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Repetition, diversity, and single-error-correcting codes are examined for use with binary modulation techniques over a mobile communication fading channel. Both bit-error performance and bandwidth efficiency are considered for phase-shift keyed, differential phase-shift keyed, and frequency-shift keyed modulations. The error-correction capability of repetition coding is considered, and optimum repetition is found. M-tuple diversity with maximum-ratio-combining is then compared with repetition coding both with a single-error-correcting code and without coding. It is found that a minimum of a 10 dB signal-to-noise power ratio is required for an improved performance with repetition code or diversity. The repetition code is about 3 dB inferior to optimal diversity. An optimized design of moderate complexity and bandwidth expansion can be reached with twofold diversity and three repetitions as an inner layer of coding concatenated with an outer single-error-correcting code  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the compensation for nonlinearities in digital communication systems by means of predistortion. In this work, we apply the generalized cerebellar model articulation controller (GCMAC) to simplify and accelerate the predistorter convergence. The range of analyzed predistorters includes: 1) a symbol-rate data predistorter that, for a given time span, achieves a similar level of compensation provided by present techniques, but with faster convergence; 2) a fractionally spaced data predistorter that controls, at the same time, the signal constellation and the transmitted spectrum; 3) a decision-feedback scheme that compensates for remote nonlinearities; and 4) a digital signal data predistorter. The performance of the proposed data and signal predistorters is evaluated using typical linear and nonlinear modulated transmitted signals such as QAM and GMSK  相似文献   

周敏  冯全源 《电讯技术》2012,52(4):518-522
通过分析数字调制信号功率谱及高阶谱特征,对高阶谱的求取方法作了改进,并在此基础上提出新的特征参数,结合瞬时统计特征,采用支持向量机分类器,实现了AWGN信道下数字通信信号的制式自动识别.仿真表明,所提取的特征参数具有较好的抗噪性能,对调制参数的变化具有稳健性.考虑脉冲成形的影响,在信噪比大于12 dB时,单种信号最低正确识别率大于98.5%,平均识别率达99.5%以上.  相似文献   

This letter deals with the compensation of the self-noise (jitter) in a nondata-aided (blind) feedforward symbol-timing estimator using two samples per symbol for linearly modulated waveforms transmitted through additive white Gaussian noise channels. The main contribution of this letter is the derivation of an appropriate prefilter to achieve nearly jitter-free digital blind feedforward timing recovery. Computer simulations illustrate that the proposed prefiltering scheme improves significantly the performance at mid and high signal-to-noise ratios.  相似文献   

In this letter, the optimally of equal gain combining (EGC) for energy detection of unknown signals in a system with receive-diversity is studied. It is shown that EGC results in an optimal test statistic for infinitesimally small signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs); however, it does not yield the optimal test for all SNR values according to the Neyman-Pearson criterion. In other words, EGC does not induce a uniformly most powerful (UMP) test for unknown signal detection  相似文献   

In this paper, noncoherent sequence detection, proposed in a companion paper by Colavolpe and Raheli (see ibid. vol.47, no.9, p.1376-85, 1999), is extended to the case of continuous phase modulations (CPMs). The results in the companion paper on linear modulations with intersymbol interference (ISI) are used here because a CPM signal is mathematically equivalent to a sum of ISI-affected linearly modulated components, according to the Laurent decomposition. The proposed suboptimal detection schemes have a performance which approaches that of coherent detection with acceptable complexity, allow for time-varying phase models, and compare favorably with previously proposed solutions  相似文献   

Performance of digital linear modulations on Weibull slow-fading channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A closed-form expression is derived for the moment-generating function of the Weibull distribution, valid when its fading parameter assumes integer values. Expressions for average signal-to-noise ratio, signal outage, and average symbol-error rate are derived for single-channel reception and independent multichannel diversity reception operating on flat Weibull slow-fading channels.  相似文献   

