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Two experiments were conducted to evaluate dry matter intake (DMI), milk yield, and milk composition from feeding rations that contained different sources of genetically modified whole cottonseed to Argentinean Holstein dairy cows. Twenty-four lactating multiparous Argentinean Holstein dairy cows were used in 2 experiments with a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square design, with cows averaging 565 kg body weight and 53 d in milk at the beginning of the experiments. Treatments in Experiment 1 were: Bollgard cotton containing the cry1Ac gene, Bollgard II cotton containing cry1Ac and cry2Ab genes, Roundup Ready cotton containing the cp4 epsps gene, and a control nongenetically modified but genetically similar cottonseed. In Experiment 2, two commercial sources, a parental control line, and the transgenic cotton containing both cry1Ac and cp4 epsps genes were used as treatments. All cows received the same total mixed ration but with different whole cottonseed sources. Cottonseed was included to provide 2.50 kg per cow daily (dry matter [DM] basis) or about 10% of the total diet DM. The ingredient composition of the total mixed ration was 32% alfalfa hay, 28% corn silage, 22% corn grain, 17% soybean meal, and 2% minerals and vitamins. In addition, genomic DNA was extracted from a subset of milk samples and analyzed by polymerase chain reaction followed by Southern blot hybridization for small fragments of the cry1Ac transgene and an endogenous cotton gene, acp1. No sample was positive for transgenic or plant DNA fragments at the limits of detection for the assays following detailed data evaluation criteria. The DMI, milk yield, milk composition, body weight, and body condition score did not differ among treatments. Cottonseed from genetically modified varieties used in these studies yielded similar performance in lactating dairy cows when compared to non-transgenic control and reference cottonseed.  相似文献   

Utilization of wheat in complete rations for lactating cows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Effects of different amounts of wheat, protected amino acids, and increased rumen escape protein in high wheat rations were evaluated in two trials with dairy cows. In trial 1, concentrate mixtures with 0, 40, or 60% hard red winter wheat were included in a complete ration with 45% sorghum silage (dry basis). Intake of DM and CP was not affected by treatment. Milk yield declined (28.8, 28.0, 27.3 kg/d) as amount of wheat in the ration increased. In a second trial, concentrate mixtures with 60% wheat were compared with a control corn-base mixture. One wheat mixture was supplemented with protected lysine and methionine and another had protected lysine and methionine plus estimated rumen escape protein equal to the control. Intake of DM and CP was not affected. Milk yield of cows fed rations containing wheat, with or without protected amino acids, was lower than that of cows fed the control ration or the wheat ration in which rumen escape protein was equal to the control (29.1 and 29.0 vs. 30.8 and 30.2 kg/d). Responses of cows fed concentrate mixtures containing wheat appeared to be related to utilization of protein.  相似文献   

