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This survey was conducted to examine the extent of the exposure of Bangkok citizens to lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), and to evaluate the role of rice as the source of these heavy metals. In practice, 52 non-smoking adult women in an institution in the vicinity of Bangkok, volunteered to offer blood, spot urine, boiled rice and 24-h total food duplicate samples. Samples were wet-ashed, and then analyzed for Pb and Cd by ICP-MS. Geometric means for the levels in blood (Pb-B and Cd-B) and urine (Pb-U and Cd-U as corrected for creatinine concentration), and also for dietary intake (Pb-F and Cd-F) were 32.3 micrograms/l for Pb-B, 0.41 microgram/l for Cd-B, 2.06 micrograms/g creatinine for Pb-U, 1.40 micrograms/g creatinine for Cd-U, 15.1 micrograms/day for Pb-F and 7.1 micrograms/day for Cd-F. Rice contributed 30% and 4% of dietary Cd and Pb burden, respectively. When compared with the counterpart values obtained in four neighboring cities in southeast Asia (i.e. Nanning, Tainan, Manila, and Kuala Lumpur), dietary Pb burden of the women in Bangkok was middle in the order among the values for the five cities. Pb level in the blood was the lowest of the levels among the five cities and Pb in urine was also among the low group. This apparent discrepancy in the order between Pb-B (i.e. the fifth) and Pb-F (the third) might be attributable to recent reduction of Pb levels in the atmosphere in Bangkok. Regarding Cd exposure, Cd levels in blood and urine as well as dietary Cd burden of Bangkok women were either the lowest or the next lowest among those in the five cities.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study are to examine if there exists a quantitative relationship between lead in urine (Pb-U) and that in blood (Pb-B), and also between cadmium in urine (Cd-U) and that in blood (Cd-B) among the general populations who are environmentally (and not occupationally) exposed to these elements at various levels. For this purpose, peripheral blood and morning spot urine samples were collected in 1991-1998 from approximately 50 non-smoking adult women each in four cities in south-east Asia and five cities in mainland China, and two cities each in Japan and Korea. The samples were wet-ashed and then analyzed by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry for Pb-B, Cd-B, Pb-U and Cd-U. Measured values were subjected to analysis to detect possible correlation between the pairs of parameters. A significant correlation between Pb-B and Pb-U was observed when the intensity of Pb exposure (as expressed by Pb-B) was relatively high so that the correlation was significant in all cases studied when Pb-B level was, e.g. 50 microg/l or above. It was also observed that the correlation between Cd-B and Cd-U was significant when Cd-B was, e.g. > 1 microg/l. Thus, it is possible to deduce that, in environmental health, Pb-B and Cd-U levels can be estimated on a group basis from Pb-U and Cd-B, respectively, when Pb and Cd exposure levels are relatively high, e.g. with Pb-B and Cd-B of > 50 microg/l and > 1 microg/l.  相似文献   

Environmental lead exposure of the Greater Bombay population has been estimated by measuring lead concentrations in air particulates, water, food and cigarette smoke. Atmospheric lead concentrations in different zones of the city varied between 82 and 605 ng m−3. The dietary intake of lead is estimated to be 245 μg day−1 and is calculated from the lead content in different food groups and the amount of that group consumed by an average resident of the city. The uptake by a non-smoker living in the city area is estimated to be 33 μg of lead per day, 75% of which comes from food, 15% from air and 10% from water. For a suburban resident 85% of the lead intake comes from food. The blood lead measurements and the contribution of atmospheric lead to the blood lead level are discussed.  相似文献   

