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我省当前电力供需形势的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长期缺电曾经一直困扰着工农业生产和人民生活,电力工业一直成为制约我国经济发展的"瓶颈"行业。改革开放以来,实行多家办电、多渠道集资办电一系列政策,取得了"七五"到"八五"10年平均每年发电量增长速度全国为9.45%、江西为7.99%的持续快速增长,为社会经济发展提供了有效的电力支撑。随着我国经济体制改革的深化,全国经济发展成功地实现了"软着陆",两个根本性转变初见成效。开始结束了计划经济时代的"短缺经济",呈现了总量相对充裕、结构需要调整的态势。作为国民经济基础产业的电力工业也不例外,同样一改长期缺电局面。一向"…  相似文献   

大力发展超临界机组,优化火电结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本文介绍了福建省电力市场发育形成过程及福建省电力市场结构模型,分析了当前电力市场结构特点及存在主要问题,指出市场环节多是造成用户电价高的根本原因,网络企业垄断使市场缺乏竞争机制,进行农电体制改革和市场结构调整,是福建省电力工业全面走向“厂网分开、竞价上网”市场化改造的基础。  相似文献   

电力工业是国民经济的基础工业和先行行业,一直受到省委、省政府的高度重视。经过几十年的努力奋斗,我省电力工业持续快速发展,技术装备水平不断提高,并已经进入了大机组、大电厂、大电网,高参数、高电压。高自动化水平的发展时期。但自1996年下半年以来,我省电力市场供需形势出现了新的变化。从总体上讲,我省电力供需矛盾趋于缓和,长期以来严重缺电的紧张状况已得到缓解,“停三开四”、“大循环轮流限电”的现象将难以再现。我省的发电量已由过去决定于发电装机容量,开始逐步转变为由用电来决定。如何正确认识当前电力市场供需状…  相似文献   

叙述了山西省2008年电力消费情况以及山西省电力消费的结构特征和影响因素。指出,应抓住时机,进一步推进产业结构的调整与优化,加快节能降耗的步伐。  相似文献   

浅谈江苏电力结构与江苏核电周治强江苏省电力工业局一、江苏经济与电力发展预测从改革开放初期的1980年,江苏全省电力负荷和电力装机容量分别为265万千瓦和296万千瓦,发展到“七五”末期的1990年分别达到526万千瓦和752万千瓦,人均用电量601千...  相似文献   

本文以策应“京九”线贯通的战略意识和超前战略意识为主导,讨论今后15年我省电力发展应有的措施和50年远景建立多元化电力体系的思考,其中变到了采用600MW大机组,积极发展核电,开发煤层气,推动现有发电设备的技术改造,运用新能源完成多元化电力建设的任务和组织实现的决策咨询建议。  相似文献   

从发电装机、电力结构、电网发展、电力政策体制等多方面阐述了中国电力工业发展的现状,分析了当前中国电力工业发展遇到的瓶颈,认为坚定不移地发展清洁电力,提高能源效率,减少污染物排放,保护生态环境是世界电力工业发展的大趋势,也是中国电力工业健康发展的内在要求,最后提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

通过对我省能源消费状况分析,详细阐述了1990年以来煤炭、油品、电力在我省能源消费中所占的比重和各产业部门、工业行业耗能情况,找出了我省能源消费的特点和不足,提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

分析了我国电力工业现状,指出我国电力工业受到能源和环保的双重压力,走循环经济模式是电力行业的必由之路。提出了电力工业发展走循环经济的措施,即调整电力结构、合理利用资源、加强综合利用、强化污染物控制等。  相似文献   

搞好沼气综合利用促进农村经济的持续发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长期以来,人们对沼气的利用只限于点灯做饭,而沼气的综合利用并未引起重视。文章通过分析沼气的综合利用给农民带来的经济效益,阐述了沼气的综合利用对促进农村经济的持续发展所具有的重要作用。  相似文献   

美国金融风暴席卷全球,我国实体经济受到严重影响.在危机面前,如何科学谋划,科学发展,实施产业结构调整升级,实现城市战略转型,安阳市有着更多的思考和经验体会.危机下的抉择  相似文献   

The available literature (1969–1978) on estimated and predicted costs of nuclear and coal-fired power plants has been examined. The complexity and difficulty of predicting the nuclear power economy are discussed. Scenarios are developed for various capacity factors and fixed charge rates to predict the national electric power economy generated by nuclear and coal-fired power plants between 1979 and 1993.  相似文献   

