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A study on the radiological hazard in Portland cement due to the presence of naturally occurring radioactive materials is being carried out. The Portland cement manufactured in the Islamabad/Rawalpindi region of Pakistan, intermediate products (clinker) and the various raw materials which compose the product have been analysed for (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K using a gamma spectrometry system with a N-type high-purity germanium detector of 80 % relative efficiency. From the measured gamma ray spectra, specific activities were determined. The mean values of the total specific activity of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K are 34.2±11.9, 29.1±3.6 and 295.1±66.9 Bq kg(-1), respectively in Portland cement, 28.4±8.7, 11.3±1.7 and 63.1±17.3 Bq kg(-1), respectively in lime stone, 8.2±1.9, 16.2±3.9 and 187.7±53.2 Bq kg(-1), respectively in gypsum, 34.7±13.1, 41.2±6.7 and 187.6±17.2 Bq kg(-1), respectively in clay, 41.1±11.8, 39.3±6.9 and 195.1±29.2 Bq kg(-1), respectively in latrite and 51.1±18.2, 23.2±1.2 and 258.4±15.3 Bq kg(-1), respectively in clinker. The radium equivalent activities (Ra(eq)), external hazard index (H(ex)), internal hazard index (H(in)), absorbed dose rate in air (D) and annual effective dose rate (E(eff)) were also determined. The measured activity concentrations for these radio nuclides and radiological indices were compared with the reported national and international data. All these measured values are comparable with the worldwide data reported in UNSCEAR publications.  相似文献   

In order to promote uniformity between jurisdictions, the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) has developed the National Directory for Radiation Protection, which is a regulatory framework that all Australian governments have agreed to adopt. There is a large and diverse range of industries involved in mining or mineral processing, and the production of fossil fuels in Australia. Enhanced levels of naturally occurring radionuclides can be associated with mineral extraction and processing, other industries (e.g. metal recycling) and some products (e.g. plasterboard). ARPANSA, in conjunction with industry and State regulators, has undertaken a review and assessment of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) management in Australian industries. This review has resulted in guidance on the management of NORM that will be included in the National Directory for Radiation Protection. The first NORM safety guide provides the framework for NORM management and addresses specific NORM issues in oil and gas production, bauxite, aluminium and phosphate industries. Over time further guidance material for other NORM-related industries will be developed. This presentation will provide an overview of the regulatory approach to managing NORM industries in Australia.  相似文献   

The potential occupational exposure in granite quarry industry due to the presence of naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) has been investigated. The activity concentrations of (40)K, (226)Ra and (232)Th were determined using gamma-ray spectroscopy method. The annual effective dose of workers through different exposure pathways was determined by model calculations. The total annual effective dose varied from 21.48 to 33.69 μSv y(-1). Inhalation dose contributes the highest to the total effective dose. The results obtained were much lower than the intervention exemption levels (1.0 mSv y(-1)) given in the International Commission on Radiological Protection Publication 82.  相似文献   

The discrete element method (DEM) is seeing widespread use in geotechnical applications and it is generally acknowledged that the validity of DEM simulations involving this class of materials depends critically on employing realistic contact laws. To support the development of such contact laws for common naturally occurring materials, we have conducted grain-to-grain contact experiments on several quartz sands, magnesite (limestone), crushed and ball-milled gneiss and ooids (precipitated calcium carbonate spheroids) and two reference materials (glass beads and the synthetic Delrin). Here we present the results of normal and shear contact experiments on these materials, with emphasis on the range of behavior encountered and aspects of behavior that deviate from current thinking on the topic. The development of contact laws based on the results presented herein, macroscopic frictional sliding and the implementation of the contact laws in DEM simulations are addressed in separate publications. The present experiments primarily examined the cyclic loading response, which allowed for a precise determination of normal and shear contact stiffness and loss compliances. Deformation generally consisted of elastic, anelastic and permanent components and the latter could be observed in shear prior to macroscopic sliding. Normal and shear stiffness ranged from 0.2–2.0 to 0.1–\(1.0\,\hbox {MN\,m}^{-1}\), respectively although the ratio of shear to normal stiffness for specific materials varied from 0.3 to \({\approx }1\). Frictional loss was observed to varying degrees in all of the contacts examined and internal friction in shear was found to be constant prior to the onset of permanent deformation. Internal friction ranged from barely perceptible to 0.1 for normal contacts and from 0.02 to 0.3 in shear. The modeling implications of the findings are examined as well.  相似文献   

