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We examined the roles of CD80 (B7-1) and CD86 (B7-2) in a model of allergic pulmonary inflammation and airway hyper-responsiveness (AHR) by selectively inhibiting either CD80 or CD86. Inhibition of co-stimulation by either CD80 or CD86 affected multiple parameters of the allergic response. Specifically, blockade of either CD80 or CD86 in ovalbumin-sensitized and challenged mice resulted in reduced expression of IL-2Ralpha (CD25) on CD4+ T lymphocytes, decreased airway eosinophilia, lower serum IgE production and diminished AHR. Importantly, blockade of CD80 and CD86 inhibited production of IL-4 and IL-2, and enhanced IFN-gamma production. Our observations support a role for both CD80- and CD86-mediated co-stimulation in development of allergic pulmonary inflammation.  相似文献   

The mechanism underlying the cytotoxicity mediated by a human CD4(+) cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) clone directed against a peptide derived from the acute myelogenous leukemia-associated fusion protein, DEK-CAN, was investigated. A DEK-CAN fusion peptide-specific CD4(+) Th0 CTL clone, designated HO-1, was established from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of a healthy individual. HO-1 exerted direct but not "innocent bystander" cytotoxicity within 2 hours. The cytotoxicity mediated by HO-1 was completely Ca2+-dependent. Because HO-1 lysed peptide-loaded Fas-deficient target cells derived from a patient with a homozygous Fas gene mutation, its cytotoxicity appeared to be mediated by a Fas-independent pathway. In addition, its cytotoxicity was only partially inhibited by treatment with concanamycin A and strontium ions, which are inhibitors of the perforin-based cytotoxic pathway. Although membrane-bound type of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) was expressed on HO-1, an anti-TNF-alpha antibody had no effect on HO-1-mediated cytotoxicity. HO-1 expressed mRNA for apoptosis-inducing mediators, including perforin, granzyme B, Fas ligand, TNF-alpha, and lymphotoxin; however, no DNA fragmentation was detected in target cells incubated with HO-1 by 5-[125I]Iodo-2'-deoxyuridine release assay and agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA. Although it has been suggested that the Fas/Fas ligand system is the main pathway by which CD4(+) CTL-mediated cytotoxicity is exerted in murine systems, HO-1 produced peptide-specific and HLA-restricted cytotoxicity via a Fas-independent and nonapoptotic pathway. The present study thus describes a novel mechanism of cytotoxicity mediated by CD4(+) CTL.  相似文献   

T cells express CD28 and CD27 which transduce co-stimulatory signals after interaction with their ligands on antigen-presenting cells (APC). These ligands, CD80, CD86 and CD70, are also expressed to some extent on activated T cells. Here, we show that in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals, CD28 and CD27 expression is decreased on CD8+ T cells. On the other hand, T cell stimulation in vitro induced high CD80, CD86 and CD70 expression on T cells from HIV-infected individuals. It appeared that an inverted CD4:CD8 T cell ratio could explain this enhanced expression of co-stimulatory ligands. Indeed, high expression levels of CD80, CD86 and CD70 were found on activated CD8+ T cells from HIV- individuals cultured in the absence of CD4+ T cells. Addition of CD4+ T cells prevented this up-regulation. However, in HIV-infected individuals, addition of excess autologous or healthy control CD4+ T cells did not completely counteract up-regulation of co-stimulatory ligand expression on CD8+ T cells. Thus, to some extent, CD8+ T cells in HIV-infected individuals appeared to be refractory to CD4+ T cell-mediated regulation of ligand expression in vitro. Activated T cells from HIV-infected individuals and activated CD8+ T cells from healthy controls were able to act as accessory cells in CD3-induced T cell proliferation, which was dependent on cell-cell contact. Thus, we showed that T cells from HIV-infected individuals express enhanced levels of co-stimulatory ligands upon activation, which provides them with accessory cell properties. Enhanced stimulatory potential of these nonprofessional APC may contribute to persistently high levels of immune activation in HIV infection related to disease progression.  相似文献   

