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A new fiber-optic catheter for in vivo blood-flow measurements has been developed. The catheter is designed to measure blood flow in both the forward (toward the catheter tip) and reverse (away from the catheter tip) flow directions. It consists of two multimode optical fibers with core diameter of 50 μm and cladding diameter of 125 μm. One fiber transmits the laser beam into blood and the other receives the backscattered light from the erythrocytes within the probe volume. In the flow experiment, it was found that the flow within the boundary layer is indeed laminar and, hence, the relationship between the Doppler shift frequencies and the flow velocities is linear, thereby making the linear calibration possible for predicting the free stream flow velocity. Plots of the maximum shift frequency (frequency at which the Doppler spectrum disappeared into the noise spectrum) against the flow velocities are found to be more linear in both the forward and reverse flow directions than that of the dominant shift frequency (frequency with the highest amplitude). These results were reaffirmed by the numerical flow simulation along the catheter side wall  相似文献   

This paper reports the measurement of epitaxial silicon film thickness using a Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The implementation and characteristics of emission Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (E/FT-IR) for film thickness measurement are described. The limitation and robustness of the E/FT-IR technique, and its comparison to conventional FT-IR are reported in detail. Issues such as E/FT-IR's repeatability, reproducibility, the effect of vacuum window material and its coating, and the effect of wafer rotation, are evaluated. We find that good repeatability and reproducibility of the E/FT-IR technique can be achieved. The repeatability of the E/FT-IR technique in terms of standard deviation is 0.01 μm, in terms of coefficient of variation is about 0.1% for all wafer temperatures (550°C, 610°C, and 660°C). The window material, window stress, and its coatings do not affect the film thickness measurement as long as sufficient light intensity reaches the FT-IR detector. Additionally, when FT-IR thickness measurements are performed on a rotating wafer (with speeds up to 55 rpm), we find that only a small amount of noise is introduced, and a good measurement repeatability can still be maintained  相似文献   

The aim of this study is in vivo skin tissue characterization of young and old human cutaneous tissues by estimating the slope of the attenuation coefficient. The method used is the centroid algorithm with a second-order autoregressive model to perform the spectral analysis. Backscattered signals are acquired with a 40-MHz transducer fixed on a three-dimensional robot. Diffraction phenomena are eliminated via an axial translation of the transducer that allows the acquisition of the signal in the focal zone. The slope of the attenuation coefficient is estimated on phantoms of known attenuation, in order to validate the method. Preliminary measurements of the slope of the attenuation coefficient are subsequently performed in the echographic mode on abdominal human skin samples in vitro at 40 MHz. After assessing the reproducibility of the measurement of the attenuation coefficient slope in human dermis at 40-MHz in vivo, this is carried out on the volar face of the forearm of 150 healthy subjects aged 14-85 yr. The values measured range from 0.7 to 3.6 dB/cm.MHz. The main result of this study is the decrease with advancing age of the attenuation coefficient slope, which may reflect structural modifications of human dermis with age.  相似文献   

Four different volumes of physiological saline were infused into the abdominal cavity of rats and the resulting inductive phase shift in the bulk of the abdomen was measured with a noncontact electrical induction system, built to measure phase shift in the bulk of the body in the frequency range from 1 MHz to 8.5 MHz. This experimental study shows that inductive bulk measurements of phase shift have the potential to detect changes in intraperitoneal fluid in vivo with measurements made at frequencies higher than approximately 1 MHz. The experiments also show that the bulk phase shift increases as a function of frequency and fluid volume in a way that is qualitatively consistent with earlier theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

The wide-band electrical noise characteristics of 0.8-, 1.3-, and 1.5-μm laser diodes have been studied theoretically and for the first time also experimentally. The electrical noise is related to the optical intensity noise behavior, and can therefore be used for in situ measurements and characterization of laser diodes. Since the measurements are performed without any optical components, undesired optical feedback is eliminated. The results show that several important laser parameters and characteristics can be extracted from purely electrical noise measurements. Among these are the relaxation frequency, the threshold current, the emission linewidth, optical feedback properties, and longitudinal mode hopping behavior. Good agreement between the noise theory and the electrical noise measurements has been obtained. An expression for obtaining both the spectral linewidth and lineshape from electrical noise measurements is also derived.  相似文献   

