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Ramsey theory is an active research area in combinatorics whose central theme is the emergence of order in large disordered structures, with Ramsey numbers marking the threshold at which this order first appears. For generalized Ramsey numbers r(GH), the emergent order is characterized by graphs G and H. In this paper we: (i) present a quantum algorithm for computing generalized Ramsey numbers by reformulating the computation as a combinatorial optimization problem which is solved using adiabatic quantum optimization; and (ii) determine the Ramsey numbers \(r({\mathscr {T}}_{m},{\mathscr {T}}_{n})\) for trees of order \(m,n = 6,7,8\), most of which were previously unknown.  相似文献   

 We present a first study concerning the optimization of a non linear fuzzy function f depending both on a crisp variable and a fuzzy number: therefore the function value is a fuzzy number. More specifically, given a real fuzzy number ?∈F and the function f(a,x):R 2R, we consider the fuzzy extension induced by f, f˜ : F × R → F, f˜(?,x) = Y˜. If K is a convex subset of R, the problem we consider is “maximizing”f˜(?,x), xˉ∈ K. The first problem is the meaning of the word “maximizing”: in fact it is well-known that ranking fuzzy numbers is a complex matter. Following a general method, we introduce a real function (evaluation function) on real fuzzy numbers, in order to get a crisp rating, induced by the order of the real line. In such a way, the optimization problem on fuzzy numbers can be written in terms of an optimization problem for the real-valued function obtained by composition of f with a suitable evaluation function. This approach allows us to state a necessary and sufficient condition in order that ∈K is the maximum for f˜ in K, when f(a,x) is convex-concave (Theorem 4.1).  相似文献   

We consider the estimation problem for an unknown vector β ∈ Rp in a linear model Y = + σξ, where ξ ∈ Rn is a standard discrete white Gaussian noise and X is a known n × p matrix with np. It is assumed that p is large and X is an ill-conditioned matrix. To estimate β in this situation, we use a family of spectral regularizations of the maximum likelihood method βα(Y) = H α(X T X) β ?(Y), α ∈ R+, where β ?(Y) is the maximum likelihood estimate for β and {H α(·): R+ → [0, 1], α ∈ R+} is a given ordered family of functions indexed by a regularization parameter α. The final estimate for β is constructed as a convex combination (in α) of the estimates βα(Y) with weights chosen based on the observations Y. We present inequalities for large deviations of the norm of the prediction error of this method.  相似文献   

We consider a geographic optimization problem in which we are given a region R, a probability density function f(?) defined on R, and a collection of n utility density functions u i (?) defined on R. Our objective is to divide R into n sub-regions R i so as to “balance” the overall utilities on the regions, which are given by the integrals \(\iint _{R_{i}}f(x)u_{i}(x)\, dA\). Using a simple complementary slackness argument, we show that (depending on what we mean precisely by “balancing” the utility functions) the boundary curves between optimal sub-regions are level curves of either the difference function u i (x) ? u j (x) or the ratio u i (x)/u j (x). This allows us to solve the problem of optimally partitioning the region efficiently by reducing it to a low-dimensional convex optimization problem. This result generalizes, and gives very short and constructive proofs of, several existing results in the literature on equitable partitioning for particular forms of f(?) and u i (?). We next give two economic applications of our results in which we show how to compute a market-clearing price vector in an aggregate demand system or a variation of the classical Fisher exchange market. Finally, we consider a dynamic problem in which the density function f(?) varies over time (simulating population migration or transport of a resource, for example) and derive a set of partial differential equations that describe the evolution of the optimal sub-regions over time. Numerical simulations for both static and dynamic problems confirm that such partitioning problems become tractable when using our methods.  相似文献   

G. Alefeld  Z. Wang 《Computing》2008,83(4):175-192
In this paper we consider the complementarity problem NCP(f) with f(x) = Mx + φ(x), where MR n×n is a real matrix and φ is a so-called tridiagonal (nonlinear) mapping. This problem occurs, for example, if certain classes of free boundary problems are discretized. We compute error bounds for approximations \({\hat x}\) to a solution x* of the discretized problems. The error bounds are improved by an iterative method and can be made arbitrarily small. The ideas are illustrated by numerical experiments.  相似文献   

