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The quantification at regional level of the amount of energy (for thermal uses and for electricity) that can be generated by using solar systems in buildings is hindered by the availability of data for roof area estimation. In this note, we build on an existing geo-referenced method for determining available roof area for solar facilities in Spain to produce a quantitative picture of the likely limits of roof-top solar energy. The installation of solar hot water systems (SHWS) and photovoltaic systems (PV) is considered. After satisfying up to 70% (if possible) of the service hot water demand in every municipality, PV systems are installed in the remaining roof area. Results show that, applying this performance-based criterion, SHWS would contribute up to 1662 ktoe/y of primary energy (or 68.5% of the total thermal-energy demand for service hot water), while PV systems would provide 10 T W h/y of electricity (or 4.0% of the total electricity demand).  相似文献   

The effort to reduce the dependence on imported crude oil in Greece, after the oil crises in the '70s, has resulted, among others, in a total installed area of 3.57 million m2 solar collectors in 2007, making Greece one of the pioneers in the use of domestic solar hot water system (DSHWS) worldwide.In the present work, the contribution of DSHWS to the reduction of conventional energy and greenhouse gases and other air pollutant emissions in Greece from its early years in mid '70s up to now is assessed. DSHWS market penetration, solar system technological changes and development and demographic changes in association with the climatic conditions in all regions of the country have been taken into account in order to calculate energy conservation and emissions reduction. The results show that the conserved energy ranges from 21.27 GW hel (0.1% of the domestic sector energy use) in 1978 to 1513 GW hel (2.4%) in 2007, resulting in an abatement of CO2 emissions, which for the year 2000 was 1.67 Mt, exceeding by 76% the objectives of the Greek Program of “Climatic Change”, which indicated savings of 0.95 Mt CO2 for 2000.Moreover DSHWS maximum technical potential is assessed to be about three times the current installed area, showing that they can play an important role in energy end environmental policy of the country.  相似文献   

Solar energy is a clean, abundant and easily available renewable energy. Usage of solar energy in different kinds of systems provides scope for several studies on exergy analysis. In the present work, a comprehensive literature review has been carried out on exergy analysis of various solar energy systems. The systems considered under study are solar photovoltaic, solar heating devices, solar water desalination system, solar air conditioning and refrigerators, solar drying process and solar power generation. The summary of exergy analysis and exergetic efficiencies is presented along with the exergy destruction sources.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that solar hot water systems save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The net energy requirement of solar hot water systems has rarely been analysed, including their embodied energy. The extent to which solar hot water systems save energy compared to conventional systems in Melbourne, Australia, is shown through a comparative net energy analysis. It was shown that the embodied energy component of the net energy requirement of solar and conventional hot water systems was insignificant. The solar hot water systems provided a net energy saving compared to the conventional systems after 0.5–2 years, for electric- and gas-boosted systems respectively.  相似文献   

