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Dolasetron mesylate (MDL 73,147EF, Anzemet; Hoechst Marion Roussel, Laval, Canada) is a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist undergoing clinical evaluation for use as an antiemetic agent. The pharmacokinetics of dolasetron and its reduced metabolite (MDL 74,156) were studied after administration of single intravenous and oral doses of dolasetron mesylate 2.4 mg/kg in 18 healthy elderly subjects. Expressed as the dolasetron base, this dose was 1.8 mg/kg. Dolasetron was rapidly metabolized to the reduced metabolite, which appeared in plasma within 10 minutes after intravenous or oral administration. The mean half-life (t1/2) of dolasetron was 0.24 hours after intravenous administration and 0.50 hours after oral administration. The pharmacokinetic parameters of the reduced metabolite were similar after intravenous and oral administration. The apparent absolute bioavailability of the reduced metabolite was 89%, and it had an elimination t1/2 of approximately 7 hours and an apparent volume of distribution (Vd beta) of 4.69 L/kg. Dolasetron was not detected in urine. Metabolites were excreted in urine almost completely within 24 hours of administration. The primary metabolite detected in urine was the (+)-enantiomer of the reduced metabolite, which accounted for 25.35% (+/- 7.79%) and 18.88% (+/- 7.65%) of the intravenous and oral doses, respectively. Hydroxylated metabolites accounted for 5% or less of the total dose via either route. The pharmacokinetics of the reduced metabolite after single intravenous or oral doses in elderly volunteers were consistent with pharmacokinetics observed in both young healthy men and cancer patients receiving high-dose cisplatin chemotherapy. Dosage adjustments of dolasetron mesylate on the basis of age do not appear to be necessary.  相似文献   

In an open-label, randomized, two-way complete crossover study, the influence of renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics of dolasetron and its primary active metabolite, hydrodolasetron, were evaluated. Patients with renal impairment were stratified into three groups of 12 based on their 24-hour creatinine clearance (Cl(cr)): group 1, mild impairment (Cl(cr) between 41 and 80 mL/min); group 2, moderate impairment (Cl(cr) between 11 and 40 mL/min); and group 3, endstage renal impairment (Cl(cr) < or = 10 mL/min). Twenty-four healthy volunteers from a previous study served as the control group. Each participant received a single intravenous or oral 200-mg dose of dolasetron mesylate on separate occasions. Serial blood samples were collected up to 60 hours after dose for determination of dolasetron and hydrodolasetron, and urine samples were collected in intervals up to 72 hours for determination of dolasetron, hydrodolasetron, and the 5' and 6'-hydroxy metabolites of hydrodolasetron. Because plasma concentrations were low and sporadic, pharmacokinetic parameters of dolasetron were not calculated after oral administration. Although some significant differences in area under the concentration-time curve (AUC0-infinity), volume of distribution (Vd), systemic clearance (Cl), and elimination half-life (t1/2) of the parent drug were observed between control subjects and patients with renal impairment, there were no systematic findings related to degree of renal dysfunction. The elimination pathways of hydrodolasetron include both hepatic metabolism and renal excretion. Consistent increases in mean Cmax, AUC0-infinity, and t1/2 and decreases in renal and total apparent clearance of hydrodolasetron were seen with diminishing renal function after intravenous administration of dolasetron mesylate. No consistent changes were found after oral administration. Urinary excretion of hydrodolasetron and its metabolites decreased with decreasing renal function, but the profile of metabolites remained constant. Dolasetron was well tolerated in all three groups of patients. Based on these findings, no dosage adjustment for dolasetron is recommended in patients with renal impairment.  相似文献   

