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潘杰  杨海钢  杨立吾 《半导体学报》2009,30(7):074006-5
This paper proposes a simple method of measuring differentially-excited on-wafer RF CMOS spiral inductor-like components.This method requires only two common ‘G-S-G' probes and an ordinary two-port VNA.Using a network instead of a detailed equivalent circuit, this method completes the de-embedding with only one ‘Through' dummy, and thus the measurements are greatly simplified.By designing the ports ‘Open' or ‘Shortcircuited' deliberately, a multi-port transformer can be transformed into three two-port networks with different terminators.Then, couplings between the two coils can be solved, and the differentially-excited scattering parameters(S-parameters) can be constructed.Also, a group of differential inductors and transformers were designed and measured, and then comparisons between simulated and measured electromagnetic results are performed to verify this method.  相似文献   

本文分别采用Multiline-TRL (Thru-Reflect-Line)和LRM (Line-Reflect-Match) 在片系统校准方法,与传统的SOLT (Short-Open-Load-Thru) 校准方法在InP基PHEMTs片上S参数测试方面进行定量的对比。首次在70 KHz~110 GHz全频段实现一次校准,减小了传统的分段测试多次校准带来的系统误差,校准更加方便简单。对比结果表明,基于Multiline-TRL校准和LRM校准后测量的S参数一致,且均优于传统的SOLT校准方法,尤其是在高频段结果更加准确。首次基于拐点进行外推,且器件展现了优良的射频特性,包括最大电流增益截止频率ft= 247 GHz,最大振荡频率fmax= 392 GHz,其准确度高于传统的基于无拐点进行的外推。首次基于LRM校准测得器件的1~110 GHz全频段S参数,建立了器件的1~110 GHz全频段小信号模型,而非基于传统的通过低频测试数据外推获得。  相似文献   

王朝华 《激光杂志》1987,8(2):116-119
本文介绍用运算放大器和RCM络构成的带通滤波器测量光电信号及其结果,此方法简单易行,适当选择取样电阻.可使误差小于2%。  相似文献   

A simple parameter extraction method of spiral on-chip inductors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Accurate measurement and parameter extraction for spiral inductors are very important in monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) design. In this paper, we have proposed an easy and simple model parameter extraction method of wide-band on-chip inductor. The simple extraction methodology is applied to extract parameters from the measured S-parameters of spiral inductors fabricated with 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS technology. Model prediction shows excellent agreement with the measured data over a wide frequency region. Also, the model can be easily integrated in SPICE-compatible simulators because all the elements are frequency independent. This method will provide practical and useful circuit parameters for MMIC design.  相似文献   

尹鑫 《中国激光》1990,17(12):734-736
在正交偏光干涉实验装置中,用DKDP晶体的电光效应补偿其它晶体电光效应所引起的光程变化,测量晶体电光系数相对于DKDP晶体γ63的数值,提出了一种简单和高灵敏度测量晶体电光系数的方法。  相似文献   

一种去嵌入射频测量技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
去嵌入是一种射频微波精确测量技术。本文介绍了一种新型的去嵌入测量技术。该方法只需要一个对称的直通微带结构就能完成去嵌入。最后利用该方法对0603封装的电感进行了测量,并提取了精确测量后的电感模型。结果表明本去嵌入方法可以应用于射频PCB上器件模型的精确测量和模型提取。  相似文献   

This paper presents a simple method to measure the relative permittivity of glass-epoxy printed circuit boards (PCBs). In this method, the relative permittivity as a function of frequency is measured using an actual PCB. In order to estimate the relative permittivity, the reflection coefficient is measured with a network analyzer. The relative permittivity is calculated by observing the frequencies of the resonant cavity modes. We show that the relative permittivity of an FR-4 sample decreases from 4.3 to 4.2 at frequencies from 300 MHz to 2 GHz  相似文献   

This paper proposes a simple method for measuring the admittance of the inclined slot on Hplane of rectangular waveguide of a slot array, and the measured results are given.  相似文献   

互易电路及二端口电路互连是电路课程教学中的重要内容。本文讨论了互易二端口电路互连后总二端口电路的互易性,给出了一般性结论及证明,即互易二端电路互连后如仍满足端口定义,则互连后的总二端电路仍然是互易的。对于对称二端电路,也有类似的结论。本文的讨论对电路课程的教学具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

A simple method is demonstrated for measuring the cell gap of reflective twisted nematic (RTN) liquid crystal (LC) cells. This method utilizes a single laser beam and crossed polarizer configuration such that Fabry-Perot effect and surface reflection are eliminated. Experimental results agree well with theory.  相似文献   

波片相位延迟测量的简捷方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
严明  高志山 《激光技术》2005,29(3):233-236
通过引入波片通用琼斯矩阵公式,推导出基于补偿法原理的波片相位延迟测量分析模型,提出一种新的波片相位测量方法,测量时无需知道波片的光轴方位,可以测量多种波片。测量装置采用了步进电机带动被测波片转动,使用光栅编码器测量检偏器的预置角度,运用光功率计实现光强的采集。测量周期短,是一种迅速方便快捷的方法。  相似文献   

A new and simple method of measuring the chirp parameter α of a modulated light source is presented. The technique involves modulating the optical source in a particular manner, and then directly examining the resulting optical spectrum. This experimental measurement technique allows us to directly measure the phase of the optical signal in the frequency domain. In addition, the method is very easy and accurate. Experimental results demonstrate the use of this measurement technique for measuring the chirp parameter of a source modulated at 10 GHz  相似文献   

