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为了进一步推动期刊出版事业的繁荣发展,发挥优秀期刊的示范作用,带动期刊整体质量的提高,经省委宣传部批准,安徽省新闻出版局、安徽省期刊协会2009年下半年开展了安徽省优秀期刊评选工作。由评选委员会专家依据《安徽省社会科学期刊综合质量考评指标》和《安徽省自然科学期刊综合质量考评指标》进行定量打分评选.  相似文献   

为了进一步推动期刊出版事业的繁荣发展,发挥优秀期刊的示范作用,带动期刊整体质量的提高,经省委宣传部批准,安徽省新闻出版局、安徽省期刊协会2009年下半年开展了安徽省优秀期刊评选工作。由评选委员会专家依据《安徽省社会科学期刊综合质量考评指标》和《安徽省自然科学期刊综合质量考评指标》进行定量打分评选,最终评出安徽省优秀期刊57种(不含高等学校学报),  相似文献   

1997年,国家对期刊进行了大的整顿。取消了所有内部刊号的期刊,而将其转为内部资料。也就是说,原来这一部分拥有“内部刊号”的期刊,从此就不再是期刊了。在高等院校,受到影响最大的莫过于高教研究类期刊了。  相似文献   

<正>1994年3月11日,四川省期刊协会在成都召开了成立大会。这是四川省期刊界一次规模空前的团结盛会。300多种期刊的代表参加了会议。 四川是一个期刊大省,其品种、数量在全国均名列前茅,在本省的社会传媒中,期刊是一个重要的方面军。近年来,我省已先后成立了期刊研究会、科技期刊编辑学会、科技期刊编研会、高校学报研究会等期刊组织,开展了有声有色的活动,为成立全省性的期刊行业组织打下良好的基础。自1992年9月以来,在全省期刊界同仁的积极促成和  相似文献   

近年来,中国期刊产业伴随着国家经济的持续快速发展也得到了空前的发展。经过市场竞争的磨练,许多期刊形成了具有自身特色的发展理念和运作模式,并开始从面向未来长远发展的角度去思考如何保持期刊长久生命力以及期刊出版单位的价值取向等问题。  相似文献   

正为推动华东地区期刊提高质量,加强期刊出版队伍建设,促进期刊业繁荣发展,华东地区优秀期刊评审委员会于2017年6月开展了第六届华东地区优秀期刊评选工作。经各期刊主管主办单位推荐、各有关省(市)期刊协会初评、华东地区优秀期刊评审委员会终评,共评出第六届华东地区优秀期刊234种,其中江苏省共有56种优秀期刊入选,《振动、测试与诊断》荣获第六届华东地区优秀期刊奖。  相似文献   

中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库全文收录期刊 中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊 首届《CAJ-CD规范》执行优秀期刊 中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊 万方数据-数字化期刊全文收录期刊 《电子科技文摘》数据库之数据源期刊  相似文献   

党的十一届三中全会以来,我国期刊出版事业有了巨大的发展。为了检阅我国期刊出版事业的成就,加强对期刊出版工作的导向,扩大宣传,促进期刊的繁荣,中华人民共和国新闻出版署决定1990年9月在北京举办全国期刊展览会。展览期间,将举办多种有关期刊编辑、出版、发行、  相似文献   

想必许多读者已经发现 ,从 2 0 0 2年第 3期开始 ,我刊和一些期刊的封面上印制了“中国期刊方阵”标识 ,这标志着中国期刊方阵业已正式亮相 ,我国期刊已由单纯的期刊出版经营跨跃到发展期刊品牌的新阶段 ,是新世纪初叶繁荣我国期刊出版事业的重大战略举措。建设中国期刊方阵的战略决策是由国家新闻出版总署提出的 ,进人中国期刊方阵的期刊首先由各有关期刊管理部门认真评选推荐 ,科技部组织专家对人选科技期刊进行严格筛选 ,最后经中共中央宣传部和新闻出版总署审核确定。我国林林总总 80 0 0多种期刊相互关联构织成我国的期刊大系统 ,服务…  相似文献   

正中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库全文收录期刊中国期刊全文数据库全文收录期刊中国学术期刊综合评价数据库统计源期刊万方数据-数字化期刊全文收录期刊首届《CAJ-CD规范》执行优秀期刊《电子科技文摘》数据库之数据源期刊本刊简介:《电子机械工程》杂志(双月刊)是南京电子技术研究所主办、面向国内外公开发行的科技期刊  相似文献   

