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Ferroelectric Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) films were prepared on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates by the sol-gel process. The films were spin-coated at 2000 rpm for 30 secs and then pyrolysed for 5 mins at the temperature of 350C. This coating procedure was repeated for 3, 4, 5 and 6 times to obtain BST films with different thicknesses. After coating the films with the desired repetition times, the films were finally annealed in a conventional furnace at temperatures ranging from 600C to 800C with a 50C interval in between. The films obtained with an annealing procedure of 750C were polycrystalline with the presence of an impurity BaCO3 phase. The capacitance and leakage current were measured and used to extract information on the metal-BST interface. With the series capacitance model and modified Schottky emission equation, the thickness of the dead layers for Au/BST and Pt/BST interfaces were calculated to be less than 6 nm and 5 nm, respectively.  相似文献   

《Integrated ferroelectrics》2013,141(1):1175-1184
(Ba0.7Sr0.3)TiO3 and SrTiO3 thin films were deposited on Pt electrodes in a planetary multi-wafer MOCVD reactor. The nucleation behavior and the size of the stable nuclei were investigated by different SPM techniques. Characteristic differences were observed for different deposition temperatures, i.e. a homogeneous nucleation of small BST grains on the larger Pt grains at 565°C and a dominating nucleation at the grain boundaries at 655°C. The micro structural evolution after further film growth was investigated by HRTEM and revealed randomly oriented grains (typical inplane size 10–20 nm) with a high density of twins at 565°C and (100)-oriented defect free grains of only slightly increased size at 655°C. For SrTiO3 the inplane grain size was increased, however, the (100) texture was less perfect. As the electrical properties like permittivity and also leakage current depend on film thickness the final discussions of the electrical properties are based on thickness series (5 nm–100 nm films) and evaluated within the phenomenological dead layer model.  相似文献   

Ni/ (Ba,Sr)TiO3 PTC composite of low resistivity was fabricated by a solid state route. A mildly reducing sintering atmosphere was employed to avoid the oxidation of nickel. Metallic nickel is the main chemical state after sintering in the mildly reducing sintering atmosphere. With the increase in nickel amount, the room-temperature resistivity declines and the PTC effect worsens. The quantum mechanical tunneling effect at the Ni–(Ba,Sr)TiO3 interface is presumably the prime factor in the deterioration of the PTC effect. PbO–B2O3–ZnO–SiO2 glass was added to modify the interface between nickel and (Ba,Sr)TiO3 ceramics. The intergranular phase introduced by the glass has an amorphous structure and exists at the interfaces and triple junctions of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 grains and nickel grains. No obvious diffusion occurs at the interface between crystalline (Ba,Sr)TiO3 grain and the intergranular phase. Also the added-glass improves the distribution of metal phase. The proper glass addition screens interfacial electron tunneling effect and improves the composite electrical properties. An abundance of the intergranular phase due to excess glass will, however, result in high room-temperature resistivity. The influences of nickel amount and glass amount on the microstructure evolution and electrical properties were analyzed.  相似文献   

In this paper, in order to obtain a large differential phase shift with a little change in applied voltage, a ferroelectric reflective load circuit has been designed on top of barium strontium titanate (Ba,Sr)TiO3 [BST] thin film. The design of the ferroelectric reflection-type phase shifter is based on a reflection theory of terminating circuit, which has a reflection-type analogue phase shifter with two ports terminated in symmetric phase-controllable reflective networks. To achieve large amounts of phase shift in low bias-voltage range, the effects of change of capacitance and transmission line connected with two coupled ports of a 3-dB 90° branch-line hybrid coupler have been investigated. A large phase shift with a small capacitance change in the parallel terminating circuit has been demonstrated in the paper.  相似文献   

