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E. N. Beginin S. V. Grishin M. A. Morozova Yu. P. Sharaevskii 《Technical Physics Letters》2009,35(9):853-856
Various regimes of chaotic signal generation have been studied in an self-oscillating ring system with a wideband nonlinear
delay line based on coupled ferromagnetic films, in which magnetostatic backward volume waves (MSBVWs) are excited. It is
shown for the first time that the simultaneous excitation of two waves in the coupled films leads to the appearance of a falling
part in the dynamic characteristic of the MSBVW delay line and the generation of a broadband chaotic signal with a continuous
spectrum. Under certain conditions, the ring exhibits a regime of intermittency, in which broadband chaotic signals with both
continuous and discrete spectra are generated. 相似文献
S. V. Grishin S. A. Nikitov D. V. Romanenko V. O. Khudolozhkin Yu. P. Sharaevskii 《Technical Physics Letters》2013,39(4):321-324
The generation of single chaotic microwave pulses in a self-oscillating ring system with ferromagnetic film under the action of external narrow-band noise microwave signal occurring outside the band of frequencies of the chaotic microwave signal was observed. Chaotic generation emerged due to the parametric instability of the magnetostatic surface wave in the ferromagnetic film, whereas formation of single chaotic microwave pulses was caused by the absence of complete suppression of chaos under the action of narrowband noise. 相似文献
We have experimentally studied specific features of the generation of chaotic microwave pulse trains in a self-oscillating ring system with nonlinear delay line on surface magnetostatic waves, bandpass filter, and power amplifier on GaAs field-effect transistors under the action of an external pulse-modulated microwave signal occurring outside the band of the generated chaotic signal. It is established that a decrease in the off/duty ratio in the external pulse-modulated microwave signal leads to an increase in this ratio for the chaotic microwave pulses. The integral power of the chaotic microwave signal generated under the pulsed external signal action is increased as compared to the power of signal generated in the autonomous regime. 相似文献
Passive synchronization (PS) of spin wave self-modulation frequencies of a chaotic microwave signal has been observed for the first time in a self-oscillatory ring system involving a nonlinear passive element with saturable absorption. The development of PS led to the generation of a periodic train of chaotic microwave pulses with an off/duty ratio exceeding 20. It is established that the repetition period of chaotic microwave pulses can be controlled by changing gain in the ring system. 相似文献
A. V. Starodubov A. A. Koronovskiĭ A. E. Hramov Yu. D. Zharkov B. S. Dmitriev 《Technical Physics Letters》2007,33(7):612-615
The phenomenon of generalized chaotic synchronization has been studied in a system of two unidirectionally coupled chaotic oscillators modeling two-sresonator klystron autooscillators. A mechanism explaining the observed behavior is presented. 相似文献
Regimes of wideband chaotic microwave generation have been studied in a self-oscillating ring system with a nonlinear delay
line, in which magnetostatic backward volume waves (MSBVWs) are excited. It is established that a change in length of the
delay line influences on its amplitude and phase nonlineartity, thus making it possible to control the characteristics of
the chaotic microwave signal generated in the ring. It is demonstrated for the first time that a wideband chaotic microwave
signal with a continuous spectrum and a nearly Gaussian probability density distribution can be generated by exciting MSBVWs
in a self-oscillating ring system with a nonlinear delay line based on single ferromagnetic film. 相似文献
A group delay equalised InGaP/GaAs HBT monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) amplifier with an active balun for ultra-wideband (UWB) application has been developed. The MMIC consists of a broadband amplifier with an active balun and a group delay equaliser. The group delay equaliser was designed based on a theory using a composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line. Adding a right-handed (RH) transmission line to a CRLH transmission line in parallel, a convex group delay characteristic is realised. Since various UWB components have concave group delay characteristics, the group delay equaliser can compensate a concave group delay characteristic of the amplifier in an operation frequency band. In this paper, dispersion, group delay and impedance characteristics for the proposed CRLH/RH circuit have been theoretically analysed. Moreover, a minimised group delay equaliser circuit on an MMIC has been designed and fabricated based on the proposed CRLH/RH circuit. A fabricated group delay equalised InGaP/GaAs HBT MMIC amplifier with an active balun exhibited an improved group delay characteristic compared with the MMIC amplifier without the group delay equaliser. The standard deviations of group delays for a frequency variation in a gain band were decreased from 12.8 to 5.5 ps at S21 and decreased from 10.3 to 7.3 ps at S31. 相似文献
