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本文提出了一种新的导频设计方法应用在多用户OFDM系统中来进行联合估计频偏和信道.根据最小化MSE准则,设计最优的导频序列以满足均方误差最小,从而得到该导频序列是等功率的且具有循环移位正交性.仿真结果表明,本文所提出的最优导频序列优于任意导频序列在对频偏和信道联合估计的运算中.同时,通过采用改进的ML(最大似然估计)算法能够大大减小运算的复杂度.这种方法在系统具有较小频率偏移的情况下非常适用.  相似文献   

为了获得高精度的多输入多输出(multiple-input multiple-output,MIMO)雷达的目标角度估计和幅度估计,本文基于幅度相位估计(amplitude and phase estimation,APES)算法和广义似然比检验(generalized-likelihood ratio test,GLRT)算法,提出了一种使用似然比的相位幅度估计(GAPES)新算法。在接收端通过GLRT算法估计出目标角度,然后用APES算法修正幅度,实现了在强干扰环境下提高角度和幅度分辨率。仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

杨晋生  张毅 《电子测量技术》2011,34(11):29-31,38
在正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中,相干解调比差分解调有3 dB的增益,所以一般采用相干解调.为获得准确的信道信息,就需采用基于导频辅助(PSA)的信道估计方法.而在移动多径信道中,时变性致使子载波之间不再严格正交,从而造成子载波间干扰(ICI),影响信道估计性能.对此文中提出了1种基于ICI自消除的新型OFDM信道估计...  相似文献   

For the frequency selective and time variant multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel model taking into account transmitting and receiving antenna correlation, the diversity of space-time-frequency coded broadband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system is analyzed. Based on the average pairwise error probability (PEP), the design criterion of space-time-frequency code (STFC) is expanded. For a given STFC, it is found that the achievable diversity order is related to the transmitter and the receiver correlation matrix as well as the time correlation and frequency correlation matrix. The maximum available diversity of STFC over the correlation channel is Lrank(P)rank(Q)rank(R T). The space-time code and space-frequency code are special cases in our approach. Simulation results validate the findings. __________ Translated from Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 2007, 37(4): 549–553 [译自: 东南大学学报(自然科学版)]  相似文献   

针对杂波初始估计误差导致多输入多输出(MIMO)雷达检测稳健性较差的问题,提出了发射波形与接收权联合优化方法以改善MIMO雷达检测稳健性。杂波误差凸集、波形恒模特性和相似约束下,基于最大化输出信干噪比准则,首先构建了改善最差情况下MIMO雷达检测性能的极大极小联合优化问题;而后,为求解所得NP-hard问题,将其分解为内外层子问题,并交替迭代求解。与不相关信号、非稳健及现有稳健方法相比,数值仿真验证了所提方法的有效性。  相似文献   

Recently, advanced spectrum estimation methods, including the MUSIC (Multiple Signal Classification) algorithms, are being gradually employed for high‐resolution power harmonics analysis. However, most of them are proposed to detect frequencies of complex‐valued signals, so that any real‐valued signal should be transformed into complex form. This data pre‐treatment may lead to additional computation burden. In addition, the picket‐fence effects also exist as in the FFT algorithm and cause poor frequency resolution. To overcome these drawbacks, a real‐valued MUSIC algorithm is proposed for power harmonics analysis in this paper. The algorithm is based on the subspace decomposition theory and the computation of pseudospectrum is also provided. Additionally, to improve the measuring precision, the Newton–Raphson algorithm is adopted to optimize the harmonic frequencies significantly. Simulation results show that, in the real‐valued MUSIC pseudospectrum, the spectral peaks of actual harmonic components can be more easily distinguished from the false peaks caused by noise, and the computational complexity is notably lower than that of the classic complex MUSIC, as well as the detecting accuracy is close to that of root‐MUSIC algorithm which is quite time consuming. Experimental results prove that the proposed strategy is more suitable for high‐resolution power harmonics estimation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