A procedure for automatic sorting of three-dimensional (3-D) shapes is proposed. The procedure is applied to sort into normal and abnormal categories, human left ventricles (LV) using in vivo data from 19 subjects (ten normal and nine abnormal LV's) studied by ultrafast tomography (Cine-CT). The procedure starts by utilizing a vector in a helical coordinate system to describe the spatial geometry of each individual LV cavity. This individual vector is then anatomically aligned and normalized to eliminate effects due to size, yielding a dimensionless vector, denoted as "geometrical cardiogram" (GCG). The GCG characterizes the instantaneous 3-D geometrical information of the individual LV. For the group of healthy subjects, the Karhunen-Loeve Transform (KLT) is then applied to compress the geometric information contained in their individuals' GCG vectors, at end diastole (ED) and end systole (ES), and yield a unique set of basis vectors. The "normal shape domain" is next defined as a truncated set of the KLT basis vectors from which a normal GCG can be reconstructed with a mean squared error (MSE) smaller than a defined threshold. The calculated MSE of any individual GCG reconstructed in this domain is then used as a criterion for sorting the 3-D shapes. Hearts which yield MSE greater than the threshold are considered abnormal. When applied to the study group of 19 subjects a significant difference (p less than 0.0001) between the MSE values obtained for the normal LV's, and those obtained for the abnormal LV's was detected, thus leading to a successful sorting of all the studied LV's. Finally, the KLT is applied to yield a compact representation of the 3-D geometry of any LV (normal or abnormal).  相似文献   

The conductivity of the human skull was measured both in vitro and in vivo. The in vitro measurement was performed on a sample of fresh skull placed within a saline environment. For the in vivo measurement a small current was passed through the head by means of two electrodes placed on the scalp. The potential distribution thus generated on the scalp was measured in two subjects for two locations of the current injecting electrodes. Both methods revealed a skull conductivity of about 0.015 [symbol: see text]/m. For the conductivities of the brain, the skull and the scalp a ratio of 1:1/15:1 was found. This is consistent with some of the reports on conductivities found in the literature, but differs considerably from the ratio 1:1/80:1 commonly used in neural source localization. An explanation is provided for this discrepancy, indicating that the correct ratio is 1:1/15:1.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been great interest in a new class of solutions to the isotropic/homogeneous scaler wave equation which represents localized waves or limited diffraction beams in electromagnetics, optics, and acoustics. Applications of these solutions to ultrasonic medical imaging, tissue characterization, and nondestructive evaluation of materials have also been reported. The authors report a real-time medical imager which uses limited diffraction Bessel beams, X-waves, Axicons, or conventional beams. Results (in vitro and in vivo) show that the images obtained with limited diffraction beams have higher resolution and good contrast over larger depth of field compared to images obtained with conventional focused beams. These results suggest the potential clinical usefulness of limited diffraction beams.  相似文献   

We developed a small-sized micromachined probe for the measurement of biological properties using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. We also experimentally showed the suitability of the micromachined probe for biological applications through in vivo, as well as in vitro measurements of various types of tissue. We measured the permittivities of 0.9% saline and the muscle and fat of pork using the micromachined probe after liquid calibration. The measured permittivities of 0.9% saline and pork agreed well with both the expected values of the Cole-Cole equation along with the measured values obtained through the use of a 1-mm-diameter open-ended coaxial probe. We also performed in vivo measurements of breast cancer tissue implanted in an athymic nude mouse to show the suitability of the small-sized micromachined probe for practical biological applications. Through the obtained data, the capability of the micromachined probe of distinguishing different tissue types from one another was shown. The actual aperture size of the micromachined probe is only 240 /spl mu/m /spl times/ 70 /spl mu/m and, therefore, we can extract the biological information from very small biological tissues and drastically decrease the invasiveness of this method through the implementation of the small probe created through the use of MEMS technology.  相似文献   

