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本文在分析我国沼气产业发展现状的基础上,梳理了现有沼气产业政策及其在产业链各环节上的布局,并与沼气产业发达的欧盟地区的政策进行对比。分析结果显示,我国颁布法律鼓励发展沼气,制定发展规划,提出沼气的阶段性发展目标,出台经济扶持政策补贴原料利用、工程建设及终端应用,制定国家及行业标准规范产业发展,立法及扶持政策推动我国沼气跨入产业化发展阶段。但与欧盟地区的产品补贴力度大、范围广,减免税政形式多样,标准化和质量检验体系完善等特点的产业政策相比,我国沼气政策仍存在终端产品补贴力度不足、工程及装备标准认证体系滞后、市场监管及运营粗放等问题。基于此,提出转变沼气工程建设及产品补贴方式、加强沼气产业减税政策的执行力度、完善和统一沼气产业规范标准体系等建议。  相似文献   

As a fuel, rural biogas is a promising renewable energy source. Policy support is a key initial impetus for industry development. This study explores household biogas development in rural China based on policy support found in literature. Relevant policies, which mainly include directive and guiding policies, economic inspiring policies, research policies, market policies, and other constructive policies, are gradually issued. Moreover, the National People's Congress has enacted five relevant laws, including the Agricultural Law, Renewable Energy Law, Animal Husbandry Law, Energy Conservation Law, and the Act on the Development of Circular Economy. The Energy Law is currently under revision. Relational rules and regulations have also been formed in response to the national policies and laws, which have already produced significant effects. The development of rural household biogas in China is growing steadily, and the technology standard projects have been established. The number of household biogas digesters and biogas annual output in 2010 was double of that in 2005. The offered financial incentive increased from 47 million dollars in 2002 to 760 million dollars in 2011. Policy supports play an important role in rural biogas development. And thus, additional national policy supports are necessary in the fields of scientific research, technological development, and biogas use model.  相似文献   

Existing policies of household biogas projects focus mainly on supports on construction, but less consider management and maintenance, resulting in high scrap rate and waste of resources. Alternative policies must be explored to balance construction and operation. Taking the costs and benefits from a typical rural household biogas project, this paper assesses the economic performance at three different subsidy levels, i.e., no subsidy, existing standard and positive externality based standard. Furthermore three subsidy alternatives, one-time, annual and combined option are applied to the externality based standard. The results show that household biogas digesters have unsatisfactory economic performance without any subsidy and even in current subsidy policies. Environmental benefits of the digester were estimated as 2732 Chinese Yuan, significantly larger than existing subsidy standard. To keep continuous work during the 20-year lifespans of digesters, the income disparity of farmers among regions must be considered for policy application. With the increasing of labor costs, the ratio of initial subsidies must be reduced. These results provide policy implications to the future development of biogas projects in terms of both their construction and follow-up management, reuse of the abandoned digesters as well as the exploitation of other emerging renewable energy projects.  相似文献   

As a renewable energy, biogas is not only an important part of the development of rural new energy, but also an important aspect of sustainable development in China. The development process and present status of household biogas, specifically the opportunities and constraints of household biogas in rural China, are discussed in this paper. Only about 19% of the biogas potential has been utilized in rural China. There are several opportunities for household biogas development in rural China, including the problem of rural household energy consumption, the availability of biogas fermentation materials, national financial subsidies, legal and international clean development mechanisms. Also, more research needs to be done in straw fermentation and cold fermentation technology. Training should be conducted to raise the level of biogas customers in comprehensive biogas utilization. Measures should be taken to improve the follow-up services and management of biogas plants. The information presented in this paper will be helpful not only to the sustainable development of household biogas in rural China, but also to the development of biogas in similar countries around the world.  相似文献   

