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Mowrer on "Sin".     
Comments on the article "Sin, the lesser of two evils" by O.H. Mower (1960). In a recent issue of the American Psychologist, Hobart Mowrer (see record 1961-03555-001) argues that because "sin" is a stronger word than "wrongdoing" or "irresponsibility" it is better for the "neurotic" individual to admit his "sins" than accept his "wrongdoings." In upholding the concept of individual (if not original) "sin," Mowrer is contending that the "neurotic" individual must, if he is to get "well," accept the following syllogism: (a) sinning is unjustified; (b) I have sinned; (c) therefore, I must justify my existence by acknowledging my sins, changing my ways, and becoming a nonsinner. At first blush, this seems like a perfectly valid syllogism. But, as Mowrer himself suggests, it rarely works in practice. The author contends that with a more objective and realistic restatement of Mowrer's syllogism, the problem of the "neurotic" individual's changing his ineffective and self-defeating behavior is hardly automatically solved; but (by having the definitional concepts of deep worthlessness and severe ego "insult" removed from his philosophic premises) he becomes much more likely resolutely to tackle what Mowrer accurately describes as his moralpsychological difficulties. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied amount of material recalled by 10 undergraduates in each of 4 patterns of communication: (a) a "receiver" listening to 1 "transmitter," (b) "receiver" listening to 2 "transmitters" and speaking simultaneously, (c) "receiver" talking while listening to 1 "transmitter," and (d) receiver talking and listening to 2 simultaneous "transmitters." Statistically significant results favored the "receiver" who listened to 1 rather than 2 transmitters and listened rather than talked and listened. A significant interaction also occurred. Information retained by the "receiver" from each of the 2 simultaneous "transmitters" was compared. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To test the effect of mental set on thinking and communication, Ss were asked to describe an individual from a "letter" written to a potential employer by a "job applicant." Impressions of the personality of the "letter writer" were elicited under several conditions: (a) S was asked to communicate his findings to another (but unknown) group; (b) S was the recipient of such information; and (c) S was asked to communicate findings to, on the one hand, or be the recipient of findings from, on the other, a "group" with attitudes known to be contrary to those expressed by S. Being a "transmitter" or "receiver," as well as incongruence of "other group" attitudes, affected the impression formed and communcated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 2 experiments with a total of 24 undergraduates, eye movements were monitored while Ss performed parallel and serial search tasks. In Exp 1a, Ss searched for an "O" among "X"s (parallel condition) and for a "T" among "L"s (serial condition). In the parallel condition of Exp 1b, "Q" was the target and "O"s were distractors; in the serial condition, these stimuli switched roles. Displays contained 1, 12, or 24 stimuli, with both target-present and target-absent trials. RT and eye-movement measures (number of fixations, saccadic error, and latency to move) indicated that search efficiency was greatest in the parallel conditions, followed by the serial condition of Exp 1a and, finally, by the serial condition of Exp 1b. This suggests that eye movements are correlated with the attentional processes underlying visual search. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An analysis of definitions of humanistic psychology that appeared in the original documents establishing the Association for Humanistic Psychology, in books about humanistic psychology, and in editorial policies of the Journal of Humanistic Psychology showed little agreement about the explicit meaning of the phrase, which typically is used in a vague manner. It is argued (a) that a liberal arts background may be useful for psychologists, and in that sense a humanistic perspective is defensible; (b) that "humanistic" practices such as "growth experiences," the activities promulgated by the human encounter movement, "consciousness-raising workshops," and "humanistic psychotherapies" have not been demonstrated to be effective and must be viewed with great caution; and (c) that there is little point in substituting "humanistic" psychology for "wholistic," "gestalt," "systemic," or "organismic" psychology. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Clarification is given of the "paradox" posed by Loevinger (see 29: 3299), i.e., "validity" (the product-moment r of test score with the common factor of test items) decreases upon the increase beyond a certain point of item intercorrelations in a test whose items are of equal difficulty. Four points are made: (1) the "region of paradox" is reduced using a curvilinear r rather than the usual product-moment "validity"; (2) the paradox's incidence in aptitude and achievement tests is not as great as is frequently believed; (3) over-all "validity" for a group is inferior to the test's discriminating power for a specified decision problem for a specific examinee; and (4) the conception that "… for optimum results the percentage of correct answers to each item should equal the percentage of examinees to be selected" is correct only if the latter percentage is 50. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of "voice" (participating in allocation decision making by expressing one's own opinion about the preferred allocation) on responses to an inequitable allocation. In addition to Ss' (82 female undergraduates) presence or absence of voice, Exp I manipulated (a) whether the allocation made by a "decision maker" (a confederate) was or was not made biased (due to self-interest) and (b) whether the S did or did not learn that a "co-worker" believed the allocation to be inequitable. Exp II, with 61 female high school students, manipulated presence/absence of voice and involved only a self-interested decision maker. In both experiments, the impact of voice was mediated by knowledge about the co-worker's opinion. When Ss had no knowledge about the co-worker's opinion (Exp I) or knew that the co-workers's opinion coincided with the decision maker's allocation (Exp II), there was evidence for a "fair process effect": Voice Ss expressed greater satisfaction than those with no voice. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Proposes that "a relevant social psychology should be concerned with the study of social movements produced by social problems." It is suggested that the main problem is the definition of a social situation. Factors involved in a social situation are discussed. The need for establishing models based on fundamentals which are "relevant for all researchers in a problem area" is emphasized. The dynamics of group formation, intergroup relations, and communications and attitude change are examined to provide a basis for understanding social movements. Social movements are viewed as the best indicators of social problems and the direction of social change. The rise of a social movement is summarized as: (a) "a formative pattern of attempts toward change that develops in phases over time"; (b) "initiated through interaction . . . prompted by a motivational base . . . fed by persisting social problems"; (c) "carried out by those directly affected"; (d) a "declaration of gripes and the formulation and proclamation of platform or ideology"; (e) "bringing about evolutionary or revolutionary changes, or of suppressing changes"; and (f) effecting change by "appeals to the public, slogans, symbolisms, agitation, episodes of collective action, and encounters with the opposition." (36 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the initial reactions of 20 A and 20 B undergraduates to "encounter situations" in which they were asked for help by 4 hypothetical patients communicating in normal, neurotic, schizophrenic, or ambiguous styles. For each patient communication, Ss responded to the following questions: (a) "What might he mean?" (b) "What might he be feeling?" (c) "How would you feel in this situation?" (d) "What do you think you would do?" Results indicate that (a) A's more frequently interpreted patient communications symbolically than did B's; and (b) A's exhibited greater congruence than B's, as indicated by their greater use of feeling words in describing their reactions to the hypothetical patients. Results were related to previous A-B findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The forced expiratory manoeuvre was first described by Tiffeneau and Pinelli working in Paris (France), in December 1947, who proposed measurement of the "pulmonary capacity usable on exercise" (capacité pulmonaire utilisable à l'effort) (CPUE), the maximal volume expelled in one second after a deep inspiration. It was intended to replace the measurement of the maximum breathing capacity, a difficult and tiring manoeuvre. A similar approach was later followed in the USA by Gaensler, who proposed the "timed vital capacity" in 1951. The name CPUE was changed to "volume expiratoire maximum seconde" (VEMS) by a group of European experts, who met in Paris on February 13, 1954, whereas the expression "forced expiratory volume" was adopted by the British Thoracic Society in 1957. Despite numerous attempts to examine the forced expiration in a different manner, the VEMS and/or forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) remain, after 50 yrs the main variables used daily by the respiratory physician. Although primarily a pharmacologist, Robert Tiffeneau (1910-1961) undoubtedly deserves to figure among the pioneers of respiratory medicine.  相似文献   

Comment on "Psychology Needs Realism not Instrumentalism" by B. Haig (see record 2004-14303-015), "Ontological and epistemic claims of realism and instrumentalism" by Lau (see record 2004-14303-016)and "The scientific denial of the real and the dialectic of scientism and humanism" by Ramey and Chrysikou (see record 2004-14303-017) which were all comments on the original article "Realism, Instrumentalism, and Scientific Symbiosis: Psychological Theory as a Search for Truth and the Discovery of Solutions" by John T. Cacioppo, Gun R. Semin and Gary G. Berntson (see record 2004-14303-001). Cacioppo, Semin and Bernston address each of the comments on their original article and discuss their views on the subject of scientific symbiosis. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The endothelial cell count after phacoemulsification serves as a sensitive indicator for the level of corneal damage caused by different phacoemulsification techniques. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In a prospective and randomized study, the "Reversed Tip and Snip" technique and the "Divide and Conquer" technique were performed in groups of 30 patients each. The corneal endothelial cell count was measured preoperatively as well as 4 weeks and 3 months postoperatively. RESULTS: The endothelial cell count showed significant (P < .001) reduction by approximately 10% after the "Reversed Tip and Snip" technique and by approximately 15% (P < .001) after the "Divide and Conquer" technique. The latter produced a significantly (P < .001) greater cell loss. CONCLUSIONS: The "Reversed Tip and Snip" phacoemulsification technique produces less endothelial cell loss than the "Divide and Conquer" technique.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to increase the speed of processing verbal directional commands by using the ear stimulated to provide a relevant directional cue. In a choice reaction-time task, Ss pressed the right- or left-hand key in response to: (1) binaural "right" or "left" commands, (2) monaural "right" or "left" commands in the ear corresponding to the content of the command, and (3) monaural pure tones. Responses to the binaural commands were significantly slower than to the other 2 conditions, and responses to the monaural commands were significantly slower than to the monaural tones. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A forced-choice study activity questionnaire (SAQ) by Schutter and Maher (see 31: 6682) was tested for transparency. 106 college students were used as Ss. The scores from an "honest" administration were compared with "beat" administrations, 1 involving instruction and 1 not. Transparency was found; however, it was not furthered by a "how to study" lecture. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Answers criticism by R. Pike and K. Jackson (see record 1984-08657-001) that the author's (see record 1983-07058-001) analysis of data from letter-matching tasks is incomplete. They attempt to provide a better account of performance by proposing the existence of an additional step, one that involves a "similarity judgment" process. The data from the letter-matching studies, particularly the data from the "same" pairs, do not support the additional step. Performance on both "same" and "different" pairs depends on the inherent similarity structure of stimulus set and the demand of the particular experimental task. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article suggests classifying "osteoporoses" by their biomechanical pathogenesis instead of by their severity or their accompanying medical conditions. (A) In a "true osteoporosis," bone fragility would increase to such an extent that normal physical activity would cause spontaneous fractures and/or a bone pain syndrome, mainly affecting the spine; however, falls could also cause extremity bone fractures. (B) In a "physiologic osteopenia," reduced bone strength and "mass" would fit correspondingly reduced physical activities and muscle strength so well that fractures would not happen without falls or other injuries. Those fractures would affect extremity bones more than the spine. (C) In "combination states," features of (A) and (B) would combine variably. (D) "Transient osteopenias" would occur while serious injuries heal. After healing, transient osteopenias usually resolve without treatment, and fractures occur only from injuries. While an osteopenia's severity usually affects the risk of fracture, its pathogenesis could strongly affect the treatment needed for prevention or cure.  相似文献   

Variations in how we describe, explain, and treat "depression" and in who is labeled "depressed" attest to the significance of the social-historical contexts in which our understandings and practices are based. A prevalent, modern-day (Western) conception of "depression" is as a gendered (primarily female), devalued condition characterized by a discourse of the deficient self. In an effort to learn more about the particular forms of this discourse, the metaphors used by 10 depressed women (aged 28–62 yrs) to talk to their psychotherapists about their "selves" in relation to their perceived difficulties were studied. Two broad cultural imperatives were constructed from these metaphors: (1) Don't be too mothering and (2) Don't be too child-like. At the core of these 2 imperatives were messages about the importance of autonomy, for both oneself and others. This valuing of autonomy can be clearly located at the heart of 20th-century Western ideals. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To mark a "convergent anniversary in the history of behavioral science—experimental psychology, clinical psychiatry, and psychoanalysis—a program under the title of "Psychology in Perspective—A Centenary Celebration: 1856-1956" was offered at Washington University, St. Louis, on September 28-29. Papers presented included "Psychology in Evolutionary Perspective" by Julian Huxley, "The Role of Consciousness in the Emergence of a Scientific Psychology" by Edwin G. Boring, "Organic Order from Mental Disorder" by Winfred Overholser, and "The Cultural Matrix of the Unconscious" by Saul Rosenzweig. Each of these papers is briefly summarized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The glycosylation of murine C4 (Ss protein) synthesized by peritoneal macrophages has been investigated. Both the intracellular precursor, P-C4 (185), and the C4 alpha- and beta-chains that were secreted into medium were found to be glycosylated; however, no carbohydrate units were detected on the gamma-chain. Analyses of the oligosaccharide units showed that P-C4 (185) appears to contain both a "complex" and a "high mannose" carbohydrate group, the alpha-chain a "complex" group and the beta-chain a "high mannose" carbohydrate unit.  相似文献   

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