Installation of power makeup equipment (PME) on 13 of 30 mobile offshore drilling units (MODUs) under study in the Gulf of Mexico provided an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of this device in reducing drill floor injuries. Two groups of injuries were defined on the basis of worker activity at the time of injury and the vehicle of mechanical energy; one group, "related" injuries, were preventable by the PME; the other group, "unrelated" injuries, should not have been affected by the PME. Two quasiexperimental evaluation designs were employed. The first, a multiple time series comparison of MODUs equipped and not equipped with PME, yielded a quantitative estimate of injuries averted. The second, a pretest-posttest design, compared related and unrelated injuries before and after PME installation. Because this method was subject to bias if different trends were present for related and unrelated injuries, only qualitative results could be obtained. Both methods indicated a significant reduction in related injuries attributable to the PME. A cost-savings analysis indicated savings that could conservatively pay for the equipment within six years time.  相似文献   

In the northern part of Greece, close to the city of Kavala, a phosphoric acid production industry has operated since 1965. The raw material used is the phosphate rock imported from the foreign countries. During industrial processes, naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) deposits exist in many facilities in the industry, causing increased levels of radiation exposure. Additionally, increased levels of NORM concentrations are also detected in the waste material of the production process, the phosphogypsum. According to the Greek Regulations for Radiation Protection (no. 216B, 5/3/2001), which is in accordance with the 96/29/EURATOM 31/5/1996, the action levels concerning the effective dose to workers at workplaces due to natural radiation sources are 1 mSv y(-1). Work activities where the corresponding doses exceed 6 mSv y(-1) are under the control of the Greek Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC). The mean yearly radon concentration action level at workplaces is 400 Bq m(-3), while the corresponding concentration limit is 3000 Bq m(-3), respectively. GAEC, according to its constitutional law, is the responsible organisation to enforce and to implement the law by means of in situ surveys and laboratory measurements. The first inspection of the area was performed in 2002 and the first measures were proposed. Periodic inspections were performed every 2 y in order to extend the operation licensing of the industry. In this work a dose assessment of the workers based on in situ and laboratory measurements is presented. In order to assess the doses to the workers the external and the internal doses are estimated.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the protective effectiveness of various personal protective equipment and the respective exposure contributions from respiratory and skin exposures of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) with a self-comparison study design. Two high-, four intermediate- and four low-DMF exposure workers from a synthetic leather factory were monitored in airborne DMF concentrations and N-methylformamide (NMF) concentrations in urine across four consecutive days. The workers were designated to wear no personal protective equipment on the first day. The barrier cream, rubber gloves and rubber gloves plus respirator were used on the second, third and fourth days, respectively. Person-to-personal observation was performed in the field to record all high and low exposure tasks during work for each subject. Protective effectiveness index (PEI) was used to evaluate different glove effectiveness. We concluded that the direct skin contact to the strong skin penetrates like DMF could be a more significant exposure source than the respiratory exposure in the actual occupational environment. The provision of protective equipment from skin exposure could be more important than that from respiratory exposure. The application of barrier cream could be as effective as wearing impermeable rubber gloves in the prevention from the skin penetrate in the occupational settings.  相似文献   

The activity concentrations of naturally occurring radioactive materials in soil samples of an elevated radiation background area of nine southern districts of Bangladesh were determined using gamma-ray spectrometry with an aim of evaluating the environmental radioactivity. The outdoor and indoor external effective dose rates and the radiation hazard indices from the soil activity were evaluated with an aim of minimising the harmful effects of ionising radiation to the population of the area concerned. The activity of (137)Cs was measured and observed in some of the locations.  相似文献   

Antimigration properties of materials considered as components of the buffer filling of a near-surface radioactive waste repository were studied. The experiments demonstrated high ability of sand (containing mainly quartz) and clinoptilolite, which are the major components of the buffer filling, to absorb Cs and Sr. Additions of hematite and magnesium oxide enhance the ability of the buffer filling to absorb Co, U, and Pu.  相似文献   

