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Mango jam behaved as pseudoplastic fluid exhibiting yield stress. The Herschel–Bulkley (HB) model described adequately the steady-state rheological behavior of jam. Temperature dependence of the consistency index followed Arrhenius relationship. Time dependent structural breakdown characteristics of mango jam followed Hahn model. Hardness of mango jam increased with pectin concentration and acidity. Hardness increased up to 60% sugar concentration but decreased with further increase in sugar concentration at all pH and pectin levels. Stickiness, work of shear, and adhesion did not show any systematic trend with pH, pectin, and sugar concentration. The overall acceptability was rated highest for mango jam prepared with 65% sugar, 1% pectin at pH 3.4. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that hardness and work of shear are the most relevant among all the characteristics (physicochemical, sensory, textural, rheological, and compositional) studied for mango jam. Microstructure of mango jam was found to be composed of network regions with large pores as well as dense, compact regions with small pores.  相似文献   

Toasting of corn flake is an important processing step that dictates the attributes of the finished product with particular reference to consumer acceptability. The effect of important toasting variables such as moisture content, temperature and time of toasting of corn flakes on quality attributes has been investigated employing response surface methodology (RSM). A central composite experimental design consisting of five coded levels (−1.682, −1, 0, 1 and 1.682) of each independent variables has been employed. The response functions are thickness of flake, bulk density, puncture force, colour parameters and the sensory overall acceptability. Further, the changes in the microstructure of the flakes have been monitored. The energy expenditure during the toasting process was also determined, and 721–746 J g−1 of energy was required to have properly toasted flakes. These response functions can be correlated (r  0.82, p  0.01) with the independent variables by second order polynomials consisting of linear, quadratic and interaction terms. The effect of temperature and time usually dominates over the moisture content for toasting of corn flakes. Optimum conditions for achieving best puffing and overall acceptability have been obtained.  相似文献   

Bread partially baked for 7 min at 250 °C, after cooling, was frozen until core temperature reached −18 °C and stored at this same temperature up to 7 days. Samples were removed daily from the freezer, thawed and baked at 250 °C for 6 min. Analyses were performed 1 h after final baking, and were also conducted on fresh French bread daily produced (control). Weight and specific volume of frozen part-baked bread presented significant difference (P<0.05) compared with fresh one. Sensory analysis was carried out by a trained panel using the Difference from Control test to evaluate the difference and the degree of difference between frozen part-baked French bread (FPBFB) and fresh bread regarding appearance, tactile by direct touch and mouthfeel. All scores obtained indicated that the panelists, during the studied period, considered FPBFB to be slightly different compared with fresh one. Consumer Acceptance test was applied to compare appearance (gloss, roughness and cut on bread surface), oral texture (crust crispness and crumb firmness) and overall flavor between frozen part-baked bread and a commercial brand. All sensory scores obtained from Consumer test indicated that the 4-day frozen part-baked presented a superior acceptance to the commercial brand.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to evaluate the effects of transglutaminase (TGase) addition on some properties of set-type yoghurts such as titratable acidity, lactic acid, tyrosine, viscosity, gel firmness, syneresis, aroma compounds, sensory analysis, and micro-structural properties. The enzyme was added to yoghurt-milk at different production steps (after homogenization, after pasteurization and together with starter culture addition) and two different incubation times (10 min and 1 h) were used. Five TGase treated yoghurt samples and control sample were analyzed on 1st, 10th, and 20th days of storage. TGase addition did not cause significant changes on chemical properties of yoghurts. However, enzyme addition after pasteurization increased the gel strength and decreased the syneresis. Results of electron microscope showed that enzyme addition led proteins to be distributed more evenly in gel network due to the formation of cross-links between proteins.  相似文献   

The application of acoustic emission measurement (“acoustic tribology”) is explored for in vivo characterization of rubbing and tapping contacts of the biological tissues of skin and tongue. This acoustic signal originates from physical processes that are closely related to the rapid force fluctuations that are sensed by the rapidly-adapting mechanoreceptors involved in the sensation of touch. Demonstrated is the recording and analysis of sound produced by rubbing and tapping the skin against various surface textures of common materials and by rubbing the tongue against the palate or against food material in the mouth for 1 individual. The technique is shown to be sensitive to skin pre-treatment and pre-meals, and is also shown to discriminate between various surface textures and food materials in a way that relates to perception. The main advantages of the technique are its time-resolution, ease of operation and the fact that it is a direct in vivo measurement of processes that are closely related to texture perception.  相似文献   

Fresh pork sausage was manufactured to determine the effects of animal diet (unsaturated or control) and inclusion of corn oil during processing (0% and 14% fat replacement). Bologna was manufactured to investigate only diet effects. Processing, textural, sensory, visual, and storage characteristics were evaluated. Processing yield was improved 2.9 percentage units in fresh sausage but reduced 1.8 units in bologna in unsaturated compared with control diets. Break strength of fresh sausage was reduced 0.6 kg by oil inclusion. Both unsaturated fat and including oil during processing resulted in softer texture of fresh sausage, while increased unsaturation in bologna resulted in firmer or unchanged textural properties. Fresh sausage with oil was lighter colored (5.3 L* units increased) with more fat smearing. In fresh sausage, lipid oxidation remained below 1 mg/kg MDA during 12 weeks frozen storage. Overall, changes in fat quality minimally affected sausage quality, likely providing acceptable products to consumers.  相似文献   

