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通过赴荷兰学习考察,了解和掌握欧洲国家可再生能源发展激励政策、市场运行机制和高效利用技术,为我国进一步开展农村能源项目建设提供了宝贵的借鉴经验。  相似文献   

荷兰的可再生能源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海风 《太阳能》1995,(1):6-7
荷兰的可再生能源海风荷兰政府高度重视温室效应和引起酸雨的气体排放现象。大部分气体排放是由于使用化石燃料所引起的(如运输和发电)。从长远的观点看,可再生能源将会替代大部分化石燃料。在荷兰,可再生能源的开发和利用是十分重要的。荷兰能源研究所是一个拥有90...  相似文献   

由欧盟委员会SYNERGY组织和中国科技部联合资助主办、中国科学院广州能源研究所和欧盟合作伙伴共同承办的“中欧进一步发展可再生能源政策研讨会”于2004年2月10日在广州白云宾馆隆重召开。来自德国能源署、荷兰能源与环境署、希腊能源工程与发展规划咨询中心、意大利能源机构,  相似文献   

福建省可再生能源政策调研组一行4人,对美国促进可再生能源发展的政策和实践,包括政策支持与可再生能源发展相关性、可再生能源发电配额制(RPS)、购电法制度、可再生能源上网电价等方面进行较深入调查了解,并结合福建实际,对推动风电规模化发展的政策支持提出3条建议。  相似文献   

我国可再生能源产业发展前景研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
阐述了我国发展可再生能源的必要性和现实意义,概述了国家对发展可再生能源的立场及支持其发展所实施的宏观政策、对外开放政策、经济政策及一些可再生能源工程;还就我国发展可再生能源的物质基础及其市场需求情况进行了分析,指出可再生能源产业在我国具有良好的发展前景。  相似文献   

阐述了我国发展可再生能源的必要性及其重要的现实意义,概述了国家对发展可再生能源的立场及其对支持可再生能源发展所实施的宏观政策、对外开放政策、经济政策及一系列的可再生能源工程,并针对实践中就政策的不足之处提出了完善的建议。  相似文献   

王田  谢旭轩  高虎  任东明  张成强 《中国能源》2012,34(6):32-35,45
从90年代的非化石燃料义务政策到2002年以来的可再生能源义务政策,英国一直致力于通过市场配额机制推动可再生能源发展。但由于政策机制设计复杂,不确定性较大,以及罚金返还导致的市场投机等问题,无法拉动足够投资保障可再生能源快速发展。2011年,结合碳减排目标,英国政府计划推出一揽子电力市场改革方案(EMR),其重点之一是可再生能源义务逐步向差价合约固定电价政策转移。本文通过综述英国可再生能源义务政策演变历程,解析评价可再生能源证书市场运行机制和实施效果,并介绍英国电力市场改革方向,以及对我国的启示。  相似文献   

叙述了可再生能源在建筑中应用的意义、情况及相关政策,介绍了山西省可再生能源在建筑中应用情况和政策。  相似文献   

十届全国人大第四次会议通过了《国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要》,确定了可再生能源的发展目标,并提出要实行优惠的财税、投资政策和强制性市场份额政策,鼓励生产与消费可再生能源,提高可再生能源在一次能源消费中的比重。生物质能是重要的可再生能源,开发利用生物质能是增加能源供应、保护环境、实现可持续发展的重要措施。  相似文献   

选取美国、德国、日本和中国作为典型国家,分析这些国家可再生能源政策的演化。分析结果表明:可再生能源政策取向与这些国家应对气候变化的战略密切相关,发展可再生能源已经成为能源低碳转型和应对全球气候变化的重大战略举措;尽管这些国家可再生能源政策各异,但却具有共同的演变规律,可再生能源政策正在从以政府主导的财税价格政策转向市场化政策体系。结合典型国家政策体系和我国可再生能源发展中存在的问题,提出了促进我国可再生能源持续健康发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

