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一种基于Logistic映射的混沌跳频序列   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
基于Logistic映射,提出了一种产生混沌跳频序列的新方法.该方法是先对Logistic映射的轨道点进行多值量化,然后利用比特抽取产生所需的混沌跳频序列.性能分析和数值实验表明,在相同的条件下(频率数目和序列长度相同),其平衡性、跳频间隔和最大汉明相关值与其它方法产生的混沌跳频序列相当,然而其所需的迭代次数却大大减少了,因此非常适合在跳频多址通信中应用.  相似文献   

季兵  高怀  季晓勇  章德 《通信学报》2003,24(9):103-108
提出了一种新的通过双参数非线性反馈函数来实现一般logistic映射的驱动响应系统的同步方法,该方法能够避免现有的线性反馈和非线性反馈中出现的弱同步现象,并且在不同的参数空间下同样可以保证同步,对一般的logisdc映射普遍适用。本文重点论述了在2个参数控科下的非线性反馈的同步原理及性能,通过数值仿真验证了该算法的有效性和对噪声的顽健性,并说明了该算法在保密通信中的应用。  相似文献   

Chaotic systems provide a simple means of generating deterministic signals that resemble white noise. It is this noise-like property that provides the potential for applying chaotic systems in communications. In this work, we report a detailed study of the logistic map for use as direct-sequence spread-spectrum (DS/SS) codes. The advantages of the chaotic DS/SS codes are the almost unlimited number of distinct sequences of arbitrary lengths, the ease of generating these sequences, and the increased privacy afforded by the noise-like appearance of these sequences. Some design criteria are provided from the correlation properties of these sequences, and bit-error rate (BER) results are generated by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

Rayleigh fading channel is widely modeled using sum‐of‐sinusoids simulators. In the paper, the construction method of an accuracy simulator is of concern. The intrinsic relationships between path gain, angle of incoming wave (angle of arrival), and initial phase are analyzed. At the same time, rules of simulator construction were proposed. According to these rules, the second‐order statistical properties of designed simulators match to the desired ones perfectly. Furthermore, our method can be an elicitation to generate simulators with correct high‐order statistical properties. In addition, a realization based on the construction method is designed to example how to use these construction rules. The new realization can be used to generate multiple uncorrelated fading waveforms for frequency‐selective fading channels, multiple‐input multiple‐output channels, and diversity combining scenarios. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

一种混沌跳频序列构造方法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
米良  唐刚 《通信学报》2005,26(12):69-74
提出了无需进行门限量化,直接将混沌映射轨道点的实数值表示为二进制小数,然后利用比特抽取产生跳频序列的新方法。理论分析和统计性能实验表明,在相同的条件下(频率数目和序列长度相同),该跳频序列的平衡性、跳频间隔和最大汉明相关值与其它方法产生的混沌跳频序列相当,然而其所需的迭代次数却可大大减少,并且可以极大地增强系统抗干扰、抗截获的能力,因此非常适合在跳频多址通信中应用。  相似文献   

This paper presents a fragile watermarking scheme for tamper localization using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and logistic map. The proposed scheme divides the image into blocks of size 2 × 2 pixels and generates an 8-bit watermark from each block. The watermark is computed by permuting the six Most Significant Bits (MSBs) of each pixel in the block using the logistic map, followed by SVD. To secure, the watermark thus generated is further encrypted using the logistic map. This encrypted watermark is embedded into 2 Least Significant Bits (LSBs) of each pixel to enable tamper detection and localization. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can precisely locate tampered regions under copy-paste, content removal, text addition, noise addition, vector quantization, collage, content only, and constant feature attacks. Tamper localization accuracy is better or comparable to the state-of-the-art tamper localization algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper a modular approach of gradual confidence for facial feature extraction over real video frames is presented. The problem is being dealt under general imaging conditions and soft presumptions. The proposed methodology copes with large variations in the appearance of diverse subjects, as well as of the same subject in various instances within real video sequences. Areas of the face that statistically seem to be outstanding form an initial set of regions that are likely to include information about the features of interest. Enhancement of these regions produces closed objects, which reveal—through the use of a fuzzy system—a dominant angle, i.e. the facial rotation angle. The object set is restricted using the dominant angle. An exhaustive search is performed among all candidate objects, matching a pattern that models the relative position of the eyes and the mouth. Labeling of the winner features can be used to evaluate the features extracted and provide feedback in an iterative framework. A subset of the MPEG-4 facial definition or facial animation parameter set can be obtained. This gradual feature revelation is performed under optimization for each step, producing a posteriori knowledge about the face and leading to a step-by-step visualization of the features in search.  相似文献   