The protease thrombin seems to play a central role in events following neural injury, whereby the enzyme can act, in concert with other molecules as a hormone or as a growth factor. In cells derived from the nervous system, thrombin induces changes in morphology and proliferation. The signalling mechanisms involved in these thrombin-activated processes are still unclear. In the present study we investigated Ca2+ signals in fura-2 loaded rat astrocytes in primary culture. Brief stimulation of astrocytes with thrombin induced a dose-dependent transient elevation of [Ca2+]i, best fitted by a double-sigmoidal curve giving two EC50 values of 3 pM and 150 pM. Continuous superfusion of cells with thrombin induced Ca2+ responses with three different types of kinetics. In 48% of the cells tested a single transient rise superimposed with fast fluctuations of [Ca2+]i was seen. The following complex long-term changes of [Ca2+]i, dependent on the presence of the agonist thrombin, were observed: i) a biphasic [Ca2+]i elevation, characterized by an initial peak followed by a sustained plateau phase (in 43% of the cells) and ii) oscillations of [Ca2+]i (in 9% of the cells). The observed Ca2+ responses were inhibited by the phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor U-73122 and the thrombin inhibitor protease nexin-1/glia-derived nexin. The synthetic thrombin receptor activating peptide could mimic the thrombin-induced changes of [Ca2+]i. In astrocytes in Ca2+-free medium, thrombin induced a sharp single transient Ca2+ rise, without superimposed fluctuations. After depletion of intracellular Ca2+ stores with thapsigargin the Ca2+ response to thrombin was diminished or completely suppressed indicating that thrombin induces the release of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. During long-term Ca2+ responses, omission of extracellular Ca2+ resulted in a reversible interruption of the signal. In conclusion our results demonstrate that thrombin by activation of its plasma membrane receptor induces through activation of PLC different types of Ca2+ responses. The complex Ca2+ signals are generated by an interplay of InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release from intracellular stores and Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

This study characterized the pharmacokinetics of clentiazem (CLZ) after a single intravenous bolus (IV) and oral (PO) dose in humans. Twenty-four healthy male subjects (28.5 +/- 5.2 years; 77 +/- 8.2 kg) received IV (20 mg) and PO (80 mg) doses of CLZ as part of a four-way, randomized, complete crossover study. Serial blood samples were drawn up to 48 hours after administration of the drug. Plasma samples were analyzed for CLZ and three metabolites by a high-pressure liquid chromatography method. The values (mean [CV, %]) for systemic clearance, volume of distribution at steady-state, and half-life of CLZ were 63.6 L/hour (23.5), 756.1 L (19.1), and 10.6 hours (33.1), respectively, after IV administration. The peak plasma CLZ concentration (Cmax) and time to Cmax were 37.0 ng/mL (38.7) and 3.7 hours (22.9), respectively, with a lag time after PO administration. The absolute bioavailability of PO CLZ was 45% (30.7). The ratio of area under the curve of N-desmethyl CLZ to that of CLZ increased from 0.15 (57.0) after IV to 0.60 (21.4) after PO administration, suggesting a significant first-pass effect. The mean residence time and mean absorption time of CLZ were 12.3 hours (24.3) and 3.1 hours (88.1), respectively. The plasma concentration-time data of CLZ can be described by either a one- or two-compartment pharmacokinetic model.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies report the pharmacokinetics of mivacurium isomers after an infusion using venous blood sampling. Although the extent of the mivacurium arterial-venous gradient is not known, the sampling site is likely to influence mivacurium pharmacokinetic parameters because the drug is rapidly metabolized as it traverses the circulation. The objectives of this study were (1) to determine the pharmacokinetics of mivacurium isomers in healthy persons after intravenous bolus administration using intensive arterial blood sampling, and (2) to characterize the formation and elimination of mivacurium metabolites in human plasma. METHODS: Eight persons classified as American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status 1 or 2 who were scheduled to undergo elective surgery under balanced anesthesia received 0.15 mg/kg mivacurium chloride as an intravenous bolus. Arterial blood samples were collected every 10 s during the first 2 min and at frequent intervals for 4 h thereafter. Plasma concentrations of mivacurium isomers and their metabolites were determined by two stereoselective high-performance liquid chromatographic methods coupled with fluorometric detection and noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters. RESULTS: Mean elimination half-lives of the trans-trans, cis-trans, and cis-cis isomers were 2.4, 2, and 28.5 min, respectively, with corresponding mean plasma clearances of 29.2, 45.7, and 6.7 ml.min 1.kg-1. The volumes of distribution at steady state of the trans-trans, cis-trans, and cis-cis isomers were 0.047, 0.054, and 0.189 l/kg, respectively. Plasma concentrations of monoester and alcohol metabolites peaked 25 s (median) after mivacurium injection, with half-lives in the range of 90 min, except for the cis alcohol metabolite, which was only negligibly and transiently formed. CONCLUSIONS: Substantial hydrolysis of mivacurium isomers by cholinesterases was confirmed by the rapid appearance of mivacurium metabolites in plasma. The intensive arterial sampling proved to be critical for the trans-trans and cis-trans isomers because the area under the curve between 0 and 2 min accounted for 75% and 86% of the total, respectively.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of the present study was to validate a simple MRI-procedure for semiquantitative assessment of regional cerebral blood flow. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Unilateral cerebral ischaemia (30 minutes) in the territory of the middle cerebral artery was induced in 14 anesthetised rates. The MRI-experiment consisted in an intravenous bolus injection of gadolinium-DTPA, recording of the cerebral contrast kinetics with a T2*-weighted pulse sequence, and measurement of the maximal concentration change at a chosen reference point of time. To measure perfusion quantitatively, a microsphere technique, an accepted reference technique was used. With both methods a perfusion index related to the contralateral side was calculated. RESULTS: In all cases decreased perfusion was detected by the MRI technique. The perfusion indices correlated with a coefficient of correlation of r = 0.89 (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The results demonstrate that contrast-enhanced MRI with bolus injection can be implemented with clinical potential as a semiquantitative instrument for the assessment of cerebral perfusion. Regional cerebral blood volume and collateral blood flow may interfere with the estimate of blood flow.  相似文献   