Transgenic (Tg) mice whose epidermal keratinocytes constitutively overexpress either B7-1 (CD80) or B7-2 (CD86) exhibited exaggerated cutaneous delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) to haptens compared to non-Tg mice. To determine whether enhanced DTH in these Tg mice is seen in response to cutaneous fungal infections, a primary infection with Candida albicans was established by inoculating this organism on the occluded skin of Tg and non-Tg mice. These infections resolved 7 days after removal of occlusive dressing in all three groups of mice, without evidence of exaggerated inflammation in either the Tg or non-Tg mice. Only B7-2 Tg mice developed enhanced Th1-lymphocyte-mediated immune responses to C. albicans antigens after resolving this infection: enhanced footpad swelling in response to intradermal C. albicans antigens, enhanced production of mRNA encoding Th1 lymphokines in draining lymph nodes, and increased gamma interferon secreted into culture supernatants by lymph node T lymphocytes stimulated with Candida antigens in vitro. Lastly, Western blotting of sera from mice that had resolved this fungal infection indicated that only B7-2 Tg mice recognized a wide range of Candida-associated antigens. These data suggest that these two costimulatory molecules, when expressed by keratinocytes, do not deliver identical signals to C. albicans antigen-reactive Th1 lymphocytes. The enhanced immune response in B7-2 Tg mice to a cutaneous C. albicans infection demonstrates the importance of antigen presentation and costimulation in immune reactivity to fungi. Furthermore, B7-2 Tg mice may be useful in identification of protective Candida antigens.  相似文献   

Individuals infected with human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) develop a robust immune response to the surface envelope glycoprotein gp46 that is partially protective. The relative contribution of antibodies to conformation-dependent epitopes, including those mediating virus neutralization as part of the humoral immune response, is not well defined. We assess in this report the relationship between defined linear and conformational epitopes and the antibodies elicited to these domains. First, five monoclonal antibodies to linear epitopes within gp46 were evaluated for their ability to abrogate binding of three human monoclonal antibodies that inhibit HTLV-1-mediated syncytia formation and recognize conformational epitopes. Binding of antibodies to conformational epitopes was unaffected by antibodies to linear epitopes throughout the carboxy-terminal half and central domain of HTLV-1 gp46. Second, an enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay was developed and used to measure serum antibodies to native and denatured gp46 from HTLV-1-infected individuals. In sera from infected individuals, reactivity to denatured gp46 had an average of 15% of the reactivity observed to native gp46. Third, serum antibodies from 24 of 25 of HTLV-1-infected individuals inhibited binding of a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody, PRH-7A, to a conformational epitope on gp46 that is common to HTLV-1 and -2. Thus, antibodies to conformational epitopes comprise the majority of the immune response to HTLV-1 gp46, and the epitopes recognized by these antibodies do not appear to involve sequences in previously described immunodominant linear epitopes.  相似文献   