A novel method for in vitro calibration of skin hydration measurements is presented. The method combines gravimetric and electrical measurements and reveals an exponential dependency of measured electrical susceptance to absolute water content in the epidermal stratum corneum. The results also show that absorption of water into the stratum corneum exhibits three different phases with significant differences in absorption time constant. These phases probably correspond to bound, loosely bound, and bulk water.  相似文献   

The attenuation of an ultrasound pulse within tissue can be estimated from either the amplitude decay or the frequency downshift of returning echoes. The authors compare the results of both analyses as applied to ultrasound B scan echoes from the livers of 49 individuals. The amplitude decay of the backscattered signal Fourier components with depth was used to calculate attenuation coefficients. In addition, the frequency downshift of the same backscattered signals was estimated using both zero-crossing and spectral centroid methods. The results show that the frequency-domain estimators yield consistently higher attenuation coefficients, with higher variability compared to the amplitude decay method. Explanations for the apparent bias and variability of the frequency-shift estimators include both the assumptions regarding tissue and signal which may not be met in practice and the effects of low-frequency electronic noise on spectral estimates  相似文献   

The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has been used in the emissive mode to study depletion layer widening in a Si mesa diode. The results obtained are more complex than those recently reported. In the non-abrupt junction in question, negligible widening of the depletion layer was observed either before or after bevelling. Depletion layer movement of the correct magnitude was observed on an abrupt junction by the emissive method. The causes of the different behaviour are not understood, but it is suggested that it may be due to the different voltage against distance relationships existing on the surface of these diodes. The observation of layer movement was further complicated by the existence of a variant of high field contrast which developed as the bias was increased. This additional contrast was only observed in the presence of a high electric field on a deeply etched surface. The discussion is mainly limited to the relative merits of the emissive and conductive modes of operation as means of studying depletion layer movement. In view of the complexities observed with the emissive mode it is concluded that the conductivity approach is, at present, superior. This contention is supported by other evidence.  相似文献   

A possible characterization of the ear through the PARCOR algorithm is suggested. This leads to a digital filter heating aid that could be of assistance in compensating for partial hearing loss.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to report the results of a propagation measurement experiment to reach a statistical model of the indoor radio channel at 10 GHz using directive antennas at both terminals. The measurements were conducted on a floor of a university building. The distribution of the received fading envelope was tested to fit the Rayleigh and Rician distributions, but were not satisfactory. The Nakagami distribution was found to give an excellent fit with its parameter, m, depending on the separation between transmitter and receiver. The results of the level crossing rate (LCR) and the average duration of fades (ADFs) confirmed this result. The effect of using reception diversity to improve the quality of the received fading signal was tested. Frequency, space and polarization diversity were applied and the cross correlation between the envelopes of the received fading signals (magnitude and power) in the diversity branches was evaluated. The diversity gain achieved was also evaluated. The effect of three different combining techniques (selection, equal gain and maximal ratio) and the effect of applying a global or moving means to the recorded data was studied  相似文献   

Knowledge of the loads to which orthopedic implants are subjected is a fundamental prerequisite for their optimal biomechanical design, long-term success, and improved rehabilitation outcomes. In vivo load measurements are more accurate than those obtained using mathematical musculoskeletal models. An inductively powered integrated circuit inside the implant measures six load components as well as the temperature and supplied voltage. This low-power circuit includes a 9-channel multiplexer, a programmable memory, a pulse interval modulator, and a radio-frequency transmitter. Together with a few passive components, the integrated circuit is mounted on a ceramic substrate with thick-film hybrid technology. The sensor signals are multiplexed, modulated, and transmitted to an external device. The microcontroller of the external device regulates the alternating magnetic field produced by a power oscillator and synchronizes the pulse interval modulated data stream. A personal computer displays forces, moments, and temperatures in real time. The new telemetry transmitter has, thus far, been used for in vivo load measurements in three patients with shoulder endoprostheses. Eight instrumented vertebral body replacements are ready for implantation, and an instrumented tibial tray is being submitted to laboratory tests.  相似文献   