No studies have examined the pharmacokinetics of isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) after infusion of long duration, even though such infusions are used in patients. We therefore measured ISDN and its active metabolites, isosorbide-5-mononitrate (IS5MN) and isosorbide-2-mononitrate (IS2MN), in plasma of 9 healthy volunteers who received a continuous intravenous infusion of ISDN for 24 hours at a dose rate that lowered diastolic blood pressure by 10% during the first 30 minutes of infusion. All subjects tolerated the infusion except one who experienced intolerable headache. Five subjects received 1 microgram.min-1.kg-1, one 2 micrograms.min-1.kg-1, and two 4 micrograms.min-1.kg-1 ISDN, whereas the full rate of 6 micrograms.min-1.kg-1 was used continuously in one subject. At all infusion rates the plasma concentrations of ISDN were higher at 24 hours than at earlier times, suggesting that a steady-state condition had not been reached at that time. The same was true for the mononitrate metabolites, which reached higher plasma concentrations and were cleared more slowly than the parent compound after the end of the infusion. Apparent elimination half-lives of ISDN, IS2MN, and IS5MN were 67 +/- 10 minutes, 115 +/- 13 minutes, and 272 +/- 38 minutes, respectively. Comparison of low-rate infusions (1 and 2 micrograms.min-1.kg-1) with high-rate infusions (4 and 6 micrograms.min-1.kg-1) showed that the plasma concentration ratios at 24 hours of mononitrate metabolites to parent drug and apparent plasma clearance of ISDN were almost halved at the higher infusion rates.  相似文献   