We have studied the phenomenon of suppression of a microwave signal in a magnetostatic wave (MSW) resonant transmission line
comprising a microstrip resonator with a tangentially magnetized ferromagnetic film. Distinctions are revealed between the
observed effects and those reported for a matched MSW line transmitting one microwave signal or two signals with different
power levels. 相似文献
K. V. Gorbachev S. D. Korovin G. A. Mesyats E. V. Nesterov S. D. Polevin V. A. Stroganov M. Yu. Sukhov E. V. Chernykh V. E. Fortov 《Technical Physics Letters》2005,31(9):775-778
High-power microwave radiation has been generated using a relativistic backward wave oscillator (BWO) powered by a high voltage
source comprising an inductive energy storage and an electric-explosion current switch. The high voltage source and the BWO
magnetic system are energy pumped by explosive magnetocumulative generators. In experiments, the proposed setup generated
30-ns single-mode radiation pulses with a carrier frequency of 3.6 GHz at an output power of 0.75 GW. 相似文献
A four-wave mixing (FWM) effect in a fiber-based optical parametric amplifier (FOPA) is reported. The novelty in the setup used is a ring cavity as opposed to the commonly used method of linear cavity. This reduces the required pump power, P p, for the amplification of the signals and also the generation of the idlers. The achieved gain for signal amplification is about 30?dB with a P p of 25?dBm. It has a flat gain response within range of 22?nm from 1570?nm to 1592?nm, with an average value of 28?dB within the 3?dB region. The average conversion efficiency is approximately ?5?dB, with a peak value of ?4?dB within the 2?dB region, with a range of 24?nm from 1576?nm to 1600?nm. 相似文献
S. V. Savelyev 《Technical Physics Letters》2012,38(6):506-508
A chaotic microwave autooscillatory system has been designed, implemented on a high-power bipolar transistor (2T 982 A-2), and studied. The experiments showed stable generation of chaotic oscillations in a 5.26?C5.44 GHz range with a spectral power density of 1.3 × 10?3 W/MHz. 相似文献
We have designed, implemented, and studied a chaotic self-oscillating system based on a monolithic integrated circuit on a silicon substrate. Experimental prototypes demonstrated stable generation of chaotic microwave oscillations with a maximum spectral power density in a frequency range of 2.8–3.8 GHz. 相似文献
Equations describing a ring system of three unidirectionally coupled Chua oscillators (subsystems) are presented. Numerical analysis is performed in the case in which only one subsystem is autooscillatory. It is shown that non-auto-oscillatory subsystems (simplified to single-shot trigger type) exhibit complication of circuit oscillations that is accompanied by multiplication of the oscillation frequencies and expansion of the generated spectrum. 相似文献
S. O. Atuba K. Nakkeeran K. W. Chow P. Ramesh Babu A. Manimegalai 《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(21):2246-2258
We consider a light wave propagation in tapered photonic crystal fibres (PCFs) wherein the wave propagation is described by the variable coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation. We solve it directly by means of the theta function identities and Hirota bilinear method in order to obtain the exact periodic waves of sn, cn and dn types. These chirped period waves demand exponential variations in both dispersion and nonlinearity. Besides, we analytically demonstrate the generation of a train of ultrashort pulses using the periodic waves by exploiting the exponentially varying optical properties of the tapered PCFs. As a special case, we discuss the chirped solitary pulses under long wave limit of these periodic waves. In addition, we derive these types of periodic waves using the self-similar analysis and compare the results. 相似文献
We propose a scheme for optimizing the time delay between the pump and seed pulses of an optical parametric amplifier (OPA) over a large spectral range. The efficiency of this method is demonstrated for a femtosecond BBO parametric amplifier seeded with a white-light continuum pulse. The error signal used for intensity stabilization results from a modulation of the temporal delay between the pump and the continuum pulses and phase-sensitive detection of the amplified signal. It allows us to lock the delay to the position that maximizes the OPA gain. 相似文献
Time series of chaotic oscillations have been observed for the first time in an auto-oscillator for the 8-mm wavelength range based on an avalanche transit-time diode. The noise generator based on this diode has been used as a signal source for a noise radar prototype. 相似文献
为达到节水灌溉目的,设计了一套基于电力线载波通信的喷灌控制系统.系统以电力线载波为通信手段,以主控室的主机为核心,以主从多机通信模式对现场信号进行远程采集及控制,最后对系统进行了现场测试.结果表明,数据传输误差率低,设备运行可靠、稳定,控制距离达到了约300m.系统不仅达到了控制目的,节约了水资源,同时节约了大量通信电缆,具有很好的应用价值. 相似文献