As part of the assessment of a site in northern France polluted by metals from two smelters (in particular, lead, cadmium and mercury), a cross-sectional study was carried out which intended to estimate the levels of the lead burden of the adult population living on the site and the factors associated with these levels. The exposed zone included 10 municipalities in the Nord-Pas de Calais region, located in the vicinity of two non-ferrous metal smelters. The soils in these municipalities contained between 100 and 1700 ppm of lead. The non-polluted zone contained 20 municipalities from the same region, drawn randomly from those in the region of comparable size but free from any industrial lead exposure. The adult study population (301 men and 300 women) was stratified according to age, sex, employment status and exposure level. The inclusion criteria required subjects who were aged between 20 and 50 years and had been living in the exposed zone for at least 8 years; the exclusion criteria were pregnancy, cancer, kidney disease and diabetes. No more than 10% of the subjects participating could work at one of the two smelters. Data collection took place at home; visiting nurses interviewed subjects to complete a questionnaire and also took blood samples. The lead assay was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry. The geometric mean of the blood-lead levels was 74 microg/l, 95% CI = 69-80 among men and 49 microg/l, 95% CI = 46-53 among women. Blood-lead levels exceeding 100 microg/l were found among 30% of men and 12% of women. Several factors were associated with variation of the mean blood-lead level: the blood-lead level was significantly higher among the men for subjects living less than 1 km from the smelters (geometric mean x 1.3, 95% CI = 1.1-1.6), for those who drink alcoholic beverages (x 1.1, 95% CI = 1.0-1.2 for consumption of 30 g/day), those who smoke (x 1.2, 95% CI = 1.0-1.3 for 20 cigarettes/day), and for subjects with occupational exposure; among the women, for subjects living less than 1 km from the smelters (geometric mean x 1.5, 95% CI = 1.2-1.7), for those who drink alcohol (x 1.1, 95% CI = 1.1-1.2 for a daily consumption of 10 g), and for women living in a building constructed before 1948 (x 1.2, 95% CI = 1.0-1.4).  相似文献   

The uses and regional production of lead in ancient times are summarized. Since there is no evidence to suggest that any deliberate attempts were made to curtail personal exposure to the mine dusts or the emissions from the forges and crucibles, it is surmised that many of the ancient artisans who worked with lead probably contracted plumbism. The number of workers so exposed is estimated to be over 140,000 per year during the Roman Empire. The ancient literary records of work-related plumbism, however, are surprisingly sparse.  相似文献   

Lead isotope ratios and lead (Pb) levels were analyzed in 33 individuals from a forgotten cemetery at the Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo, Colorado dating to 1879-1899. Isotopic ratios from healing bone fractures, cortical bone, and tooth dentine provide information about sources of Pb exposures over a range of time that illuminates individual's life histories and migration patterns. Historical records and Pb production data from the 19th century were used to create a database for interpreting Pb exposures for these African, Hispanic and European Americans. The analysis of these individuals suggests that Pb exposure noticeably impacted the mental health of 5-10% of the asylum patients in this frontier population, a high number by standards today, and that differences exist in the three ancestral groups' exposure histories.  相似文献   

Levels of lead, cadmium, zinc and copper were measured in the blood of normal children and adults of Greater Bombay, India using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry. The median concentrations of Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu in the whole blood of children and adults were 11.54, 0.21, 484.2 and 86.2 μg dl−1, respectively. The blood lead concentration showed an increase with age. Children living in industrial zones with high vehicular traffic have significantly higher blood lead concentrations than their counterparts living in the cleaner suburban parts of the city. The mean levels of Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu in blood of Bombay children and adults are compared with those from other countries.  相似文献   

Eleven groups of Wistar rats were given 5 ppm cadmium acetate in the drinking water at different and interrupted periods of their life (in utero, during sucking etc.), simulating acute exposure. The Zn, Cu and Pb levels of indicators (teeth and hair) and target organs (soft tissues and bone) were recorded by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. It was concluded that acute exposure to Cd has a somewhat different effect on Zn, Cu and Pb storage in the tissues than chronic exposure. It was further inferred that the effects on Zn, Cu and Pb cannot be used as diagnostic criteria in population screenings at very low doses of Cd.  相似文献   