The use of personal monitors for the assessment of exposure to radiofrequency fields and radiation in potential future epidemiological studies of occupationally exposed populations has been investigated. Data loggers have been developed for use with a commercially available personal monitor and these allowed personal exposure records consisting of time-tagged measurements of electric and magnetic field strength to be accrued over extended periods of the working day. The instrumentation was worn by workers carrying out tasks representative of some of their typical daily activities at a variety of radio sites. The results indicated significant differences in the exposures of workers in various RF environments. A number of measures of exposure have been examined with a view to assessing possible exposure metrics for epidemiological studies. There was generally a good correlation between a given measure of electric field strength and the same measure of magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Results from an experimental investigation on the compression behavior of balsa wood are presented. Specimens with varying densities, ranging from 55 to 380 kg/m3, are loaded in the grain (fiber, cell) direction using a screw-driven material testing system at a strain rate of 10−3 s−1. The results indicate that compressive strength of balsa wood increases with increasing density. Post-test scanning electron microscopy is used to identify the failure modes. The failure of low-density specimens is governed by elastic and/or plastic buckling, while kink band formation and end-cap collapse dominate in higher density balsa specimens. Based on the experimental results and observations, several analytical models are proposed to predict the compressive failure strength of balsa wood under uniaxial loading conditions.  相似文献   

This study attempted to estimate the lifelong magnetic field (MF) exposures of a particular group of welders. Exposure was quantified via measurements, observations and interviews. It was found that these welders face a vast range of lifelong MF exposures depending on the welding processes and duration of the welding tasks performed. This may explain the inconsistency in the results of studies of MF exposures on human health. The mere assessing of the MF exposure levels through spot measurements does not give an overall picture of the total amount of exposure received by the welders as some of these workers performed the welding task throughout the day, whereas others performed this as a part of their job. The exposure to various chemicals in the fume may complicate the interpretation of the elevated health risk among the welders.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the dose level of Chinese occupational exposures during 1986-2000. Data on occupational exposures from the main categories in nuclear fuel cycle (uranium enrichment and conversion, fuel fabrication, reactor operation, waste management and research activity, except for uranium mining and milling because of the lack of data), medical uses of radiation (diagnostic radiation, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy) and industrial uses of radiation (industrial radiography and radioisotope production) are presented and summarised in detail. These are the main components of occupational exposures in China. In general, the average annual effective doses show a steady decreasing trend over periods: from 2.16 to 1.16 mSv in medical uses of radiation during 1990-2000; from 1.92 to 1.18 mSv in industrial radiography during 1990-2000; from 8.79 to 2.05 mSv in radioisotope production during the period 1980-2000. Almost all the average annual effective doses in discussed occupations were lower than 5 mSv in recent years (except for well-logging: 6.86 mSv in 1999) and no monitored workers were found to have received the occupational exposure exceeding 50 mSv in a single year or 100 mSv in a five-year period. So the Chinese protection status of occupation exposure has been improved in recent years. However, the average annual effective doses in some occupations, such as diagnostic radiology and coal mining, were still much higher than that of the whole world. There are still needs for further improvement and careful monitoring of occupational exposure to protect every worker from excessive occupational exposure, especially for the workers who were neglected before.  相似文献   

Phosphate rock is used world wide for manufacturing phosphoric acid and several chemical fertilisers. It is known that the phosphate rock contains various concentrations of uranium, thorium, radium and their daughters. The subject of this study is the evaluation of the radiation exposure to workers in the phosphoric acid production plant due to technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive materials that can result from the presence of naturally occurring radioactive materials in phosphate ores used in the manufacturing of phosphoric acid. Radiation exposure due to direct gamma radiation, dust inhalation and radon gas has been investigated and external and internal doses of exposed workers have been calculated. Natural radioactivity due to (40)K, (226)Ra and (232)Th have been measured in phosphate rock, phosphogypsum, chemical fertilisers and other samples by gamma spectrometry system with a high-purity germanium. The average concentrations of (226)Ra and (40)K observed in the phosphate rock are 760 and 80 Bq kg(-1), respectively. Annual effective dose from external radiation had a mean value of ~0.673 mSv y(-1). Dust sampling revealed greatest values in the storage area. The annual average effective dose from inhalation of long-lived airborne was 0.113 mSv y(-1). Radon gas concentrations in the processing plant and storage area were found to be of the same value as the background. In this study the estimated annual effective doses to workers were below 1 mSv y(-1).  相似文献   

