisfied with their sleep thermal environments. Due to the lack of central heating in the southern region in winter, people feel cold and their sleep thermal environment needs further improvement. The bedding insulation in summer and winter in northern China was 1.83clo and 2.67clo, respectively, and in southern China was 2.21clo and 3.17clo, respectively. Both northern China and southern China used air conditioning only in summer. People in southern China opened their windows all year, while those in northern China opened their windows during the summer and transitional periods.  相似文献   

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