A grid graph \(G_{\mathrm{g}}\) is a finite vertex-induced subgraph of the two-dimensional integer grid \(G^\infty \). A rectangular grid graph R(mn) is a grid graph with horizontal size m and vertical size n. A rectangular grid graph with a rectangular hole is a rectangular grid graph R(mn) such that a rectangular grid subgraph R(kl) is removed from it. The Hamiltonian path problem for general grid graphs is NP-complete. In this paper, we give necessary conditions for the existence of a Hamiltonian path between two given vertices in an odd-sized rectangular grid graph with a rectangular hole. In addition, we show that how such paths can be computed in linear time.  相似文献   

We initiate a new line of investigation into online property-preserving data reconstruction. Consider a dataset which is assumed to satisfy various (known) structural properties; e.g., it may consist of sorted numbers, or points on a manifold, or vectors in a polyhedral cone, or codewords from an error-correcting code. Because of noise and errors, however, an (unknown) fraction of the data is deemed unsound, i.e., in violation with the expected structural properties. Can one still query into the dataset in an online fashion and be provided data that is always sound? In other words, can one design a filter which, when given a query to any item I in the dataset, returns a sound item J that, although not necessarily in the dataset, differs from I as infrequently as possible. No preprocessing should be allowed and queries should be answered online.We consider the case of a monotone function. Specifically, the dataset encodes a function f:{1,…,n}?? R that is at (unknown) distance ε from monotone, meaning that f can—and must—be modified at ε n places to become monotone.Our main result is a randomized filter that can answer any query in O(log?2 nlog? log?n) time while modifying the function f at only O(ε n) places. The amortized time over n function evaluations is O(log?n). The filter works as stated with probability arbitrarily close to 1. We provide an alternative filter with O(log?n) worst case query time and O(ε nlog?n) function modifications. For reconstructing d-dimensional monotone functions of the form f:{1,…,n} d ? ? R, we present a filter that takes (2 O(d)(log?n)4d?2log?log?n) time per query and modifies at most O(ε n d ) function values (for constant d).  相似文献   

We investigate the following problem: given a set of jobs and a set of people with preferences over the jobs, what is the optimal way of matching people to jobs? Here we consider the notion of popularity. A matching M is popular if there is no matching M′ such that more people prefer M′ to M than the other way around. Determining whether a given instance admits a popular matching and, if so, finding one, was studied by Abraham et al. (SIAM J. Comput. 37(4):1030–1045, 2007). If there is no popular matching, a reasonable substitute is a matching whose unpopularity is bounded. We consider two measures of unpopularity—unpopularity factor denoted by u(M) and unpopularity margin denoted by g(M). McCutchen recently showed that computing a matching M with the minimum value of u(M) or g(M) is NP-hard, and that if G does not admit a popular matching, then we have u(M)≥2 for all matchings M in G.Here we show that a matching M that achieves u(M)=2 can be computed in \(O(m\sqrt{n})\) time (where m is the number of edges in G and n is the number of nodes) provided a certain graph H admits a matching that matches all people. We also describe a sequence of graphs: H=H 2,H 3,…,H k such that if H k admits a matching that matches all people, then we can compute in \(O(km\sqrt{n})\) time a matching M such that u(M)≤k?1 and \(g(M)\le n(1-\frac{2}{k})\). Simulation results suggest that our algorithm finds a matching with low unpopularity in random instances.  相似文献   

We study the behavior of cosmological parameters, massive and massless scalar fields (normal or phantom) with a scalar potential in f(R, T) theory of gravity for a flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe. To get exact solutions to the modified field equations, we use the f(R, T) = R + 2f(T) model by Harko et al. (T. Harko et al., Phys. Rev. D 84, 024020 (2011)), where R is the Ricci scalar and T is the trace of the energy momentum tensor. Our cosmological parameter solutions agree with the recent observational data. Finally, we discuss our results with various graphics.  相似文献   

Value-based requirements engineering: exploring innovative e-commerce ideas   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Innovative e-commerce ideas are characterised by commercial products yet unknown to the market, enabled by information technology such as the Internet and technologies on top of it. How to develop such products is hardly known. We propose an interdisciplinary approach, e 3 -value, to explore an innovative e-commerce idea with the aim of understanding such an idea thoroughly and evaluating it for potential profitability. Our methodology exploits a requirements engineering way of working, but employs concepts and terminology from business science, marketing and axiology. It shows how to model business requirements and improve business–IT alignment, in sophisticated multi-actor value constellations that are common in electronic commerce. In addition to the e 3 -value approach methodology, we also present the action research-based development of our methodology, by using one of the longitudinal projects we carried out in the field of online news article provisioning.  相似文献   

