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A novel radio imaging technique with an application in the characterisation of indoor and urban wireless channels is described. The technique produces a visual representation of the multipath environment and has the capability of distinguishing between stationary and temporally varying components. Measurement and imaging techniques are described and sample results presented  相似文献   

A medium access control (MAC) protocol (NULLHOC) for ad hoc networks of nodes with antenna arrays is presented. The antenna array is used for transmit and receive beamforming with the purpose of increasing spatial reuse by directing nulls at active transmitters and receivers in the neighborhood. In contrast to previous work with directional antennas, our approach is applicable to multipath channels, such as occur indoors or in other rich scattering environments. The MAC protocol is designed to support the control information exchange needed to direct nulls toward other users involved in existing communication sessions. Knowledge of the channel coefficients between a transmitter or receiver and its neighbors is used to design transmit or receive beamformer weights that implement the requisite nulling. Simulations are used to demonstrate the improvements in throughput and transmit powers that are obtained in this approach relative to the IEEE 802.11 MAC protocol. We also analyze the effects of channel estimation errors on our protocol and propose a simple modification of the basic (NULLHOC) protocol to minimize their impact. This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation grants ECS-9979408 and ANI-9980526. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies.  相似文献   

周围  周正中  张德民 《电波科学学报》2007,22(3):419-423,435
针对传统自适应波束形成算法无法抑制相干干扰的问题,引入了一种预处理技术--自适应加权空间平滑(Weighted Spatial Smoothing,WSS)算法,结合线性约束最小方差准则,可以有效地抑制相干干扰.同时,针对WSS引起的孔径损失,提出了一种对子阵进行相位补偿,利用全阵做波束形成的方法.理论分析和仿真结果表明,该方法对相干干扰的抑制能力明显优于常规均匀空间平滑(Uniform Spatial Smoothing,USS)算法,而且避免了孔径损失.  相似文献   

This paper proposes several blind adaptive receivers to eliminate multiple-access interference (MAI), intersymbol interference (ISI), and interchip interference (ICI) in direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS/CDMA) downlink multiuser systems. We use the following concepts to formulate the cost function: 1) the variance of the despreading output approaches to the variance of the desired signal and 2) the discreteness property of the input signal. The proposed approaches are called variance-oriented approaches (VOAs). The VOA is then applied to three proposed receiver structures, especially the generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) scheme that is generally the concept of spatial domain in beamforming system, to eliminate the MAI by one particular constraint in temporal domain. Besides, by this constraint, GSC filter possesses the property of global convergence in multipath environment once the channel estimation is appropriate. Simulation examples are shown to demonstrate the effectiveness and comparison of the proposed blind adaptive receivers.  相似文献   

周孟琳  陈阳  马正华 《电讯技术》2019,59(3):266-270
针对传统的自适应均衡算法在稀疏多径信道下性能表现不佳的问题,提出了一种基于基追踪降噪的自适应均衡算法。该算法利用稀疏多径信道下均衡器权值的稀疏性,将自适应均衡器的训练过程看作压缩感知理论中稀疏信号对字典的加权求和,并利用重构算法直接对稀疏权值进行求解,解决了迭代参数设置和收敛慢的问题。采用基追踪降噪作为重构算法并选用变量分离近似稀疏重构对该最优化问题进行求解,既提高了权值的重构精度又降低了计算的复杂度。仿真结果表明,所提算法能够以较低的计算量和较少的训练序列达到更优性能,这对提升系统的通信性能具有参考价值。  相似文献   

An adaptive array for interference rejection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An adaptive array that rejects undesired or interfering signals is presented. The array pattern is controlled by an adaptive feedback system based on a steepest descent minimization of mean-square error. Error is defined as the difference between the array output and a locally generated reference signal. Minimization of mean-square error is closely related to maximization of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A two-element adaptive array has been built, and its experimental performance is discussed. Typical patterns for various desired and interfering signals are shown, as well as measured transient response. Finally, some experiments showing the array behavior with modulated signals are described. The results show that such an antenna system is capable of automatically rejecting interfering signals, subject only to certain basic constraints. No a priori information about the angles of arrival of the signals is required, Detailed knowledge of the waveforms of the desired and interfering signals is also not needed, although the spectral characteristics of the desired signal must be known.  相似文献   