根据目前无线通信系统发展趋势,设计了一款具有高隔离度的小型化双单元超宽带(UWB)多输入多输出(MIMO)天线,整体尺寸仅为18 mm×22 mm×1 mm。该天线贴片采用刻蚀六角星的矩形结构,并在其右侧上下位置分别挖去“w”形及小矩形,实现了天线的宽带化;采用缺陷地(DGS)结构,在接地板顶端刻蚀两个半径相等的半圆形槽,实现了天线的高隔离度。仿真与实测结果基本吻合,天线最终的工作带宽为2.75~10.64 GHz(相对带宽达到117.85%),且在带宽范围内隔离度均大于22 dB,包络相关系数(ECC)小于0.015。由此,所设计的天线不仅尺寸极小、结构简单,且性能方面良好,可广泛应用于无线通信系统中。  相似文献   

随着无线通信的发展,MIMO已经成为无线通信领域中的研究热点,场强和信道容量的分布预测是通信系统进行网络规划、管理和维护通信网的基础,对无线网络的优化有着十分重要的意义.选用确定性模型射线跟踪模型,采用镜像法来建立室内MIMO信道模型,并使用MATLAB软件对所建立的模型进行仿真.首先建立特定的室内场景,对其路径损耗进行预测,并与实际测量值进行对比,验证了该模型的正确性及有效性;然后,在理论上对MIMO容量进行分析;最后,仿真分析信噪比(SNR)以及天线数目对MIMO信道容量的影响.  相似文献   

Two parameter estimation methods for linear time-delay systems are proposed based on the frequency responses and the harmonic balance methods. One is the stochastic gradient gradient-based iterative (SG-GI) algorithm and the other is the recursive least squares gradient-based iterative (RLS-GI) algorithm. These two methods can estimate the unknown parameters and the unknown time delays simultaneously by giving sinusoidal signals with different angular frequencies. Furthermore, a comparative study reveals that the RLS-GI algorithm is more effective than the SG-GI algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is illustrated by a numerical example.  相似文献   

本文针对电网频率难以精确测量的问题,提出利用自适应陷波器结构的滤波功能,结合电网电压基波信号及其谐波信号的特性,以陷波器实时输出平方值作为陷波器参数的优化目标函数,根据随机优化理论推导出陷波器参数在线迭代算法,从而对与频率有关的陷波参数进行自适应调整,达到电网频率估计的目的。该方法结构简单,通过仿真分析和实验测试,检验了所提出的频率估计算法的收敛速度和逼近精度,表明基于自适应陷波器的电网频率估计方法,可以准确估计出电网频率。  相似文献   

This paper presents power system frequency estimation by using an Improved Recursive Newton Type (IRNTA) algorithm. The proposed approach uses Jacobian and covariance matrices for updating the unknown parameters. The recursive form of unknown parameters and covariance matrix are incorporated in the algorithm to have faster convergence. The performance of the proposed algorithm is studied through simulations and experiments for several critical cases that often arise in a power system. Efficacy of the proposed algorithm is also compared with other signal processing techniques such as Recursive Least Square (RLS) and Kalman Filter (KF). Studies made on industrial data also support for the superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

SC—FDE系统信道估计与频域均衡算法研究与仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信道估计与频域均衡是单载波频域均衡(SC-FDF)系统的两大关键技术.对通信中信道的好坏进行估计,得到信道特征(CSI)是SC-FDE系统进行信道均衡的前提;而信道均衡即通过对估计出的信道衰减特征进行补偿,来减小信号在传输过程中所受外界的影响,信道估计与频域均衡性能的好坏共同决定系统最后均衡的效果.对SC-FDE信道估计和频域均衡技术不同的算法进行分析研究;在此基础上,结合两个模块进行联合仿真,得到性能最优的信道估计和频域均衡组合算法.  相似文献   

基于行波固有频率的故障测距方法不依靠识别行渡波头即可进行精确故障测距,测距的关键是正确提取故障行波固有频率的主成分.该方法应用于架空线-电缆混合输电线路时,由于波阻抗不连续,会形成混叠的固有频率频谱,给正确识别和提取故障行波固有频率主成分带来困难.基于此,文中提出一种基于行波固有频率和经验模态分解(EMD)的架空线-电缆混合线路故障测距方法,在提取故障行波固有频率主成分之前先利用EMD进行信号分解,获取故障测距所需的故障行波成分,再对其进行固有频率频谱分析、主成分提取和故障测距计算.对某实际的110 KV架空线-电缆混合输电线路的仿真分析表明,该方法可较好地解决现阶段频域方法进行架空线-电缆混合线路故障测距时存在的频谱混叠问题,具有一定的实用价值.  相似文献   