The application of high pressure processing (HPP) has shown its potential to reduce quality losses of many fruit and vegetable products in comparison to other traditional technologies such as cooking. To identify further opportunities of the application of high pressures in vegetable pieces, the sensory perception and correlation to quality parameters were investigated on carrot sticks (used as model product) submitted to high pressure treatments (600 MPa, 2 min) and compared to other traditional treatments such as sous-vide (90 °C, 5 min), cooked (100 °C, 20 min) and unprocessed (raw). The results indicated that HPP carrots were not different from sous-vide carrots in many parameters such as: sweetness, green flavour and crunchy texture. Furthermore, high pressure carrots showed significantly higher intensity perception of orange colour and fibrousnesses to the rest of the treatments, while similar brightness to cooked carrots and green odour to raw.Throughout 14 days of storage at 4 °C, there was clear evidence that HPP samples could be preserved better in comparison to the rest of the treatments by not presenting any production of acetic acid (used as quality deterioration reference).Overall, sensory evaluation showed correlations to many quality measurements in this study, indicating similarities in hardness versus crunchiness perception and juiciness versus moisture perception between HPP and sous-vide samples. GC/MS and GC/MS-O results were also in agreement in most cases when identifying carrot volatile changes between the different treatments and the identification of the development of new compounds formed.Finally, the tissue structure observed by using Cryo-SEM microscopy, supported the similarities (between HPP and sous-vide) and differences (between treatments) of the quality parameters analysed in this research.

Industrial Relevance

Previous reports on HPP for food applications indicated that this technology will only be commercially successful if added value is achieved or if the product characteristic can be retained at a higher level as compared to thermally/traditionally processed foods. This work provides information on textural and chemical (volatile) changes as well as the sensorial perception of carrots which have undergone high pressure processing, as well as how those changes compare to the quality of both raw and thermally processed carrots. These results may be generally applicable to what could be expected to happen to other ‘hard’ tissue vegetable products produced by high pressure processing, over a refrigerated storage time of 14 days.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the role of partial coalescence of whey protein-stabilized emulsions on sensory perception. The selection of fats was restricted to vegetable fats that are essentially melted at oral temperatures. The sensitivity to partial coalescence was controlled by a variation in the fat melting curve and by addition of unsaturated monoglyceride. Most fat-related sensory attributes appear to be well-correlated to an increase in viscosity and coalescence in the mouth due to partial coalescence. Moreover, it was found that in-mouth aeration induces extra coalescence, which increases the perception of fat-related sensory attributes significantly.  相似文献   

A. Salvador 《LWT》2009,42(3):763-767
The fracture and acoustic properties of six commercial potato chips that differ in sensory hardness and sensory crispness were analysed and related in this work. Principal component analysis showed a correlation among the sensory attributes and the instrumental parameters (both mechanical and acoustic). Two components mainly explained the behaviour of the different potato chips. The first component was positively related to the number of force and sound events, to sound pressure level maximum, to the area under the force curve, and to sensory crispness, and negatively related to fat content; and the second component was positively related to the gradient (slope of the first part of the curve), the potato chip thickness, and to sensory hardness and sensory crispness. The behaviour of the different potato chips was explained by either one of the two components or by both components. Results indicate that certain degree of sensory hardness is necessary for higher crispness perception.  相似文献   

Six types of low methoxy pectins (two commercial and four modified pectins treated with pectin methyl esterase from Valencia orange) with different degrees of esterification (DE), molecular weights (MW), and degrees of amidation were prepared. Pectin gels containing five aroma compounds were produced and their texture properties, release of aromas, and sensory flavour intensities were investigated. Regarding the gels made with lower MW pectins (<2.1 × 105), only headspace concentration of isoamyl acetate was increased, according to the de-esterification of the pectins. In the pectin gels of higher MW (>3.7 × 105), however, significantly higher concentrations of aromas in the headspace were shown in the gel with DE value of 6 than the gel with DE value of 40. Perceived flavour intensity was highest in the pectin gel with higher DE (∼40) and lower MW. The sensory texture analysis indicated that the pectin methyl esterase-modified pectin gels had increased hardness, coarseness of mass, springiness, and chewiness. The perceived flavour intensities of the gels showed strong negative correlations with firmness.  相似文献   

This work describes a study on the in-mouth textural perception of thickened liquid oil-in-water emulsions. The variables studied are oil content, oil viscosity, and the concentration of polysaccharide thickener. Gum arabic was chosen as the thickener because of the nearly Newtonian behavior of its solutions and special care was taken to suppress aroma clues. Based on the experimental results and findings from previous studies, this work shows that the emulsion droplets influence textural sensory perception of liquid emulsions by three main mechanisms, each of which relate to changes in specific sensory attributes, and none of which were found to be significantly dependent on the viscosity of the oil: 1) by increasing the viscosity, 2) by becoming incorporated in the mucous oral coating, and 3) by spreading oil at the oral surfaces. Based on these results, the possibility for replacement of emulsified fat by a polysaccharide thickener is evaluated.  相似文献   