Fifty-six Holstein cows were used in a replicated study to determine whether supplemental beta-carotene improved reproductive performance. Each of two replicates was of completely randomized design with 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of two diets with or without beta-carotene supplementation. On a dry matter basis, diet 1 was 5% hay, 20% haylage, 25% corn silage, and 50% concentrate. Diet 2 was 7.5% hay, 42.5% corn silage, and 50% concentrate. The diets contained adequate amount of vitamins A, D, and E. From 10 d postpartum until pregnancy was confirmed by rectal palpation, half the cows on each diet received a supplement of 400 mg beta-carotene per head daily. The remaining cows on each diet received a supplement of 160,000 IU vitamin A per head daily. Supplemental beta-carotene increased plasma beta-carotene throughout the trials. Median days to first ovulation, first service, days open, and mean services per conception were: 22, 77, 97, and 1.6 for cows receiving beta-carotene supplement compared with 19.5, 73, 82, and 1.9 in controls. Supplementation did not affect first service conception rate, uterine involution, or milk yield. Incidence of follicular cysts, luteal cysts, pyometra, and endometritis in cows fed beta-carotene were 11, 7, 0, and 7% compared with 8, 21, 4, and 13% in control cows. Supplemental beta-carotene did not improve the fertility of Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Fifty-four lactating Holstein cows were assigned by parity and calving date to a 2 X 3 factorial arrangement of a randomized block design to determine effects of beta-carotene supplementation and ration fiber content on reproduction. Because ration fiber treatments did not differ in their effects on reproductive performance, data for beta-carotene analyses were pooled over the three rations. From 3 to 98 d postpartum, cows were individually fed either 0 or 300 mg supplemental beta-carotene daily by adding it on top of their complete mixed ration. By wk 3 postpartum, concentrations of beta-carotene in blood serum were higher in cows fed supplemental beta-carotene and remained higher throughout the experimental period. Feeding supplemental beta-carotene had no effect on the interval from the time of parturition to uterine involution, ovulation, first observed estrus, or conception. Feeding beta-carotene did not influence incidence of cystic follicles based on palpation, ovarian cyclicity based on blood progesterone patterns, peak progesterone concentrations, or first service conception rate. Cows fed supplemental beta-carotene required fewer treatments for clinical mastitis. Reproductive performance in lactating Holstein cows was not improved by feeding supplemental beta-carotene.  相似文献   

A dry matter intake (DMI) prediction equation was estimated by using a data file that contained 124 treatment means collected from published studies. Animal factors considered for inclusion in the prediction model were body weight (BW) and its natural logarithm, BW(0.75), milk yield (MY) and its natural logarithm, milk fat and protein yields, month of lactation and its square, as well as its natural logarithm. The dietary factors considered were the percentages of neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, crude protein and hemicellulose in the ration dry matter together with the square of all these predictors. The multiple regression model selected by using the maximum R2 method include both animal and dietary factors as independent variables. The accuracy of this DMI prediction equation was evaluated and compared with that of five other equations previously published by using three independent datasets also containing treatment means collected from literature. Even though the latest NRC equation was slightly more accurate than the equation proposed in this study with the three evaluation datasets, the latter can be used for some applications for which the NRC equation is not appropriate.  相似文献   

A trial was conducted in a commercial dairy herd in which the concentrate part of the ration was fed individually to a group of cows through computerized self-feeders. Performance results were compared with those of a group fed TMR of 65 to 67% concentrates. Rationing of individual concentrates was according to parity, milk yield, milk yield potential, BW changes, and bunk feed-stuffs. Mean intake of concentrates per cow was about 1 kg/d lower in the individually supplemented cows. This was partly compensated for by a higher intake of bunk feedstuffs. Overall daily milk yield per cow was similar to those receiving a TMR in first parity cows, higher in second parity cows, and lower in third and greater parity cows. The higher performance of the second parity cows was achieved in all milk yield potential classes, and the lower yield in subsequent lactations was due to lower performance in low and high potential classes. The individually supplemented cows gained less BW than those in the TMR group. Milk yield per unit of BW was better than milk yield as a variable to refine individual cow supplementation strategy for allocation of concentrates. Results also suggest that the same criteria used for supplementation of concentrates can be beneficial to cows' assignments and movements among different TMR groups. Computerized dispensing of concentrates, when applied properly, can economize on consumption of concentrates when grouping and feeding different TMR are impossible.  相似文献   