1990年,联合国人居署邀请我加入城市管理项目(UMP),当时我根本没有想到此后的十三年我将投身于此,并获得最为丰富的职业体验。  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study are: (a) to clarify the current levels of environmental exposure to lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in Shaanxi Province in China in comparison with levels in other parts of mainland China; (b) to examine if there is any urban-rural difference in Pb and Cd exposure; and (c) to quantify the role of cereals as the dietary source of environmental exposure to these metals. For this purpose, triplet surveys on lead and cadmium exposure were conducted in the provincial capital of Xian and two farming villages A and B in Shaanxi Province, China in 1997. The grand geometric mean for lead (Pb) intake via foods (Pb-F), Pb in blood (Pb-B) and Pb in urine as corrected for creatinine concentration (Pb-Ucr) were 30 micrograms/day, 33 micrograms/l and 5 micrograms/g creatinine, respectively, with significant differences among the survey sites, e.g. Pb-B being higher in Xian (43 micrograms/l) than in the two villages (38 and 22 micrograms/l). The counterpart values for cadmium (Cd) intake via foods (Cd-F), Cd in blood (Cd-B) and Cd in urine (Cd-Ucr) were 6.1 micrograms/day, 0.46 microgram/l and 2.8 micrograms/g creatinine, respectively, with no substantial inter-survey site difference. Thus, it was possible to conclude that, from comparison with the values reported in 1990s literature, the exposure of Shaanxi people to Pb and Cd is no higher than, and even possibly lower than, the levels reported for people in other parts of mainland China. The exposure to Cd was almost exclusively from foods, whereas the exposure to air-borne Pb was large enough in Xian to explain higher Pb-B and Pb-Ucr than the level in Village B despite lower Pb-F in Xian than in Village B. Cereals (wheat, rice, maize and foxtail millet) contributed 26 and 84% of dietary Pb and Cd intake, respectively.  相似文献   

A successful prevention of renal diseases induced by occupational exposure to lead (Pb) and/or cadmium (Cd) largely relies on the capability to detect nephrotoxic effects at a stage when they are still reversible or at least not yet compromising renal function. Hence, the aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the usefulness of a set of early biological markers of oxidative stress or nephrotoxicity for the biomonitoring of workers occupationally exposed to Pb and/or Cd in a non-ferrous metal smelter, and gender, age, socioeconomic status, smoking habits, and drug use-matched control individuals. In exposed subjects, mean levels of Pb in blood and urine were also 387.1+/-99.1 microg Pb/L (1.868+/-0.478 micromol Pb/L) and 217.7+/-117.7 microg Pb/g creatinine (1.051+/-0.568 micromol Pb/g creatinine), and mean levels of Cd in blood and urine were 3.26+/-2.11 microg Cd/L (0.029+/-0.019 micromol Cd/L) and 2.51+/-1.89 microg Cd/g creatinine (0.022+/-0.017 micromol Cd/g creatinine), suggesting thereby relatively low occupational exposure levels. Statistically significant variations in zinc protoporphyrin, malondialdehyde, retinol binding protein, alpha-glutathione S-transferase, and urinary protein levels were reported between the two groups, and were closely correlated with Pb and/or Cd exposure levels. Variations in alphaGST levels were closely associated with Pb exposure. Taken together, these results suggest the use of alpha-glutathione S-transferase excretion in urine as a hallmark of early changes in the proximal tubular integrity.  相似文献   