我国农村沼气经过多年的发展,已经具备了一定的产业基础和发展优势,成为促进现代农业发展的重要动力和实现农村节能减排的有效载体。结合当前农村经济社会的发展需求,分析现阶段农村沼气产业发展中矛盾,进一步研究、探索沼气转型与升级对策,促进沼气可持续发展。  相似文献   

构建节能服务产业发展支持体系探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王昕 《中外能源》2009,14(10):15-19
节能服务产业是通过节能服务公司推广合同能源管理(EPC)节能机制来提供节能服务的行业。近几年我国节能服务产业发展迅速,2006年节能服务产业总产值82.55亿元,2007年增长到216.57亿元,2008年增长到417.3亿元。2008年EPC项目年节能能力达到569.27×10^4t标准煤,减排二氧化碳367.18×10^4t。随着节能服务公司逐步成长.产业竞争日趋加剧,节能服务市场也逐步扩大。制约我国节能服务产业发展的因素包括:大众节能服务意识淡薄.节能服务人才匮乏,融资困难,行业制度不完善,政府专项支持政策明显不足。要构建节能服务产业发展支持体系,推进节能服务产业发展,必须加大宣传力度,培育节能服务人才,促进融资手段多样化,建立行业制度,健全政策激励。  相似文献   

China, one of the countries in the world abundant in agricultural wastes, has a great potential for rural biogas production. As a strategy for building a new socialist countryside and sustainable agriculture in rural China, the development of biogas is an important means to convert agricultural wastes to clean and safe energy, thereby reducing the need for fossil fuel and alleviating environmental pollution. This study presents an assessment of the biogas production potential, its current development state, and perspectives of agricultural wastes in rural China. Estimated data show that annual biogas potential from agricultural wastes is approximately (3350.58 ± 669.28) × 108 m3 (equal to 239.22 ± 47.78 million tons of equivalent standard coal); such potential has been underutilized in the past. By analyzing and summarizing the direction for future development and various benefits of rural biogas in China, we present burning questions and countermeasures for biogas development and recommend that the future development of rural biogas in China should focus on both household‐scale and large‐scale development, giving priority to the establishment of large‐scale biogas engineering and biogas plants, improvement of biogas comprehensive utilization level, and construction of a reticular model of systemized green agricultural engineering linked with biogas to solve completely the problem of agricultural waste accumulation and improve the living conditions in rural China. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

我国新能源产业国际分工中的地位及提升对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
史丹  杨丹辉 《中外能源》2012,17(8):29-35
近年来,我国新能源产业发展速度位居世界前列,国际市场份额不断扩大,但依然是利用成本比较优势,以加工贸易为主,集中进入产业链中游的加工制造环节.在全球新能源产业分工中,发达国家始终享受着行业核心技术和终端产品应用所带来的创新收益和环境收益.而我国在新能源产业国际分工体系中的接入点仍然落在了能耗高、环境影响大、劳动力相对密集的制造环节,未能从根本上改变参与国际分工的方式,现阶段我国新能源产业的国际竞争力仍主要表现在价格和规模优势上.这除了产业发展路径依赖的原因外,也与政府和企业发展战略性新兴产业“急功近利”的思路不无关系.阻碍我国新能源产业国际分工地位改善和提升的主因在于产业创新机制不健全、国内市场容量小等产业发展的深层问题.同时,产业过度依赖外需,贸易摩擦和国际市场需求下降也导致我国企业经营困难.为提升我国新能源产业的国际分工地位,建议我国要调整新能源对外贸易与投资政策的思路,强化对新能源技术研发环节的政策支持,提高新能源企业的自主创新能力;充分利用全球资源,加大先进技术和创新人才引进力度;加快转变对外贸易发展方式,摈弃粗放型的增长方式,积极开拓新兴市场;促进资本的双向流动;培育新能源国际化龙头企业;完善新能源贸易与投资的服务保障体系;积极参与多边贸易谈判,改善贸易环境.  相似文献   

