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Compared the nature of client reactions to an explicit as opposed to an implicit counselor communication of values and examined the effects of S–counselor value similarity on S's perceptions of and confidence in the counselor. 120 female undergraduates listened to a 15-min, audiotaped counseling interview in which the counselor was either explicit or implicit about her values and expressed either a pro or con attitude toward premarital sex. Ss were also divided into 2 groups (pro and con) on the basis of their attitudes toward premarital sex. Two control groups listened to a tape in which both the explicit and implicit value references were deleted. Results indicate no significant differences in the way explicit and implicit counselors were perceived. However, Ss were more willing to see a counselor with whom they agreed on the values issue than one with whom they disagreed. Ss hearing the explicit counselor value statement rated the counselor as more attractive and trustworthy when they agreed with her stated values than when they disagreed with them. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Since previous research and psychoanalytic theory have demonstrated that orality is related to accurate perception of others, it was predicted that high-oral clients would be more accurate perceivers of their counselors than low-oral clients. A pilot study of 12 clients and graduate-student counselors found a trend in the expected direction; a larger study of 21 Ss using a revised Perception of Counselor Questionnaire confirmed the hypothesis. Accuracy of perceiving the counselor did not improve from the 1st administration of the questionnaire, which followed the 3rd counseling session, to that which followed the termination of counseling. The most accurate perceptions were made by female clients with male counselors. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

120 female undergraduates were preselected according to high or low preference for counselor disclosure. Ss were then given 1 of 2 forms of instructions about the likelihood of counselors using self-disclosure (high or low anticipation). Finally, Ss viewed a brief videotape of a counseling session in which counselor disclosure was either present or absent. As predicted, Ss gave higher ratings on the Counselor Rating Form to self-disclosing counselors than to nondisclosing ones. Ss whose high preferences and anticipations were confirmed gave higher ratings to disclosing counselors. For Ss who had low preference and anticipation, disconfirmation led to higher ratings of disclosing counselors. Implications for distinguishing between preference and anticipation in research on expectancy are discussed. (34 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined relations among various client and counselor characteristics and engagement in counseling for more than 1 session with 5 female and 4 male practicum counselors and 203 of their clients (128 women, 75 men) who had come to a university counseling center for the 1st time. After the initial interview, clients rated counselors' interest, helpfulness, competence, warmth, and genuineness; counselors rated clients' verbalness, intelligence, capacity for insight, likability, and the severity of clients' problems. Clients also indicated the extent to which counselors identified concerns for which the clients did not initially seek counseling. Findings show that 71 clients returned for more than 1 counseling session. Counselors' perceptions of clients as more disturbed and counselors' desire to see the clients were positively associated with clients' returning for counseling after intake. Identification of concerns for clients by counselors at intake was also positively related to engagement in counseling. (12 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used a 3?×?2?×?2 factorial design to study the effects of S acculturation (low, medium, or high), counselor ethnicity (Anglo-American or Mexican-American), and counseling style (directive or nondirective) on Mexican-American Ss' perceptions of and willingness to see a counselor. Within acculturation levels, Ss were randomly assigned to view stimulus materials (in which the counselor's ethnicity was varied) and to listen to tape recordings of a simulated counseling session (in which the counseling style was varied). No evidence was found of an acculturation effect for any dependent variable. However, Ss gave higher credibility ratings and were more willing to see a counselor who was Mexican American for personal, academic, and vocational concerns. Also, more positive ratings were given to the directive counseling style than the nondirective counseling style. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated effects of type of client problem and counselor gender on counseling response modes in a sample of 31 novice counselors. Counseling response modes were analyzed using the Hill Counselor Verbal Response Modes Category System on two different interviews with a peer help-seeker. For one interview, help-seekers used a genuine interpersonal problem and for the other interview, they used an intrapersonal problem. Results indicated that counselors used significantly more information responses on intrapersonal problems and more reflection responses on interpersonal problems. In general, there was a trend for male counselors to use more minimal responses than female counselors. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to furthering understanding of the therapeutic responding of novice counselors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effect of client reinforcement on counselor behavior within the interview as well as on selected attitudinal judgments of the counselor about the client. 30 counselor-trainees interviewed a standard client for 1 20-min interview. Following a 10-min baseline period, the client reinforced the counselor's reflection of feeling (RF) statements with either a verbal response, a verbal plus nonverbal response, or a noncontingent verbal plus nonverbal response. Counselors then completed a postinterview questionnaire measuring attraction to and clinical impression of the client. Results show that (a) counselors in verbal and verbal plus nonverbal conditions showed significant increases in RF statements, while noncontingent controls showed no significant gains; and (b) differences in counselor attraction and clinical impression of the client were minimal. Implications are discussed in terms of skill acquisition in counselor training. (25 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationships among 3 dimensions of client attachment (depend, anxiety, and close) and client ratings of the working alliance were examined in a sample of first-time clients (N?=?60) seeking services through a university-based counseling clinic. Working alliance ratings were collected from all participants immediately after their 3rd counseling session with a counselor-in-training. A significant association was found between the depend dimension of attachment and client working alliance ratings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