世界主要国家应对气候变化政策分析与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、日本等主要温室气体排放国家或地区为了应对气候变化,都制定了各自的温室气体排放控制目标。为了实现减排目标,各国(或地区)分别制定了应对全球气候变化的法律法规,建立了应对气候变化的碳排放交易体系,实施了各种气候变化税收政策。各国加大资金投入研究开发减缓气候变化的低碳技术,普遍对可再生能源的开发利用颁布了政策法令并建立气候变化资金。世界各主要国家或地区的应对气候变化的政策对完善我国气候变化政策框架体系有一定的启示。我国应加快建立温室气体统计制度,通过技术进步与财税政策促进节能降耗,大力发展可再生能源,降低对化石能源的依赖,建立应对气候变化专项科学基金和低碳技术基金。  相似文献   

中国农村能源发展现状及“十二五”展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
田宜水 《中国能源》2011,33(5):13-16
近年来,我国高度重视农村能源建设,投资力度不断增加,政策法规体系初步建立,农村沼气已实现跨越式发展,太阳能热利用持续快速增长,秸秆能源化利用也取得初步进展。但还存在着优质能源比例低、城乡差距大、投资结构不合理以及市场化程度低等问题。建议在"十二五"期间,按照"因地制宜、多能互补、综合利用、讲求效益"的发展方针,大力推广农村可再生能源和节能技术,采取完善政策法规、开发农村能源市场等措施,促进农村社会经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

《Renewable Energy》2007,32(9):1441-1452
This paper reports the outcome of the project on “Capacity building in formulating harmonized policy instruments for the promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the ASEAN member countries”. With the growing concerns about green house gas (GHG) emission and consequent climate change, renewable energy sources have become more attractive option for electricity generation around the world. Studies have been made on the status of renewable energy potential and utilization, major barriers in promoting renewable energy in ASEAN countries, major energy policies to overcome barriers, and existing renewable energy and energy efficiency policies in ASEAN countries. Paper concludes that ASEAN has not utilized its renewable energy resources anywhere near to the potential. Analysis found that the key factor that has to be amended is “policies and regulations in renewable energy and energy efficiency” at both country level and regional level. But, ASEAN is not yet ready for the full harmonization of the policies. However, it recommends that, with the project outputs it is possible to focus on the specific policy instruments common to most of the member countries, such that it could use to augment ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation (APAEC) initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper aims to present a review on Malaysia's national energy developments by looking at various angles in terms of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Energy demand and consumption by sectors are presented as well as the fuel mix in electricity generation. Key energy policies implemented from the incorporation of Malaysia's national oil company, Petronas in 1974 until the National Green Technology Policy 2009 and a future policy will be addressed. The roles of key players as well as important agencies in energy development are briefly presented. Key programmes in energy development such as Malaysian Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement Project, Small Renewable Energy Power Programme and Building Energy Efficiency Programme are discussed as well as successful initiatives from the programmes. Malaysia's international involvements towards reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and carbon emissions especially Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol are highlighted. As a conclusion, Malaysia is aware of its role in formulating its national energy development policies, sensitive towards the country's development towards the environment and utilization of energy resources as well as conscientious and responsive towards the call for sustainable development in promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