刘向东 《可再生能源》2011,29(3):153-156
随着我国沼气事业的发展,全国"三位一体"沼气建设规模不断扩大,评价某一地区的"三位一体"沼气池建设整体质量水平,评估沼气项目建设实施水平和生态效果,制定"三位一体"沼气池整体质量评价指标体系至关重要。文章从"三位一体"沼气建设区域适宜性指标体系、沼气建设质量体系、沼气服务体系等方面,可以评估出某一区域的沼气建设的科学性和整体建设质量水平。  相似文献   

With 20 centralised plants and over 35 farmscale plants, the digestion of manure and organic waste is a well established technological practice in Denmark. These plants did not emerge without a struggle. Moreover, no new centralised plants have been established since 1998 and the development of farmscale plants has slowed down. This article reviews the experimental introduction of biogas plants in Denmark since the 1970s. We argue that three factors have been important for the current status of biogas plants in Denmark. First, the Danish government applied a bottom-up strategy and stimulated interaction and learning between various social groups. Second, a dedicated social network and a long-term stimulation enabled a continuous development of biogas plants without interruptions until the late 1990s. Third, specific Danish circumstances have been beneficial, including policies for decentralised CHP, the existence of district heating systems, the implementation of energy taxes in the late 1980s and the preference of Danish farmers to cooperate in small communities. The current setback in biogas plants is mainly caused by a shift in energy and environmental policies and limited availability of organic waste.  相似文献   

欧盟国家新兴的生物天然气产业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程序  朱万斌 《中外能源》2011,16(6):22-29
欧盟国家在近几十年发展沼气的过程中,经历了从以处理生活污水无害化产生的污泥为主,到以获取优质可再生能源为主、能源和环保兼顾的战略性转折,原料范围显著扩大,规模迅速向产业化方向发展。欧盟2007年沼气总量达到约100×108m3,其中50%来自垃圾填埋气,30%来自农业废弃物和能源作物,20%来自下水道处理产生的污泥。瑞典在全球率先开发车用生物天然气;德国的沼气厂由2000年的1000家发展到2010年的约5000家,发电产能为2700MW;瑞士则非常重视可持续的原料供应及沼气发酵技术的研究创新和开发;英国现有38座沼气厌氧工程,垃圾填埋气占全部沼气产量的约90%,主要用于燃气轮机发电和供热;法国议会于2010年7月通过新环保法案,强制性收购生物天然气并给予并入天然气管网的优惠性补贴。减排温室气体和提高天然气自给率是欧盟产业沼气大发展的最大推动力,而立法和扶持政策在其产业沼气的成长阶段发挥了决定性作用。随着传统原料资源量的日渐匮乏,沼气专用能源作物应运而生,其潜力远大于其他资源。能源作物青贮后可以长期不霉变、不腐烂,这对于大型沼气企业全年稳定生产具有决定性意义。另外,沼气的单位土地能量产出率是最高的。我国天然气资源短缺,大力发展产业沼气将对提高我国天然气自给率和实现应对全球气候变化中长期规划目标起到不可忽视的作用。  相似文献   

