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堰塞湖应急处置的技术措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
夏仲平 《人民长江》2010,41(1):42-43
以某堰塞湖的处置为例,对处置原则和处置措施进行了论述。认为:首先应对堰塞湖进行了安全性评价,根据堰塞体所处河流多年水文资料,预测堰塞湖应急处置期间可能出现的最大来水量和水位,作为其风险评估的依据。其次,根据风险评价结果,制定工程措施和非工程措施进行处置。工程措施包括:堰塞体开渠泄洪、引流冲刷、拆除,上游垭口疏通排泄、湖水机械抽排、虹吸管抽排、新建泄洪洞等。引流槽断面宜设计成窄深状,出口设置应有利于产生溯源冲刷。非工程措施包括:应急避险范围确定、应急避险预案和应急避险保障。对类似堰塞湖的处置具有参考作用。  相似文献   

四川发生特大地震灾害后,中国建筑科学研究院先后派出60多名专家赶赴灾区开展震后建筑应急评估工作,对未倒塌房屋进行评估,同时,还派出专家赴甘肃、陕西进行震害调查。  相似文献   

四川省汶川地震后,本人作为水利部抗震救灾指挥部现场排查第六工作组成员,对成都、绵阳、眉山、雅安和宜宾等5个地市的水库进行了排查.共完成了76座水库和水电站、5个堰塞湖和山体滑坡的险情排查任务。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is twofold: to present and discuss practically useful management criteria from different perspectives of lake management (fishery, recreation, conservation, monitoring of water quality and use of water for irrigation and drinking), and to put these criteria into the context of a holistic lake ecosystem model, LakeWeb, which accounts for production, biomasses, predation and abiotic/biotic feedbacks related to nine key functional groups of organisms constituting the lake ecosystem. These are phytoplankton, benthic algae, macrophytes, bacterioplankton, herbivorous zooplankton, predatory zooplankton, zoobenthos, prey fish and predatory fish. The LakeWeb model also includes a mass‐balance model for phosphorus and calculates bio‐uptake and retention of phosphorus in these groups of organisms. It also includes submodels for the depth of the photic zone and lake temperature. The LakeWeb model is driven by few and readily accessible driving variables and it has been extensively tested and shown to capture fundamental lake foodweb interactions very well, which should lend credibility to the scenarios discussed in this paper regarding the conditions in Lake Batorino, Belarus. The LakeWeb model offers a tool to address important, often very complex, scientific problems in a realistic manner. The first scenario describes the changes after 1990 when there was a drastic reduction in the use of fertilizers in agriculture because of political changes and the corresponding changes in lake characteristics and foodweb structures utilizing the given management criteria. The second scenario describes, for comparative purposes, the probable alterations in the lake foodweb related to global climatic changes; in this case, warming and increased temperature variations. This study indicates that there are several similarities between eutrophication and increases in temperatures, which are discussed in this paper along with the mechanistic reasons related to such changes by using a set of general management criteria.  相似文献   

A major problem encountered by managers of large reservoirs, such as Lake Nasser (located in the south of Egypt), is the continuous deposition of sediments, resulting in a bed-level increase, a decrease in lake capacity, and the creation of a new delta that might eventually hinder navigation. To investigate the sedimentation problem in Lake Nasser, a series of surveyed cross-sections were reviewed and samples of suspended sediment and bed material collected. These sets of data were analysed to investigate the progress of the delta formation, the change in its properties in all directions and the corresponding patterns of suspended and deposited sediment particles. Results showed that deposited sediments, characterized by a variable pattern of particle composition, are building up at the lake entrance. Although the expansion of the delta is multidirectional, its accelerated advance towards the High Aswan Dam would depend on the frequent occurrence of high floods following extended drought periods. Based on the calculated deposited sediment volume in Lake Nasser during the period 1964–1998, the lifetime of the dead storage zone allocated for sediment deposition (31 × 109 m3) is estimated at a minimum of 310 years.  相似文献   

Although environmental management projects typically must collect large quantities of data and information from a variety of related fields, these data and information often are not used effectively. In this study, an experimental version of a knowledge management system (Learning Acceleration and Knowledge Enhancement System) was developed to solve problems related to the acquisition and accumulation of large quantities of information being applied to an international project on lake management. Two functions were incorporated in the system, including (i) a function for previewing retrieved documents so that the information obtained using a specific search word could be easily accessed; and (ii) a thesaurus function to facilitate the sourcing and understanding by decision‐makers and other stakeholders of information in unfamiliar, but related, fields of study. As these functions enable users to search for data and information in fields that might be unfamiliar to them, the application of knowledge management to projects involving environmental issues can be a valuable tool for such projects in the future.  相似文献   

长江防洪应贯彻"蓄泄兼筹,以泄为主"的方针   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
谭培伦 《人民长江》1999,30(2):41-42,45
1998年长江的大洪水对长江防洪规划是一欠实际检验,再次证明长江“蓄泄兼筹,以泄为主”的防洪方针是正确的,通过多年研究,长江防洪不能企望单一手段,而必须采取综合措施加以解决,首先是以堤防为基础,使大部分洪水东泄入海。但完全靠提防则堤防要加高很多,工程量很大,防汛时防守难度与风险均很大,故需要由水库拦洪削峰,而在上游干支流水库和中游支流水库未建成前,或在遇到特大洪水时,超额洪峰洪量还需全部或部分由分  相似文献   

5月15日,水利部长江水利委员会水文局局长王俊受命赶赴成都,负责核查四川省水文测报设施、震毁情况,指导水情监测及应急测报和水文设施抢修工作。5月26日,在王俊参加抗震救灾的第12天,记者与王俊聊起了这次他参加水文抗震救灾的经历和感受时,他着重对堰塞湖的水文测报应急机制及手段提出了自己的思考。  相似文献   

An increased need for water, combined with a scarcity of water resources, has resulted in serious challenges regarding water resource management. Those issues have always been a major concern of most research regarding the management and operation of water resources. Various qualitative and quantitative methods, Game Theory (GT) being an example, have been proposed for managing common pool water resources. This study adopts GT to address a case of common pool water resource management, including consideration of the interference of a regulator. Urmia lake in north‐western Iran was chosen as an illustration of a common source of water shared between two provinces acting as littoral stakeholders to the lake. Due to a non‐cooperative behaviour of the stakeholders, the lake is most likely to dry up. To change the game situation, a regulator was inserted into the game as a third player. The game among players is investigated in terms of two static and dynamic game methods. Two strategies are defined for each player. The equilibrium point will be achieved according to the strategies adopted by the players. For static games, a low‐level equilibrium under non‐cooperation conditions is obtained. Dynamic games among players are more likely to occur, rather than static games. The equilibrium of high‐level productivity will be obtained under cooperative conditions among the players.  相似文献   

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