Our research on adverse effects of lead exposures on physical and neurobehavioral health of children aged 6–12 years in 4 villages, labeled as K, M, L, and X, in rural China, was reported in this article. Lead in blood (PbB), urine (PbU), hairs (PbH), and nails (PbN) were measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry. Abbreviated Symptom Questionnaire of Conner's instruments and Revised Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices were applied to evaluate childhood attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) and intelligences. Geometric means (SD) of PbB, PbU, PbH and PbN concentrations were 71.2 μg/L (1.56), 11.7 μg/g (1.75), 12.5 μg/g (2.82), and 25.3 μg/g (2.79), respectively. 54 (17.0%) children had PbB levels of ≥ 100 μg/L. Boys, the 6–10 years old, and living in village K were 2.11, 2.48, and 9.16 times, respectively, more likely to be poisoned by lead than girls, aged 11–12 years, and residing in X. 18 (5.7%) and 37 (11.7%) subjects had ADHD and mental retardations, respectively. Inverse relationships between intelligences and natural log transformed PbU and PbH levels were observed with respective odds ratios (95%CI) of 1.79 (1.00–3.22) and 1.46 (1.06–2.03) or 1.28 (1.04–1.58) and 1.73 (1.18–2.52) by binary or ordinal logistic regression modeling. ADHD prevalence was different by gender and age of subjects. PbU, PbH, and PbN related to PbB positively with respective correlation coefficients of 0.530, 0.477, and 0.181. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves of the three measurements reveled areas under curves (AUCs) being 0.829, 0.758, and 0.687, respectively. In conclusion, children had moderate levels of lead exposures in this rural area. Intelligence declines were associated with internal lead levels among children. ROC analysis suggests PbU an internal lead indicator close to PbB.  相似文献   

A preliminary, illustrative human health risk assessment of exposure to cadmium in phosphate fertilisers was performed using typical UK data and a protocol previously developed for application by individual Member States in the European Union. The risk assessment indicated that the for the most pessimistic population exposures characterised by both extreme (97th percentile) cereal and potato consumption and high susceptibility to cadmium uptake, the estimated dose was under the WHO Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) for fertiliser cadmium concentrations ranging from 15 to 100 mg Cd/kg P2O5 applied over 100 years. However, the low margin of safety for high risk groups and the uncertainties inherent in the overall risk assessment suggested that a prudent risk management strategy would involve maintenance of low levels of cadmium in fertilisers and/or conditions that permitted low accumulation of cadmium in soils. On this basis, two main risk reduction measures were developed and assessed: (a) imposition of limits on cadmium concentration in fertilisers; and (b) imposition of charges on levels of cadmium in phosphate fertilisers. An assessment of the economic impact of these risk reduction measures indicated that, at all price elasticities, the most significant impact in terms of changes in demand and changes in consumer expenditure on phosphate fertilisers will be seen with cadmium charges where no thresholds are defined. The impact on the consumer (i.e. farmer) will be an increase in spending of approximately US $4000 per year, which is considered significant, accompanied by a decrease in demand above 20%. If a threshold is set at 60 mg Cd/kg P2O5, the impact is significantly reduced, but stays relatively high compared to the other options. The analysis also indicates that the use of low-cadmium rock is the low cost option. At a likely rock price increase of approximately 5% and assuming a likely price elasticity of -0.2, the yearly costs to farmers will be approximately US $82 which is considered a minimal impact. In the worst case scenario (elasticity of -0.6 and a 10% increase in rock prices), the increase in spending by farmers will be of 3.9% or US $221 which is also considered to represent a minimal impact. At similar price elasticities, the use of decadmation technologies is predicted to be more costly than the use of low-cadmium rock but this option can still be considered as having a minimal impact on the consumer (increase in expenditure of 1.9-13.3% or US $106-748).  相似文献   

Adult diets obtained from a population in Ayr, Scotland, U.K., known to be exposed to lead from water were analysed for arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, nickel, tin and zinc to assess the intake of these elements. With few exceptions, the concentration of each element varied little from diet to diet, and therefore the range of intakes varied only in proportion to the weights of the diets. With the exception of nickel, the difference between the observed average dietary intakes of the metals studied and those expected on the basis of a nationwide Total Diet Study is largely accounted for on the basis of the difference between the weights of the duplicate diet and the weight for the Total Diet Study.  相似文献   



The heavy metals lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) are ubiquitous environmental pollutants with high neurotoxic potential. We aimed to compare perinatal Pb and Hg concentrations and to explore the potential association between Pb and Hg exposure and newborn anthropometry.