Phenprobamate (CAS 673-31-4) is a centrally acting skeletal-muscle relaxant agent. There are only two studies in the literature about the pharmacokinetics of phenoprobamate in man. The inconsistency between the results of these studies can be attributed partly to the different analytical methodologies used. A sensitive, specific and reproducible HPLC-assay, which may increase the reliability of the pharmacokinetic studies of phenprobamate in plasma, has been developed recently. The objective of this investigation was to assess the single-dose kinetics of phenprobamate in human and to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of clinical and regulatory concern. The plasma pharmacokinetics of phenprobamate have been investigated following single oral administration at a dose of 800 mg in eleven healthy volunteers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the effect of reduced hepatic function on the pharmacokinetics of minoxidil. The pharmacokinetics of antipyrine, lorazepam, and indocyanine green were included as indicators of hepatic function. METHODS: Eight mild cirrhotics and eight healthy subjects received antipyrine (po), lorazepam (IV), indocyanine green (IV) and minoxidil 5 mg (po). Blood and urine were sampled for up to 72 h after each drug, and drug concentrations were measured by validated HPLC methods. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured for safety. RESULTS: For unchanged minoxidil, the serum elimination rate constant was significantly smaller and mean residence time was significantly longer in cirrhotic patients. Urinary elimination rate constant for minoxidil glucuronide was significantly smaller and fraction of dose excreted in urine was significantly higher in cirrhotic patients. Antipyrine elimination was significantly slower for cirrhotic patients. No differences were observed in lorazepam pharmacokinetic parameters. CONCLUSION: Pharmacokinetic analysis suggests a longer dosage interval may be appropriate in patients with hepatic impairment. In the absence of multiple-dose minoxidil pharmacodynamic studies in this population, minoxidil should be used as in other populations: begin with a modest dose, and adjust the dose based on clinical response.  相似文献   

The safety and tolerability of dolasetron mesylate, a potent and selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, were evaluated after single intravenous doses in healthy male volunteers. In this double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized, phase I study, 80 subjects received either placebo or dolasetron in escalating doses (0.6 to 5.0 mg/k). Subjects were monitored for adverse events, vital sign and laboratory alterations, and changes in electrocardiographic (ECG) intervals and electroencephalographic (EEG) patterns. Overall, the percentage of subjects reporting adverse events was similar in those receiving dolasetron (44/64; 68.8%) or placebo (10/16; 62.5%); most adverse events were mild in severity. Subjects receiving dolasetron reported a higher incidence of central nervous system (headache and dizziness/lightheadedness), gastrointestinal (increased appetite and nausea), and visual adverse events and taste alterations. No clinically significant changes in laboratory variables were observed. Transient and asymptomatic ECG changes (small mean increases in PR interval and QRS complex duration versus baseline) were noted in several subjects at 1 to 2 hours after infusion at doses > or = 3.0 mg/kg. Transient, mild blood pressure decreases were observed in five subjects, including one on placebo. Dolastron mesylate was well tolerated in single intravenous doses up to 5.0 mg/kg in healthy male volunteers. Clinical studies of the drug are ongoing for antiemetic indications.  相似文献   

This study examines normative bone mineral density (BMD) data, as measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography of the ultradistal radius, in 332 Scottish women aged 18-90 years, comparing it to a recently reported normal German population. The normative Scottish data were higher in almost all decades compared with German counterpart, percentage differences being +0.002%-+21.6% for total (Qtot), and -0.06%-+31.9% for trabecular (Qtrab) BMD. Differences in calibration of the Stratec XCT-960 and XCT-900 systems are thought to be largely responsible for these differences. Estimated age-related changes were determined in the Scottish population. A cubic regression model best fitted age-related changes in the whole population, and changes as a function of years postmenopause in the postmenopausal subgroup, for Qtot, subcortical (Qscort), and cortical (Qcort) BMD, whereas a parabolic regression model best fitted corresponding changes in Qtrab BMD. Percentage age-related changes (5 years: 10 years postmenopause) in Qtot (-0. 79%-1.12%/year) and Qscort (-0.72%-1.12%/year) were greater than Qtrab (-0.53%-0.56%/year) in the early postmenopausal years. Maximum age-related changes were found at 20 years postmenopause for Qtot (-1.36%/year), Qscort (-1.39%/year), and Qcort (-1.39%/year). This study has highlighted variation in normative data derived by different Stratec pQCT systems. The estimated age-related changes suggest that early postmenopausal bone loss preferentially affects subcortical rather than trabecular bone at the radius.  相似文献   