利用空时分组码(STBC)导频序列,在最小二乘(LS)和最小均方误差(MMSE)信道估计技术的基础上,用基于本征向量分解(EVD)的低秩信道估计技术对空时编码OFDM系统进行信道估计,避免了矩阵求逆运算,大大减少了运算量。分析并仿真了在降低秩条件下的系统性能和用不同调制结构的不同空时码的性能。仿真结果表明,降低秩会影响系统性能,当忽略掉一个相对较小的特征值时,系统性能降低较少;如果相对很重要的特征值被忽略,系统性能就会随信噪比的增大下降较多。系统性能会随空时码状态的提高和采用更高调制结构而提高。  相似文献   

水下环境的复杂性对水声通信带来挑战,一般通过优化信道估计技术来实现水下通信的高速率、可靠性传输.将滤波器组多载波/交错正交幅度调制(filter bank based multicarrier/offset quadrature amplitude modulation,FBMC/OQAM)技术引入水下,研究FBMC/...  相似文献   

保护装置缺陷严重影响装置运行可靠性。装置缺陷分布是评估装置可靠性的重要依据。受制于装置运行时间长,缺陷发生率低,无法获取完整的缺陷数据,缺陷数据存在随机截尾特征。采用极大似然估计法,基于两参数的威布尔分布模型,实现对继电保护装置缺陷分布的参数估计。基于保护装置的电源模块、CPU模块、交流采样模块及液晶显示模块存在独立分布的假设,建立装置整体缺陷分布的联合分布模型,实现对装置各模块及整体缺陷概率分布模型的参数估计。所提出的方法能够有效指导装置缺陷分布分析,并指导装置检修。  相似文献   

This paper presents an adaptive fuzzy control approach of multiple‐input–multiple‐output (MIMO) switched uncertain systems, which involve time‐varying full state constraints (TFSCs) and unknown disturbances. In the design procedure, the fuzzy logic systems are adopted to approximate the unknown functions in the systems. The adaptive fuzzy controller is set up by backstepping technique. According to the tangent barrier Lyapunov function (BLF‐Tan), a novel adaptive MIMO switched nonlinear control algorithm is designed. Under the rule of arbitrary switchings and the proposed control laws, it is demonstrated that all signals in the resulted system are semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded (SGUUB) and the tracking error converges to a small neighborhood of zero with TFSCs. Furthermore, the simulation example validates the effectiveness of presented control strategy.  相似文献   

A new approach for image restoration by cellular neural network (CNN) is developed in this paper. Based on the statistical characteristics of Gibbs image model and the analysis of maximum entropy (ME) image restoration, a reasonable template for binary image restoration is proposed. To process multilevel image, a multi‐layer cellular neural network is employed and an extensive algorithm for multilevel image restoration is proposed. The results of computer simulation prove the effectiveness of this approach and show that we can get the effective template of CNN for some special image questions if we apply the statistical characteristics of Gibbs image model and analyse the physical meaning of the questions. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了解决机组运行过程中参数失效和优化过程中参数计算的问题,提出了基于核回归(KPCR)的发电机组参数预测和估计方法。首先用正常数据建立机组参数的预测和估计模型,确定各变量之间的回归关系,然后将其用于参数的在线预测与估计。该方法可以有效地捕捉变量间的非线性关系,参数预测和估计效果明显好于偏最小二乘回归(PLS)和主元回归(PCR)等线性回归方法。某电厂1000 MW发电机组烟气含氧量历史特征数据集仿真试验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

提出基于空间谱估计的变压器局部放电源定位方法.利用电磁矢量传感器检测局部放电特高频(UHF)信号,该传感器是一个六元天线阵,能同时检测入射UHF信号的6个电磁场分量.对传感器输出数据进行窄带滤波,应用信息论的最小描述长度准则或平滑秩序列法估计局部放电源数,并应用空间谱估计理论中的多重信号分类算法实现多局部放电源的分辨和定位。通过仿真和实验研究,证明了单个电磁矢量传感器可以分辨并定向追踪3个局部放电源.  相似文献   

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