Our objective was to predict the dry matter intake (DMI) response during ration formulation to factors related to the filling effect of rations and their interaction with milk yield (MY) by lactating cows past peak lactation. A data set was developed consisting of 134 treatment means from 34 experiments reported in 32 peer-reviewed articles published from 1990 through 2015. The data set included data for cows ranging from 60 to 309 d postpartum with mean DMI ranging from 17.6 to 30.6 kg/d and MY ranging from 20.3 to 51.1 kg/d. Ration composition among treatments ranged from 12.7 to 21.8% of dry matter (DM) for crude protein, 11.5 to 31.0% of DM for acid detergent fiber (ADF), 25.5 to 48.2% of DM for neutral detergent fiber (NDF), 9.9 to 39.3% of DM for forage NDF (FNDF), and 0.45 to 0.84 for the ratio of ADF% to NDF% (ADF/NDF). Laboratory measures of digestibility of NDF (in vitro or in situ, FNDFD) for the sole or major forage ranged from 24.1 to 72.7%. The model included the random effect of study to account for various experiment-specific effects including different methods of measurement of NDF and FNDFD among studies. The full model also included linear and quadratic effects of crude protein, ADF, NDF, FNDF, ADF/NDF, and FNDFD, as well as their linear and quadratic interactions, and mean MY for each study and its interaction with ration factors. The proposed prediction equation is DMI (kg/d) = 12.0 ? 0.107 × FNDF + 8.17 × ADF/NDF + 0.0253 × FNDFD – 0.328 × (ADF/NDF – 0.602) × (FNDFD ? 48.3) + 0.225 × MY + 0.00390 × (FNDFD ? 48.3) × (MY – 33.1) with mean bias = 0.00 kg/d, root mean square error = 1.55 kg/d, and concordance correlation coefficient = 0.827. Dry matter intake was positively related to MY and ADF/NDF and negatively related to FNDF, and FNDFD was positively related to DMI for cows with high MY but negatively related to MY for cows with low MY. In addition, DMI was positively related to FNDFD for low ADF/NDF but negatively related to FNDFD for high ADF/NDF. The ADF/NDF was included to represent differences in forage fragility between grasses and legumes. The proposed model was compared with the equation recommended by the National Research Council (2001) that was developed using only animal factors by fitting each equation to a subset of the data set that included the required inputs for both. The National Research Council (2001) equation without diet factors had a higher root mean square error and over-predicted DMI at high DMI and under-predicted DMI at low DMI. Our proposed equation should be useful to predict DMI response to factors related to the filling effects of rations during ration formulation.  相似文献   

Growth of the corn ethanol industry has created a need for alternatives to corn for lactating dairy cows. Concurrent expansion in soydiesel production is expected to increase availability and promote favorable pricing for glycerol, a primary co-product material. The objective of this study was to determine the feeding value of glycerol as a replacement for corn in diets fed to lactating dairy cattle. Sixty lactating Holstein cows housed in individual tie stalls were fed a base diet consisting of corn silage, legume forages, corn grain, soyhulls, roasted soybeans, and protein supplements. After a 2-wk acclimation period, cows were fed diets containing 0, 5, 10, or 15% refined glycerol for 56 d. Cows were milked twice daily and weekly milk samples were collected. Milk production was 36.3, 37.2, 37.9, and 36.2 ± 1.6 kg/d and feed intake was 23.8, 24.6, 24.8, and 24.0 ± 0.7 kg/d for 0, 5, 10, and 15% glycerol treatments, respectively, and did not differ except for a modest reduction in feed intake during the first 7 d of the trial for 15% glycerol (treatment × time effect). Milk composition was not altered by glycerol feeding except that milk urea nitrogen was decreased from 12.5 ± 0.4 to 10.2 ± 0.4 mg/dL with glycerol addition. Cows fed diets containing 10 and 15% glycerol gained more weight than those fed rations containing 0 or 5% glycerol but body condition scores did not differ with glycerol feeding. The data indicate that glycerol is a suitable replacement for corn grain in diets for lactating dairy cattle and that it may be included in rations to a level of at least 15% of dry matter without adverse effects on milk production or milk composition.  相似文献   

Including dried whey in rations of nonruminants usually increases digestibilities and mineral retention, presumably because of the lactose in the whey. A trial with total collection had five lactating cows per treatment to determine the effects of 5% dried whey product in the concentrate on digestibility of the ration and on absorption and retention of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Rations included corn silage ad libitum, 3 kg alfalfa hay, and either control or dried whey product in concentrate ration at 1 kg/3 kg milk produced. Rations were balanced for content of nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Digestibilities of dry matter, nitrogen, and energy were not increased with dried whey product in the ration. Apparent absorption of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus was not affected significantly by inclusion of whey in the ration. Productive (milk plus retained) calcium and magnesium were not increased when dried whey product was in the ration although productive phosphorus was slightly higher with the dried whey product. Adding small amounts of dried whey to a ruminant's ration will not increase mineral absorption and retention probably because tthe lactose in dried whey is fermented in the rumen and unavailabe for aiding absorption from the small intestine.  相似文献   