Spatial variation of solar energy is crucial for the estimation of the regional potential and selection of construction location. This paper presents a case study of using high resolution grid map of solar radiation combined with the other restriction factors to evaluate the comprehensive potential analysis of solar PV generation at the regional scale, in order to present a framework of decision support tool for solar energy management in a regional area. The cost of PV generation is calculated based on the geographical distribution of technical potential. Moreover, geospatial supply curve (GSC) is employed to portray the evolution of available potential of photovoltaics (PV) generation with the increase of the generation cost. By integrating the economic evaluation variables of net present value and simple payback period, grid-based economic feasibility of PV generation project is then carried out under two feed-in-tariff scenarios. Finally, total CO2 reduction potential and its spatial distribution in the study area are calculated. The results confirm that PV technology provides high potential for roof-top application and large-scale PV stations. Additionally, determining a reasonable feed-in tariff is essential for expanding the application of solar PV energy. The findings improve understanding of regional renewable energy strategies and the supply/demand assessment.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method is proposed for reforming fuels to hydrogen using solar energy at distributed locations (industrial sites, residential and commercial buildings fed with natural gas, remote settlements supplied by propane etc). In order to harness solar energy a solar concentrator is used to generate high temperature heat to reform fuels to hydrogen. A typical fuel such as natural gas, propane, methanol, or an atypical fuel such as ammonia or urea can be transported to distributed locations via gas networks or other means. The thermodynamic analysis of the process shows the general reformation reactions for NH3, CH4 and C3H8 as the input fuel by comparison through operational fuel cost and CO2 mitigation indices. Through a cost analysis, cost reduction indices show fuel-usage cost reductions of 10.5%, 22.1%, and 22.2% respectively for the reformation of ammonia, methane, and propane. CO2 mitigation indices show fuel-usage CO2 mitigations of 22.1% and 22.3% for methane and propane respectively, where ammonia reformation eliminates CO2 emission at the fuel-usage stage. The option of reforming ammonia is examined in further detail as proposed cycles for solar energy capture are considered. A mismatch of specific heats from the solar dish is observed between incoming and outgoing streams, allowing a power production system to be included for a more complete energy capture. Further investigation revealed the most advantageous system with a direct expansion turbine being considered rather than an external power cycle such as Brayton or Rankine type cycles. Also, an energy efficiency of approximately 93% is achievable within the reformation cycle.  相似文献   

The issue of regulating greenhouse gas emissions of developing countries is one of the main reasons for the US's retreat from ratifying the Kyoto Protocal, and this deserves particular attention in order to ensure that a robust international climate policy exists in the future. Enabling developing countries to move toward low-carbon energy systems would enhance the feasibility for their participation in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. This study evaluates wind, solar, and biomass energy sources in a rural area of Chigu in southwestern Taiwan by means of analyzing technical, economic, environmental, and political implications in order to establish an evaluation model for developing local renewable energy sources. The adopted approach evaluates local potentials of renewable energy sources with the aid of a geographic information system according to actual local conditions, and allows the assessment to consider local potentials and restrictions such as climate conditions, land uses, and ecological environments, thus enabling a more-accurate assessment than is possible with evaluations on an approximate basis. These results may help build a developmental vision for sustainable energy systems based on locally available natural resources, and facilitate a transition of national energy and environmental policies towards sustainability.  相似文献   

This article presents the aspects of solar radiation and the use of solar energy in Serbia. It also considers why Serbia does not use thermal conversion of solar radiation in spite of much greater potential comparing to the countries of the Western and Central Europe, which are leading in the use of solar energy. The low standard of living, low electricity prices, the low level of energy efficiency in all areas of energy use, lack of knowledge, and political decisions are the main causes of insufficient use of renewable energy sources in Serbia.  相似文献   

The excessive usage of fossil fuels has world-widely caused chain environmental consequences. An interesting solution to this problem is the systematic exploitation of available renewable energy sources, including solar energy. Greece is located in a major geographical region with an abundant and reliable supply of solar energy, even during the winter. In as much, one cannot disregard the significant dependency of the country on imported fuels, since almost 70% of its domestic energy consumption is covered by oil and natural gas imports. Despite the relative local sun abundance, during the last 10 years the local solar collectors market illustrates a sluggish behaviour, in comparison with the impressive numbers of sales during the 1980–1990 decade. At a first glance, such an occurrence characterizes a controversy. In an attempt to find a rational explanation of this peculiar situation, an integrated cost-benefit analysis is carried out taking into consideration the vast majority of the parameters affecting solar thermal energy production cost. The resulting numerical values are then compared with the corresponding ones coming from alternative hot-water production techniques. Accordingly, a quite extensive sensitivity analysis is carried out, in order to demonstrate the impact of the main techno-economic parameters on the fiscal behaviour of contemporary solar hot water production systems. The results obtained not only explain with sufficient accuracy the current local market situation but also demonstrate the specific actions that if realized they may boost solar collector sales in the corresponding local market.  相似文献   