An algorithm can be modeled as a set of indexed computations, and a schedule is a mapping of the algorithm index space into time.Linear schedules are a special class of schedules that are described by a linear mapping and are commonly used in many systolic algorithms.Free schedules cause computations of an algorithm to execute as soon as their operands are available. If one computation uses data generated by another computation, then a data dependence exists between these two computations which can be represented by the difference of their indices (calleddependence vector). Many important algorithms are characterized by the fact that data dependencies areuniform, i.e., the values of the dependence vectors are independent of the indices of computations. There are applications where it is of interest to find an optimal linear schedule with respect to the time of execution ofa specific computation of the given algorithm. This paper addresses the problem of identifying optimal linear schedules for uniform dependence algorithms so that the execution time ofa specific computation of the algorithm is minimized and proposes a procedure to solve this problem based on the mathematical solution of a linear optimization problem. Also, linear schedules are compared with free schedules. The comparison indicates that optimal linear schedules can be as efficient as free schedules, the best schedules possible, and identifies a class of algorithms for which this is always true. This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant DCI-8419745 and in part by the Innovative Science and Technology Office of the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization and was administered through the Office of Naval Research under contracts No. 00014-85-k-0588 and No. 00014-88-k-0723.  相似文献   

On the optimality of the OFDMA network   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This letter studies the optimality of the OFDMA network. It is proved that in the multiuser multicarrier downlink system with independent decoding, OFDMA is the optimal multiple access scheme. It is also shown that the optimality of OFDMA holds for any adaptive modulation scheme whose rate-SNR/SINR function can be approximated as a convex function.  相似文献   

位同步器在通信系统中有重要的作用,直接影响接收机的性能。基带成形滤波器对信号频谱进行压缩时,利用个位同步器消除码间干扰和提高系统频带利用率。本文为升余弦成形滤波器的数字接收机设计出一种简单可行的位同步器,并通过仿真验证了其简单性和可行性。  相似文献   

Let X be a discrete random variable drawn according to a probability mass function p(x), and suppose p(x), is dyadic, i.e., log(1/p(x)) is an integer for each x. It is shown that the binary code length assignment l(x)=log(1/p(x)) dominates any other uniquely decodable assignment l'(x) in expected length in the sense that El(X)<El'(X), indicating optimality in long run performance (which is well known), and competitively dominates l'(x), in the sense that Pr{ l (X)<l'(X)}>Pr{l ( X)>l'(X)}, which indicates l is also optimal in the short run. In general, if p is not dyadic then l=[log 1/p] dominates l'+1 in expected length and competitivity dominates l'+1, where l' is any other uniquely decodable code  相似文献   

An analytical method is presented for the error probability evaluation that can be used in many cases to reduce significantly the computation time with respect to that required by simulation techniques. The method can take into account thermal noise, intersymbol interference caused by intermediate frequency (IF) and baseband (BB) filterings, multipath propagation with typical delay spreads, Rayleigh fading, and random FM noise. A number of results are presented relevant to multipath fading channels with different vehicle speeds, several modulation techniques belonging to the 12PM3 class with frequency discriminator detection and different IF and BB filters  相似文献   

This paper investigates the bit error rate (BER) performance of digital modulations in a system with a scanning reflectarray antenna. A reflectarray causes intersymbol interference (ISI) in a digitally modulated signal, its phase shifters' phase errors cause signal distortion, and its phase shifters' phase transient causes beam pattern degradation during direction switching. In this paper, composite signal models of the reflectarray are established for both static and transient states. Due to different feed-to-element distances and the element-to-observation distances, different delays exist in signal components. These delays cause ISI whose effect is analyzed and evaluated. Effects of phase shifters' phase errors and phase transient during beam switching are also analyzed and evaluated. Numerical calculations and simulations are performed. The analytical and simulation results for an example reflectarray at f/sub c/=26.5 GHz and bit rate of 1.325 Gbps show that the BER degradation due to ISI is proportional to the symbol rate and the loss ranges from about 1 dB to around 2 dB in E/sub b//N/sub o/, depending on original E/sub b//N/sub o/, for BPSK, QPSK, 8PSK, and 16QAM. The phase error effect is negligible for lower order modulations and is unacceptable for higher order modulations such as 64QAM and 256QAM. The degradation due to phase transient effect is about 2 dB for BPSK and QPSK.  相似文献   