CD38 is a multifunctional membrane surface glycoprotein expressed by different cells and tissues, including T cells at certain stages of their development. Besides its involvement in transmembrane signaling, CD38 play a role in cell adhesion processes. Structurally, membrane CD38 was reported as presenting lateral associations with molecules involved in recognition and signaling, namely with the TCR/CD3 complex in T cells. Here we report that ligation of CD38 by agonistic and non-agonistic monoclonal antibodies exerts different effects on T cells, the former inducing down-modulation of the associated molecules, probably through a protein kinase C-dependent mechanism. This observation supports the view that the reduced expression of TCR/CD3 is secondary to interplay with CD38-mediated signaling, which partially overlaps with the CD3-mediated pathway. CD3 ligation by monoclonal antibodies leads not only to the expected internalization of the TCR/CD3 complex but also to down-modulation of surface CD38. The results obtained indicate that CD38 is closely associated with the CD3/TCR complex and that co-modulation of CD38 with TCR/CD3 is a critical step in signaling processes on T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Antibodies that recognize antigens restricted to leukemia, lymphoma, and normal hematopoietic cells represent a unique opportunity to develop therapeutics, because they have the potential for relatively selective treatment of these diseases. Antibodies that recognize the CD19 antigen found on normal and malignant B cells, but not on stem cells, have been used to develop immunoconjugates. However, these conjugates are large and might be suboptimal in tumor penetration when compared to molecules using smaller single chain Fv (scFv) antibody fragments. scFv has the advantage of being a molecularly engineered homogeneous molecule. In this report, we demonstrate the cloning, expression, and binding of three anti-CD19 antibodies as scFvs. All three scFvs were successfully cloned and expressed. FVS191, derived from cell line B43, and FVS192, derived from SJ25C1, were properly refolded and bound CD19 antigen in FACS competition assays. These anti-CD19 scFv should be useful in the further development of diagnostic and therapeutic molecules.  相似文献   

The use of NSAID in the treatment of periodontal disease can augment the conventional periodontal therapy. NSAID can block prostaglandin synthesis which is responsible for the progression of periodontal disease. Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis reduces the alveolar bone loss, loss of attachment, gingival inflammation and consequently pocket depth. Results of the present study show that the use of NSAID increases the T-cell ratios indicating an improvement of T-cell function which is represented clinically by the reduction in G.I scores.  相似文献   

CD28, which is a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily of molecules (IgSF), is a homodimer of two polypeptides containing a single V-like domain with short transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions. It serves as a co-signalling molecule for T cell activation through binding to its cognate counter-receptors CD80 and B70, expressed on antigen presenting cells. In the current study, we investigated the regions of CD28 which are involved in its interactions with CD80 and B70, using site directed mutagenesis, CD28 mAb epitope mapping, receptor based adhesion assays and direct binding of Ig-fusion proteins to cell surface receptors. Truncation or substitution of a stretch of a proline rich "hallmark" sequence, "MYPPPY", abrogates binding to CD80 or B70, while retaining CD28 mAb epitopes and cell surface expression. On an Ig-fold model of the CD28 V-domain, this fully conserved motif localizes to a CDR3-like region. Mutations introduced into other loops, including the CDRI-like and CDR2-like regions, had very little effect on CD80 or B70 binding. Mutations introduced within the predicted beta-strand regions caused loss of receptor expression. Conservative substitution of both the flanking tyrosine residues within the "MYPPPY" motif with phenylalanine, caused loss of binding to B70 but not to CD80. These results show that, although the same overall region on CD28 may be involved in the interactions with CD80 and B70, subtle but important differences distinguish recognition by the two molecules. These finding, along with previous observations on the differential pattern of expression and tissue distribution of CD80 and B70, support the contention that these molecules play distinct roles in the regulation of immune responses in vivo.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific MHC class II- and class I-restricted helper and cytotoxic T cell responses are important anti-cancer immune responses. MUC1 mucin is a potentially important target for immunotherapy because of its high expression on most human adenocarcinomas. MUC1 peptide-specific type 1 T cell responses were generated in vitro using human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL), incubated with liposomes containing synthetic MUC1 lipopeptide antigen. Only two weekly stimulations with the liposomal MUC1 formulation led to the generation of potent anti-MUC1-specific T cell proliferation as well as class I-restricted cytotoxic responses. Thus the use of PBL pulsed with liposome-encapsulated antigen provides an effective approach of rapidly generating effective antigen-presenting cell (APC) function as well as antigen specific T cells in vitro. It may be feasible to use this technology for the rapid and effective generation of APC and/or T cells as cellular vaccines for adenocarcinomas.  相似文献   