Two new constructions of Steiner quadruple systems S(v, 4, 3) are given. Both preserve resolvability of the original Steiner system and make it possible to control the rank of the resulting system. It is proved that any Steiner system S(v = 2 m , 4, 3) of rank rv ? m + 1 over F2 is resolvable and that all systems of this rank can be constructed in this way. Thus, we find the number of all different Steiner systems of rank r = v ? m + 1.  相似文献   

A 3D binary image I can be naturally represented by a combinatorial-algebraic structure called cubical complex and denoted by Q(I), whose basic building blocks are vertices, edges, square faces and cubes. In Gonzalez-Diaz et al. (Discret Appl Math 183:59–77, 2015), we presented a method to “locally repair” Q(I) to obtain a polyhedral complex P(I) (whose basic building blocks are vertices, edges, specific polygons and polyhedra), homotopy equivalent to Q(I), satisfying that its boundary surface is a 2D manifold. P(I) is called a well-composed polyhedral complex over the picture I. Besides, we developed a new codification system for P(I), encoding geometric information of the cells of P(I) under the form of a 3D grayscale image, and the boundary face relations of the cells of P(I) under the form of a set of structuring elements. In this paper, we build upon (Gonzalez-Diaz et al. 2015) and prove that, to retrieve topological and geometric information of P(I), it is enough to store just one 3D point per polyhedron and hence neither grayscale image nor set of structuring elements are needed. From this “minimal” codification of P(I), we finally present a method to compute the 2-cells in the boundary surface of P(I).  相似文献   

The Doob graph D(m, n), where m > 0, is a Cartesian product of m copies of the Shrikhande graph and n copies of the complete graph K 4 on four vertices. The Doob graph D(m, n) is a distance-regular graph with the same parameters as the Hamming graph H(2m + n, 4). We give a characterization of MDS codes in Doob graphs D(m, n) with code distance at least 3. Up to equivalence, there are m 3/36+7m 2/24+11m/12+1?(m mod 2)/8?(m mod 3)/9 MDS codes with code distance 2m + n in D(m, n), two codes with distance 3 in each of D(2, 0) and D(2, 1) and with distance 4 in D(2, 1), and one code with distance 3 in each of D(1, 2) and D(1, 3) and with distance 4 in each of D(1, 3) and D(2, 2).  相似文献   

We consider generalized Preparata codes with a noncommutative group operation. These codes are shown to induce new partitions of Hamming codes into cosets of these Preparata codes. The constructed partitions induce 2-resolvable Steiner quadruple systems S(n, 4, 3) (i.e., systems S(n, 4, 3) that can be partitioned into disjoint Steiner systems S(n, 4, 2)). The obtained partitions of systems S(n, 4, 3) into systems S(n, 4, 2) are not equivalent to such partitions previously known.  相似文献   

Decheng Dai  Rong Ge 《Algorithmica》2011,61(4):1092-1104
We study the problem of solving simple stochastic games, and give both an interesting new algorithm and a hardness result. We show a reduction from fine approximation of simple stochastic games to coarse approximation of a polynomial sized game, which can be viewed as an evidence showing the hardness to approximate the value of simple stochastic games. We also present a randomized algorithm that runs in \(\tilde{O}(\sqrt{|V_{\mathrm{R}}|!})\) time, where |V R| is the number of RANDOM vertices and \(\tilde{O}\) ignores polynomial terms. This algorithm is the fastest known algorithm when |V R|=ω(log?n) and \(|V_{\mathrm{R}}|=o(\sqrt{\min{|V_{\min}|,|V_{\max}|}})\) and it works for general (non-stopping) simple stochastic games.  相似文献   

A new representation is proved of the solutions of initial boundary value problems for the equation of the form u xx (x, t) + r(x)u x (x, t) ? q(x)u(x, t) = u tt (x, t) + μ(x)u t (x, t) in the section (under boundary conditions of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd type in any combination). This representation has the form of the Riemann integral dependent on the x and t over the given section.  相似文献   