A mathematical summary of the joint complex least squares lattice (JCLSL) adaptive algorithm is presented. The algorithm has as inputs two scalar discrete time series (primary. and reference channels). Output consists of the filtered reference channel subtracted from the primary channel. The convergence characteristics of the algorithm are illustrated experimentally for a problem where the reference channel time series consists of dual constant frequency sinusoids which undergo an instantaneous step in frequency. The primary channel time series consists of dual constant frequency sinusoids whose frequencies coincide with those of the reference channel after the step. Lastly, an application of the JCLSL algorithm to the rejection of ocean acoustic boundary reverberation is described.  相似文献   

A direct-sequence spread-spectrum packet radio is described that has versatile signal-processing and local-control capabilities designed to support the functions required of a robust mobile communications network. Noteworthy capabilities include eleven selectable data rates with accurate range measurements in a fading multipath channel. The radio uses a hybrid analog/digital signal processor and nonrepeating spreading codes for suppression of intersymbol interference and jamming. It incorporates two sets of monolithic surface-acoustic-wave convolvers as programmable matched filters with time-bandwidth products of 64 and 2000. The analog matched filters are coupled with binary postprocessing for the functions of detection, RAKE demodulations and ranging measurements over a wide multipath spread. The data rate can be varied in response to channel conditions from 1.45 Mb/s down to 44 b/s with an almost ideal tradeoff in signal-processing gain from 18 dB up to 61 dB prior to multipath combining  相似文献   

An adaptive antenna array system large enough to obtain angular resolving power comparable to common optical systems is called a radio camera. Following an adaptive beam forming procedure the beam is open-loop scanned to get the desired images. Multipath and scattering of the energy reradiated from the target induce phase-front distortions. A theory has been developed showing that the loss in array gain due to the scattered field can be described by a simple relationship involving only two quantities: the strengthSof the scattered field relative to the direct field and a spatial correlation functionrho(theta)associated with the scattering process. The argumentthetais the scanning angle. The array gain isG(theta) = G(0)S[1-rho(theta)]. A series of experiments has been conducted to test the assumptions underlying the development of the theory, which appears to vindicate them. The theory and experiments are described. The theory is then used to determine the degradation in radio camera scanning performance for several important cases of interference caused by reflections.  相似文献   

Describes an LSI adaptive array processor (AAP) for two-dimensional data processings. The AAP contains a large number of one-bit processing elements (PEs) arranged in a square array. The large degree of parallelism and control registers in each PE allow for high speed and flexible operations. High transfer capability is also obtained by a simple inter-PE connection network with hierarchical bypasses. The high applicability to various data processings is indicated by a matrix multiplication example, utilizing an algorithm similar to a systolic one. An AAP LSI composed of 8/spl times/8 PEs with powerful functions has been implemented in a 96.0 mm/SUP 2/ chip by using 2 /spl mu/m Si-gate p-well CMOS technology. A high-speed cycle time of 55 ns, low power dissipation of 1.1 W, and high packing density of 1170 transistors/mm/SUP 2/ has been achieved by a skilful manual design. Though the LSI contains as many as 111900 transistors, the design effort has only required one man-year due to cellular array regularity. This LSI is expected to realize a high-performance AAP compactly.  相似文献   

The experimental pattern behavior of a four-element adaptive array based on a steepest-descent feedback algorithm is described. The array uses four multiturn loop elements on an aircraft fuselage mock-up. Operational patterns have been measured as a function of various parameters: frequency, element placement, desired signal and interference angles of arrival, signal powers, etc. Typical patterns are presented and the performance characteristics of the array are described.  相似文献   

Proposed is an adaptive multipath control technique to suppress interference radiation from a transmitter to the non-target receivers for broadband private wireless access systems. In the proposed scheme, deep and wide creation techniques are employed in the adaptive array antenna to effectively use a limited number of antenna degrees of freedom under rich scattering indoor channel conditions. Computer simulation confirms that the proposed scheme is very effective in control of the transmit antenna directivity to suppress interference radiation, thereby the interference to the non-target receivers is largely reduced, and BER performance is greatly improved with low outage probability.  相似文献   

相控阵制导雷达需要在进行空域搜索、目标捕获跟踪的同时精确地导引导弹攻击来袭目标,为此需要使用基于优先级排序的雷达自适应调度技术完成各种雷达任务的调度,描述了相控阵制导雷达应用自适应调度技术的实现方法,实际应用结果表明该技术能够有效提高雷达时间资源的利用率,保证雷达整体工作效能。  相似文献   

