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PURPOSE: Intracavernosal injection therapy is one of the most popular therapies for erectile dysfunction today. Yet, most clinicians consider intracavernosal injection a palliative treatment for erectile dysfunction because of the high patient initiated dropout rate. In contrast, penile prostheses appear to offer a more permanent cure for erectile dysfunction. We compare the long-term outcomes of both therapies in contemporaneously treated patients and determine the reasons for failure of each. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Telephone survey and chart review was conducted on the first 115 patients treated with intracavernosal injection and 65 patients undergoing insertion of a penile prosthesis during the same period at our institution. Mean patient age was 57 and 60 years, respectively, and mean followup of all patients was 5.4 years (range of 3.3 to 16). RESULTS: An equal percentage of patients were lost to followup in both groups, including 19% of the intracavernosal injection group and 18% of the penile prosthesis group. Of the intracavernosal injection patients 6 (6%) died during followup and 10 (19%) of the prosthetic patients died (p < 0.05). At the time of contact only 41% of the patients were still using intracavernosal injection. In contrast, 70% of the patients were still sexually active with the prosthesis (p < 0.01). Mean duration of use of the penile prosthetics was 63 months compared to 37 months for intracavernosal injection (p < 0.001). The most common reasons for discontinuing intracavernosal injection were inadequate erections (16 cases), lack of spontaneity (14), side effects (12), lack of partner (10), loss of sexual interest (6) and spontaneous return of normal erections (4). More than half of the patients (61%) who discontinued intracavernosal injection remain sexually active with other therapies, including penile prosthesis in 11, vacuum devices in 4, vascular surgery in 1 and oral medication in 1, and 14 without any therapy. We could not identify any significant clinical parameters that would accurately predict which patients most benefited by the long-term use of intracavernosal injection therapy. In contrast, only 6 patients discontinued use of the implant because of complications (infection, erosion and malfunction) and 7 for reasons independent of the implant (that is lack of partner, loss of sexual interest and co-morbidity). CONCLUSIONS: Intracavernosal injection serves as only a palliative therapy for the majority of patients with erectile dysfunction but there exists a core group who derives long-term satisfaction with its use. The majority of patients who discontinue intracavernosal injection remain sexually active yet do not progress to more invasive or effective therapies. The reason for discontinuing therapies for erectile dysfunction is often unrelated to the actual therapeutic modality. Our findings suggest that further improvements in intracavernosal injection therapy and the development of alternative methods of delivery of vasoactive agents will have only a limited impact on the overall outcome of therapy for erectile dysfunction and that increased attention to issues separate from the erection is warranted.  相似文献   

The short arm of chromosome 17 is one of the most frequently affected chromosomal regions in lung cancers, while there is solid evidence that the p53 gene at 17p13.1 is a target for frequent 17p deletions. In the present study, we re-evaluated 17p deletions in lung cancers by conducting a detailed analysis of the minimum deleted region(s) on 17p with reference to the p53 gene status in each 100 primary lung cancer cases. In addition to the p53 locus at 17p13.1, the presence of an independent, commonly deleted region(s) at 17p13.3 was identified. Furthermore, loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at 17p13.3 was shown to be even more frequent than that at 17p13.1 and it appeared to occur in the absence of p53 mutation and/or 17p13.1 deletion. These results suggest that in addition to the p53 gene at 17p13.1, an as yet unidentified tumor suppressor gene(s) residing at 17p13.3 might play a role in lung carcinogenesis possibly in an earlier phase than the p53 gene. This would warrant future studies to identify the putative tumor suppressor gene at 17p13.3 in order to gain a better understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of this fatal disease.  相似文献   