Nine multiparous Holstein-Friesian cows (initially 97 d in milk), were used in a 3 × 3 lattice square design experiment with 4-wk periods. All cows received 4 kg/d concentrates and dietary treatments were based on silages offered ad libitum: perennial ryegrass (PRG); timothy (TIM); tall fescue (TF); red clover (RC); red clover/corn silage mixture [40/60 on a dry matter (DM) basis; RCC]; red clover/whole-crop oat silage mixture (40/60 on a DM basis; RCO); or red clover/whole-crop oat silage mixture (25/75 on a DM basis; ORC). The remaining treatments were based on RCO with feed intake restricted to the level of PRG (RCOr) or with a low protein concentrate (50/50 mixture of barley and molassed sugar beet pulp; RCOlp). Experiment objectives were to evaluate diet effects on N partitioning and N isotopic fractionation. Yields of milk and milk protein were consistently high for diets RC, RCC, and RCO and low for the diets based on poorly ensiled grass silages. Restriction of intake (RCOr) and inclusion of a higher proportion of whole-crop oat silage (ORC) and the low-protein concentrate (RCOlp) led to some loss of production. Diet had little effect on milk fat, protein, and lactose concentrations: low concentrations of milk protein and lactose reflect the restricted energy intakes for all treatments. The highest diet digestibilities were measured for RC and PRG, whereas increasing inclusion of the whole-crop oat silage (0, 60, and 75% of forage DM) led to a marked decrease in diet digestibility (0.717, 0.624, and 0.574 g/g, respectively). Urinary excretion of purine derivatives, an indicator for rumen microbial protein synthesis, was significantly higher for RCC than for TIM and TF. Nitrogen intake ranged between 359 and 626 g/d (treatment means). Partitioning of N intake to feces and urine was closely related to N intake, although urinary N losses were less than predicted from N intake for the 60/40 mixtures of cereal silage and red clover silage. The 15N content of milk, urine, and feces were all influenced by diet 15N content. Isotopic fractionation meant that feces and milk were enriched and urine was depleted in 15N relative to the diet. Significant relationships were observed between the extent of enrichment of urine, feces, and milk, suggesting some commonality in fractionation pathways. The trend for the lowest 15N enrichment in milk protein occurring in diets with low N-use efficiency (milk N/feed N) was contrary to expectations, possibly because of endogenous contributions to milk protein or fractionation when dietary ammonia was incorporated into microbial protein.  相似文献   

