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2004年10月24日-11月12日,中国电力企业联合会组团赴加拿大、美国进行了电力环保政策法规考察.考察团考察了加拿大、美国的环保管理部门和企业,并就电力环保政策、法规的发展和影响,以及电力企业的对策措施等问题进行了座谈和交流,较全面地了解了两个国家的电力环保法规、政策及发展动态,收集了大量资料和信息.这对进一步研究两个国家乃至全球环境问题,促进我国电力工业的环境保护工作,实施电力工业的可持续发展具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

焦化塔大油气线结焦原因分析及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立海 《中外能源》2008,13(6):81-83
针对中国石化济南分公司延迟焦化装置焦炭塔大油气线的结焦现象,根据重油结焦机理、设备现状和操作过程中存在的问题,综合分析了焦化塔大油气线结焦过程和原因。指出了结焦的具体原因为:原料性质变化,急冷油喷嘴位置不合适,焦炭塔顶温度偏高,操作不当,加工量偏大,消泡剂注入量偏小、注入时间偏短。针对以上分析提出了相应的整改措施以及进一步改进的方向,以保证装置的长期平稳运行。  相似文献   

周亚森 《中国能源》2020,(4):34-36,20
尼泊尔水电蕴藏量丰富,具有较大的开发潜力,在“一带一路”背景下,中国能源企业面临着投资尼泊尔等南亚地区电力市场的机遇和挑战.本文分析尼泊尔电力系统现状与负荷预测,进行尼泊尔电力电量平衡,结合尼泊尔与印度电力贸易等情况,评估尼泊尔电力市场空间,分析尼泊尔电力投资环境,提出在投资开发尼泊尔电力市场方面的建议,可为中国企业进行尼泊尔水电项目投资决策及确定南亚水电市场开发的战略定位提供依据和借鉴.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the New Electricity Market of Singapore (NEMS) is functioning at a workable level of competition. The generation market of the NEMS appears highly concentrated by a four-firm concentration ratio or the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index. However, other measures of market power present that the NEMS is working at close to a competitive market. First, there seems to be a number of effective competitors in the market. Second, Supply Margin Assessment and Residual Supply Index support that the market is competitive though there are some possibilities in which the largest generator or a few large generators jointly could still have market power. Third, the Lerner Index of the NEMS shows that the generation market is fairly competitive and the Lerner Index adjusted with an industry level price elasticity of demand implies that there has not been much exercise of market power. Finally, vesting contracts—a contractual obligation of a specified quantity of electricity supply to the market—have appeared to be a strong and effective tool to mitigate market power in the NEMS. The vesting contracts are considered the force behind the lowering in the average Uniform Singapore Electricity Price and the Lerner Index in 2004.  相似文献   

盐城新能源产业现状及发展趋势研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭宗林  虞华  陈光亚  程鑫 《中外能源》2010,15(12):106-109
目前盐城市新能源主要有风能、太阳能、生物质能以及新能源汽车产业。其中,盐城新能源汽车产业正处于起步发展的关键阶段;风能、太阳能和生物质能的开发利用正处于加速发展的起步阶段,尤其是风电装备产业发展迅速。盐城发展新能源产业具有机遇良好、自然资源优越、产业基础雄厚等优势。但同时也存在风电装备产业发展仍相对滞后、风电场土地使用不够集约、太阳能光伏产业发展陷入低潮、新能源汽车推广普及还有难度,缺乏整体规划、研发能力薄弱等制约因素;另外还存在技术障碍、运营成本高、安全与环境问题、盈利困难等产业繁荣背后的隐忧。应努力做好规划和组织引导工作,建立研发投入机制;继续加大扶持力度,改善政策环境和市场条件;注重整机的引进和大企业拉动;加大科技投入,增强研发能力;继续推进新能源汽车产业建设,以求做大做强。  相似文献   


Currently oil is the fastest growing primary energy source in the world. The Middle East has over half of the world's proven oil reserves and remains the center of gravity in the global oil market. The Middle East represents 65% of world oil reserves. Saudi Arabia is by far the region's largest producer and exporter accounting for approximately 42% of production from the Middle East followed by Iran 19%, UAE 11%, Iraq 6%, Kuwait 11%, Qatar 4%, Oman 5%, and Syria 2% in year 2003. Currently, 60% of exports from the Middle East are destined for Asian markets. The Middle East region supplied about 29% of the 3.4 billion barrels of crude oil that the United States imported in 2001.  相似文献   

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