The identification of homozygous deletions in malignant tissue has been a powerful tool for the localization of tumor suppressor genes. Representational difference analysis (RDA) uses selective hybridization and the PCR to isolate regions of chromosomal loss and has facilitated the identification of tumor suppressor genes such as BRCA2 and PTEN. Twenty RDA clones were generated by comparing genomic DNA from a prostate cancer xenograft to the same patient's normal kidney DNA. Southern blot analysis of the tester and driver and of normal and xenograft DNA, using the differential products as probes, showed the homozygous deletion in 16 of 20 RDA clones. The sequence of one of the differential products overlapped HSU59962, a genomic GenBank sequence on chromosome 12p12-13. Multiplex PCR of the xenograft DNA using polymorphic repeats mapped the deletion to a 1-5-cM region on 12p. Genomic DNA isolated from a panel of cryostat microdissected metastatic prostate adenocarcinomas/normal pairs was screened for loss of heterozygosity using the same polymorphic repeats. Loss of heterozygosity was demonstrated in 9 (47%) of 19 patients. This region may contain, or lie in close proximity to, tumor suppressor genes important in the progression and/or initiation of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Genomic instability reflects the propensity and the susceptibility of the genome to acquire multiple alterations and, in turn, is believed to be a driving force behind multistep carcinogenesis. Although the molecular basis of genomic instability in sporadic colorectal cancers remains largely a mystery, mutation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene (also known as TP53) has been proposed to play an integral role in this process. However, a dilemma exists in that p53 mutation appears to be a late event in the progression of sporadic colorectal tumors, whereas genomic instability, serving as a facilitator of tumor progression, is envisioned as occurring early in this process. PURPOSE: We evaluated the relationship between p53 mutation and the major form of genomic instability in sporadic colorectal tumors, namely, that involving DNA breakage, which leads to chromosomal translocations, insertions, deletions, and gene amplification. METHODS: Fifty-eight sporadic colorectal tumors that had been previously evaluated for genomic instability were analyzed for p53 mutations. These tumors were from consecutively diagnosed patients. Genomic instability was quantified by use of inter-simple sequence repeat polymerase chain reaction analysis that employed (CA)8RG and (CA)8RY primers (R = purine [A or G]; Y = pyrimidine [C or T]); a genomic instability index (a measure of the number of alterations in tumor DNA in comparison with normal DNA, expressed as a percent) was calculated for each tumor. Mutation of the p53 gene in exons 5-9 was determined by use of single-strand conformational polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction analysis and DNA sequencing. Chi-squared analysis was used to determine the statistical significance of differences between groups of tumors. Reported P values are two-sided. RESULTS: p53 mutations were identified in 29 (50%) of the 58 tumors. The median genomic instability index value was 3.3%. Nineteen (65.5%) of the 29 tumors with p53 mutations had genomic instability indices that were less than the median value (range, 0%-2.6%); the remaining 10 (34.5%) tumors had genomic instability indices that were greater than the median (range, 3.9%-13.0%). Eleven (37.9%) of the 29 tumors with wild-type p53 genes had genomic instability indices that were less than the median value (range, 0%-2.6%), whereas the remaining 18 tumors had genomic instability indices above the median (range, 3.9%-11.7%). There was a statistically significant association between a lesser degree of genomic instability and the presence of p53 mutations (P = .032). CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Tumors with no or minimal evidence of genomic instability are more likely to harbor p53 mutations than tumors with evidence of substantial genomic instability. p53 mutations play an important role in the development of cancers but do not appear to initiate or promote genomic instability in sporadic colorectal tumors.  相似文献   