A solar pond consisting of honeycomb panels placed on a thin layer (~ 1 cm) of silicone oil floating on the body of a hot water reservoir is considered and analysed for the heat transfer processes in the system. An explicit expression for the transient rate of heat extraction at constant temperature is derived to obtain the annual variation of retrieved heat flux. The year-round thermal performance of the system has been investigated. For a solar pond with a 10 cm high honeycomb structure, annual average efficiencies of 65, 48, 33 and 24% are predicted for retrieved heat flux at temperatures of 40, 60, 80 and 90°C, respectively. A comparison between honeycomb solar pond and salt-gradient solar pond is also presented.  相似文献   

The potential of solar water heating systems to reduce domestic energy use is frequently acknowledged. However there are two factors that are rarely discussed when studying this technology. Firstly the real performance of the installed systems in operation, and secondly a life cycle perspective of its energy use. These two issues are reviewed in this paper, and a field study in Ireland is also presented. In the review, some studies show that measured real performance of domestic solar water heating systems can be lower than expectations. Concerning their life cycle energy performance, existing studies show that the initial energy investment for the systems (their embodied energy) is a small portion of the energy savings over their lifetime with calculation paybacks generally lower than 2 years. On the field study carried in Ireland, representative of a maritime north European climate, the ‘energy payback’ based on the expected energy savings is between 1.2 and 3.5 years, values comparable to previous studies considering the less favourable climate and installation characteristics. However the measured energy savings generally worsened the life cycle energy performance of this technology and thus increased the energy payback period. The study concludes that while there is a real potential for life cycle energy savings through domestic solar water heating installations, devising mechanisms to ensure proper design, installation and operation of systems is essential for this technology.  相似文献   

In this study, a techno-economic analysis of the capacity of Morocco to produce hydrogen from solar energy has been conducted. For this reason, a Photovoltaic-electrolyze system was selected and the electricity and hydrogen production were simulated for 76 sites scattered all over the country. The Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) data used for the simulation were extracted from the CAMS-Rad satellite database and meteorological stations at ground level.Before simulations, the accuracy of the GHI values from the satellite dataset has been checked, and their uncertainties was calculated against accurate data measured in-situ. After that, the simulated values of the hydrogen mass were interpolated using a GIS software to create a Hydrogen production map of Morocco. Finally, an economical investigation of electricity and hydrogen production costs has been conducted by calculating the LCOE and LCOH2.Results show that the satellite dataset has a mean average deviation of 6.8% which is a very acceptable error rang. Also, it was found that Morocco have a high potential for hydrogen production, with a daily annual production that varies between 6489 and 8308 Tons/km2. Moreover, the cost of electricity and hydrogen production in the country are in the range of 0.077–0.099 $/kWh and 5.79–4.64 $/Kg respectively.The findings of this study are with high importance as they provide an overall perspective of the country potential of hydrogen production for policy makers and investors, and it was motivated by the lack of information on the subject in the literature since it's, at the best of our knowledge, the first study assessing the hydrogen production from solar for the whole country.  相似文献   

In this work, a combined system which is produced electrical energy from both solar radiation via solar cells and wind energy by using wind turbine was studied. For wind energy, measurements of wind velocities at 12 m height were taken. Then, these values were calculated for 42 m by using Hellmann equation. After that, wind energy converted to the electrical energy. However, value of solar radiation from solar cells was taken at the optimum slope angle of collector which provided higher energy production for each 1 h during this application. Thus, obtained data from each system were used together for finding total energy. For this study, measurements, which would be used in calculation of wind energy and solar energy were taken for four years between 1995 and 1998 in Izmir. As a result, energy of the combined system could support each other when one of them produces energy insufficiently.  相似文献   