Influence of fat content and thickener type on rheology, structure, stability, in-vivo aroma release and sensory perception was studied in lemon flavored o/w model emulsions. Six formulations were prepared by varying the oil content (5 and 30% w/w) and the matrix composition (carboxymethyl cellulose, modified starch and no thickener). The effect of the interaction between fat content and matrix type was significant on most of the flow and viscoelastic parameters but not on flow index or loss modulus values. There were differences in the creaming index due to oil content and thickener type. Higher emulsion stability was obtained with the starch-based emulsions. Fat content affected the delivery to the nasal cavity of the most lipophilic compound (linalool) but did not affect the delivery of the least lipophilic (cis-3-hexen-1-ol) while both thickeners influenced the cumulative area under the aroma release profiles from nose breath analyses. Differences in perceived flavor and texture attributes were affected for both fat content and matrix type, which could be explained by instrumental data in most cases.  相似文献   

In this study low-acid sausages were studied to characterize their physicochemical, microbiological, and textural properties during ripening. The final a(w) was 0.87-0.88, whereas pH values stayed around their initial values during processing. Lactic acid bacteria increased very slowly in number and a small increase of Micrococcaceae was also noticed. Low-acid sausages showed low hardness and cohesiveness, and were easily distinguishable by sensory analysis from other industrial and artisan sausages. Under the conditions of the study, observed volatile compounds were mainly from spices and wine. The respective contribution of muscle and indigenous bacterial enzymes to proteolysis was determined by comparing changes in low-acid sausages to those containing an antibiotic-antimycotic mixture or sugar. A large part of the degradation of myofibrillar proteins appeared due to endogenous enzymes, although bacterial proteinases contributed to the degradation of these proteins. The role of microorganisms in proteolysis was more evident in the degradation of sarcoplasmic proteins.  相似文献   

Beef trimmings were treated with 3% potassium lactate (KL), 4% sodium metasilicate (NMS), 0.02% peroxyacetic acid (PAA) or 0.1% acidified sodium chlorite (ASC) or left untreated (CON). Beef trimmings were ground, pattied, and sampled for 7 days. Under simulated retail display, instrumental color, sensory characteristics, TBARS, pH, and Lee–Kramer shear force were measured to evaluate the impact of the treatments on the quality attributes. The NMS and PAA patties were redder (a, P < 0.05) than CON on days 0–3. Panelists found KL, NMS, PAA, and ASC patties to have less (P < 0.05) or similar (P > 0.05) off odor to CON on days 0–3. The NMS and PAA treated patties had lower (P < 0.05) lipid oxidation than the CON at days 0, 3, and 7. Therefore, KL, NMS, PAA, and ASC treatments on beef trimmings can potentially improve or maintain quality attributes of beef patties.  相似文献   

Chemical, instrumental and sensory characteristics of cooked pork ham   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Instrumental, chemical and sensory parameters of cooked pork ham were evaluated. Principal component analysis was carried out on the basis of the instrumental variables related to colour and texture. The four PCs account for almost 94% of the total variance in the data set. The PCA only separated 3 hams with a* > 10. Hardness was correlated with non-collagen muscle protein (P  0.01), gumminess (P  0.01) and ash (P  0.05). Sensory evaluated tenderness showed positive significant correlation with L* (P  0.01). The most important colour parameter seems to be a*, which was negatively correlated with sensory evaluated parameter colour (P  0.01). The PCA performed on all parameters (sensory, chemical and textural) discriminated two groups of hams differing in non-collagen muscle protein content and hardness.  相似文献   

K. Katina  R.-L. Heiniö  K. Autio  K. Poutanen 《LWT》2006,39(10):1189-1202
The aim of the study was to determine optimum sourdough process conditions for improved flavour and texture of wheat bread. The influence of process conditions and the starter culture on the characteristics of wheat sourdough bread was established by using response surface methodology. Influence of fermentation temperature (16-32 °C), ash content of flour (0.6-1.8 g/100 g), and fermentation time (6-20 h) were considered as independent factors and their effects were studied in sourdough bread fermented with Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis, Saccharomyces cerevisiae or with a combination of yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Intensity of sensory attributes, specific volume and bread hardness were considered as the main responses. Ash content of flour and fermentation time were the main factors determining the intensity of sensory attributes. The possibility to enhance intensity of overall flavour, aftertaste and roasted flavour without excessive pungent flavour and without reduced fresh flavour in wheat bread containing 20 g sourdough/100 g of wheat dough was demonstrated by choosing e.g. Lb. brevis for a starter and by utilization of high ash content of flour, long fermentation time and reduced temperature. Bread specific volume was improved 0.2-0.5 ml/g and hardness was reduced (after 4 days of storage) up to 260 g by using low ash content of flour and by optimizing fermentation time according to the microbial strain. Lactic acid fermentation had more profound influence on both desired and undesired flavour attributes, as well as textural features of bread in comparison with yeast fermentation.  相似文献   

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