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One of the well-proven and efficient methods of obtaining a very low-energy impact of primary electrons in the scanning electron microscope is to introduce a retarding field element below the pole piece of the objective lens (OL). It is advantageous to use the specimen alone as the negatively biased electrode (i.e., cathode of the cathode lens). The optical power of the cathode lens modifies some of the standard parameters of the image formation such as relation of working distance to OL excitation or magnification to the scanning coils current, the impact angle of primary electrons, and so forth. In computer-controlled electron microscopes these parameters, particularly with regard to focusing and magnification, can be corrected automatically. Derivation of algorithms for such corrections and their experimental verifications are presented in this paper. Furthermore, a more accurate analytical expression for the focal length of an aperture lens is derived.  相似文献   

A method for scanning electron microscopy imaging of nonconductive specimens, based on measurement and utilisation of a critical energy, is described in detail together with examples of its application. The critical energy, at which the total electron yield curve crosses the unit level, is estimated on the basis of measurement of the image signal development from the beginning of irradiation. This approach, concentrated onto the detected signal as the only quantity crucial for the given purpose of acquiring a noncharged micrograph, evades consequences of any changes in an irradiated specimen that influence the total electron yield curve and possibly also the critical energy value. Implementation of the automated method, realised using a cathode lens-equipped scanning electron microsope (SEM), enables one to establish a mean rate of charging over the field of view and its dependence on the electron landing energy. This dependence enables one to determine the energy of a minimum damage of the image of the given field of view. Factors influencing reliability and applicability of the method are discussed and examples of noncharged micrographs of specimens from both life and material science fields are presented.  相似文献   

J T Thong  K W Lee  W K Wong 《Scanning》2001,23(6):395-402
We describe a vector scanning system to reduce charging effects during scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging. The vector scan technique exploits the intrinsic charge decay mechanism of the specimen to improve imaging conditions. We compare SEM images obtained by conventional raster scanning versus vector scanning to demonstrate that vector scanning successfully reduces specimen-charging artifacts.  相似文献   

Using small Pb crystals deposited in situ on a partially contaminated Si (100) crystal, we demonstrate that a commercial scanning electron microscope (SEM) can easily be converted into a scanning low-energy electron microscope (SLEEM). Although the contrast mechanism is much more complicated than that in nonscanning LEEM because not only one diffracted monochromatic beam and its close environment are used for imaging, but several diffracted beams and a wide energy spectrum of electrons of different origin (secondary electrons, inelastically andelastically scattered electrons) are used, SLEEM is a valuable addition to the standard SEM because it provides an additional structure- and orientation-sensitive contrast mechanism in crystalline materials, a low sampling depth, and high intensity at low energies.  相似文献   

A simple, low-investment device has been developed that allows the collection of backscattered electrons (BSEs) and specimen current (SC) signals for imaging purposes and current measurement. Originally, this system was designed for detection, measurement, and display of specimen current, with a video signal output whose level was modulated by this current. Eventually, a BSE detector was developed, using a graphite disk (about 8 cm in diameter) to collect the BSEs. The disk was mounted on a Philips SEM 5O5, attached and concentrically to the final lens aperture. This configuration gives a large solid angle of collection. The collected charge is further processed by the same electronics used in the aforementioned SC detection system. Electron channeling, topographic contrast with BSE, and material contrast with BSE and SC images can be obtained with reasonably good edge definition.  相似文献   

Solutions of the stationary and time-dependent equations of diffusion are presented for contamination when scanning a rectangular area in the scanning electron microscope (SEM). A method is described to record the thickness of the contamination layer by the signal of secondary or backscattered electrons and to measure the influence of electron current density, beam energy, and specimen cooling on the contamination rate.  相似文献   

Egerton  & Wan 《Journal of microscopy》1998,191(2):113-115
We describe a PC-based active-capture system for recording digital images from a scanning electron microscope. The system is based on a National Instruments data-acquisition board and a Pentium computer, controlled by software that we have written in Visual Basic.  相似文献   