通常对轴-径向滑动轴承进行润滑分析时,均忽略多种因素综合作用下轴颈沿轴承轴线方向的运动状况,与轴-轴承系统中轴承的实际工作状况存在较大差异。以轴-轴承系统为研究对象,综合考虑轴颈轴向运动、表面形貌和轴颈倾斜,基于平均Reynolds方程,建立了耦合轴颈轴向运动的粗糙表面径向滑动轴承润滑模型,主要探讨分析轴颈轴向运动对粗糙表面倾斜轴颈轴承润滑特性的影响。结果表明:倾斜轴颈轴向运动对粗糙表面径向滑动轴承润滑特性影响显著;与不考虑滑动表面粗糙度相比,考虑滑动表面粗糙度时轴颈轴向运动对轴承润滑特性的影响程度有所降低;轴颈轴向速度越小,滑动表面粗糙度对轴承最大油膜压力、承载力和稳定工作力矩影响越大;轴颈轴向速度越小,粗糙度模式对轴承润滑特性影响越显著。因此,对粗糙表面倾斜轴颈径向滑动轴承进行润滑分析考虑轴颈轴向运动的影响是非常必要的。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a method to calculate the stiffness and the damping coefficients of the coupled journal and thrust bearings. Reynolds equations and their perturbation equations of journal and thrust bearings are transformed to the finite element equations by considering the continuity of pressure and flow at the interface between the journal and the thrust bearings. It also includes the Reynolds boundary condition in the numerical analysis to simulate the cavitation phenomenon. The stiffness and damping coefficients of the proposed mathematical method are compared with those of the numerical differentiation of the bearing force with respect to finite displacements and finite velocities of bearing center. It shows that the proposed method can calculate the dynamic coefficients of a coupled journal and thrust bearing more numerically stable and computationally efficient than the differentiation method. It also investigates the coupling effect of the coupled journal and thrust bearing and it shows that the proposed method makes it possible to calculate the cross-coupled dynamic coefficients in the radial–axial direction of the coupled journal and thrust bearing.  相似文献   

在改装后的MPV-1500滑动轴承试验机上实验研究了油气两相流对滑动轴承承载能力及摩擦力的影响。通过对实验数据的整理发现,油气两相流对滑动轴承摩擦力影响极小,而对承载能力有一定的降低作用,但随载荷的增大,这种降低作用趋于消失。  相似文献   

This paper compares the performance of a six-pocket capillary compensated hydrostatic/hybrid flexible journal bearing to that of a simi ar four-pocket journal bearing. The comparison is based on theoretically computed results. The finite-element method has been used to obtain simultaneous solutions of the three-dimensional elasticity equations and the Reynolds equation. It is observed that the six-pocket journal bearing may be more efficient from a stability point of view as compared to a similar four-pocket journal system.  相似文献   

汽轮发电机径向滑动轴承性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于流体动压润滑理论,计入温粘关系和紊流效应,对汽轮发电机滑动轴承性能进行了理论研究。针对汽轮发电机滑动轴承结构,开发了适于工程应用的多种汽轮发电机用轴承性能计算程序。对汽轮发电机径向滑动轴承进行了计算,分析了轴承静动特性和稳定性参数,并验证了计算结果的可靠性。  相似文献   

A new approach and relevant test rig to measure the friction of micro journal bearings are introduced in this paper. The micro bearings under the load of milliNewton scale can be tested to indicate their tribological behavior. The test rig has the following features. (1) The separated bearing halves are attached to the journal with a soft string wrapped around them. The string is strained in a vertical line with the upper end located at a beam and the lower end hanged with a standard weight, which supplies pressure between the bearing and the journal, without bending the spindling journal. (2) The frictional force of the rotating journal on the bearing halves will result in a difference between the forces at the two string ends. (3) This force difference can be sensitively detected by strain gauges on the beam. Therefore, the micro friction between the bearing and the spinning journal can be detected and indicated.  相似文献   

滑动轴承油膜破裂位置是滑动轴承静特性之一。本文在引入新型气油两相流流变模型后,组织了一套适用于油气两相流润滑工况下滑动轴承的数值计算理论,用数值计算的方法研究了油气两相流对滑动轴承油膜破裂位置的影响,得出了一组规律性的结论。  相似文献   

A theoretical study concerning the static and dynamic performance of hydrostatic/hybrid journal bearing compensated by slot restrictor has been presented using the finite element method (FEM). Results have been presented for a double row symmetric as well as asymmetric configurations for different values of slot width ratios (SWR) and external load ( ). In order to have a better understanding of their performance vis-à-vis other non-recessed bearing configurations, the performance characteristics of slot-entry journal bearings have been compared with that of similar hole-entry compensated journal bearings using capillary, orifice and constant flow valve restrictors for the same bearing geometric and operating parameters. The comparative study indicates that asymmetric slot-entry journal bearings provide an improved stability threshold speed margin compared with asymmetric hole entry journal bearings compensated by capillary, orifice and constant flow valve restrictors.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive review of developments in the design and application of hydrostatic and hybrid journal bearing systems during the last few decades. Revolutionary changes have taken place in the applications of hydrostatic and hybrid journal bearings, from very low‐speed radar to very high‐speed turbo‐machinery and ultra‐precision machine tools requiring high stiffness to improve accuracy. Hydrostatic and hybrid bearings are of interest because of their potential at very high operating speed and heavy load‐carrying capacity. This paper also outlines the analyses done of these types of journal bearings in practical application, which has led to improved bearing design. This review critically discusses the parameters that significantly affect the static and dynamic performance of a journal bearing. This review includes coverage of recent publications in the literature pertaining to hydrostatic and hybrid journal bearings focusing on the influence of parameters such as bearing geometry, supply pressure, flow control devices, fluid compressibility, fluid inertia, journal misalignment, bearing flexibility, surface roughness, and thermal effects. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Analytical pressure solutions are a simple and robust way to model plain journal bearings in rotordynamics, but cannot be extended to porous journal bearings. Using the method of weighted residuals—viz. Galerkin's method with global shape functions—a novel and fast approach to solve the dynamical porous journal bearing problem is proposed. This approach allows for the influence of rough surfaces on the hydrodynamic pressure implemented through flow-factors, journal misalignment and calculation of stiffness and damping coefficients for finite bearings. The proposed method will be verified using analytical expressions and new results will be shown for porous journal bearings including the influence of rough surfaces.  相似文献   

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