Ferroelectric (Ba,Sr)TiO3 films have been deposited on (001) MgO single crystals by a pulsed laser deposition with oxygen background while heating the substrates. Deposited BST films exhibit epitaxial growth along (001), which are confirmed by x-ray diffraction measurement. Structure of (Ba,Sr)TiO3 along in-plane and surface normal direction have been investigated and found to have a tetragonal distortion depend on the deposition conditions, such as oxygen pressure. Lattice parameter decreases with increasing oxygen pressure, and tetragonallity (c/a) changes from 1.005 to 0.997 as oxygen pressure increase. Interestingly, energy gap measured by FTIR decreases with decreasing oxygen pressure until it reach a certain oxygen pressure, then increases again with increasing oxygen pressure. Furthermore, microwave properties of devices measured by a HP 8510C vector network analyzer from 0.045–20 GHz suggest that the least distorted films exhibit a larger dielectric constant changes with dc bias field.  相似文献   


Effect of post-sintering treatment on PTCR behavior of (Sr0.2Ba0.8)TiO3 materials prepared by microwave-sintering (ms) process was compared to that prepared by rapid thermal sintering (RTS) process. The microwave-sintering process needed only 1130°C-40 min to effectively densify (Sr0.2Ba0.8)TiO3 materials. The grain size was around 6 μm and PTCR characteristics was around ρmaxmin≈ 101.75, with Tc = 50°C. Lowering the cooling rate after sintering substantially increases the resistivity jump (ρmaxmin) from 102 to 103.4, without altering the microstructure. The annealing at 1250°C for 2 h markedly increased the resistivity jump to (ρmaxmin)≈106. On the other hand, the rapid thermal sintering (RTS) process required 1320°C-30 min to fully develop the good microstructure (~15 μm) and PTCR property (ρmaxmin ~ 103.0). Post-sintering process, including cooling rate control and annealing, did not improve the electrical properties of these samples, that is ascribed to the slow-cooling rate characteristics of RTS-process for a temperature lower than 800°C.  相似文献   


Variations of the leakage current behaviors and interface potential barrier height (ΦB) of rf-sputter deposited (Ba, Sr)TiO3 (BST) thin films with thicknesses ranging from 20 nm to 150 nm are investigated as a function of the thickness and bias voltages. The top and bottom electrodes are dc-sputter-deposited Pt films. ΦB critically depends on the BST film deposition temperature, postannealing atmosphere and time after the annealing. The postannealing under N2 atmosphere results in a high interface potential barrier height and low leakage current. Maintaining the BST capacitor in air for a long time reduces the ΦB from about 2.4 eV to 1.6 eV due to the oxidation. ΦB is not so dependent on the film thickness in this experimental range. The leakage conduction mechanism is very dependent on the BST film thickness; the 20 nm thick film shows tunneling current, 30 and 40 nm thick films show Schottky emission current.  相似文献   

Single phase, (1 0 0) epitaxial Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) films have been deposited onto (1 0 0) LaAlO3 and MgO substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The capacitance and dielectric losses of as-deposited and annealed films have been measured from 1–20 GHz as a function of electric field (0–80 kV/cm) at room temperature. The dielectric properties are strongly affected by the substrate type, post-deposition annealing time (6 h) and temperature (1200°C). For epitaxial BST films deposited onto MgO, it is observed that, after a post-deposition anneal the dielectric constant and the dielectric loss decreases. For epitaxial BST films deposited onto LAO, a post-deposition anneal (1000°C) results in an increase in the dielectric constant and an increase in the dielectric loss. The dc electric field induced change in the dielectric constant tends to increase with the dielectric constant and is largest for as-deposited films on MgO and post-deposited annealed films on LAO. In general, for epitaxial BST films, a large electric field effect is observed in films that have a large dielectric loss and a small electric field effect in films that have a low dielectric loss. High resolution X-ray diffraction measurements indicate that deposited film exhibit a significant tetragonal distortion which is strongly affected by a by a post deposition anneal. The observed differences in dielectric properties of the epitaxial BST films on MgO and LAO are attributed to the differences in film stress which arise as a consequence of the lattice mismatch between the film and the substrate and the differences in the thermal coefficient of expansion between the film and the substrate. A thin amorphous buffer layer of BST has been used to relieve stress induced by the lattice mismatch between the film and the substrate. Unlike epitaxial films, stress relieved films do not show an inverse relationship between dielectric tuning and Q (1/tan) and may be superior materials for tunable microwave devices.  相似文献   