Understanding thermal energy distribution is essential to interpret skin temperature for diagnosing various pathological and experimental conditions. The present paper investigates temperature data measurements acquired with an infrared thermometer system and in vivo temperature measurements on the backs of New Zealand rabbits. Local differences in skin temperature are significant around bony structures and in visceral areas. The results suggest that the location of experimental sites must be considered when interpreting data which use local temperature as an indicator of microvascular phenomena on the skin surface. Our techniques have proven valuable for quantifying thermal effects on small fields or skin lesions of experimental animals, and can be used noninvasively to measure the onset and transient vascular effects caused by noxious insults including laser radiation.  相似文献   

In vivo measurement of surgical gestures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Virtual reality techniques are now more and more widely used in the field of surgical training. However, the realism of the simulation devices requires a good knowledge of the mechanical behavior of the living organs. To provide perioperative measurement of laparoscopic surgical operations, we equipped a conventional operating grasper with a force sensor and a position sensor. The entire apparatus was connected to a PC that controlled the real-time data acquisition. After calibrating the sensors, we conducted three series of in vivo measurements on animals under video control. A standardized protocol was set up to perform various surgical gestures in a reproducible manner. Under these conditions, we can assess an original tool for a quantitative approach of surgical gestures' mechanics. The preliminary results will be extended by measurements during other operations and with other surgical instruments. The in vivo quantification of the mechanical interactions between operating instruments and anatomical structures is of great interest for the introduction of the force feedback in virtual surgery, for the modeling of the mechanical behavior of living organs, and for the design of new surgical instruments. This quantification of manipulations opens new prospects in the evaluation of surgical practices.  相似文献   

The recent availability of quasi-simultaneous multispectral and multidirectional measurements from space, as provided by the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) on board the Terra platform, offers new and unique opportunities to document the anisotropy of land surfaces at critical solar wavelengths. This paper presents simple physical principles supporting the interpretation of the anisotropy of spectral radiances exiting terrestrial surfaces in terms of a signature of surface heterogeneity. The shape of the anisotropy function is represented with two model parameter values which may be mapped and interpreted in their own right. The value of one of these parameters also permits identifying geophysical conditions where the surface heterogeneity becomes significant and where three-dimensional (3D) radiation transfer effects have to be explicitly accounted for. This paper documents these findings on the basis of results from a number of 3D radiation transfer model simulations. The latter are used to perform an extensive sensitivity study which includes issues related to the scale of investigation. A preliminary validation of these results, conducted with a dataset collected by the AirMISR instrument over the Konza prairie, is also discussed.  相似文献   

Researchers have shown increasing interest in block-iterative image reconstruction algorithms due to the computational and modeling advantages they provide. Although their convergence properties have been well documented, little is known about how they behave in the presence of noise. In this work, we fully characterize the ensemble statistical properties of the rescaled block-iterative expectation-maximization (RBI-EM) reconstruction algorithm and the rescaled block-iterative simultaneous multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (RBI-SMART). Also included in the analysis are the special cases of RBI-EM, maximum-likelihood EM (ML-EM) and ordered-subset EM (OS-EM), and the special case of RBI-SMART, SMART. A theoretical formulation strategy similar to that previously outlined for ML-EM is followed for the RBI methods. The theoretical formulations in this paper rely on one approximation, namely, that the noise in the reconstructed image is small compared to the mean image. In a second paper, the approximation will be justified through Monte Carlo simulations covering a range of noise levels, iteration points, and subset orderings. The ensemble statistical parameters could then be used to evaluate objective measures of image quality.  相似文献   

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