Study design

Pregnant women were recruited in 2005 at the General Hospital Vienna for participation in this longitudinal study. Pb and Hg concentrations were measured in maternal blood and hair, placenta, cord blood, meconium, and breast milk of 53 mother-child pairs by CV-AAS, GF-AAS, and HPLC-CV-ICPMS. We conducted bivariate analyses and categorical regression analysis (CATREG) to evaluate the determinants of Pb and Hg exposure, and of infant anthropometry.


Median Pb and total Hg contents were low, i.e., 25 μg/L (maternal blood-Pb), 13 μg/L (cord blood-Pb), 0.7 μg/L (maternal blood-Hg), and 1.1 μg/L (cord blood-Hg). Hg levels in maternal and fetal tissues were frequently correlated (r > 0.3, P < 0.05, respectively). Regarding Pb, only maternal blood and cord blood concentrations correlated (P = 0.043). Cord blood levels indicated higher Hg exposure but lower Pb exposure relative to maternal blood contents. Adjusted CATREG models indicated the significant predictors of birth length (placenta-Pb, gestational length, meconium-Pb), birth weight (placenta-Pb, gestational length, maternal blood-Pb), and head circumference (maternal education, maternal height). Besides one significant correlation between maternal hair Hg and birth length, the mercury levels were not associated with newborn anthropometry.


Our data implicate that different modes of action may exist for placentar transfer of Pb and Hg as well as that low Pb exposure levels can result in lower birth weight. The findings related to newborn anthropometry need to be confirmed by the examination of larger study groups. Further research is needed to clarify the mechanisms of Pb and Hg transfer via the placenta, and to explore how prenatal Pb exposure is related to intrauterine growth.  相似文献   

Measurements of cadmium (Cd) in air, soil and moss have shown elevated concentrations in residential areas close to a zinc smelter in Norway. This study aimed to evaluate whether men and women residing in the area with elevated Cd concentrations in air and soil had increased levels of Cd and microproteins in urine.An invitation to participate was mailed to 200 persons residing close to the zinc smelter and to 200 controls from an area more than 4 km away from the smelter. They were asked to complete a questionnaire, and to deliver a urine sample for analysis of cadmium (CdU), mercury (HgU), lead (PbU) and α1-microglobulin (ProteinHC). Two hundred and six participants (response rate 52%), between 19 and 88 years of age, were included. Results were analysed by multiple-adjusted linear and logistic regression.CdU was not significantly different between individuals in the two residence areas. Only ten individuals had CdU concentrations exceeding European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) critical value of 1 μg/g creatinine, whereas 35 persons (22% of the women vs. 11% of the men) had CdU concentrations higher than 0.66 μg/g creatinine, which EU suggested to be sufficiently protective for the general population. Smoking was the predominant contributing factor to values of elevated CdU. There was a tendency of higher CdU, although not statistically significant, amongst people regularly consuming fruit, berries and vegetables grown in their own garden near the smelter area. Home address in the polluted area was not a significant determinant. There was a positive correlation between CdU and ProteinHC in urine, but no significant difference was found for ProteinHC between residents from polluted area and controls.In spite of demonstrated industrial emissions of cadmium, the results do not indicate elevated cadmium exposure or kidney damage in the polluted area compared to the control area.  相似文献   