An algorithm for linearly constrained adaptive array processing   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
A constrained least mean-squares algorithm has been derived which is capable of adjusting an array of sensors in real time to respond to a signal coming from a desired direction while discriminating against noises coming from other directions. Analysis and computer simulations confirm that the algorithm is able to iteratively adapt variable weights on the taps of the sensor array to minimize noise power in the array output. A set of linear equality constraints on the weights maintains a chosen frequency characteristic for the array in the direction of interest. The array problem would be a classical constrained least-mean-squares problem except that the signal and noise statistics are assumed unknown a priori. A geometrical presentation shows that the algorithm is able to maintain the constraints and prevent the accumulation of quantization errors in a digital implementation.  相似文献   

大型线阵自适应数字波束形成超低副瓣技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李军  龚耀寰 《信号处理》2005,21(4):397-401
自适应数字波束形成技术是现代阵列天线系统必须采用的关键技术。为了对付强有源干扰,现代相控阵雷达都必须具有自适应的干扰抑制能力。除了对抗有源干扰外,大部分雷达还要求具有强杂波背景下检测目标的能力,这就需要雷达天线具有低或超低副瓣电平。本文针对大型线阵,结合数字波束形成,讨论了在保证自适应干扰置零的前提下,如何控制自适应波束的副瓣电平,从而实现阵列系统的超低副瓣性能。  相似文献   

In this letter, the influence of temporal and spatial diversities on the performance of ultra-wideband time-hopping pulse-position modulated multiple-access impulse radio (IR) systems is analyzed. We investigate how an antenna array can be used at the receiver to improve the bit-error rate (BER) performance and can cope with the effects of multiple-access interference of IR system in dense multipath environments. Analytical and simulation results show that the BER performance of the IR systems can be improved when the number of array elements is increased. The performance can be further improved by coherently adding more multipaths at the receiver.  相似文献   

The performance of per-survivor processing (PSP) algorithms with stochastic gradient estimators is investigated for frequency-selective channels and array measurements. The focus is on the degree to which the underlying channel structure can be reliably exploited by such algorithms in tracking the time-varying channel and detecting the data  相似文献   

Conversational video service is characterized by high bandwidth demand and low delay requirement. Bandwidth and transmission schemes play an important role in providing high‐quality delivery service for point‐to‐point conversational video service. Multipath transmission is regarded as an effective way to aggregate bandwidth. Transmission schemes need to ensure the strict time relation between information entities and to alleviate the negative impact of packet loss on video quality. To achieve this, existing transmission schemes may incur either a large delay or a large amount of duplicated packets that are not suitable for conversational video service. In this paper, we propose an adaptive retransmission mechanism–based multipath transmission (MT‐AR) for conversational video service delivery. MT‐AR takes advantage of historical reception experience to timely detect packet loss with a certain degree of misjudgement. Receiver requests sender to retransmit the lost packet if the lost packet benefits the decoding. Adaptive playout speed adjustment and alternative path retransmission cooperatively optimize the performance of retransmission. Receiver slightly extends playout speed to reserve time for retransmission and accelerates playout speed to alleviate negative impact of cumulative extension. Multiple paths support to conduct retransmission on an optimal path selected from alternative paths to avoid continuous congestion or error on the original path. Finally, we conduct extensive tests to evaluate the performance of MT‐AR. Experimental results show that MT‐AR can effectively improve the quality of experience of conversational video service by retransmission.  相似文献   

Active and programmable networks change the functionality of routers and switches by using agents and active packets. This paper presents a new packet scheduling scheme called Active Scheduling to control and maintain QoS parameters in virtual private networks (VPNs) within the confines of adaptive and programmable networks. In Active Scheduling an agent on the router monitors the accumulated queuing delay for each service. In order to control and to keep the end‐to‐end delay within the bounds, the weights for services are adjusted dynamically by agents on the routers spanning the VPN. If there is an increase or decrease in queuing delay of a service, an agent on a downstream router informs the upstream routers to adjust the weights of their queues. This keeps the end‐to‐end delay of services within the specified bounds and offers better QoS compared to VPNs using static WFQ. The paper describes the algorithm for Active Scheduling, and presents simulation results and these are compared with WFQ. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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