On the optimality of the gridding reconstruction algorithm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gridding reconstruction is a method to reconstruct data onto a Cartesian grid from a set of nonuniformly sampled measurements. This method is appreciated for being robust and computationally fast. However, it lacks solid analysis and design tools to quantify or minimize the reconstruction error. Least squares reconstruction (LSR), on the other hand, is another method which is optimal in the sense that it minimizes the reconstruction error. This method is computationally intensive and, in many cases, sensitive to measurement noise. Hence, it is rarely used in practice. Despite their seemingly different approaches, the gridding and LSR methods are shown to be closely related. The similarity between these two methods is accentuated when they are properly expressed in a common matrix form. It is shown that the gridding algorithm can be considered an approximation to the least squares method. The optimal gridding parameters are defined as the ones which yield the minimum approximation error. These parameters are calculated by minimizing the norm of an approximation error matrix. This problem is studied and solved in the general form of approximation using linearly structured matrices. This method not only supports more general forms of the gridding algorithm, it can also be used to accelerate the reconstruction techniques from incomplete data. The application of this method to a case of two-dimensional (2-D) spiral magnetic resonance imaging shows a reduction of more than 4 dB in the average reconstruction error.  相似文献   

High bit rate digital subscriber line echo cancellation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors explore the issues of complexity, precision, and dynamic range and practical implementation issues such as nonlinearities in high bit rate digital subscriber line (HDSL) echo cancelers. The approach taken is to study these issues analytically using computer simulations, and then to verify simulation results with laboratory prototyping. One of the objectives was to determine whether HDSL echo cancellation will be practical and cost effective within the next several years, consistent with the desire to develop and deploy a repeaterless T1 capability by 1993. Thus, attention is given to practical design issues  相似文献   

混合激励线性预测低速率语音编码研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足数字通信及其他商业应用的需求,语音压缩编码技术得到迅速发展.近年来主流的低速率语音编码方案主要基于LPC-10,混合激励线性预测(MELP),多带激励编码(MBE),正弦变换编码(SCI),波形内插编码(WI),大多都工作在2.4 kb/s速率下.作为一种重要的低速率语音编码算法,MELP算法对LPC-10编码方案进行大量改进,引入混合激励,非周期脉冲,残差付氏幅度谱,脉冲散布和自适应谱滤波5个特征.实验结果表明,该混合激励线性预测编码在2.4 kb/s上得到了更好的合成语音,并使得合成语音能更好地拟合自然语音.  相似文献   

为了满足数字通信及其他商业应用的需求,语音压缩编码技术得到迅速发展。近年来主流的低速率语音编码方案主要基于LPC-10,混合激励线性预测(MELP),多带激励编码(MBE),正弦变换编码(SCI),波形内插编码(WI)。大多都工作在2.4kb/s速率下。作为一种重要的低速率语音编码算法。MELP算法对LPC-10编码方案进行大量改进,引入混合激励,非周期脉冲,残差付氏幅度谱,脉冲散布和自适应谱滤波5个特征。实验结果表明,该混合激励线性预测编码在2.4kb/s上得到了更好的合成语音,并使得合成语音能更好地拟合自然语音。  相似文献   

Locally monotonic regression is a recently proposed technique for the deterministic smoothing of finite-length discrete signals under the smoothing criterion of local monotonicity. Locally monotonic regression falls within a general framework for the processing of signals that may be characterized in three ways: regressions are given by projections that are determined by semimetrics, the processed signals meet shape constraints that are defined at the local level, and the projections are optimal statistical estimates in the maximum likelihood sense. the authors explore the relationship between the geometric and deterministic concept of projection onto (generally nonconvex) sets and the statistical concept of likelihood, with the object of characterizing projections under the family of the p-semi-metrics as maximum likelihood estimates of signals contaminated with noise from a well-known family of exponential densities  相似文献   

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