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In this article, the authors compare offshore outsourcing and the internal offshoring of software development. Empirical evidence is presented from a case study conducted in five companies. Based on a detailed literature review, a framework was developed that guided the authors' analysis of the differences in the challenges faced by companies and the patterns of evolution in the practice of software development in each business model.  相似文献   

This study explores trust development and maintenance in temporary, work-oriented virtual teams, and examines the effect of trust on communication and cohesiveness. Results suggest that for work-oriented virtual teams formed on a temporary basis, members swiftly develop calculus-based trust in order to assess the outcomes and costs of maintaining team relationships. Members also rely on prior knowledge to determine other members' competence so that they can make predictions about one another's behaviors. Thus, both calculus-based and knowledge-based trust play accentuating roles in the initial development of work-oriented virtual teams. Identification-based trust also develops swiftly initially, but is relatively insignificant compared to the other two types of trust. Finally, initial trust may correlate to both later communication and later cohesiveness .  相似文献   

In today’s business world, firms are facing pressures to reduce costs, enhance productivity, and maintain quality in new product development. Past studies have provided evidence that modularity can enhance performance of new product development. However, real-life cases on how to implement the concept of modularity are limited. This article aims to propose a model for modularity implementation in the context of embedded software development. The model was applied in a software company in Hong Kong. Results from the case company provide evidence that the average reuse rate of software modules increased from 31% to 71% after the implementation, with productivity increasing by 258%, cost reducing by 70%, and quality increasing by 72%. The practical implications are finally discussed.  相似文献   

介绍了代码审查的定义、内涵、分类。讨论了代码审查的条件、步骤和注意事项。最后,结合软件项目开发,总结了代码审查后代码要达到的标准。对软件项目开发过程中进行代码审查具有较强的指导意义。  相似文献   

Self-organization, based on the Socio-Technical Design (STS) work design principles, is considered a hallmark of agile software development (SD) teams and an antecedent of motivation and innovation at work. However, while self-organization is considered a salient success factor in agile SD, past research has shown that there are many hurdles in self-organizing. Yet, the actual level of self-organization practiced in agile teams has not been investigated. In this study we develop a measure to do so using the nine principles of STS work design by Cherns [15]. We found that while the level of self-organization varies across agile projects, on each of the nine dimensions the level of self-organization in agile teams was found to be significantly higher than those using plan-driven methods. Furthermore, self-organization was found to positively affect the motivation and innovativeness of SD teams.  相似文献   

Studies on the organizational adoption of open source software (OSS) have been largely inconclusive, thereby impeding managers' abilities to make well-informed decisions. Based on an extensive literature review followed by a case study, a parsimonious list of seven factors was identified that have an impact on the organizational adoption of OSS in Belgian organizations. An in-depth insight was provided into how these factors affected the adoption decision and how the findings compare to previous literature.  相似文献   

长期以来人们模拟硬件的生产方式来组织软件开发,随着Internet应用平台、软件技术和软件需求的发展,寻找新的软件形态和开发技术成为软件产业的前沿和热点。文中从模拟生物的观点出发提出生物软件和种植生产模式。初步给出了生物软件的体系结构、种植生产的模式、软件和生物之间的对应关系以及生物软件的主要研究内容。  相似文献   

We present an empirically grounded and theoretically informed model for the assessment and mitigation of risks to effective knowledge sharing in agile development. The model is anchored in empirical insights from four agile projects across two software companies and in extant research on risk‐strategy analysis and knowledge sharing in software development. We develop the model as part of the long‐standing tradition of presenting risk management models dedicated to specific issues in software development and confirm its practical usefulness in one of the software companies studied. The model offers concepts and processes to assess a project's knowledge sharing risk profile and articulate an overall resolution strategy plan to mitigate the risks. The results highlight how different knowledge sharing risk management profiles can lead to different project performance outcomes. We conclude with a discussion of research opportunities that the results offer software development scholarship. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd  相似文献   

It is commonly accepted that an individual's beliefs and actions are based on his or her assessment and perceptions of the world. In order to determine what practices an individual is likely to follow at any given time, it is necessary to understand the individual's behavioral intention in a given circumstance. From an Information Technology perspective, a software development professional's belief systems are potentially the basis for the adoption and implementation of new and innovative work practices and processes. In this article, we explore the belief systems of software development professionals in order to understand the beliefs underlying intention and practice, and we seek answers about how they adopt or reject new and innovative software development processes and practices. The results point out a strong influence of past experiences, personality types, and repeated behavior on current software development processes and practices in industrial settings.  相似文献   

