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主要研究在离岸软件外包项目中,领域驱动开发在实际项目应用中的方式和方法.特别针对作者从事的离岸外包的金融投资交易系统的开发和维护.离岸软件外包在实际进展环节中,项目知识积累和控制人员流动对项目的影响是主要应对其项目风险的主要方法.领域驱动的设计与开发实践可以很好地解决上述问题.提出了具有实践意义的一些解决方法.  相似文献   


While offshore outsourcing is associated with several benefits, these ventures also pose many risks. In this paper, through an in-depth review, we develop a type 1 analysis theory about the various risks involved in offshore outsourcing projects, the challenges faced by managers in these collaboration initiatives, and solutions that may aid in overcoming those challenges. This paper contributes to both the theoretical and practice domains by providing a comprehensive offshoring challenges and solutions framework.  相似文献   

We empirically explored the implication of hard decisions in the context of the management of global software development (GSD) teams. We hypothesized and empirically tested our belief that hard decision making in conventional development projects is very similar to GSD and differences arise from the nature of the relationship and the ranking of issues. Findings from a Delphi study illustrated our approach and shed some light into the management of GSD teams.  相似文献   

为解决我国软件服务外包人才的短缺问题,处理好"企业缺人而高校就业率低"的矛盾,浙江工商大学在软件工程专业培养中提出培养软件服务外包人才的目标。针对软件服务外包企业对人才的要求,在课程体系构建、教师队伍建设、校内外实践基地建设等方面进行了探索和实践,并取得明显成效和积极成果,为地方高校软件服务外包人才的培养提供了可供借鉴的经验。本文介绍了这一过程。  相似文献   

Global outsourcing is a growing trend among independent software vendors. In these projects like other distributed work, distances have negative effects on communication and coordination, directly impacting performance. We present a normative model designed to address this issue by improving communication and knowledge exchange. The model consists of six distinct practices and a tool blueprint, each coming with practical guidelines. It is based in part on two case studies of Dutch software vendors who have successfully outsourced part of their activities to an Eastern European outsourcing vendor, and validated by a panel of six experts from industry and the scientific community. It is concluded that knowledge exchange in global software outsourcing is a by‐product of efforts to enhance communication and coordination, rather than specific technical solutions. By committing to sharing knowledge, emphasizing transparency and integrating the outsourcing team into their organizations, customers from the product software business can realize the benefits of global outsourcing.  相似文献   

软件外包中开发效率低、可靠性差的问题一直存在。PAR(Partition and Recur)方法及高可靠软件开发平台PAR平台,在提高软件开发效率和可靠性方面能够发挥很好的作用。本文将PAR方法和PAR平台应用于外包软件开发过程,使用PAR平台成功研发中软国际实训教材中软件外包案例,在软件开发效率和可靠性方面取得显著效果。  相似文献   

由于企业内部软件开发团队利益和企业利益一致,可以直接和用户沟通,可以长期管理和规划企业信息系统,所以企业内部软件开发更适合采用敏捷的开发模式,在开发前期需要认真考虑项目和整个信息系统的集成,在后期要注重实施工作,要注意实际效果。企业内部开发在整个软件产业中的地位应该被重视。  相似文献   

针对多媒体软件开发中存在的问题,该文了提出了用软件工程原理规范多媒体软件开发过程,并对多媒体软件开发的流程、开发人员、一般要求等方面作了全面分析和论述。  相似文献   

In the past 40 years, software engineering has emerged as an important sub-field of computer science and has made significant contribution to the software industry. Now it is gradually becoming a new independent discipline. This paper presents a survey of software engineering development from a research perspective. Firstly, the history of software engineering is reviewed with focus on the driving forces of software technology, the software engineering framework and the milestones of software engineering development. Secondly, after reviewing the past academic efforts, the current research activities are surveyed and new challenges brought by Internet are analyzed. Software engineering researches and activities in China are also reviewed. The work in Peking University is described as a representative.  相似文献   

基于敏捷软件开发的软件工程教学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了当前软件工程存在的问题和敏捷软件开发对相应问题的解决方法;针对软件工程在教学中遇到的问题,提出了基于敏捷软件开发组织教学内容和教学实践的方法,并分析了这种方法的优点。  相似文献   

软件工程教学与实战剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对计算机软件专业几门核心课程,以及该专业学生所需具备的能力的综合分析,揭示了软件工程学的实质,总结出了高效实用的教与学的方式方法,并给出了具有指导意义的实例。这些方法在教学实践中取得了良好的效果,同时也为培养软件开发人员在软件开发过程中的综合构思能力,提供了切实有效的途径。  相似文献   