Endothelial-monocyte activating polypeptide II (EMAP II) and allograft-inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) are two proteins produced by activated monocytes and microglial cells. We now report expression of these factors during experimental therapy of rat neuroautoimmune diseases. Comparative analysis of two therapeutic strategies, treatment with high doses of recombinant autoantigens or with dexamethasone, revealed unexpected differences. High doses of autoantigen were most effective in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and neuritis (EAE and EAN), but less effective in experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU). Low and high doses of dexamethasone treatment greatly reduced the severity of EAE, EAN and EAU at day 11, but a relapse was observed between days 21 and 26. Only rather limited expression of EMAP II and AIF-1 is seen in the normal central nervous system (CNS). This constitutive expression is not abolished by dexamethasone treatment. In inflammatory autoimmune lesions of the rat CNS, prominent AIF-1 and EMAP II staining was seen with macrophages and monocytes. In particular, parenchymal microglial cells were now activated to express AIF-1 and EMAP II. In accordance with prevention of neurological signs, histological observations revealed that accumulation of activated monocytes expressing EMAP II and AIF-1 in the CNS or peripheral nervous system and the massive expression of these factors by parenchymal microglial cells is inhibited by high doses of autoantigen. Dexamethasone prevented or abolished local expression of EMAP II and AIF-1 at days 10-16. However, an acute and severe relapse occurred in encephalomyelitis between days 20-26. In these cases, a smoldering expression of EMAP II and AIF-1 persisting long after cessation of neurological signs was observed. Thus, expression of EMAP II and AIF-1 by infiltrating activated macrophages is a marker of disease activity and expression of these factors could be used to demonstrate 'silent' lesions in the CNS and prolonged microglial cell activation. Apparently, AIF-1 and EMAP II immunoreactivity are tools to stage activation of monocytes and microglial cells in inflammatory lesions.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the p53 gene has been implicated in prostate cancer progression. To determine the role of p53 inactivation in the progression of clinical prostatic carcinomas, we assessed 67 tumors derived from patients with clinically localized disease for chromosome 17p and p53 gene allelic loss, p53 gene mutations using single-strand conformational polymorphism and direct sequencing, and p53 protein expression using immunohistochemical staining. Of 55 informative tumors, 10 demonstrated loss of 17p or the p53 gene; however, only a single tumor had a mutation in its remaining p53 allele. Significant p53 overexpression was observed in 2 of 38 tumors, and 9 others had faint staining of a few nuclei ( < 1%). p53 overexpression occurred in no informative tumor with allelic loss or mutation. In a 1-7-year follow-up, positive immunohistochemical staining did not confer an increased risk of recurrence (risk of recurrence, 0.86, P = 0.78), whereas allelic loss of chromosome 17p appeared to be highly correlated with recurrence (risk of recurrence, 3.7, P = 0.003). In an unrelated group of 42 patients with metastatic prostate cancer, p53 overexpression was found in 26 tumors (62%), and 15(36%) had high grade staining. Neither the presence nor the degree of expression correlated with time to progression or time to death. This series suggests that p53 gene inactivation is rare in primary prostatic tumors, not essential to the development of prostate cancer metastases, and of limited use as a prognostic marker in patients with primary or metastatic disease. Another gene or genes on chromosome 17p may be involved in prostate cancer progression.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity at chromosome 8p21-22 is common in human prostate cancer, suggesting the presence of one or more tumor suppressor genes at this locus. A homeobox gene that is expressed specifically in adult human prostate, NKX3.1, the expression of which is regulated by androgen, maps to chromosome 8p21. Fine structure in situ mapping showed that NKX3.1 is proximal to MSR32 (macrophage scavenger receptor type II) and LPL (human lipoprotein lipase) and very close to NEFL (human neurofilament light chain) on 8p21. Single-strand conformational polymorphism analysis of 48 radical prostatectomy cancer specimens and 3 metastases for the entire coding region of NKX3.1 showed no tumor-specific sequence alterations in 50 specimens and total absence of the gene in 1 specimen known to have a biallelic deletion of 8p21. NKX3.1 was found to have a polymorphism at nucleotide 154 in codon 52 that resulted in a CGC-->TGC sequence change and an Arg-->Cys amino acid alteration (R52C). This polymorphism was present in 20% of DNA samples. If NKX3.1 is a target of the 8p21 LOH, it is not via disruption of the coding region of the gene.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine if there were any differences in the thickness of the lip levator musculature in men and women, and whether the height of the smile line in adults was related to the thickness of the lip levator musculature. Thirty Caucasian (13 males, 17 females), and 24 Asian (11 males, 13 females) undergraduate dental students participated in this study. The subjects were placed in high, medium, and low smile-line groups, according to the height of their upper lip while smiling. The thickness of the levator labii superioris and zygomaticus major muscles was measured on ultrasound scans of the relaxed muscles. Gender, right-left side, and ethnic differences in muscle thickness were determined, and the thicknesses of the lip levator musculature in subjects in the high, medium, and low smile-line groups were compared. There were significantly more women than men with high smile-lines and the zygomaticus major muscle was significantly thicker in the women, as compared with the men. There were, however, no statistically significant differences in muscle thickness in the three smile-line groups. While it appears that women have higher smile-lines and significantly thicker zygomaticus major muscles than men, the height of the smile line is not due to the thickness of either the levator labii superioris or zygomaticus major muscles.  相似文献   

Mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene occur frequently in a variety of adult-onset tumors, including colon, breast, lung, and brain, yet are infrequently identified in pediatric malignancies. Wilms' tumor, a common solid tumor of childhood, can be associated with mutations of the WT1 gene. Alterations of the p53 gene have been shown to modulate the ability of WT1 to transactivate its targets. Although positive p53 immunostaining has been demonstrated in Wilms' tumors, the correlation to p53 gene mutations is not clear. We examined Wilms' tumor samples for p53 mutations utilizing polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and single-strand DNA sequencing. Mutations in the coding region of the p53 gene were demonstrated in 2 of 21 (9.5%) Wilms' tumors. Each mutation yielded a substitution of amino acid residues. One mutation was located in exon 6 and the other in exon 7. Both mutations were found in tumors from patients with advanced stage disease. Focal anaplasia was demonstrated in one of these tumors. Our data suggest that although p53 mutations occur infrequently in Wilms' tumor, they may be associated with advanced disease.  相似文献   

Accumulation of p53 protein occurs in human oesophageal precancerous lesions and even in near-normal oesophageal epithelium. In some instances, p53 gene mutations have been detected. In many of the cases of p53 protein accumulation in early lesions, however, p53 mutations were not detected due to either the lack of mutation or the low abundance of cells with a mutation. In order to enrich p53 immunostain-positive cells for single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and DNA sequencing, an immunohisto-selective sequencing (IHSS) method was developed. Anti-p53 antibody-peroxidase stained oesophageal tissue sections were subjected to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to damage the DNA in p53 immunostain-negative cells. The immunostain protected p53 immunostain-positive cells from the UV light and thus preserved the DNA in those cells for PCR amplification. Comparison of the SSCP results from sections with and without UV treatment showed that the IHSS method selectively enriched p53 immunostain-positive cells. With this method, we could analyse mutations in samples with as few as 30 p53 immunostain-positive cells per tissue section. Analysis was carried out on tissues with precancerous lesions from six surgically-resected oesophageal specimens and 13 oesophageal biopsies from symptom-free subjects. The results of mutation analysis for some of the samples were confirmed by microdissection to enrich the p53-positive cells. The mutations in tissues with precancerous lesions were compared with those in the corresponding squamous cell carcinomas. The IHSS method is shown to be a simple and effective way to analyse mutations in p53 immunostain-positive cells. IHSS may also be a general method for molecular analysis of biological specimens after immunohistochemical staining.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Seminal vesicle cysts combined with ipsilateral renal agenesis represent a rare urological anomaly. We searched the literature to review the clinical presentation, diagnosis and therapeutic treatment options of this anomaly. METHODS: A pooled analysis was performed of 52 cases of seminal vesicle cysts combined with ipsilateral renal agenesis, including our own observation. The evaluation included: patient age at diagnosis, race, laterality (R/L), presence of ureteral remnant in the cyst, presenting symptoms, diagnostic examinations, treatment and outcome. RESULTS: The mean age at diagnosis was 30.2 years. The majority presented in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th decade of their lives. Only 2 patients (4%) were of African origin, all others were Caucasians. The distribution R:L was 2:1. Ureteral remnants were present in 14 patients (27%). The most common symptoms were: dysuria (37%), frequency (33%), perineal pain (29%), epididymitis (27%), pain following ejaculation (21%) and scrotal pain (13%). Infertility was found in 9 patients (17%). The cyst was palpable by digital rectal examination in 79%. All patients underwent intravenous urography, and 88% underwent cystoscopy. Other frequently performed investigations are: ultrasonography (27%), CT scanning (27%), vasovesiculography (46%) and urethrocystography (23%). The final treatment was open surgery in 74%, aspiration in 6%, transurethral deroofing of the cyst in 6% and spontaneous rupture in 4%. In 6% no treatment was given and in 4% the treatment is unknown. All patients were free of symptoms after open exploration. The success rates after transurethral deroofing and aspiration were 75 and 30% respectively. CONCLUSION: Seminal vesicle cysts combined with ipsilateral renal agenesis are a rare urological anomaly, occurring in men in the 2nd to 4th decade of their life. They present with symptoms of bladder irritation and obstruction and with pain in the perineum and scrotum. Epididymitis is frequently found. The diagnostic work-up consists of a digital rectal examination, transrectal and abdominal ultrasonography, CT scan and a cystoscopy. Open surgery and transurethral deroofing of the cyst give excellent results (100 and 75% cure respectively). Aspiration of the cyst should only be used for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the p53 tumor suppressor gene is a common finding in human cancer. In most cases, inactivation is due to a point mutation in the gene, but rearrangement of the p53 gene is sometimes observed. We analyzed the inactivation of p53 in the human pancreas cancer cell line Hs766T, which harbors a structural alteration in the p53 gene. This inactivation was found to be the result of a complex deletion/insertion event involving at least two different Alu elements. The rearrangement eliminated exons 2-4 from the p53 gene, whereas a 175-bp Alu fragment was inserted between the breakpoints of the deletion. DNA sequence analysis of this Alu fragment revealed that it is identical to an Alu element in intron 1 of the p53 gene. This is the first report of p53 inactivation due to a rearrangement involving Alu elements. This type of inactivation may go unnoticed when only traditional methods to detect p53 alterations are used.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The molecular genetic of pancreatic endocrine tumor (PET) has rarely been studied in depth because of its rarity. The aim of this study is to determine if there is any implication of p53 overexpression on the pathogenesis and clinicopathological parameters of PET. METHODS: This study examines the immunohistochemical expression of the p53 gene product in 52 PETs (32 insulinomas, three gastrinomas, two glucagonomas, one carcinoid, and 14 nonfunctional tumors) from Chinese patients (27 men, 25 women) collected over a 23-yr period. Of these, 21% were malignant. RESULTS: Irrespective of their demographic data, clinical behavior, hormonal status, or pathological features, none of the 52 PETs showed p53 overexpression. CONCLUSIONS: This observation, together with an analysis of the literature, suggests that p53 gene aberrations may not be important in the pathogenesis of PET.  相似文献   

Mutation of the tumor suppressor gene p53 is a molecular genetic event frequently observed in human cancer, and inactivating missense mutations usually are accompanied by the resultant overexpression of mutant p53 protein. In gynecologic cancers, p53 is also often altered; the frequency varies depending on types of cancers and where they develop. Further, human papillomavirus oncoproteins that inactivate p53 and Rb proteins play important roles in the development of several gynecologic cancers. Individuals who are heterozygous for germline mutations of the p53 gene are strongly predisposed to a variety of cancers. The identification of these individuals may have profound value in the future when therapies or chemopreventive agents specific for the p53 alteration are available. The role of p53 tumor suppressor gene in gynecologic cancers and heritable cancer susceptibility syndromes including Li-Fraumeni and Lynch II syndromes is an active and important area of study.  相似文献   