The Czech approach to limit the occupational exposures to natural radiation is based on the rules given by the Atomic Act and by the Decree of the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) on radiation protection. Workplaces with potential risk of increased exposure to natural sources are specified explicitly. A new method to perform the above-mentioned measurements and to determine the effective doses of workers was proposed in 2005 and accepted by the SONS in 2007. The first experience illustrates its applicability.  相似文献   

A Symposium by Correspondence has been organised on behalf of RILEM on the use of waste materials and industrial by-products in the construction industry. 18 countries (excluding the UK for which the authors are providing information) submitted contributions and in this paper these contributions are summarised and analysed. Information about individual materials has been extracted from the national contributions and a chapter devoted to each waste in turn. The properties, occurrence, present uses and possible future applications of each waste are described. Blastfurnace slags and pulverised fuel ashes are the two materials which are being used to the greatest extent. Blastfurnace slags are used overall to some 80% of their production and in several countries virtually all that is produced is used and the slags are regarded as a highly satisfactory material. Pulverised fuel ashes are about 20% used overall but up to 70% is used in some countries. Much of these two materials is used as fill but many more sophisticated uses are developing. These materials can make a particular contribution in conserving energy in the manufacture of cementitious materials and of lightweight aggregates. Overall however the proportion of mineral wastes which is used is only about 5% of the production and most is used in relatively low grade applications such as fill in roads and embankments. The most influential factor in determining whether or not a waste material or by-product is used is the economic cost in comparison with the alternative natural material in a particular application. These costs are primarily made up by handling, processing and transport but the social benefits of using a waste, for example avoiding the dereliction associated with the tipping of a waste material or the quarrying of a natural, should not be forgotten. Possible disbenefits such as pollution arising during processing or a less well proven technical performance should also be taken into account. Adequate knowledge of the properties of the waste materials and products containing them are therefore essential to enable a balanced judgement to be made on the overall advisability of using a waste material in a particular situation.  相似文献   

Measurements of radon, radon decay products and gamma exposure rate in 12 non-uranium underground mines have been carried out in order to estimate the occupational radiation exposure of miners. Continuous measurements of radon using pulse ionisation chambers and scintillation cell techniques were employed for these studies. Progenies of radon were collected on filter paper, and then a three-count procedure was used for the measurement. The equilibrium state between radon and its decay products has been determined. Concentrations of natural radionuclides ((226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K) in ore and soil samples taken from various locations in each mine have been measured using a Canberra High Purity Germanium detector. Based on these measurements two ranges of dose were evident. Doses ranged from 0.1 to 1.52 mSv y(-1) for nine mines and from 10 to 31 mSv y(-1) for the other three mines. A separate grouping of the mines was recognised from radon concentrations, which varied from 2 Bq m(-3) to 10 kBq m(-3). In three of these mines, working level (WL) concentrations of the order of 36-1771 mWL were determined in different working areas. In all other mines, the concentrations were observed to be <45 mWL.  相似文献   

(226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K were measured in soil samples, these were collected from different localities of the North West Frontier Province and Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Pakistan. In order to measure the specific activities in these samples P-type coaxial high purity germanium based gamma-ray spectrometer was used. Average values of the measured activities of (226)Ra, (232)Th and (40)K were 26 +/- 11, 39 +/- 17 and 485 +/- 177 Bq kg(-1), respectively. Average radium equivalent activity was found to be 122 +/- 42 Bq kg(-1). External and internal hazard indices were also calculated and found to be 0.33 +/- 0.12 and 0.40 +/- 0.14, respectively. Average effective dose received due to gamma rays was 0.34 +/- 0.12 mSv y(-1). Measured natural radioactivity, hazard indices and effective doses received by the population were found within the recommended limits. The aim of this work was to make a baseline data of natural radioactive elements for the soil of the area and to assess it radiological significance if used as a building material for the construction of houses.  相似文献   

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