Capacitance-Voltage (C-V) characteristics of Pt/(Ba, Sr)TiO3/Pt MIM capacitor were investigated. Hysteresis observed in the C-V characteristics of BST films was analyzed. The dependence of the C-V characteristics on the sweeping direction of applied voltage indicates that the hysteresis is caused by the interface trap charge between the BST film and the Pt electrode. A new method was proposed to characterize the interface traps from the hysteresis of C-V characteristics of MIM capacitor. The trapped electron density near the lower interface of the BST thin films was constant (~ 3 × 1012cm?2) for all the film thickness ranging from 500 Å to 2000 Å, which suggests that the hysteresis is not caused by the bulk property of the BST film but caused by the interfacial property.  相似文献   


Stress controlled epitaxial ferroelectric Ba0.5Sr0.5TiO3 (BST) films have been deposited on Gd2O3/SrTiO3 by pulsed laser deposition with oxygen background pressure of 200 mTorr at the deposition temperature of 750°C. In order to control the stress in BST films, oxygen pressures for Gd2O3 buffer layers have been varied from 0.1 to 100 mTorr, while that of BST films have been fixed at 200 mTorr. It has been found that the lattice parameters of the BST films deposited on Gd2O3 were changed. Furthermore, microwave properties of co-planar waveguide (CPW) fabricated on BST films were investigated by a HP 8510C vector network analyzer from 1–20 GHz. Large dielectric tunabilities were observed from the CPW's fabricated on BST films deposited on Gd2O3 layers deposited at low and high oxygen pressures, 0.1 and 100 mTorr, respectively.  相似文献   

High-dielectric-constant (Ba, Sr)TiO3 [BST] films were deposited by the liquid source chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The system consisted of a single-wafer, low-pressure thermal CVD reactor, a vaporizer for liquid source materials, and a shower-type gas nozzle head, giving stable BST film deposition on a 6-in. diam. substrate with uniform thickness and uniform chemical composition ratio. The source materials employed were Ba(DPM)2, Sr(DPM)2, and TiO(DPM)2 dissolved in tetrahydrofuran (THF), resulting in conformal step coverage of BST films at lowered substrate temperatures, where DPM denotes dipivaloylmethanate. Moreover, the two-step deposition technique was developed to restart protrusions formed on BST film surfaces at low temperatures, where the BST films consisted of a buffer layer and a main layer; the buffer layer was a layer about 60 Å thick of CVD-BST film annealed in N2. Thus, the two-step CVD deposition of BST films on Pt and Ru electrodes achieved an equivalent SiO2 thickness of teq ∼ 0.5 nm, a leakage current of JL ∼ 1.0 × 10−8 A/cm2 (at +1.1 V), and a dielectric loss of tan δ ∼ 0.01 at a total film thickness of 250 Å, along with conformal coverage of 80% for a trench with an aspect ratio of 0.65. Then, for BST films deposited on patterned electrodes 0.24 μm wide, 0.60 μm deep, and 0.15 μm high (each spaced by 0.14 μm), the capacitance was demonstrated to be increased without significant deterioration of the leakage current: the capacitance was increased in comparison with that for films on flat electrodes, by a factor corresponding to the increase in surface area due to sidewalls of storage-node-like pattern features. This capacitance increase reflects the most characteristic advantage of CVD, an excellent step coverage on microscopic pattern features. These electrical properties satisfy the specifications for capacitors for Gb-scale dynamic random access memories (DRAMs), giving a storage capacitance of more than 25 fF/cell for a stacked capacitor having a storage node 0.2 to 0.3 μm high. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 125(1): 47–54, 1998  相似文献   