Twenty multiparous Holstein cows were used in four 5 × 5 Latin squares to determine the effects of feeding increasing amounts of distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) in diets with or without the supplementation (60 g/d) of a rumen-protected Lys (RPL) product (AminoShure-L, 38% l-Lys; Balchem Encapsulates, New Hampton, NY) on milk yield and composition and plasma concentration of AA. Dietary treatments were (1) control (CON; no DDGS), (2) 10% DDGS (10DG), (3) 20% DDGS (20DG), (4) 10% DDGS plus RPL (10DGRPL), and (5) 20% DDGS plus RPL (20DGRPL). Diets were formulated using the Cornell-Penn-Miner Dairy model (CPM v3.0; http://cahpwww.vet.upenn.edu/node/77) to provide a predicted decreasing supply of Lys (117, 99, and 91% of requirements) for the CON, 10DG, and 20DG diets, respectively. Addition of RPL to the 10DG and 20DG diets (unsupplemented diets) resulted in 2 additional treatments, 10DGRPL and 20DGRPL diets, respectively. The 10DGRPL and 20DGRPL diets met 110 and 100% of the Lys requirements, respectively. Periods lasted 21 d, with the last 3 d for data collection. Compared with cows fed the CON diet, cows fed diets with DDGS had a similar dry matter intake (DMI; 25.4 ± 0.88 kg/d), milk yield (30.7 ± 1.67 kg/d), and composition, except for protein percentage, which was higher (3.15 vs. 3.21 ± 0.05%) and resulted in higher (0.94 vs. 1.00 ± 0.05 kg/d) protein yield by cows fed diets containing 20% DDGS. Unexpectedly, despite diets being formulated based on predicted DMI of 23.3 kg/d and milk yield of 38.5 kg/d, cows had a greater DMI and lower milk yield across all treatments, which resulted in diets that were predicted by CPM Dairy to supply sufficient amounts of Lys (140, 118, and 104% of requirement for the CON, 10DG, and 20DG diet, respectively) and consequently, supplementation with RPL did not have an effect on milk production or composition. Plasma concentration of Lys decreased (11.8%) as DDGS inclusion increased. For other essential AA, plasma concentrations of cows fed diets with DDGS were lower for Arg, His, and Val and greater for Leu and Met compared with cows fed the CON diet. Supplementation with RPL failed to decrease the plasma concentration of other essential AA, which provides support that Lys was not limiting.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of spraying different combinations of fibrolytic enzymes onto forages on their nutritive value for lactating cows. Holstein cows were fed a TMR consisting of 30% corn silage, 15% alfalfa hay, and 55% concentrate (dry matter basis). During a 12-wk treatment period, the forages were treated with no enzymes (control), cellulase D and sultanas B, or cellulase D and xylanase C. Enzymes were diluted in water and sprayed onto the forages while mixing. Both combinations of enzymes supplied similar amounts of fibrolytic activity based on classical enzyme assays conducted at 50 degrees C. Cows fed forages treated with cellulase D and xylanase B tended to produce more 3.5% FCM (+2.5 kg/d) than did cows fed the untreated forages. Dry matter intake, milk production, milk fat, and milk protein were unaffected by treatment. In vitro production of gas from forages treated with enzymes was greater than from untreated forage, but 96-h volatile fatty acid production was not different among treatments. With an alternative enzyme assay based on the depolymerization of dyed substrate at 40 degrees C, activity of xylanase C was greatest at a pH of 6.5 but was substantially reduced as the pH of the assay was decreased. In contrast, xylanase B showed highest activity at pH 5 and enzyme activity was twice that of xylanase B at pH 5.5 and 6. Overall, the results of this study provide more evidence that fibrolytic enzymes can be used to improve milk production in lactating cows.  相似文献   

Objectives were to determine concentrations of P in phytate in selected concentrates, disappearance of P in phytate from these concentrates in vitro, and extent of hydrolysis of phytate in vivo. Total P and P in phytate were determined for eight concentrates; 32 to 81% of total P was in phytate. Six concentrates were incubated in vitro to determine the extent of phytate disappearance from solids and its appearance and disappearance from solution. Greater than 90% of P in phytate disappeared from solids between 6 and 8 h of incubation in vitro (wheat middlings, rice bran, hominy, soybean meal, and dried distillers grains) or between 12 and 24 h (cottonseed meal). Phosphorus in phytate in solution was hydrolyzed by 12 h except for cottonseed meal (by 24 h). Hydrolysis of the inositol ring to release P in vivo was greater than 99%, based on total fecal collection from 11 cows and the use of Cr as an indigestible marker in excreta, and between 94 to 98% for the same samples when acid detergent lignin was used as an indigestible marker to calculate phytate disappearance. These results further indicate that P in phytate should be considered available to lactating dairy cows when rations to meet their P requirements are being formulated.  相似文献   