Communication is a key success factor of distributed software projects. Poor communication has been identified as a main obstacle to successful collaboration. Global projects are especially endangered by information gaps between collaborating sites. Different communication styles, technical equipment, and missing awareness of each other can cause severe problems. Knowledge about actual and desired channels, paths, and modes of communication is required for improving communication in a globally distributed project. However, many project participants know little about communication and information flow in their projects. In this contribution, we focus on knowledge about communication and information flow. It is acquired by modelling on‐going and desired flows of information, including documented and non‐documented channels of information flow. We analyzed a distributed software project from the information flow perspective. Based on the findings, we developed specific techniques to improve information flow in distributed software development according to the FLOW Method. In a second distributed project, we evaluated one of the techniques. We found the FLOW mapping technique to be suitable for effectively spreading knowledge about communication and information flow in global software projects.  相似文献   

主要探讨基于正反向工程的模型驱动的软件开发过程。本文把建模过程分为系统建模与数据库建模两个过程,首先介绍了两款主流的建模工具,然后给出这两款建模工具的建模流程,并且阐述在正反向工程中选择建模工具的依据;其次,以PowerDesigner为例叙述了具体的基于建模工具的开发流程;最后,给出结论。  相似文献   

Software engineering is broadly discussed as falling far short of expectations. Data and examples are used to justify how software itself is often poor, how the engineering of software leaves much to be desired, and how research in software engineering has not made enough progress to help overcome these weaknesses. However, these data and examples are presented and interpreted in ways that are arguably imbalanced. This imbalance, usually taken at face value, may be distracting the field from making significant progress towards improving the effective engineering of software, a goal the entire community shares. Research dichotomies, which tend to pit one approach against another, often subtly hint that there is a best way to engineer software or a best way to perform research on software. This, too, may be distracting the field from important classes of progress.  相似文献   

软件外包是一个非常大的市场,目前在国内有很多软件公司从事软件项目外包行业,或把自己的部分业务发包给外包方,软件项目外包管理随着近年软件项目外包的发展越来越受到重视,它与公司项目的内容管理既关联又存在差异,文章通过对企业实际外包项目的具体案例的风险进行分析,提出了相应的解决方案,并总结了项目实施过程中存在的问题及改进意见,为软件企业的外包项目管理提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

With the increase in size and complexity of current software projects, many large companies have established global software production lines over the world to develop and deliver software products with collaborative software development processes involving multiple teams located at different sites. Supporting global software production needs an effective software-engineering environment to meet the special requirements of the collaborative software development process, diverse management methods and engineering practice. WWW technology provides powerful means to set up an enterprise-oriented software engineering environment for global software production due to its advantages in networking, global access, internationalization, and communication. Although there are many articles addressing the methods and experience in building web-based applications systems and tools, very few papers discuss the real-world problems and solutions in the development and deployment of web-based software tools to support a collaborative software development process for global software production. This paper discusses the real world issues, and reports our experience and lessons in building and deploying a web-based problem information management system (PIMS) to support global software development processes at Fujitsu. It focuses on the real issues and needs of current collaborative development process involving multiple teams, and highlights the benefits and impact of the PIMS on global software production. Moreover, it discusses our technical solutions and trade-offs in the development of PIMS, and shares our experience and lessons. Furthermore, it introduces a new data-centered conceptual process model to support diverse collaborative processes for project and problem management in global software production. Finally, the paper shares our key successes and weaknesses, and reports our experience and lessons in the deployment of the system.  相似文献   

现代软件工程在现代软件开发中的合理应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从一个角度分析了现代软件体系结构对现代软件工程方法的影响,指出由RDBMs提供数据服务的C/S结构的软件开发中,使用面向对象软件工程方法并无很大优势,使用传统软件工程方法是一种较好的选择;由RDBMs提供数据服务的三层结构的软件开发中,业务逻辑层组件的分析和设计使用面向对象软件工程方法是合适的,但是也不排斥传统软件工程方法,不宜盲目使用面向对象的软件工程方法、UML和RUP。  相似文献   

我国的软件开发行业拥有众多优秀的软件开发人员,但是企业对项目软件开发的管理始终处于比较低的水平。随着国内众多工业企业掀起的与国际标准接轨,进行国际标准化质量体系认证(ISO9000系列)的热潮,许多软件开发企业的有识之士己经开始关注软件质量的管理,甚至开始准备或已经进行软件质量体系国际标准化认证的工作。本文就软件工程与软件质量管理方面的有关问题进行分析研究。  相似文献   

针对目前软件工程技术在网络时代背景下的发展中存在的问题,本文对该问题展开了讨论和分析,提出了应 对措施;并对当前软件工程技术的发展趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

该文结合省级服务外包人才培训基地的实践经验,通过构建全真公司管理运营管理模式、校企联合开发培训课程资源、使用云计算培训平台等方面做了详细的阐述,为高职院校在软件人才的培养方面提供有效的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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