福建电力工业走过艰辛创业的15年(1987~2002年),发电装机和发电量翻了两番多(4.8和5.4倍),平均年递增11%和12%.总结15年的经验和教训对今后的发展将具有十分重要意义.2003年到2017年正是省委、省府提出提前3年实现全面建设小康社会的15年.文章论述了电力工业必须走与经济和环境协调发展,能源多元化和独立自主的改革发展之路,并提出了今后15年建设煤、水、气、核和风能等多种能源结构合理的发展目标.电力体制改革应结合本省实际情况,适应长远发展需要,开展有序竞争,保证经济和社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

There is growing support to electrifying our economy by getting off of fossil fuels by producing renewable energy by wind and solar photovoltaic plants and using batteries to balance production and demand or to store energy onboard vehicles that cannot move along electric lines. Unfortunately, this proposal is pushed forward negating the value of hydrogen as an energy store. As here commented, the hydrogen economy is not competitive, but complementary and synergetic to the electric economy, and both should be promoted together to secure a faster transition towards a CO2 emission-free economy.  相似文献   

As off-grid electrification receives global attention in the Sustainable Energy for All initiative, the role of regulation for this alternative form of electricity delivery requires a careful investigation. This paper asks whether the activity has to be regulated or not. It then tries to find out where regulation can be used and what type of regulation is appropriate. It suggests that for product-type delivery options, there is no justification for regulatory intervention in the sense of utility regulation but such intervention makes sense in the case of mini-grid-based off-grid delivery options. The paper considers the pros and cons of a generic license waiver, a simplified regulatory arrangement and a full-fledged regulatory supervision and suggests that a light-handed approach is appropriate in general to promote the activities of the sub-sector but more formal approaches may be required if the players do not abide by the rules. The paper also highlights some regulatory challenges and issues.  相似文献   

利用地热资源发展西部经济   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
司士荣 《太阳能》2000,(4):18-19
地球是一个大热库,蕴藏着巨大的热能,这种热能通过火山爆发、温泉、喷泉、岩石的热传导等形式被源源不断地带出地表,这就是地热能。地热能既为水、也为热、又为矿,是一种有用的资源,具有分布广、洁净、可直接利用等优点。  地热能的开发利用包括发电和非发电利用两方面。世界各国利用地热能的经验表明:高温地热资源 (大于 150℃ )主要用于地热发电;中温 (90℃至 150℃ )和低温 (小于 90℃ )地热资源则以直接利用为主,大多用于采暖、干燥、工业、种植、养殖、医疗、旅游及日常生活用水等方面。  地热能的开发具有悠久的历史。…  相似文献   

The interest in superconducting systems stems from their promise to be more efficient, smaller, and lighter than those made from conventional conductors. The types of applications in which superconductivity has the potential to be effective in an electric power system can be separated into two general classes. The first type includes those technologies in which superconductivity is simply a replacement of existing resistive materials, for example, cables, motors, generators, and transformers. The second type includes technologies that will be enabled by superconductivity and that have little or, at most, limited capability if conventional resistive or other materials are used. Examples are superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES) and large fault current limiters (FCL). Before looking at the applications under development the article discusses the discovery and development of superconductivity  相似文献   

Donald L. Ermak 《Energy》1978,3(2):203-217
The growth of geothermal electric power operations in Imperial Valley, California is projected over the next 40 yr. With commercial power forecast to become available in the 1980s, the scenario considers three subsequent growth rates of 40, 100 and 250 megawatts (MW) per year. These growth rates, along with estimates of the total resource size, result in a maximum level of electric power production ranging from 1000 to 8000 MW to be attained in the 2010 to 2020 time period. Power plant siting constraints are developed and used to make siting patterns for the 400 through the 8000 MW level of power production. Two geothermal technologies are included in the scenario: flashed steam systems which can produce their own cooling water from the geothermal steam condensate and which emit noncondensable gases to the atmosphere; and high pressure, confined flow systems which inject all the geothermal fluid back into the ground. An analysis of the scenario is made with regard to well drilling and power-plant construction rates, land use, cooling water requirements, and hydrogen sulfide emissions.  相似文献   

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