(Ba x Sr 1 m x )TiO 3 thin films were deposited in a planetary multi-wafer MOCVD reactor combined with a liquid delivery system using 0.35 molar solutions of Ba(thd) 2 and Sr(thd) 2 and a 0.4 molar solution of Ti(O-i-Pr) 2 (thd) 2 . The film growth on Pt-(111) was investigated within a wide parameter field, e.g., the deposition temperature was varied between 560C and 650C, which yields films with microstructures ranging from randomly oriented polycrystalline to perfectly (100)-textured columnar structures. Special emphasis is given to film stoichiometry: starting with (Ba 0.7 Sr 0.3 )TiO 3 the Group-II/Ti content was varied from 0.9 to 1.1 and the Ba content was reduced to the limit of pure SrTiO 3 films. The electrical properties of MIM structures were investigated after deposition of Pt top electrodes. The nominal thickness of the films was varied between 5 and 100 nm and permittivity and leakage current both are shown to depend strongly on the film thickness. These dependencies on the film thickness are analyzed within the phenomenological dead layer model. The dependence of the electrical properties on stoichiometry are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Thick BST films have been fabricated by a tape casting and firing method. Dielectric constants of BST films are changed from 5700 to 7000 at 1 MHz after focused beam annealing. Furthermore, surface morphologies and depth profile of chemistry have been altered after annealing. Especially, Sr atoms diffuse out to the surface, while Ba atoms diffuse into the center. The possibility of the surface alteration of the thick films have been clearly demonstrated in this study, which may applied for the integration of ferroelectrics and other dielectrics and/or conductors for low cost microwave tunable devices.  相似文献   


(Ba0.7Pb0.3)TiO3 and (Ba0.4Pb0.6)TiO3 materials possessing double critical temperature (Tc ) and single high-Tc in resistivity-temperature (ρ-T) behavior, respectively, were obtained by microwave sintering at 1050°C for 5 minutes. These characteristics were ascribed to the existence of the dual phases with core-shell structure. The cooling-rate control modified the relative magnitude of low-Tc and high-Tc resistivity jumps, without altering the Tc -values. It occurred via the change in relative proportion of the core and shell phases.  相似文献   


The barrier effect of Pt/Ta and Pt/Ti has been investigated, when used as bottom electrodes for SrTiO3 thin film capacitors on Si. The Pt/Ta/Si stacks were more stable than the Pt/Ti/Si, both in vacuum and in oxygen annealing. Though the Pt/Ta bilayer was suitable for the SrTiO3 deposition at 400[ddot]C, its resistivity became slightly higher after the deposition at 600[ddot]C, due to Ta layer oxidation during the SrTiO3 deposition. This would result in a contact resistance problem for high density dynamic random access memory application.  相似文献   


The effect of various temperature nitrogen anneals prior to top electrode deposition on the ability of Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 (BST) thin-film capacitors with both Ir and Pt top electrodes to withstand hydrogen damage was investigated. Experimental results show that samples that underwent a 750 °C N2 pre-top electrode anneal exhibited the lowest leakage current density at positive bias for both Ir- and Pt-electroded devices after forming gas anneal. It was also found that DRAM polarization values decreased slightly after forming gas anneal. Also, a post-top electrode deposition 550°C O2 anneal improved both electrical characteristics (lowered leakage and increased DRAM polarization) of these devices. Complete recovery of the leakage level prior to hydrogen damage was obtained after a 550°C N2 recovery anneal for some devices independent of the pre-top electrode anneal. Ir- and Pt-electroded BST (40nm) capacitors have been shown to meet the 1 giga-bit DRAM leakage current requirement of 10?8 A/cm2 at 1.7 V. These Ir- and Pt-electroded BST devices achieved capacitance density levels of approximately 50 fF/μm2.  相似文献   