The extracellular conversion of lung surfactant from tubular myelin to the small vesicular form has previously been shown to require a serine-active enzyme called "surfactant convertase." In the present study, a 72kD serine-active enzyme previously identified in mouse lung alveolar lavage and having convertase activity was partially sequenced. Sixty-eight residues obtained from amino acid sequencing of this protein show that it is a new member of the mouse carboxylesterase family (EC The 72kD lung protein also has esterase activity. A commercial esterase of the same family was able to reproduce surfactant convertase bioactivity in vitro, unlike several serine proteinases previously tested. We conclude that surfactant convertase is a carboxylesterase which mediates a biochemical step in the extracellular metabolism of surfactant.  相似文献   

The promoter of a gene encoding a ribosome-associated protein of 40 kDa from Arabidopsis thaliana (A-p40) was sequenced and the expression of the gene studied. A-p40 was expressed in the same organs and with the same variations as the eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha (eEF1A), another gene coding for a protein involved in translation Arabidopsis plants transformed with a beta-glucuronidase (GUS) gene driven by the A-p40 promoter confirm that A-p40 is expressed in actively dividing and growing cells. eEF1A promoter-GUS fusions have the same pattern of expression. Comparison of cis-acting elements from A-p40 and eEF1A revealed some common elements. A-p40 promoter deletions and transient gene expression in transfected Arabidopsis protopasts allowed the identification of trap40, a cis-acting element regulating gene expression. Gel retardation experiments indicate that eEF1A and A-p40 are regulated by different cis-acting elements. The role of such elements is discussed.  相似文献   

Hereditary multiple exostoses (EXT) is a genetically heterogeneous bone disorder caused by genes segregating on human chromosomes 8, 11, and 19 and designated EXT1, EXT2 and EXT3, respectively. Recently, the EXT1 gene has been isolated and partially characterized and appears to encode a tumor suppressor gene. We have identified six mutations in the human EXT1 gene from six unrelated multiple exostoses families segregating for the EXT gene on chromosome 8. One of the mutations we detected is the same 1-bp deletion in exon 6 that was previously reported in two independent EXT families. The other five mutations, in exons 1, 6, 9, and the splice junction at the 3' end of exon 2, are novel. In each case, the mutation is likely to result in a truncated or nonfunctional EXT1 protein. These results corroborate and extend the previous report of mutations in this gene in two EXT families, and provide additional support for the EXT1 gene as the cause of hereditary multiple exostoses in families showing linkage to chromosome 8.  相似文献   

Mutations of the p53 gene are related to development of human cancers and their frequencies and spectra, the latter representing fingerprints left by carcinogens, provide information about the molecular epidemiology of the disease. Prostate cancer is the most common neoplasm in American males and although its incidence is still relatively low in Japanese people, it has recently been increasing with the westernization of life style. To assess the frequency and spectrum of p53 gene mutations in Japanese prostate cancers, we examined a series of 90 lesions using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. The patients' mean age was 69.3 years (range 57-87). Of the total, six were well-, 34 moderately- and 50 poorly-differentiated adenocarcinomas, and the median Gleason score was 7.9. Eleven of the 90 cases (12%) had mutations in exons 2-11 of the p53 gene: none of the five clinical-stage A, one of 25 stage B (4%), three of 35 stage C (9%) and seven of 25 stage D (28%) cancers. The correlation with an advanced stage was statistically significant. One insertion and 10 base pair substitutions were encountered, comprising six transversions (55%) and four transitions (36%). Two of the latter involved methylated cytosine-guanine (CpG). These 11 mutations were combined with 18 other mutations in previous reports concerning Japanese prostate cancers to facilitate comparison of the p53 gene mutational spectrum with those reported for American and European prostate cancers. In the latter, 61% were transitions and 33% were transversions. The greater proportion of transversions in the Japanese population suggests that there are different factors responsible for carcinogenesis of the prostate glands in the various countries.  相似文献   

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