While the literature offers several frameworks that explain barriers to knowledge sharing within software development teams, little is known about differences in how team members perceive these barriers. Based on an in‐depth multi‐case study of four software projects, we investigate how project managers, developers, testers and user representatives think about barriers to effective knowledge sharing in agile development. Adapting comparative causal mapping, we constructed causal maps for each of the four roles and identified overlap and divergence in map constructs and causal linkages. The results indicate that despite certain similarities, the four roles differ in how they perceive and emphasize knowledge‐sharing barriers. The project managers put primary emphasis on project setting barriers, while the primary concern of developers, testers and user representatives were project communication, project organization and team capabilities barriers, respectively. Integrating the four causal maps and the agile literature, we propose a conceptual framework with seven types of knowledge‐sharing barriers and 37 specific barriers. We argue that to bridge communication gaps and create shared understanding in software teams, it is critical to take the revealed concerns of different roles into account. We conclude by discussing our findings in relation to knowledge sharing in agile teams and software teams more generally.  相似文献   

CAI软件的开发模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过探讨CAI教学软件的一般开发过程,得出一个CAI软件开 发的通用模式,并逐步分析这个模式的运作过程。  相似文献   

硬实时系统中基于软件容错模型的容错调度算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在硬实时系统中,由于任务超时完成将会导致灾难性后果,因此硬实时系统必须具有实时性和可靠性保障.软件容错模型是提高硬实时系统容错能力的一种有效方法.针对硬实时系统中容错优先级两种分配策略存在的不足,基于软件容错模型提出了一种容错优先级可提升的双重优先级分配策略.该方法通过为替代版本分配双重优先级,不仅能够提高硬实时系统的容错能力,同时还能够显著减少任务间的抢占次数.为了获得双重优先级分配的最佳策略,基于任务最坏响应时间的可调度性分析,首先提出了一种最大的双重优先级配置搜索算法(MDPCSA).然后结合MDPCSA算法,提出了一种最优的双重优先级配置搜索算法(ODPCSA).仿真实验表明,与两种分配策略相比,在提高系统容错能力和降低抢占开销方面更为有效.  相似文献   

财务软件在经历多年发展之后,决策支持软件(DSS)的引入使财务软件应用达到了一个新的高度。本文通过分析决策支持软件(DSS)的现状与发展,并以实际的软件对比阐述了智能财务软件的发展方向。  相似文献   

财务软件在经历多年发展之后,决策支持软件(DSS)的引入使财务软件应用达到了一个新的高度。本文通过分析决策支持软件(DSS)的现状与发展,并以实际的软件对比阐述了智能财务软件的发展方向。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展和社会的不断进步,我国计算机技术不断崛起,给人们的生活和生产带来了很多方便。伴随着经济和科技的迅速发展,社会已经逐渐向科技发展迈进,而计算机技术已经广泛应用到经济、军事和政治等领域,尤其是计算机软件技术的开发和利用。本文主要针对计算机软件开发的难点进行分析,研究当今计算机发展出现的现状和存在的不足,并针对存在的问题提出合理的措施。  相似文献   

本文通过瀑布模型和快速原型模型的对比,提出了一种新的软件开发模型和相应的生命周期模型,并进行了详尽的分析。本文是文章 ̄[2]的发展和续篇。  相似文献   

A View of Software Development Environments Based on Activity Theory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We view software development as a collaborative activity that is typically supported by a software development environment. Since these environments can significantly influence the collaborative nature of a software development project, it is important to analyze and evaluate their capabilities with respect to collaboration. In this paper, we present an analysis and evaluation of the collaborative capabilities of software development environments using an activity theory perspective.The discipline of software engineering (SE) emerged to study and develop artifacts to mediate the collective development of large software systems. While many advances have been made in the past three decades of SE's existence, the historical origins of the discipline are present in that techniques and tools to support the collaborative aspects of large-scale software development are still lacking. One factor is a common ``production-oriented' philosophy that emphasizes the mechanistic and individualistic aspects of software development over the collaborative aspects thereby ignoring the rich set of human-human interactions that are possible over the course of a software development project.We believe that the issues and ideas surrounding activity theory may be useful in improving support for collaboration in software engineering techniques and tools. As such, we make use of the activity theory to analyze and evaluate process-centered software development environments (PCSDEs).  相似文献   

每个软件开发项目都要经过漫长的生命周期,有很多因素可以影响其成功与否。该文从四个方面阐述了软件开发项目的成败关键.并给出了一些案例。  相似文献   

信息化时代,企业会计工作要通过会计软件来完成。随着网络技术的发展,特别是互联网应用领域的拓展,给企业实施会计信息化奠定了良好的平台。本文从会计信息化角度对会计软件的开发进行研究。  相似文献   

CMM是软件过程评估和改进的一种成熟模型。它要求软件组织的软件过程标准化。但它没有给出达到这些目标的具体操作方法。因此,本文提出了一种基于CMM的组织级软件过程模型,并剖析了开发过程的一般特性。  相似文献   

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