To date, there are about 49 biogas plants in South Korea that are generally recognized as economically and technically unsuccessful due to lack of knowhow, deficient technologies and policies. There is a need to analyze the status of biogas technology and policy in South Korea from the point of view of an external biogas expert, since biogas technology in South Korea has not yet been analyzed by foreign biogas experts so far. For analyzing site investigation, literature research and interviews are performed. It was found that there are several lacks of conceptual design of biogas technology, such as plant dimension, energy balance, operation knowhow. Technical and financial support for the development of biogas technology was insufficient so far. There are some policies to support biogas technologies, however financial support from different ministries seemed not to have been used efficiently. Some policies are planned excessively so that they cannot be realized on time. Based on the general policy called “Green Growth”, the Korean government plans to establish a biogas market in South Korea in order to recover energy from organic waste. For this purpose, R&D efforts should be intensified for consulting and education in national and international networks for the transfer of knowhow and technologies. Definition of the existing restrictions on the development of biogas technology is required. By developing a biogas roadmap, the creation of a biogas market could be promoted efficiently in South Korea.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current situation of bioenergy development in China, particularly on its relationship to sustainable rural development. It argues that the current government strategy, investment policy and industrial interest are over-emphasized on biomass-burning power generation as part of the clean energy development trajectories, which may not lead to the most cost-effective outcomes in terms of investments, resource use and social development objectives. It points out that there are large potentials in developing and disseminating household-based biomass technologies in rural areas, especially with energy-efficient modern biomass stoves, which can produce far more economic, social and environmental benefits than biomass power plants. It is a decentralized solution to use renewable energy resources for meeting multi-objectives. It is suggested that key incentive policies be provided by the government to encourage this technological transition, or the leapfrogging from using traditional household stoves towards modern biomass stoves, which will lead to a win–win situation in global, regional and local environmental protection, sustainable resource management and related social benefits, particularly for the poor in remote communities. Six policy recommendations are made: (1) financial schemes development; (2) preferable tax and carbon tax; (3) regulatory policy reform; (4) service industry support; (5) market research, training and capacity building for key stakeholders; (6) development of methodologies and standards for CDM projects. The potential co-benefits brought up by this massive biomass technology transition will bring new perspectives to realizing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and global CO2 emissions reduction targets in China, and also set an example to other developing countries.  相似文献   

促进节能服务产业发展的财税政策模式   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
节能服务产业是以节能服务公司为代表的新兴服务业。分析了我国现有节能服务产业发展财税支持政策存在的问题与不足,并提出了一系列的财税政策建议。就促进节能服务产业发展而言.我国财税政策调整的基本目标和方向应是显著提高财税政策在推动节能服务产业发展中的重大作用,近期主要围绕支持实现“十一五”国家节能目标,尽快制定和完善能够显著推动节能服务产业发展的财税政策:中长期阶段围绕支持实施建设资源节约型社会这一国家战略,逐步形成健全的节能服务产业发展财税支持政策体系。  相似文献   

欧洲风电发展取得了很大的成就,建立了世界最大的风电市场和产业,制定和实施了有效的支持政策,促进了风电技术的迅速发展和成本的持续下降,风电开始在欧洲成为主要的替代能源.文章介绍了欧洲风电技术、产业和市场发展状况及趋势;实施强制上网、价格激励、税收优惠、资源普查、电网建设等政策的经验,提出了我国具有世界最重要的风电潜在市场,应该借鉴欧洲经验,加快在完善价格体系、风机标准化和检测、资源普查、电网建设等方面的工作步伐,支持我国风电产业的发展.  相似文献   

我国发展智能电网初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王敏 《中外能源》2011,(9):21-26
智能电网对推动社会经济发展具有战略意义。我国发展的是坚强智能电网,具有坚强可靠、经济高效、清洁环保、透明开放、友好互动的特点。建设智能电网具有良好的社会效益和经济效益,可以调整我国区域能源不平衡的问题,为我国能源结构调整提供支持,促进各种电网相关技术全面升级,加速产业结构调整,实现对化石能源的替代。同时可以降低电网企业的运营及建设成本,减少发电装机投资和发电环节运营成本。坚强智能电网所使用的特高压输电具有远距离、大容量和低损耗的优势。预计到2020年,建设运行智能电网实现的节能量相当于减少社会能源投入约1392亿元,并可实现减排二氧化碳约13.8×108t。我国已在与智能电网发展相关的清洁能源技术、电网储能技术、输配电技术、用电技术、信息通信技术及标准与规范等方面取得了一定的技术成果,但仍面临许多问题。需要政府在重大科技项目立项、电网项目核准、电价、资金政策和标准制定方面给予支持;并应尽快启动智能电网框架设计,建立完善标准规范体系;政府应根据电力市场的垄断状况,制定出适合我国智能电网发展的投资及控股制度。  相似文献   