This study aims to stimulate the discussion on how to optimize a sustainable energy mix from an environmental perspective and how to apply existing renewable energy sources in the most efficient way. Ground-mounted photovoltaics (PV) and the maize-biogas-electricity route are compared with regard to their potential to mitigate environmental pressure, assuming that a given agricultural area is available for energy production. Existing life cycle assessment (LCA) studies are taken as a basis to analyse environmental impacts of those technologies in relation to conventional technology for power and heat generation. The life-cycle-wide mitigation potential per area used is calculated for the impact categories non-renewable energy input, green house gas (GHG) emissions, acidification and eutrophication. The environmental performance of each system depends on the scenario that is assumed for end energy use (electricity and heat supply have been contemplated). In all scenarios under consideration, PV turns out to be superior to biogas in almost all studied impact categories. Even when maize is used for electricity production in connection with very efficient heat usage, and reduced PV performance is assumed to account for intermittence, PV can still mitigate about four times the amount of green house gas emissions and non-renewable energy input compared to maize-biogas. Soil erosion, which can be entirely avoided with PV, exceeds soil renewal rates roughly 20-fold on maize fields. Regarding the overall Eco-indicator 99 (H) score under most favourable assumptions for the maize-biogas route, PV has still a more than 100% higher potential to mitigate environmental burden. At present, the key advantages of biogas are its price and its availability without intermittence. In the long run, and with respect to more efficient land use, biogas might preferably be produced from organic waste or manure, whereas PV should be integrated into buildings and infrastructures.  相似文献   

One of the important future issues is how agriculture production can meet the future demand increase due to the population and the income growth. Global warming would give both positive and negative impacts on them. Agriculture is often expected to supply biofuels to meet the growing transportation energy demand and the warming control policy. GISELA – GIS-based evaluation for land use and agriculture production model – is developed to evaluate the current and the potential cropland for rice, wheat, maize and soy-beans production under climate changes. We also assess the food and the feed demand based on the historical regional statistics for world into 18 regions. Finally, we assess the future food market integrating the above supply and demand conditions developing a dynamic optimization model, GISELA. Current GISELA findings are as follows: (1) potential cropland in south America will be extensively cultivated, (2) market price of wheat and soy will gradually go up while that of maize is almost stable in medium yield case, and (3) in the low-yield case, all crop prices hike rapidly in the mid of this century.  相似文献   

The necessity to reduce greenhouse gases emission produced by energy building consumptions and to cut the energy bill (mainly due to the use of fossil sources) leads to the employment of renewable energy sources in new planned scenarios. In particular, more and more often municipal energy and environmental plans pay great attention to the possibilities of employment of the solar technologies at urban scale.  相似文献   

Renewable energy-based hydrogen production plants can offer potential solutions to both ensuring sustainability in energy generation systems and designing environmentally friendly systems. In this combined work, a novel solar energy supported plant is proposed that can generate hydrogen, electricity, heating, cooling and hot water. With the suggested integrated plant, the potential of solar energy usage is increased for energy generation systems. The modeled integrated system generally consists of the solar power cycle, solid oxide fuel cell plant, gas turbine process, supercritical power plant, organic Rankine cycle, cooling cycle, hydrogen production and liquefaction plant, and hot water production sub-system. To conduct a comprehensive thermodynamic performance analysis of the suggested plant, the combined plant is modeled according to thermodynamic equilibrium equations. A performance assessment is also conducted to evaluate the impact of several plant indicators on performance characteristics of integrated system and its sub-parts. Hydrogen production rate in the suggested plant according to the performance analysis performed is realized as 0.0642 kg/s. While maximum exergy destruction rate is seen in the solar power plant with 8279 kW, the cooling plant has the lowest exergy destruction rate as 1098 kW. Also, the highest power generation is obtained from gas turbine cycle with 7053 kW. In addition, energetic and exergetic efficiencies of solar power based combined cycle are found as 56.48% and 54.06%, respectively.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation has been carried out on a thermosyphon solar water heater. The system consisted of a flat-plate collector of 1.5 m2 absorber area with 21 tubes/m width and storage tank of 125 litre capacity. Experiments were carried out for both cloudy and clear weather conditions in winter and summer. The hourly system performance was evaluated for all test conditions. The final mean tank temperature was measured daily which enabled the calculation of the possible contribution of solar energy for domestic hot water supply in Basrah, Iraq (latitude 30.76°N). The system was tested at both no-load and loading conditions. Intermittent and continuous load was imposed, and system performance was evaluated for each condition.  相似文献   

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