Steady-state pharmacokinetics of morphine and morphine-6-glucuronide (M-6-G) after intravenous administration of either morphine or M-6-G were determined in healthy volunteers. With a dosing regimen calculated on the basis of data obtained in a first series of experiments in four subjects (morphine: intravenous loading dose of 0.24 mg/kg for 5 minutes and an intravenous infusion of 0.069 mg.kg-1.hr-1 for 4 hours; M-6-G: loading dose of 0.011 mg/kg for 5 minutes and an infusion of 0.006 mg.kg-1.hr-1 for 4 hours), it was possible to yield plasma concentrations of morphine and M-6-G in another four subjects close to predefined targeted levels (35 and 45.5 ng/ml morphine and M-6-G, respectively). This dosing regimen may be used in further pharmacodynamic studies to compare the analgesic effects of morphine and M-6-G. In addition, metabolite kinetics of M-6-G were calculated as a function of time with use of a linear systems approach to the estimation of rate and fraction of morphine glucuronidation to M-6-G.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of iron were investigated after intravenous administration to 12 healthy volunteers of iron(III)-hydroxide sucrose complex (Venofer) as a single i.v. dose containing 100 mg Fe. The average predose concentration was 35.7 +/- 12.5 mumol/l. There was no statistically significant difference between the serum iron level before injection (0 h) and the level at 24 h after the injection. The compartment model used includes a Michaelis-Menten term and is in excellent agreement with the observed exchange of iron to transferrin and with the daily iron turnover by transferrin. The intravenously injected iron(III)-hydroxide sucrose complex led rapidly to high serum iron levels. Maximum measured levels averaged 538 mumol/l (30.0 mg/l) at 10 min after the injection. The terminal half-life of the injected iron was calculated to be 5.3 h. Mean total area under the curve (AUC) was 1491 mumol/l h, the mean residence time (MRT) was 5.5 h. The total body clearance was 20.5 ml/min. The volume of distribution of the central compartment (Vc) was 3.21, hence close to the volume of the serum; the volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) was 7.31; and the volume of distribution during elimination (Vdarea) was 9.21. The calculated amount of iron transported by transferrin was 31.0 +/- 6.6 mg Fe/ 24h. In summary, the data show that the injected iron(III)-hydroxide sucrose complex is quickly cleared from the serum with a terminal half-life of approximately 5-6 h. Renal elimination of iron contributed very little to the overall elimination (in average < 5%). Renal elimination of sucrose averaged about 68 +/- 10% and 75 +/- 11% of the administered dose after 4 h and 24 h, respectively.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) varies from 50% to 75% after gynaecological surgery under general anaesthesia. This study evaluates the dose-response relationships, safety, and efficacy of the new 5-HT3 antagonist, dolasetron mesylate, in the prevention of PONV in women undergoing total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH). METHODS: Three hundred and seventy four women scheduled for TAH under general anaesthesia were studied at 13 Canadian centres. Patients received in a randomized, double-blind manner 25, 50, 100, or 200 mg dolasetron or placebo po one to two hours before induction of anaesthesia. The anesthetic protocol was standardized. Efficacy was evaluated for 24 hr after surgery by comparing the number of emetic episodes, administration of rescue medication, severity of nausea, and patient satisfaction. RESULTS: Analysis of complete response (no emetic episodes and no rescue for 24 hr) revealed a linear dose-response relationship across dolasetron groups (P < 0.002). Dolasetron 100 mg (P < 0.003) and 200 mg (P < 0.01) were superior to placebo. The percentage of patients with no emetic episodes increased from 29.3% (placebo) to 54.1 % (100 mg). Subgroup analysis revealed ASA status (I > II), previous history of PONV, previous history of motion sickness, and total morphine dose (> 55 mg associated with less PONV than < 55 mg) influenced the incidence of emetic symptoms, but did not alter the results of the primary analysis. CONCLUSION: Prophylactic dolasetron (100 mg and 200 mg) reduces the incidence of PONV in patients having total abdominal hysterectomy.  相似文献   