From a pool of 758 clients seen individually by 1 of 34 counselors at a large university counseling center, 533 clients were identified as having self-terminated from counseling after their initial session or as having continued in counseling for at least 3 sessions. The authors investigated potential relationships between continuation in counseling and the variables of counselor experience, counselor gender, and counselor recognition of clients' problem definitions. As predicted, the results of logit analyses indicated that clients were more likely to self-terminate after 1 session when problem recognition was absent. This relationship was more pronounced for experienced counselors than it was for trainees, suggesting a possible explanation for the lack of a direct relationship between counselor experience and continuation in counseling in recent studies. Female counselors had higher rates of early premature terminations than male counselors. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of high and low didactic or experiential supervision groups and a no-supervision group on counselor effectiveness and facilitative responding. 30 undergraduates were assigned as counselors on a random stratified basis by sex and supervisor to the 5 groups for 3 counseling interviews, the 1st 2 followed by supervision. Three actresses portrayed clients, and supervisors had a minimum of 1 yr's experience. The dependent variables, counselor effectiveness as measured by the Counseling Evaluation Inventory and facilitative responding as measured by the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory, were subjected to a series of 1-way ANOVAs. Duncan's new multiple-range test was used for comparisons of means. Results indicate that inexperienced counseling students can be taught specific basic counseling skills in a brief supervisory encounter of a didactic or combined didactic–experiential nature coupled with some form of actual practice. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed a set of operationally defined verbal behavior categories for clients, the client verbal behavior system (CL-VBS), and for counselors, the counselor verbal behavior system (CO-VBS), to match the categories in the training models developed by R. R. Carkhuff and W. A. Anthony (1979) and by A. F. Ivey and J. Authier (1978) to study the acquisition of the skills and their impact on client responses and outcomes. Experts (the 1st 2 authors) established the content validity. Reliability was ascertained by examining agreement among 12 judges and their concordance with a criterion set by the authors. Both reliabilities were highly significant. The criterion analysis revealed sources of errors which showed how to improve the systems' designs and training in a 2nd study with an additional 6 judges (graduate counseling students). As a result of this study, the CL-VBS and the CO-VBS are ready for the study of the efficacy of the Carkhuff and Ivey training models, the impact of counselor skills on clients, reciprocal interaction effects, and the impact of these factors on client outcomes. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attachment style is proposed as an important client variable that psychotherapists may need to assess in order to tailor their interpersonal stance in psychotherapy. The authors draw on J. Bowlby's (1969, 1973, 1978) attachment theory and describe the therapeutic implications of 3 adult attachment styles: Anxious/Ambivalent, Avoidant, and Secure. Results are summarized from a psychotherapy research program, including the finding that attachment style was related to symptomatology and to therapists' perceptions of the therapeutic alliance. Case illustrations of clients displaying the 3 types of attachment style are presented to illustrate how therapists can productively alter their interpersonal stance to enhance treatment outcome. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tests of 2 cognitive style dimensions (serialism–holism and field dependence–independence; measured by the Gandlemuller Test and the Group Embedded Figures Test, respectively) were administered to 60 counselor trainees in graduate clinical and counseling psychology programs and 60 volunteer clients drawn from a university-level applied psychology course. 32 counselor–client pairs matched or mismatched on the 2 dimensions were formed. Counselor and client pairs engaged in 2 50-min therapy sessions that focused on client self-enhancement. In independent rating sessions, matching effects for field dependence–independence were obtained in clients' subjective ratings of improvement in self-exploration skills and in clients' and counselors' subjective ratings of the ease of relating with each other. Implications and applications for achieving maximum counselor–client compatibility in a person–environment interaction model are discussed. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

32 women pseudoclients from each of 2 age groups (25–35 and 60–70 yrs) met with a woman crisis counselor from 1 of the 2 age groups for a 50-min face-to-face interview. Results suggest that age of clients and counselors did not exert a significant influence on clients' perceptions of counselor facilitative skills (e.g., empathy, congruence, regard) or client satisfaction with the therapeutic interview. Age similarity between the client and counselor did not necessarily improve the working alliance. Clients of a specific age group view some counselors of a particular age as more facilitative and empathic than other counselors of that same age. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Developed a counselor response category system for measuring counselor verbal behavior by incorporating components from 11 existing systems, refining the categories after use, and having experts match examples to the definitions. The resulting system had 17 mutually exclusive categories, which had at least minimal face and content validity. In rating 3,866 counselor response units from 12 personal/emotional intake sessions, the category system resulted in high agreement levels between 3 judges. An analysis of the agreement levels for individual categories led to a revised 14-category system: minimal encourager, approval-reassurance, information, direct guidance, closed question, open question, restatement, reflection, nonverbal referent, interpretation, confrontation, self-disclosure, silence, and other. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

28 counselor–client dyads (analog sample consisting of 15 graduate students and faculty and 28 undergraduates) and 16 client–counselor dyads (counseling sample) rated the helpfulness of particular counselor responses in just-completed counseling sessions, using Interpersonal Process Recall. In the counseling sample, counselors also rated the helpfulness of the same responses. The responses were measured for type of response made by objective raters, clients, and counselors. Interpretations received the highest helpfulness ratings from both client and counselor. Advisements were rated as slightly more helpful than nonadvisements, and questions were rated as slightly less helpful than nonquestions. However, counselor response modes account for only a small proportion of the variance in helpfulness ratings, which points out the need for research on contextual variables and response mode subtypes. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined changes in counseling skills by comparing pre- and postsemester counseling interviews of 13 trained graduate student counselors and 13 graduate students in a no-treatment control condition. Dependent measures included the Counselor and Client Verbal Response Category Systems, the therapist intentions list by C. E. Hill and K. E. O'Grady (see record 1985-15615-001), the client reactions system by Hill et al (see record 1989-18876-001), and the session evaluation questionnaire by W. B. Stiles and J. S. Snow (see record 1984-15583-001). When compared to the graduate students in the no-treatment control condition, the trained graduate student counselors decreased their use of the assessment intention and the question response mode and increased their use of the explore intention and the minimal encouragers response mode. The student clients seen by the trained graduate student counselors showed parallel changes in response modes and session evaluation. I conclude that these changes reflected those expected from training in interpersonal-dynamic therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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