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一、概述我厂研制、开发和生产的煤气发生炉业已广泛应用于冶金、机械、轻工等各行各业,各类热处理炉、锻造炉、钢管穿孔及退火炉、轧钢加热炉、热镀锌炉、热搪瓷炉、烘干炉等。多年来,用户广泛使用上述炉子后,均取得较好的社会经济效益。“MCZ煤气发生炉”系将固体燃料转化为气体燃料的一种理想设备。其为冶金、机械、轻工等行业热加工提供了既节约又安全的发生炉煤气装置,符合市场经济条件下能源发展总的趋势,具有强大的生命力和发展前景。“MCZ煤气发生炉”在一般煤气发生炉的基础上作了突破性技术改进。它是一种具有蒸汽压力联…  相似文献   

从多年的经验出发,介绍了热脏发生炉煤气的使用背景和现状。分析亍热脏煤气的性能,重点介绍了热脏煤气系统中的各种设备及其使用注意事项,最后介绍了流化床煤气发生炉。  相似文献   

马魁民 《节能》1992,(8):38-39
<正> 1 前言煤气发生炉分级气化是指按入炉煤块度的大小而分成不同粒度范围分别进行气化。我厂于1991年10月份开始在熔制车间进行煤气炉分级气化的试验,试验运行结果表明:实行分级气化。有利于充分合理利用优质煤炭,有利于降  相似文献   

本文主要介绍反火型煤气发生炉的基本原理和主要特点,在工业上首次应用于热处理炉及其它加热炉上,并对热处理炉进行节能改造取得的初步成效。  相似文献   

夏家群  许季光 《节能》1991,(11):46-48
<正> 目前,在我国许多中小型工业企业中,由于受自身条件的限制,尚未安装煤气计量仪表,致使煤气的使用比较混乱,无法开展煤气的计量考核工作。为此,本文旨在介绍一种切实  相似文献   

张翠绒  杨淑菊 《节能》2000,(12):32-33
1前言 我厂原发生炉煤气站是1972年建成并投产的,有4台煤气发生炉,平时开二备二,产冷净发生炉煤气1.4万m3/h,供给本厂生产使用。冷净发生炉煤气热值约6.0MJ/m3,该煤气站在国内属中小型规模的煤气站,其能源费、环保治理费、设备费等总成本费用高达986万元.为了节能降耗、减污增效,太钢公司决定回收南区的高炉煤气,但因高炉煤气热值较低,需配入适量的焦炉煤气,以代替我厂煤气站生产的发生炉煤气. 从1998年7月份开始,我厂锻造加热炉、退火炉正式使用了公司的高焦混合煤气,同时运行了27年的发生炉…  相似文献   

於莉娟 《能源工程》1992,(3):31-32,28
所谓的固定床两段煤气发生炉就是在固定床普通煤气发生炉的上部加上一个干馏段。含有挥发份的原料煤从给料装置进入干馏段,利用下段上来的煤气直接换热和经隔墙及炉体环形通道的煤气的间接换热,逐渐升温进行干馏,煤中挥发份析出后形成的半焦,随即入气化段进行完全气化。两段炉有  相似文献   

太阳能干燥在工农业生产中应用的可行性及应用实例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了干燥作业在国民经济中的地位及其耗能情况,进一步介绍了太阳能干燥的优越性及其在我国的应用概况,并着重讨论了具有代表性的三种典型的太阳能干燥器的设计、特点和性能,阐述了太阳能干燥技术的前景,应用的可行性与现实性,以及需要进一步研究和解决的问题.  相似文献   

秸秆气化集中供气技术在农村地区的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国农村地区作物秸秆大量剩余,既浪费资源,又污染环境,文章通过秸秆气化集中供气技术应用实例,介绍秸秆气化原理,秸秆气化集中供气系统组成和以稻秆为原料的秸秆气化集中供气工程运行结果,并作简要分析,旨在为我国南方地区开发利用生物质能提供新的途径。  相似文献   

Nowadays, the world is facing critical problem of energy deficit, global warming, and deterioration of the environment. Under the current scenario, the biogas energy source is the most challenging one to cope up with the scarcity of energy. Biogas is a renewable energy source which can be obtained by fermentation of organic matter also known as biomass. The biomass includes livestock waste (cow dung, manure, and uneaten food), food waste, and residues from meat, fish and dairy processing. The present study is to explore the potential of biogas production from cow dung and its usage through compressed form in a cylinder. This stored biogas can be put in use to the extent where it is required and it also reduces transportation costs, which is a major hurdle in the biogas usage. This paper summarizes an idea that can be carried out for effective biogas production, scrubbing, compression, and bottling process.  相似文献   