In our previous study, we reported the faster metabolism of intravenously administered furosemide, hence the smaller diuretic effect of furosemide in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) of 16 weeks of age than in the age-matched normotensive Wistar rats. In present study, in order to evaluate whether there is some alteration of the phase II metabolism including glucuronide and sulfate conjugations in 16-week-old SHRs and the age-matched Wistar rats, the pharmacokinetic parameters of acetaminophen (A), A-sulfate, and A-glucuronide were investigated after intravenous (iv) and oral 100 mg/kg administration of A to 16-week-old SHRs and the age-matched Wistar rats. After iv administration of A, the mean fraction of iv dose excreted in 24-h urine as A-sulfate (75.6 versus 67.8%) and the partial clearance of A to A-sulfate (8.10 versus 6.89 mL/ min/kg) were significantly greater in SHRs than in Wistar rats. Conversely, the mean fraction of iv dose excreted in 24-h urine as A-glucuronide (9.39 versus 15.0%) and the partial clearance of A to A-glucuronide (1.01 versus 1.49 mL/min/kg) were significantly smaller in these SHRs. Similar results were also obtained after oral dosing of A. The in vitro sulfotransferase activity toward A was significantly smaller (0.397 versus 0.331 microg/min/mg of protein) in 16-week-old SHRs than in the age-matched Wistar rats, whereas, the glucuronyltransferase activity toward A was not significantly different between these SHRs and Wistar rats. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the both sulfotransferase and glucuronyltransferase activity toward A between 6-week-old SHRs and age-matched Wistar rats. Therefore, the alterations in sulfation and perhaps glucuronidation of A between 16 -week-old SHRs and normotensive Wistar rats suggested that some physiological factors derived from the chronic hypertensive status in SHRs might affect the disposition of drugs.  相似文献   

Verapamil is a chiral calcium channel blocking drug which is useful clinically as the racemate in treating hypertension and arrhythmia. The published pharmacokinetic data for verapamil enantiomers in the rat model are limited. Utilizing a stereospecific high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) assay, the enantiomeric disposition of verapamil is reported after intravenous (1.0 mg kg-1) and oral (10 mg kg-1) administration of racemic verapamil to the rat model. After intravenous administration the systemic clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil; 34.9 +/- 7 against 23.7 +/- 3.7 mL min-1 kg-1 (mean +/- SD), respectively. After oral administration, the clearance of R-verapamil was significantly greater than that of S-verapamil, 889 +/- 294 against 351 +/- 109 mL min-1 kg-1, respectively. The apparent oral bioavailability of S-verapamil was greater than that of R-verapamil, 0.074 +/- 0.031 against 0.041 +/- 0.011, respectively. These data suggest that the disposition of verapamil in the rat is stereoselective; verapamil undergoes extensive stereoselective first-pass clearance after oral administration and the direction of stereoselectivity in plasma is opposite to that observed in the human.  相似文献   