We conducted a lactation trial with a fresh forage diet in order to evaluate 1) the effects of monensin on nitrogen metabolism, and 2) the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS). Thirty Holstein cows in midlactation (eight fitted with ruminal fistulas) were gradually introduced to a fresh forage diet. A concentrate mix based on corn meal was fed before the a.m. and p.m. milking times 0730 and 1730 h, then the fresh forage was fed at 0830 and 1830 h. Fifteen cows each were allocated to a control (no monensin) and a treatment group receiving 350 mg/cow per day of monensin in the p.m. concentrate feeding. A 7-d fecal and urine collection period and a 3-d rumen sampling period were conducted with the fistulated cows. After the lactation study was concluded, the fistulated cows were fed forage regrowth and a 3-d rumen sampling period was repeated. Monensin increased milk production by 1.85 kg. Milk fat and protein concentrations decreased and milk fat and protein yields increased, but the effects were nonsignificant. Monensin did not significantly affect DMI. Ruminal ammonia and the acetate-to-propionate ratio decreased with the addition of monensin in both fed forages. Monensin decreased fecal N output, and increased apparent N digestibility by 5.4%. Because of the decrease in ruminal ammonia and increase in apparent N digestibility, we concluded monensin was sparing amino acids from wasteful rumen degradation with a fresh forage diet. The precision of the CNCPS in predicting performance was high (r2 = 0.76), and the bias was low (overprediction of 3.6%). These results indicate that the CNCPS can be used for dairy cows consuming fresh forage and gives realistic predictions of performance.  相似文献   

Data from recent research studies were analyzed quantitatively, and the random effect of experiment was assessed to define the physiological responses of dairy cows in early lactation to intake of physically effective neutral detergent fiber (peNDF). All studies were conducted with lactating Holstein cows (84.8 ± 3.54 days in milk) in Latin square designs, and feeds were offered ad libitum as total mixed rations (TMR). The peNDF was estimated by 2 measurement techniques, the NDF content of TMR multiplied by amount of dry matter (DM) retained on a 1.18-mm screen (peNDF> 1.18) and NDF content of TMR multiplied by the proportion of DM retained by 19- and 8-mm Penn State Particle Separator screens (peNDF> 8). Other factors, including concentrations of NDF, forage NDF, non-fiber carbohydrates, the amount of digestible organic matter of forages (FDOM), and the intake of ruminally degradable starch (RDSI) from grain in the diet were also investigated. The studied animal response variables included feed intake, ruminal fermentation, chewing activity, fiber digestibility, and milk production and composition. The ruminal pH (day mean) in this study ranged from 5.30 to 6.59. Using peNDF> 1.18 approach, the requirements for physically effective fiber in high-yielding dairy cows fed TMR in an ad libitum intake were estimated to be about 19% of ration DM or 4.1 kg/d or 0.6 kg/100 kg of body weight to maintain a ruminal pH of about 6.0. When peNDF was measured as peNDF> 8, ruminal pH responded in a quadratic fashion but the confidence of estimation was lower (R2 = 0.27) compared with the peNDF> 1.18 approach (R2 = 0.67). Results of these data analyses showed that peNDF> 1.18 provided a satisfactory estimation of the mean ruminal pH (R2 = 0.67) and NDF digestibility (R2 = 0.56). Furthermore, peNDF> 1.18 was poorly, although positively, correlated to daily chewing (R2 = 0.17), and rumination (R2 = 0.24) activity. On the other hand, results from these analyses showed that milk parameters are less sensitive to the effects of dietary peNDF than other variables, such as ruminal pH, chewing activity, and fiber digestibility. Dietary FDOM correlated positively (moderately) to ruminal pH (R2 = 0.24), daily chewing (R2 = 0.23), and rumination (R2 = 0.29) activity, whereas the daily RDSI from grain correlated negatively to ruminal pH (R2 = 0.55) and positively to total volatile fatty acids (R2 = 0.27). Inclusion of FDOM and RDSI from grain along with peNDF> 1.18 in the models that predict rumen pH further improved the accuracy of prediction. This approach appeared to further complement the concept of peNDF that does not account for differences in ruminal fermentability of feeds.  相似文献   