一种新型天然气储存技术及其应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然气水合物(NGH)是在低温高压的条件下由水和天然气形成的笼形结晶化合物。天然气水合物储气技术是一种新型的天然气储气技术,具有能量密度高、安全可靠、费用低等优点。文章介绍了天然气水合物的制备、储气性能以及应用前景。  相似文献   

Ethanoligenens harbinense is a promising hydrogen producing microorganism due to its high inherent hydrogen production rate. Even though the effect of media optimization and inhibitory metabolites has been studied in order to improve the hydrogen productivity of these cultures, the identification of the underlying causes of the observed changes in productivity has not been targeted to date. In this work we present a genome based metabolic flux analysis (MFA) framework, for the comprehensive study of E. harbinense in culture, and the effect of inhibitory metabolites and media composition on its metabolic state. A metabolic model was constructed for E. harbinense based on its annotated genome sequence and proteomic evidence. This model was employed to perform MFA and obtain the intracellular flux distribution under different culture conditions. These results allow us to identify key elements in the metabolism that can be associated to the observed production phenotypes, and that can be potential targets for metabolic engineering in order to enhanced hydrogen production in E. harbinense.  相似文献   

We studied the solid flow characteristics of a multistage circulating moving bed reactor manufactured to produce high purity H2 using a chemical-looping process at high temperature. The reactor was constructed of stainless steel 304 and comprised an inclined fuel reactor ((bottom: 0.07 m, top: 0.16 m) × 0.06 × 1 m3), a steam reactor (0.16 × 0.06 × 1.4 m3), a riser (0.03 × 0.06 × 3.8 m3), two loop-seals (0.03 × 0.06 m2), and a cyclone. Zirconia beads (dp = 186 m, ρp = 3720 kg/m3, Umf = 4.95 × 10−2 m/s, Geldart classification B Group) were used as the bed material. To distribute compressed air, a bubble cap was used as the distributor. Solid mass flux appeared at 6.2–56.4 kg/m2s and the solid mean residence time appeared 92.5–889.3 s in the steam reactor and 75.3–717.7 s in the fuel reactor. Solid mass flux increased with increasing inlet gas velocity into the loop-seal, temperature and the bed height of the steam reactor. However, the solid mean residence time decreased with increasing inlet gas velocity into the loop-seal and the bed height of the steam reactor.  相似文献   

实验研究了外加线性变化热流条件下木材点燃时间与热流变化率之间的关系,测量了不同种类木材在不同热流变化率下的点燃时间。通过分析实验数据发现,点燃时间和热流变化率之间符合很好的幂函数关系,而密度是影响木材着火的一个关键因素。  相似文献   

A heat flux sensor (HFS) can be used to measure the heat loss from buried district heating (DH) pipes if the HFS is calibrated in conditions resembling the actual condition of use, i.e. not in one‐dimensional conditions. Owing to the fact that the thermal conductivity of the HFS often differs from the thermal conductivity of the surrounding media, the heat flux through the HFS will differ from the true heat flux. Consequently the development of compensated HFSs is discussed. The influence of how the HFS is fixed to the pipe casing is discussed as well as the influence of the casing diameter and the soil thermal conductivity on the calibration factor. The long‐term stability of HFSs is discussed with reference to measurements on a DH transmission line, which were carried out over a period of more than one year. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

呼延念超  单巧利  李勇  冯海红 《节能》2009,28(7):47-48,56
介绍位于内蒙古地区乌审旗境内油气田某倒班点太阳能热水系统的应用实例,分析了太阳能热水系统在寒冷地区应用的实用性、经济性和优势,并针对该类地区的区域特点说明了系统设计应着重考虑的问题及应对措施。运行结果证明太阳能热水系统完全能够在寒冷地区推广应用.节能效果明显。  相似文献   

The work is devoted to the study of the intensity of heat transfer in a supersonic combustion chamber at a Mach number of 4 under conditions of ignition and transition to intense combustion, including the transition to choking the channel. The experiments were carried out on a combustion chamber model in the connected pipeline mode with flow parameters in the channel close to flight conditions at Mach numbers 6–8. The experimental model is a rectangular channel with a flame holder in the form of backward facing step (BFS). Fuel injection was carried out in front of BFS on the top and bottom walls of the model through 8 circular holes, which were situated under the angles of 45° or 90°. It has been revealed that the choice of the fuel injection scheme leads to an increase in the level and a change in the distribution of the heat flux along the length of the combustion chamber. A decrease in the angle of hydrogen injection makes it possible to significantly reduce the heat flux into the wall of the combustion chamber, while choking the channel is accompanied by a twofold increase in the heat flux.  相似文献   

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