A novel secondary electron detection system combining a two‐stage detector head and a differential pumping system is presented. The detector head consisted of a scintillation Everhart‐Thornley detector and a microsphere plate, separating it from the lower vacuum in the intermediate chamber (below 0.1 mbar). The system was arranged asymmetrically, which should contribute to a lower gas leakage through the plate and a longer life span of the plate. The system offered all the advantages of the scintillator detector in a wide range of gas pressures, from high vacuum to those of the order of 10 mbar, typical of high‐pressure scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Oho E  Miyamoto M 《Scanning》2004,26(5):250-255
A scanning electron microscope (SEM) system equipped with a motor drive specimen stage fully controlled with a personal computer (PC) has been utilized for obtaining ultralow magnification SEM images. This modem motor drive stage works as a mechanical scanning device. To produce ultra-low magnification SEM images, we use a successful combination of the mechanical scanning, electronic scanning, and digital image processing techniques. This new method is extremely labor and time saving for ultra-low magnification and wide-area observation. The option of ultra-low magnification observation (while maintaining the original SEM functions and performance) is important during a scanning electron microscopy session.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional reconstruction system for scanning electron microscope consisting of a quadruple scintillator detector, a four-channel frame-grabber and PC-based processing unit was developed. The authors explored a method that takes advantage of the angular distribution of secondary electron emission to obtain quantitative topography contrast and surface profiles. Software processing algorithms were developed to carry out the reconstruction process and compensate for several types of errors, inherent in the method. After pre-calibration, the system allows obtaining surface topography with calculation of microroughness and waviness statistical parameters. The roughness estimation procedure was tested on metal roughness standards for machining and etched silicon surfaces. The main advantages of the system are almost real-time operation and reliable, composition-independent reconstruction for a broad class of materials.  相似文献   

Dale E. Newbury 《Scanning》1996,18(7):474-482
The gaseous secondary electron detector (GSED) in the environmental scanning electron microscope (ESEM) permits collection of electron signals from deep inside blind holes in both conducting and insulating materials. The placement of the GSED as the final pressure-limiting aperture of the ESEM creates a situation of apparent illumination along the line of sight of the observer. In principle, any point struck by the primary beam can be imaged. Image quality depends on the depth of the hole. In brass, features at the bottom of a 1.5 mm diameter hole that was 8 mm deep were successfully imaged.  相似文献   

A pre-cryogenic holder (cryo-holder) facilitating cryo-specimen observation under a conventional scanning electron microscope (SEM) is described. This cryo-holder includes a specimen-holding unit (the stub) and a cryogenic energy-storing unit (a composite of three cylinders assembled with a screw). After cooling, the cryo-holder can continue supplying cryogenic energy to extend the observation time for the specimen in a conventional SEM. Moreover, the cryogenic energy-storing unit could retain appropriate liquid nitrogen that can evaporate to prevent frost deposition on the surface of the specimen. This device is proved feasible for various tissues and cells, and can be applied to the fields of both biology and material science. We have employed this novel cryo-holder for observation of yeast cells, trichome, and epidermal cells in the leaf of Arabidopsis thaliana, compound eyes of insects, red blood cells, filiform papillae on the surface of rat tongue, agar medium, water molecules, penicillium, etc. All results suggested that the newly designed cryo-holder is applicable for cryo-specimen observation under a conventional SEM without cooling system. Most importantly, the design of this cryo-holder is simple and easy to operate and could adapt a conventional SEM to a plain type cryo-SEM affordable for most laboratories.  相似文献   

Imaging and characterization of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) in water, soils, sediment and food matrices is very important for research into the risks of ENPs to consumers and the environment. However, these analyses pose a significant challenge as most existing techniques require some form of sample manipulation prior to imaging and characterization, which can result in changes in the ENPs in a sample and in the introduction of analytical artefacts. This study therefore explored the application of a newly designed instrument, the atmospheric scanning electron microscope (ASEM), which allows the direct characterization of ENPs in liquid matrices and which therefore overcomes some of the limitations associated with existing imaging methods. ASEM was used to characterize the size distribution of a range of ENPs in a selection of environmental and food matrices, including supernatant of natural sediment, test medium used in ecotoxicology studies, bovine serum albumin and tomato soup under atmospheric conditions. The obtained imaging results were compared to results obtained using conventional imaging by transmission electron microscope (TEM) and SEM as well as to size distribution data derived from nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). ASEM analysis was found to be a complementary technique to existing methods that is able to visualize ENPs in complex liquid matrices and to provide ENP size information without extensive sample preparation. ASEM images can detect ENPs in liquids down to 30 nm and to a level of 1 mg L?1 (9×108 particles mL?1, 50 nm Au ENPs). The results indicate ASEM is a highly complementary method to existing approaches for analyzing ENPs in complex media and that its use will allow those studying to study ENP behavior in situ, something that is currently extremely challenging to do.  相似文献   