《Integrated ferroelectrics》2013,141(1):877-885
(Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 (BST) thin films were deposited by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and investigated as a function of Ni dopant concentration in low and high frequency regions. In low frequency region (<10 MHz), the Ni-dopant concentration in BST films has a strong influence on the material properties including dielectric and tunable properties. Ni-doped (≤3 mol%) BST films showed denser, smoother morphologies and smaller grain sizes than those with 6 and 12 mol% Ni. Dielectric constant and loss of 3 mol% Ni-doped BST films were about 980 and 0.3%, respectively. In addition, tunability and figure of merit of 3 mol% doped BST films showed maximum values of approximately 39% and 108, respectively. In high frequency region (>1 GHz), the frequency tunability range at center frequency of undoped BST and 3 mol% Ni-doped BST coplanar waveguide (CPW) resonators showed 102 and 152 MHz, respectively at 30 V dc bias. The Ni-doped BST thin films are possible in applications of microwave tunable capacitors.  相似文献   


The influence of heat treatment and substrate materials on PLT thin films by sol-gel processing has been researched. Epitaxial growth PLT thin films with perovskite-type structure on sapphire, SrTiO3 and MgO single crystal substrates have been prepared. The epitaxial relations are (100)PLT28/(100)SrTiO3, (111)PLT28//(0001)sapphire and (100)PLT14//(100)MgO. The PLT polycrystal thin films with perovskite-type structure on Si single crystal and quartz glass substrates have been prepared. The remanent polarization Pr and the coercive field Ec of PLT15 ceramic thin films are 7.7 μc/cm2 and 34 kv/cm at 4 KHz respectively. The optical transmittance of PLT28 ceramic thin films within the wavelength range of λ = 500–1000 nm is approximately 80%.  相似文献   


Sol-gel solutions were synthesized by using various alkoxides of polyhydric alcohol, carboxylate and stabilizer. Stability of modified sol-gel solution was good enough to keep its properties after at least three months although that of ordinary sol-gel solution is not good.

SBT films were fabricated on Pt(200nm)/Ti(20nm)SiO2(500nm)/Si substrate at under 700°C by using modified sol-gel solution. Range of drying temperature was 200 to 400°C and that of RTA was 550 to 700°C. At high drying temperature, decrease of crystallinity for SBT films was observed accompanied by nucleation of Sr carbonate. On the other hand, SBT film dried at under 250°C and crystallized at 700°C shows high crystallinity of layer perovskite.

SBT film derived from conventional sol-gel solution used to show strong crystal orientation of c-axis. In case of modified sol-gel solution, RTA temperature and amount of added stabilizer influenced crystal orientation of film. So it was possible that to control crystal orientation of SBT films by adjust RTA condition and amount of stabilizer. Stability of sol-gel solution and property of SBT films were influenced by component of solvent, electric properties of SBT films especially I-V property were improved.

Using low temperature deposition process at 650°C, SBT films derived from modified sol-gel solution show superior ferroelectric properties to SBT thin films derived from conventional MOD solution.  相似文献   

(001) oriented (Sr,Ba)Nb2O6 (SBN) thin films were deposited on MgO (001) single crystal substrates by the pulsed laser deposition method. Structural properties of SBN films were investigated using X-ray diffractometer. The microwave dielectric properties of SBN films were examined by calculating the scattering parameter obtained using a HP 8510C vector network analyzer with the frequency range 0.5–20 GHz at room temperature under the dc bias field of 0–80 kV/cm for interdigital capacitors (IDT) and coplanar waveguide (CPW) device based on SBN/MgO layer structure. Thick metal electrode patterns were fabricated by dc sputtering deposition, photolithography and etching process. The IDT device based on (001) oriented SBN films exhibited about 40% capacitance tunability with an electric field change of 80 kV/cm at room temperature, and the dielectric quality factor was about 20 at 12 GHz with no dc bias.  相似文献   

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