The objectives of this experiment were to determine the effects of forage type on nutrient digestibility, purine derivative excretion, nitrogen utilization, and milk production in dairy cattle consuming rations containing high levels of wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS). Primiparous (n = 8) and multiparous (n = 20) Holstein cows were used in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square. Animals were fed 1 of 4 treatments during each 21-d period: 1) CONT-CS, 0% WDGS and high corn silage; 2) CONT-AS, 0% WDGS and high alfalfa silage; 3) WDGS-CS, 25% WDGS and high corn silage; and 4) WDGS-AS, 25% WDGS and high alfalfa silage (dry matter basis). Intake and milk data were collected daily and averaged for d 15 to 21 of each period. Dry matter intake was lower for CONT-CS than for CONT-AS, WDGS-CS, and WDGS-AS (22.5, 24.6, 24.6, and 24.8 kg/d, respectively). Digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, and N were not affected by treatment, averaging 59.6, 62.3, 40.1, and 58.6%, respectively. Excretion of urinary purine derivatives was greatest for WDGS-AS, followed by WDGS-CS, and then CONT-CS and CONT-AS. Thus, by calculation, estimated microbial protein flow was highest for WDGS-AS (2,189.9 g/d) followed by WDGS-CS (1,996.2 g/d), CONT-AS (1,640.0 g/d), and CONT-CS (1,627.0 g/d). Mass of fecal N was not different among treatments (averaging 287.1 ± 14.8 g/d), but urinary and manure N were reduced for rations with WDGS compared with those not including WDGS. Observed 4% fat-corrected milk was greatest for WDGS-AS, followed by WDGS-CS, and then CONT-CS and CONT-AS (30.7, 29.7, 28.3, and 27.2 kg/d, respectively). Milk protein yield was greatest for WDGS-AS (1.00 kg/d), followed by WDGS-CS, and then CONT-AS and CONT-CS (0.96, 0.91, 0.86 kg/d, respectively). This research demonstrated that rations can be balanced for dairy cattle to include up to 25% WDGS and result in increased microbial protein synthesis, milk production, and milk protein yield.  相似文献   

Rumen characteristics and digestive kinetics of brown midrib corn silage were evaluated with five late-lactation (221 DIM +/- 20 d) multiparous cows fitted with ruminal and duodenal cannula. Dietary treatments were applied by using a single reversal design with two 21-d periods where either brown midrib (BM3) or isogenic (ISO) corn silage were included in a total mixed ration formulated to be 40% concentrate and 60% corn silage on a dry matter (DM) basis. Rumen and total tract digestibilities of DM, organic matter, neutral detergent fiber, acid detergent fiber, starch, and N were determined and rumen characteristics evaluated. Apparent rumen DM and organic matter digestibilities were greater for the BM3 corn silage (7.1 and 4.7 percentage units, respectively). Dietary intake and duodenal flow of starch were greater and rumen and total tract starch digestibilities were lower for BM3 corn silage diets than ISO corn silage diets. However, more starch (1.1 kg/d) was apparently digested and absorbed postruminally in cows fed the BM3 corn silage diets. Duodenal flow of neutral detergent fiber was 0.9 kg/d lower, and ruminal (15.9 percentage units) and total tract digestibilities (4.4 percentage units) were higher for BM3 treatment compared with the ISO treatment. Digestive patterns of ADF were similar for the BM3 and ISO treatments. Ruminal pH was lower in the cows fed the BM3 corn silage than those fed the ISO corn silage. As a result of a tendency for decreased N excretion in urine and slight increases in N intake due to increased DM intake, N balance tended to be greater for the BM3 treatment compared with the ISO treatment. These results may partially explain the benefits of feeding BM3 corn silage to cows during early lactation, as the observed increases in fiber component digestibility and improved N economy may combine to enhance DM intake and better support the nutritional demands of milk production for the high producing dairy cow.  相似文献   

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