射频印刷电路板(PCB)上互连线通常采用差分线的形式。当所传输的信号频率很高时,该结构需要利用混合模式的散射参数(S参数)进行研究。在一般射频网络单端S参数基础上,针对差分网络给出混合模式S参数的表达式。利用CST软件混合模式S参数设计了PCB上差分电路系统并进行了测试。实验结果表明,使用混合模式S参数能够快速准确设计出射频差分网络。  相似文献   

作为全球少数几个超大本地网之一,近年来,上海地区移动通信网络情况日益复杂,在话音业务中的客户感知和运营商网络指标之间存在着一定程度的差异.为了改善客户最终体验,需要优化网络综合质量.在对网络优化目标原则进行了研究之后,提出了一种简易的网优策略量化分析方法,定义了一系列场景采用量化算法对比分析,寻找在安全、成本、容量上的...  相似文献   

讲授二端口网络的时机和方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍清华大学电路原理课程在教学改革过程中,提出的有关二端口网络讲授时机和方法的一种新的处理思路。二端口网络在电路原理课程中一般放在最后部分进行讲授,因此学生很难将二端口网络融入电路原理的教学内容,造成的后果是这部分内容普遍教学效果不好。本文提出的处理思路是将二端口网络讲授提前,并且在整个电路原理教学过程中从认知规律出发不断展现二端口网络的相应内容,弥补了传统处理方式的缺陷,提高了教学质量。  相似文献   

王敏  赵永久  周永刚  贺莹  邓宏伟 《电子学报》2016,44(5):1085-1089
虽然目前校准算法已趋成熟,但由于随机误差和剩余系统误差等的存在,矢量网络分析仪(Vector network analyzer,VNA)的测量结果不可避免地会有一定的不准确性.而现有的矢网测量不确定度评估算法中往往只考虑剩余系统误差,忽略了系统线性性能、线缆状态以及测试环境等因素.本文同时考虑了校准后剩余系统误差、系统非线性误差,随机误差及测量环境等因素,建立了整机测量不确定度模型,实现了矢量网络分析仪整机测量不确定度的评估.与现有矢网不确定度评估算法相比,本算法考虑的误差因素更为全面,评估结果更为可靠.利用误差上限传递思想推导出商用VNA散射参数测量不确定度评估公式,并提供了相应的参数获取方案.应用该算法对安捷伦8753ES矢量网络分析仪进行测量不确定度评估,并与安捷伦提供的技术数据进行对比,其结果数据吻合良好.  相似文献   

基于Multisim10的二端口参数的测量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从本文使用Muhisim10仿真软件测试二端口网络的Y参数和A参数来看,在教学上用Multisim10软件研究二端口网络是很方便的。使用它可以在任意变换网络的元件及其位置,变换激励电源,变换输入端与输出端情况下,研究网络参数及参数间的相互转换关系。还可以借助仿真双踪示波器研究放大电路等二端口网络参数的相位特征。使二端口...  相似文献   

Thin-film field-effect transistors (FETs) are widely used to evaluate charge transport properties of semiconducting polymers. Discovery of high performance materials require design and synthesis of new polymers. However, most polymers require multi-step synthesis and are difficult to be obtained in a large scale for comprehensive device evaluations. Here, we report a simple method to cast semiconducting polymer films from solutions with polymer concentration as low as 0.5 mg/mL, which is substantially less than typical values (∼10 mg/mL) used in conventional spin coating method. Here, we demonstrate that using this method, our cast films of a previously-reported polymer (PDPP-TT2T) exhibited field-effect mobility (μhole = 0.89 ± 0.13 cm2 V−1 s−1, μe = 0.025 ± 0.005 cm2 V−1 s−1), which is comparable to the reported values using the same device geometry. Furthermore, we extend this method to examine cast films of a pair of polymers (PDPP-3T-Ref, PDPP-3T-Si) to study the effect of siloxane substitution in the side chains on the molecular packing and their subsequent FET performance. We observed that shorter π-stacking distance (3.61 Å) for the siloxane-terminated polymer, when compared to that for the reference polymer (3.73 Å), resulted in improved FET performance (e.g., μhole = 0.63 ± 0.046 cm2 V−1 s−1 for PDPP-3T-Si vs μhole = 0.17 ± 0.062 cm2 V−1 s−1 for PDPP-3T-Ref). Taken together, this work presents an efficient alternative film-casting approach to produce polymer FETs that consumes much less material for their fabrication, lending viability for evaluation of various polymeric materials.  相似文献   

利用微波辐射降低原油粘度是一种新的高效处理方法,微波降粘效果取决于油样吸收微波的能量,油样对微波的吸收率取决于微波频率,因此油样最大能量吸收率所对应的微波频率定义为峰值吸收频率。基于微波二端口网络模型,利用自行设计的微波辐射实验设备进行研究,精确测量了待测油样的峰值吸收频率,并详细分析了频率对原油组分的影响。结果表明:在3.9 ~6.5 GHz 的扫描频率下,油样在频率为5.8 GHz 时出现第1个吸收频率且能量仅剩69.9%,在6.2 GHz 时出现第2 个吸收频率且能量仅剩36.4%,该频率为峰值吸收频率;运用GCMS分析经过5.8 GHz 和6.2 GHz 微波辐射后,轻组分(C7-C14)分别增加了7.6%、8.7%,重组分(C16 及以上碳数)分别减少12.4%、13.5%,原油组分发生明显的改变。研究结论为微波辐射技术在石油行业运用提供了重要的参考,证明了该技术具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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