The concentration of lead in 175 blood samples originating from the district of Angmagssalik, East Greenland and 130 from Aarhus, Denmark, has been determined. Both Greenland and Danish males had significantly higher (5%) blood lead than females (Eskimoan males 14.8 μg Pb/100 ml, females 12.8 μg Pb/100 ml; Danish males 10.5 μg Pb/100 ml, females 7.7 μg Pb/100 ml). For Danes living temporarily in Greenland the values were: males 10.5 and females 10.2 μg Pb/100 ml.Eskimos of both sexes were found to have higher blood lead values than Danes living in the same area. Danish males from Greenland and Denmark were not found to be different, whereas Danish women living in Greenland had a significantly higher (5%) mean value that women living in Denmark. In the Eskimo group, but not in the Danish, a weak, positive, but significant age correlation was found. 4 samples of Eskimo origin exceeded 35 μg Pb/100 ml accepted in the EEC as a maximum value for non-occupationally exposed persons. When re-examined 5 months later, all values were below this limit.The influence of eating habits (local or imported food) and smoking habits was tested, but not found to influence the blood lead concentration.The results have confirmed that blood lead levels in Greenland are comparable to those found in European industrialized areas. The reason for the unexpected high level in the arctic area with minimum car driving and industry remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Lead is a global concern because of its ubiquity in the environment and known to be associated with abnormal neurobehavioral and cognitive development of young children. There is no study from India to describe a composite profile of blood lead and its biochemical influences in children. The present study was aimed at determining the proportion of children with >10 mug/dL blood lead levels (BLLs), association between BLLs, and sociodemographic characteristics, if any, and alterations in biochemical indices in the blood as an underlying mechanism of lead intoxication. A total of 62 children (4--12 y) of Lucknow and nearby areas were recruited to determine BLLs, delta-amimolevulinic acid dehydratase (delta-ALAD) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, and malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione (GSH) levels in the blood. Mean level of blood lead was 7.47+/-3.06 microg/dL (2.78--15.0) and 29%-exceeded 10 microg/dL, CDC intervention level. The BLLs were found to be significantly influenced by social status, area of residence, source of water supply, maternal educational status (p<0.001), type of house, and proximity to traffic density (p<0.01). delta-ALAD was significantly lower in the group of children with BLLs 11.39+/-1.39 microg/dL when compared to children with BLLs 7.11+/-1.25 microg/dL and 3.93+/-0.61 microg/dL (p=0.0007, 0.0005, respectively). However, CAT activity was higher in the groups of children with higher blood levels than with lower BLLs (p=0.0159, 0.0001, respectively). There was an increase in MDA level with a concomitant decrease of GSH in children with BLLs 11.39+/-1.39 microg/dL compared with those of children with BLLs 7.11+/-1.25 microg/dL and 3.93+/-0.61 microg/dL (p=0.0001, 0.0002, and p=0.0001, respectively). There was statistically significant correlation of BLLs with delta-ALAD (r=-0.44, p=0.00035), MDA (r=0.46, p=0.00018), GSH (r=-0.62, p=0.00001), and CAT (r=0.44, p=0.00035). Significantly, CAT activity, MDA, and GSH levels were in turn, found to be correlated with delta-ALAD (r=-0.45, p=0.00024; r=-0.43, p=0.00053; r=0.43, p=0.00053, respectively). Results of the present study indicate a declining trend of BLLs in children when compared with those reported from metropolitan cities of India when leaded gasoline was in practice and that the BLLs were significantly associated with biochemical indices in the blood which have the potential to be used as biomarkers of lead intoxication.  相似文献   

In order to map Cd and Pb contamination in the soils of the region of Isfahan, Central Iran, we performed indicator kriging on a set of 255 topsoil samples (0-20 cm) gathered irregularly from an area of 6800 km(2). The measured Cd concentrations exceeded the Swiss guide value in more than 80% of the samples whereas Pb concentrations exceeded the respective guide value only in 2% of the samples. Based on the simulated conditional distribution functions, the probability of exceeding the concentration of Cd and Pb from the specific threshold was computed. The results indicated that in most parts of the region the probability of contamination by Cd is very large (>0.95) whereas it is small (<0.5) for Pb. Based on a misclassification analysis, we chose the probability of 0.45 as optimum probability threshold to delineate the polluted from unpolluted areas for Cd. In addition, we performed a loss analysis to separate risks to human health from potential losses due to remediation costs. Based on this analysis a probability threshold of 0.8 was found to be the optimum threshold for the classification of polluted and unpolluted areas in the case of Cd. Health risks were found to be larger in the western parts of the region. Misclassification analysis was sufficient for risk mapping for Pb as its concentration did not reach risk levels for human health. A probability of 0.7 for Pb was found to be the optimum threshold for the delineation of polluted and unpolluted lands.  相似文献   

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