China's high-speed economic growth and ambitious urbanization depend heavily on the massive consumption of fossil fuel. However, the over-dependence on the depleting fossil fuels causes severe environmental problems, making China the largest energy consumer and the biggest CO2 emitter in the world. Faced with significant challenges in terms of managing its environment and moving forward with the concept of sustainable economic development, the Chinese government plans to move away from fossil fuels and rely on renewables such as hydropower, wind power, solar power, biomass power and nuclear power. In this paper, the current status of China's renewable energy deployment and the ongoing development projects are summarized and discussed. Most recent developments of major renewable energy sources are clearly reviewed. Additionally, the renewable energy development policies including laws and regulations, economic encouragement, technical research and development are also summarized. This study showcases China's achievements in exploiting its abundant domestic renewable energy sources to meet the future energy demand and reducing carbon emissions. To move toward a low carbon society, technological progress and policy improvements are needed for improving grid access (wind), securing nuclear fuel supplies and managing safety protocols (nuclear), integrating supply chains to achieve indigenous manufacture of technologies across supply chains (solar). Beyond that, a preliminary prediction of the development of China's future renewable energy developments, and proposes targeted countermeasures and suggestions are proposed. The proposal involves developing smart-grid system, investing on renewable energy research, improving the feed-in tariff system and clarifying the subsidy system.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, fundamental changes can be observed in both market conditions and the national policy framework for green electricity in the Netherlands. The Dutch Government has regularly intervened in markets, demonstrating fundamental shifts in policy and approach. This study aims to analyse the developments in renewable energy policy making in the Netherlands. It assesses changes in the choice of policy instruments and target groups, the role of stakeholders, and offers explanations behind policy successes and failures. Dutch green electricity policy over the last decade can be characterised roughly by three phases: in the early 1990s, the government negotiated voluntary agreements with the energy distribution sector on targets for green electricity sales, which were never met. In the second half of the 1990s, a regulatory energy tax was introduced, from which customers of green electricity were exempt. This led to a substantial increase in demand, which was largely met by green electricity imports, and did not lead to additional domestic renewable energy capacity. Finally, a change in policy has taken place recently (2003) shifting the focus from promotion of demand to the promotion of supply through a system of regulated feed-in tariffs. Despite the renewable energy policies, growth of the renewable energy market in the Netherlands has been small and targets have not been fully met. The Dutch government has not yet succeeded in substantially reducing market uncertainties and in building confidence among market parties, because the policies have not been stable and policy objectives have frequently been partly ambiguous. In addition, the influence of stakeholders in renewable energy policy making has been small which has the early acceptance and implementation of alternative policies.  相似文献   

China is facing a number of energy-related challenges such as shortage of electricity supply and environmental pollution. The Government recognized the important role the renewable energy plays in the power generation structure. As a result, a series of supporting policies, laws and regulations have been issued to boost the renewable energies in China. This paper provides a critical analysis of the policy framework for the renewable energy in China and its impacts on the power generation structure. The relevant policy documents, including the most recent government work report delivered by Premier Wen Jia-bao during the Third Session of the 11th National People’s Congress (NPC) in March 2010 are analyzed. The patterns of renewable energy developments are found strongly correlated with the promulgation of relevant policies.  相似文献   

着重介绍了浙江省近几年来在可再生能源资源的研究与开发方面的有关法规,政策,成效,以供有关部门和人士参考。  相似文献   

Electricity generation from renewable energy sources in India has been promoted through a host of fiscal policies and preferential tariff for electricity produced from the same. The fiscal policies include tax incentives and purchase of electricity generated through renewable energy sources. The enactment of the Electricity Act 2003 (the Act) has lent further support to renewable energy by stipulating purchase of a certain percentage of the power procurement by distribution utilities from renewable energy sources. The renewable portfolio obligation as well as the feed-in tariff for power procurement has been specified by a number of State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) for the respective state under their jurisdiction. A feed-in tariff determined through a cost-plus approach under a rate of return framework lacks incentive for cost minimisation and does not encourage optimal utilisation of renewable energy resources in the country. Such regulatory provisions differ across states.The prevalent practice of fixing a renewable portfolio obligation along with cost-based feed-in tariffs disregards economic efficiency. The paper proposes nationally tradable renewable energy credits scheme for achieving the targets set by the respective SERCs as renewable portfolio obligation. This would reduce the cost of compliance to a renewable portfolio obligation, and would encourage efficient resource utilisation and investment in appropriate technologies. The paper highlights its advantages and implementation issues. This paper discusses regulatory developments for promotion of renewable energy in various Indian states. The paper also identifies a number of issues related to regulations concerning renewable portfolio obligation.  相似文献   

China, one of the global biggest emitter of CO2, needs promotion renewable energy to reduce air pollution from its surging fossil fuel use, and to increase its energy supply security. Renewable energy in its infancy needs policy support and market cultivation. Wind power installed capacity has boomed in recent year in China, as a series of effective support policies were adopted. In this paper, I review the main renewable energy policies regarding to China's wind power, including the Wind Power Concession Program, Renewable Energy Law, and a couple of additional laws and regulations. Such policies have effectively reduced the cost of wind power installed capacity, stimulated the localization of wind power manufacture, and driven the company investment in wind power. China is success in wind power installed capacity, however, success in wind-generated electricity has yet achieved, mainly due to the backward grid system and lack of quota system. The paper ends with the recommended best practice of the China's wind power installed capacity might be transferable to China's photovoltaic power generation.  相似文献   

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