We present an integrated light‐electron microscope in which an inverted high‐NA objective lens is positioned inside a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM objective lens and the light objective lens have a common axis and focal plane, allowing high‐resolution optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on the same area of a sample simultaneously. Components for light illumination and detection can be mounted outside the vacuum, enabling flexibility in the construction of the light microscope. The light objective lens can be positioned underneath the SEM objective lens during operation for sub‐10 μm alignment of the fields of view of the light and electron microscopes. We demonstrate in situ epifluorescence microscopy in the SEM with a numerical aperture of 1.4 using vacuum‐compatible immersion oil. For a 40‐nm‐diameter fluorescent polymer nanoparticle, an intensity profile with a FWHM of 380 nm is measured whereas the SEM performance is uncompromised. The integrated instrument may offer new possibilities for correlative light and electron microscopy in the life sciences as well as in physics and chemistry.  相似文献   

R. Rettig  M. Kssens  L. Reimer 《Scanning》1994,16(4):221-226
A vibrating Kelvin probe in form of a platinum wire loop is used to measure the surface potential Us on electron-irradiated free-floating metal and insulator specimens as a function of electron energy E. This allows an accurate measurement of the critical electron energy E2 for no charging. At energies below E2, the positive charging increases with decreasing energy to Us=2–5 eV at E=0.5 keV and switching off the collector bias of the Everhart-Thornley detector. A two-to threefold increase of Us is observed when the bias is switched on. For E > E2, the strong increase of a negative surface potential can be measured. Insulating films free-supported on a conductive substrate show a steep decrease to small positive and negative Us when the film thickness becomes lower than the electron range at a critical energy E3 > E2. At insulating specimen the temporal decrease of charging can be measured when the electron beam is switched off.  相似文献   

Cazaux J 《Scanning》2004,26(4):181-203
This paper is an attempt to analyse most of the complicated mechanisms involved in charging and discharging of insulators investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fundamental concepts on the secondary electron emission (SEE) yield from insulators combined with electrostatics arguments permit to reconsider, first, the widespread opinion following which charging is minimised when the incident beam energy E0 is chosen to be equal to the critical energy E(o)2, where the nominal total yield delta(o) + eta(o) = 1. For bare insulators submitted to a defocused irradiation, it is suggested here that the critical energy under permanent irradiation EC2 corresponds to a range of primary electrons, R, and nearly equals the maximum escape depth of the secondary electrons, r. This suggestion is supported by a comparison between published data of the SEE yield delta(o) of insulators (short pulse experiments) and experimental results obtained from a permanent irradiation for EC2. New SEE effects are also predicted at the early beginning of irradiation when finely focused probes are used. Practical considerations are also developed, with specific attention given to the role of a contamination layer where a negative charging may occur at any beam energy. The role of the various time constants involved in charging and discharging is also investigated, with special attention given to the dielectric time constant, which explains the dose rate-dependent effects on the effective landing energy in the steady state. Numerical applications permit to give orders of magnitude of various effects, and several other practical consequences are deduced and illustrated. Some new mechanisms for the contrast reversal during irradiation or with the change of the primary electron (PE) energy are also suggested.  相似文献   

Cell biologists probing the physiologic movement of macromolecules and solutes across the fenestrated microvascular endothelial cell have used electron microscopy to locate the postulated pore within the fenestrae. Prior to the advent of in-lens field-emission high-resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM) and ultrathin m et al coating technology, quick-freeze, platinum-carbon replica and grazing thin-section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) methods provided two-dimensional or indirect imaging methods. Wedge-shaped octagonal channels composed of fibrils interwoven in a central mesh were depicted as the filtering structures of fenestral diaphragms in images of platinum replicas enhanced by photographic augmentation. However, image accuracy was limited to replication of the cell surface. Subsequent to this, HRSEM technology was developed and provided a high-fidelity, three-dimensional topographic image of the fenestral surface directly from a fixed and dried bulk adrenal specimen coated with a 1 nm chromium film. First described from TEM replicas, the “flower-like” structure comprising the fenestral pores was readily visualized by HRSEM. High-resolution images contained particulate ectodomains on the lumenal surface of the endothelial cell membrane. Particles arranged in a rough octagonal shape formed the fenestral rim. Digital acquisition of analog photographic recordings revealed a filamentous meshwork in the diaphragm, thus confirming and extending observations from replica and grazing section TEM preparations. Endothelial cell pockets, first described in murine renal peritubular capillaries, were observed in rhesus and rabbit adrenocortical capillaries. This report features recent observations of fenestral diaphragms and endothelial pockets fitted with multiple diaphragms utilizing a Schottky field-emission electron microscope. In-lens staging of bulk and thin section specimens allowed tandem imaging in HRSEM and scanning TEM modes at 25 kV.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a dipole lens has superior properties that are particularly suited for use in a low voltage scanning electron microscope (SEM) ( Tsai & Crewe, 1996 ). The aberrations are lower than for any other type of lens and lead to a prediction of high resolution. We describe the construction details of a microscope based on this principle and present some early results.  相似文献   

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