The in-vitro activity of enrofloxacin against 117 strains of bacteria isolated from bustards was determined. Minimum inhibitory concentrations for 72% of the Proteus spp., E. coli, Salmonella spp. and Klebsiella spp. (n = 61) and for 48% of the Streptococci spp. and Staphylococci spp. (n = 31) were < or = 0.5 microg/mL. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 76% of Pseudomonas spp. (n = 25) was < or = 2 microg/mL. Fourteen strains were resistant to concentrations > or = 128 microg/mL. The elimination half-lives (t1/2 elim beta) (mean +/- SEM) of 10 mg/kg enrofloxacin in eight houbara bustards (Chlamydotis undulata) were 6.80 +/- 0.79, 6.39 +/- 1.49 and 5.63 +/- 0.54 h after oral (p.o.), intramuscular (i.m.) and intravenous (i.v.) administration, respectively. Enrofloxacin was rapidly absorbed from the bustard gastro-intestinal tract and maximum plasma concentrations of 1.84 +/- 0.16 microg/mL were achieved after 0.66 +/- 0.05 h. Maximum plasma concentration after i.m. administration of 10 mg/kg was 2.75 +/- 0.11 microg/mL at 1.72 +/- 0.19 h. Maximum plasma concentration after i.m. administration of 15 mg/kg in two birds was 4.86 microg/mL. Bioavailability was 97.3 +/- 13.7% and 62.7 +/- 11.1% after i.m. and oral administration, respectively. Plasma concentrations of enrofloxacin > or = 0.5 microg/mL were maintained for at least 12 h for all routes at 10 mg/kg and for 24 h after i.m. administration at 15 mg/kg. Plasma enrofloxacin concentrations were monitored during the first 3 days of treatment in five houbara bustards and kori bustards (Ardeotis kori) with bacterial infections receiving a single daily i.m. injection of 10 mg/kg for 3 days. The mean plasma enrofloxacin concentrations in the clinical cases at 27 and 51 h (3.69 and 3.86 microg/mL) and at 48 h (0.70 microg/mL) were significantly higher compared with the 3 h and 24 h time intervals from clinically normal birds. The maximum plasma concentration (Cmax)/MIC ratio was ranked i.v. (10/mg/kg) > i.m. (15 mg/kg) > i.m. (10 mg/kg) > oral (10 mg/kg), but it was only higher than 8:1 for i.v. and i.m. administrations of enrofloxacin at 10 mg/kg and 15 mg/kg, respectively, against a low MIC (0.5 microg/mL). A dosage regimen of 10 mg/kg repeated every 12 h, or 15 mg/kg repeated every 24 h, would be expected to give blood concentrations above 0. 5 microg/mL and hence provide therapeutic response in the bustard against a wide range of bacterial infections.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics and tolerance of pantoprazole were investigated after single (20, 40, 80, and 120 mg) and multiple (80 mg once a day for 7 days) oral administration as enteric-coated tablet formulation to healthy male Japanese volunteers. Pantoprazole was well tolerated with no serious adverse events at all doses. Pantoprazole was rapidly absorbed in the fasted state. The mean maximum concentration in serum (Cmax) ranged from 1.77-9.25 micrograms/ml for the 20-120 mg dose and the mean time to reach Cmax (tmax) ranged from 1.92-2.42 h. The half-life (t1/2) ranged from 0.74-1.16 h. A good linear correlation was found between the administered doses (20-120 mg) and the resulting area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and Cmax with the correlation coefficients of 0.9088 and 0.9263, respectively. Within 24 h, pantoprazole was excreted into urine as the unchanged drug to a negligible extent. In the multiple dose study, 2 apparent poor metabolizers (PMs) of pantoprazole were observed. The means of Cmax, AUC and t1/2 for these 2 PMs were 1.6, 6.7, and 6.8 times higher than those of the extensive metabolizers (EMs). The pharmacokinetic parameters such as Cmax, AUC, and t1/2 after the 7th oral dose were not significantly different from those after the 1st dose both in the PMs and the EMs, which indicated that there was virtually no drug accumulation.  相似文献   

The usual dosage regimen of diltiazem (Tildiem) is 60 mg 3-4 times a day. A sustained-release formulation has been developed (Mono-Tildiem LP 300 mg) in order to allow a single daily administration. Two repeated dosing studies were performed in healthy volunteers. The absolute bioavailability of sustained-release diltiazem LP 300 mg was investigated using concomitant i.v. administration of 13C-labelled drug: absolute bioavailability of the "once a day" formulation was 35%. The second study compared sustained-release diltiazem LP 300 mg with the standard formulation of diltiazem. The results showed that the diltiazem plasma concentrations obtained after the LP formulation remained stable between 2 and 14 h after administration and were compatible with a once a day administration. Relative bioavailability of sustained-release diltiazem LP 300 mg was 79.3% compared with diltiazem. Therefore, a unitary dose of sustained-release diltiazem LP 300 mg was chosen as the dose equivalent to the daily dose administered with the standard diltiazem formulation.  相似文献   

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