GF(q) m sequences with complex spreading mapping are considered for DS-CDMA systems by referring to three different environments with increasing synchronicity levels. For all environments, performance evaluation is derived both with a deterministic approach requiring spreading sequence specification, and with a statistical derivation, based on the assumption of spreading sequence ergodicity, in order to give closed-form performance theory. The optimal mapping design criterion, through zero-mean complex code mapping, is computed for all environments and validated through several numerical tests. Performance invariance, with respect to sequence levels, has been demonstrated for low synchronous environments, where the proposed sequence gives better performance  相似文献   

陈锴 《电子设计工程》2013,21(12):111-113
针对传统二维视频序列深度信息生成算法效率低下和不易于硬件实现的缺点,提出一种基于运动矢量获取深度图的改进型算法。通过对每帧图像的运动矢量进行尺度变换、优化重构、累加计算,完成对深度信息的提取。实验表明该算法有效降低深度信息提取过程中的计算量,执行效率较传统深度图提取算法提高了4倍左右,具有很高的硬件实现价值。  相似文献   

对一种基于logistic映射的分组加密机制的分析和改进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对一种改进的混沌分组密码机制分析后发现其本质上是流密码系统,并且密钥流与明文无关.通过选择明文攻击,在很小的计算代价下获得了密钥流.给出了选择明文攻击的算法,并通过实验进行了验证.为克服原加密算法的缺陷,采用密文反馈的形式使密钥流与明文相关.  相似文献   

Wireless body sensor network (WBSN), a key building block for m-Health, demands extremely stringent resource constraints and thus lightweight security methods are preferred. To minimize resource consumption, utilizing information already available to a WBSN, particularly common to different sensor nodes of a WBSN, for security purposes becomes an attractive solution. In this paper, we tested the randomness and distinctiveness of the 128-bit biometric binary sequences (BSs) generated from interpulse intervals (IPIs) of 20 healthy subjects as well as 30 patients suffered from myocardial infarction and 34 subjects with other cardiovascular diseases. The encoding time of a biometric BS on a WBSN node is on average 23?ms and memory occupation is 204 bytes for any given IPI sequence. The results from five U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology statistical tests suggest that random biometric BSs can be generated from both healthy subjects and cardiovascular patients and can potentially be used as authentication identifiers for securing WBSNs. Ultimately, it is preferred that these biometric BSs can be used as encryption keys such that key distribution over the WBSN can be avoided.  相似文献   

基于有限状态的全周期序列混沌映射的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在有限长度的数字计算机中,混沌迭代序列是一个有限周期序列,其相关性能远远低于理想序列。基于skew tent映射,提出一种离散化的有限状态混沌映射,它允许精确的数值计算,没有舍入误差,通过选择合适的参数,映射能产生全周期长度的序列。仿真实验表明,归一化的序列平均周期对计算机精度不敏感,生成的二进制序列具有良好的相关性能。  相似文献   

Evaluation of complex wireless systems through simulations is commonly tackled with an abstraction of physical link behavior. This procedure is performed in 2 phases: Firstly, training is performed at the link level, resulting in a mapping function from signal‐to‐interference‐plus‐noise ratio (SINR) to block error rate (BLER); and secondly, physical layer signal processing is replaced by the resulting link‐level mapping function. Several methods have been proposed in the literature for link abstraction. The well‐known exponential effective SINR mapping (EESM) is likely to be the most extensively used procedure for multicarrier transmission. In short, EESM estimates an effective SINR from the whole set of SINRs of useful subcarriers by means of a single parameter mapping function, which must be previously optimized through training. Later on, BLER is assumed as that of the effective SINR over an additive white Gaussian noise channel. In this paper, we propose a novel method for BLER prediction named as logistic regression‐based link method (LRLM). Mean and standard deviation of the SINR set can accurately capture BLER behavior for wideband multicarrier systems through a simpler function, thus reducing the amount of information to be stored compared to EESM. Moreover, LRLM is very flexible and may include extra predictors to reduce the number of different models to be stored. Performance results show that LRLM is able to predict accurately the BLER for all modulation and coding schemes and transport block sizes defined for Long‐Term Evolution technology.  相似文献   

A maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator using a Markov or a maximum entropy random field model for a prior distribution may be viewed as a minimizer of a variational problem.Using notions from robust statistics, a variational filter referred to as a Huber gradient descent flow is proposed. It is a result of optimizing a Huber functional subject to some noise constraints and takes a hybrid form of a total variation diffusion for large gradient magnitudes and of a linear diffusion for small gradient magnitudes. Using the gained insight, and as a further extension, we propose an information-theoretic gradient descent flow which is a result of minimizing a functional that is a hybrid between a negentropy variational integral and a total variation. Illustrating examples demonstrate a much improved performance of the approach in the presence of Gaussian and heavy tailed noise. In this article, we present a variational approach to MAP estimation with a more qualitative and tutorial emphasis. The key idea behind this approach is to use geometric insight in helping construct regularizing functionals and avoiding a subjective choice of a prior in MAP estimation. Using tools from robust statistics and information theory, we show that we can extend this strategy and develop two gradient descent flows for image denoising with a demonstrated performance.  相似文献   

一种组合映射产生混沌跳频序列的方法   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
骆文  甘良才 《电波科学学报》2001,16(3):375-378,383
基于Tent映射和Logistic映射,从增大混沌跳频序列的线性复杂度与增强跳频系统的安全保密性出发,提出了一种组合混沌映射产生混沌跳频序列的方法。从理论上对该跳频序列的平衡性、相关性进行了分析,并用MATLAB语言进行了数值模拟,研究表明:其模拟结果与理论分析是一致的。同时,与几种单一混沌映射所产生的混沌跳频序列进行了比较,证明了该方法是可行的。  相似文献   

The linear-complexity profile measures the extent to which the initial segments of a keystream sequence can be simulated by linear feedback shift-register sequences. To provide a benchmark for the assessment of keystream sequences, a probabilistic theory of the linear-complexity profile of random sequences is needed. For sequences of elements of a finite field we show probabilistic results that can be derived by a combinatorial method.  相似文献   

Am-IDGFET is a new family of particular devices in view of the fact that it associates three benefits: (i) it is usually a 1-D electronic device (CNT or SiNW), meaning high mobility, achievable current density and high ION/IOFF ratio; (ii) Independently controlled gates which offers the device extra logic options; (iii) ambipolar behaviour opens the way for N- and P-type polarities in the same device via its back gate. The creativity of this work consists of looking at this new class of emerging technology as an opportunity for new design paradigms with no equivalent counterparts in CMOS technology. Nevertheless, to build a feasible and complete picture of ambipolar logic, innovative design approaches and tools are required. In this paper, we exploit functional classification, a powerful tool for the construction and analysis of Boolean functions, to build reconfigurable logic blocks by defining a hierarchical correlation between structures of functions classes with ambipolar devices. We demonstrate how this approach enables us to build Am-I DGFET-based n-input reconfigurable cells. Several dynamically reconfigurable 2-inputs logic cells with partial and full functionality are designed in this paper. We evaluate the performances of circuits designed from this approach in a case study focused on Double Gate Carbon Nanotube FET (DG-CNTFET) technology. Simulations results show efficiency to build fine grain reconfigurable cells with partial functionality. In the case of 9-functions reconfigurable cell, an improvement of 1.8X in terms of power delay product (PDP) is proved when compared to a CMOS-16 nm technology. Fewer control signals are required and the area is reduced by 35% over CMOS technology.  相似文献   

Parity bits are used to select the spreading sequence from a set of orthogonal spreading sequences, The information bits are then spread by this spreading sequence. At the receiver, the spreading code employed is determined from the outputs of the filters that are matched to each spreading sequence. The information bits are then determined from the output of the specific matched filter. Error correction is then performed by assuming that the parity bits are correct.  相似文献   

Microwave photonics is a prominent field in which photonic technologies are used to empower and extend the functionalities of microwave system which is a very tough exercise to fulfil directly in microwave domain. A photonic technique to generate a high chirp rate arbitrary microwave waveform using dual-drive LiNbO3 has been put forward and demonstrated experimentally in this paper. Nowadays in order to increase the Range-Doppler resolution of radar, the chirp microwave waveform is widely used. The Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) performs the intensity modulation techniques which can operate on the principle of electro-optic effect. In this paper, the authors used a very simple and straightforward method of producing chirped arbitrary millimetre waveform by change in phase at the two arms of dual-drive LiNbO3 MZM. The generated waveform has the 3 dB bandwidth of 12.6 GHz which exists in extremely high-frequency band applicable in high-frequency microwave radio relay, microwave remote sensing, radar range resolution and millimetre wave scanner. The proposed design is simpler, cost-effective and compact than the previously proposed model of chirped waveform generation using MZM and fibre Bragg grating.  相似文献   

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