We focus on the large field of a hyperbolic potential form, which is characterized by a parameter f, in the framework of the brane-world inflation in Randall-Sundrum-II model. From the observed form of the power spectrum P R (k), the parameter f should be of order 0.1m p to 0.001m p , the brane tension must be in the range λ ~ (1?10)×1057 GeV4, and the energy scale is around V0 1/4 ~ 1015 GeV. We find that the inflationary parameters (n s , r, and dn s /d(ln k) depend only on the number of e-folds N. The compatibility of these parameters with the last Planck measurements is realized with large values of N.  相似文献   

Let f be an integer valued function on a finite set V. We call an undirected graph G(V,E) a neighborhood structure for f. The problem of finding a local minimum for f can be phrased as: for a fixed neighborhood structure G(V,E) find a vertex xV such that f(x) is not bigger than any value that f takes on some neighbor of x. The complexity of the algorithm is measured by the number of questions of the form “what is the value of f on x?” We show that the deterministic, randomized and quantum query complexities of the problem are polynomially related. This generalizes earlier results of Aldous (Ann. Probab. 11(2):403–413, [1983]) and Aaronson (SIAM J. Comput. 35(4):804–824, [2006]) and solves the main open problem in Aaronson (SIAM J. Comput. 35(4):804–824, [2006]).  相似文献   

The Shor algorithm is effective for public-key cryptosystems based on an abelian group. At CRYPTO 2001, Paeng (2001) presented a MOR cryptosystem using a non-abelian group, which can be considered as a candidate scheme for post-quantum attack. This paper analyses the security of a MOR cryptosystem based on a finite associative algebra using a quantum algorithm. Specifically, let L be a finite associative algebra over a finite field F. Consider a homomorphism φ: Aut(L) → Aut(H)×Aut(I), where I is an ideal of L and H ? L/I. We compute dim Im(φ) and dim Ker(φ), and combine them by dim Aut(L) = dim Im(φ)+dim Ker(φ). We prove that Im(φ) = StabComp(H,I)(μ + B2(H, I)) and Ker(φ) ? Z1(H, I). Thus, we can obtain dim Im(φ), since the algorithm for the stabilizer is a standard algorithm among abelian hidden subgroup algorithms. In addition, Z1(H, I) is equivalent to the solution space of the linear equation group over the Galois fields GF(p), and it is possible to obtain dim Ker(φ) by the enumeration theorem. Furthermore, we can obtain the dimension of the automorphism group Aut(L). When the map ? ∈ Aut(L), it is possible to effectively compute the cyclic group 〈?〉 and recover the private key a. Therefore, the MOR scheme is insecure when based on a finite associative algebra in quantum computation.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to analyze the behavior of Fiedler companion matrices in the polynomial root-finding problem from the point of view of conditioning of eigenvalues. More precisely, we compare: (a) the condition number of a given root \({\lambda }\) of a monic polynomial p(z) with the condition number of \({\lambda }\) as an eigenvalue of any Fiedler matrix of p(z), (b) the condition number of \({\lambda }\) as an eigenvalue of an arbitrary Fiedler matrix with the condition number of \({\lambda }\) as an eigenvalue of the classical Frobenius companion matrices, and (c) the pseudozero sets of p(z) and the pseudospectra of any Fiedler matrix of p(z). We prove that, if the coefficients of the polynomial p(z) are not too large and not all close to zero, then the conditioning of any root \({\lambda }\) of p(z) is similar to the conditioning of \({\lambda }\) as an eigenvalue of any Fiedler matrix of p(z). On the contrary, when p(z) has some large coefficients, or they are all close to zero, the conditioning of \({\lambda }\) as an eigenvalue of any Fiedler matrix can be arbitrarily much larger than its conditioning as a root of p(z) and, moreover, when p(z) has some large coefficients there can be two different Fiedler matrices such that the ratio between the condition numbers of \({\lambda }\) as an eigenvalue of these two matrices can be arbitrarily large. Finally, we relate asymptotically the pseudozero sets of p(z) with the pseudospectra of any given Fiedler matrix of p(z), and the pseudospectra of any two Fiedler matrices of p(z).  相似文献   

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