Status and prospects of Chinese wind energy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Chinese government is paying considerable attention to the utilization of renewable energy, especially wind energy, because of problems such as low per capita energy consumption, heavy environment pollution, low energy efficiency, and small proportion of renewable energy. The utilization of wind energy, whose resources are very abundant in China, is undergoing rapid development; however, there are still a lot of barriers to overcome. Recently, the Chinese government made a series of policies to promote the wind power industry and the construction of wind farms, which accelerated the technology development simultaneously. The study presents a brief introduction to the resource, status and prospect of wind energy in China, which shows that with the support of the government, China will accelerate the cultivation of professionals, increase the investment of scientific research, establish a national public technical service platform to enhance self-innovation capability and to integrate domestic and oversea resources, and finally establish a complete industrial system that involves manufacture, consultation and service.  相似文献   

Large amounts of small-scale bioenergy projects were carried out in China's rural areas in light of its national renewable energy policies. These projects applied pyrolysis gasification as the main technology, which turns biomass waste at low costs into biogas. This paper selects seven bioenergy projects in Shandong Province as a case and assesses these projects in terms of economy, technological performance and effectiveness. Results show that these projects have not achieved a satisfying performance after 10 years experience. Many projects have been discontinued. This failure is attributed to a complex of shortcomings in institutional structure, technical level, financial support and social factors. For a more successful future development of bioenergy in rural areas, China should reform its institutional structure, establish a renewable energy market and enhance the technological level of bioenergy projects.  相似文献   

中国光伏产业发展现状及若干问题的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李雷  郭焱 《中外能源》2010,15(9):38-42
中国已成为世界第二大能源消费国,能源供应安全形势严峻,发展以光伏为代表的新能源产业受到人们的广泛重视。近年来中国光伏产业实现了跨越式发展,截至2009年,我国已开工建设多晶硅项目26个,计划产能6×104t,实际投产项目16个,形成产能2×104t,当年实际产量16000t左右,但仍不能满足国内需求;全国已有近70家硅锭、硅片生产企业,年产量25000t左右;太阳能电池年产量已达4100MWP,出货量达到4011MWP,稳居世界第一。从2009年开始,国内光伏装机容量有了一个较大幅度的攀升,截至2009年,我国太阳能光伏电站累计安装容量为300MWP。然而在产业发展过程中也出现了对外依存度高、电价政策模糊、产业认识分歧过大以及行业内耗等问题,影响了我国光伏产业的可持续发展。当前,应该积极转变产业发展战略,着重开发国内市场,出台长效的光伏上网定价机制,统一业界认识,并且积极发挥行业组织的协调功能和行业自律作用,进一步推动我国光伏产业向前发展。  相似文献   

在许多地区,由于农户收入水平较低,沼气建设过分依赖政府补贴,能源服务公司的经营管理能力及融资能力都比较差,导致当地沼气行业发展缓慢。为了改变这种局面,使沼气行业走上快速的发展道路,在世界自然基金会的资助下,北京天恒可持续发展研究所以湖南常德地区为试点制定并实施了沼气商业化发展机制,并根据实际情况不断完善机制的内容,使其具有广泛推广使用价值。在这一机制下,为能源服务公司提供了流动资金的支持和经营管理、技术的培训,提高了其经营管理能力和技术水平,为农户提供了延期支付服务,为银行开辟了新的信贷业务,通过宣传提高了农户对沼气的认识。同时,通过对具有成立能源服务公司潜在能力的技术、管理人员进行了有针对性的培训,协助他们成立民营能源服务公司,以期引进竞争机制,促进当地沼气行业的发展。根据项目的实施情况和进一步的发展目标,天恒所又对项目做出了改进,保证在项目资助方退出之前,使沼气产业走向市场化、规模化。  相似文献   

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