Macrophages and dendritic cells derive from a hematopoietic stem cell and the existence of a common committed progenitor has been hypothesized. We have recently found in normal human marrow a subset of CD34(+) cells that constitutively expresses HLA-DR and low levels of CD86, a natural ligand for the T cell costimulation receptor CD28. This CD34(+) subset can elicit responses from allogeneic T cells. In this study, we show that CD34(+)/CD86(+) cells can also present tetanus toxoid antigen to memory CD4(+) T cells. CD86 is expressed at low levels in macrophages and high levels in dendritic cells. Therefore, we have tested the hypothesis that CD34(+)/CD86(+) cells are the common precursors of both macrophages and dendritic cells. CD34(+)/CD86(+) marrow cells cultured in granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-generated macrophages. In contrast, CD34(+)/CD86(-) cells cultured in GM-CSF generated a predominant population of granulocytes. CD34(+)/CD86(+) cells cultured in GM-CSF plus tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) generated almost exclusively CD1a+/CD83(+) dendritic cells. In contrast, CD34(+)/CD86(-) cells cultured in GM-CSF plus TNF-alpha generated a variety of cell types, including a small population of dendritic cells. In addition, CD34(+)/CD86(+) cells cultured in granulocyte colony-stimulating factor failed to generate CD15(+) granulocytes. Therefore, CD34(+)/CD86(+) cells are committed precursors of both macrophages and dendritic cells. The ontogeny of dendritic cells was recapitulated by stimulation of CD34(+)/CD86(-) cells with TNF-alpha that induced expression of CD86. Subsequent costimulation of CD86(+) cells with GM-CSF plus TNF-alpha lead to expression of CD83 and produced terminal dendritic cell differentiation. Thus, expression of CD86 on hematopoietic progenitor cells is regulated by TNF-alpha and denotes differentiation towards the macrophage or dendritic cell lineages.  相似文献   

CD26 and CD40 ligand (CD40L) are surface molecules on human activated T lymphocytes that play a critical role in the regulation of lymphopoiesis. Both molecules are expressed on a restricted fraction of human T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (NHL)/leukemias; however, little is known about their functional and/or clinical significance in these disorders. In this study, the pattern of expression of CD40L was compared with that of the CD26 molecule. A series of 67 human T-cell NHL/leukemias and a panel of leukemia/lymphoma T-cell lines were evaluated by immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, and RNA studies. The overall frequency of CD26+ and CD40L+ samples was rather similar (25/67 [37%] v 18/67 [27%]). However, the majority of CD26-expressing cases clustered in the lymphoblastic lymphomas (LBL)/T-acute lymphoblastic leukemias (ALL; 12/23) and CD30+ anaplastic large-cell (ALC) lymphomas (5/8), whereas CD40L+ lymphomas included a large fraction of mycosis fungoides (11/21 [52%]). CD26 and CD40L coexpression was found only in 2 myocosis fungoides cases and 1 small lymphocytic lymphoma. Thus, the expression of the two antigens was mutually exclusive in almost all T-cell lymphomas/leukemias. Accordingly, lymphoma cell lines expressed either one of the molecules or the relative amounts of CD26 and CD40L were inversely proportional. In contrast, reactive T lymphocytes from patients with non-neoplastic T-cell expansions and in vitro activated CD3+ or CD4+ normal T cells were found to coexpress CD40L and CD26. Results of a multivariate analysis showed that the expression of CD26 in T-cell LBL/ALL patients was associated to a worse outcome in terms of survival, as compared with patients with CD26- tumors (P < or = .0001). Based on our results, it can be concluded that, (1) as opposed to activated or reactive normal T cells, the expression of CD26 and of CD40L is mutually exclusive in human T-cell lymphomas/leukemias; (2) expression of CD26 is restricted to aggressive pathologic entities, such as T-cell LBL/ALL and T-cell CD30+ ALC lymphomas, whereas CD40L is expressed on slow progressing diseases such as mycosis fungoides; and (3) within the T-cell LBL/ALL group of tumors, CD26 may identify a subset of poor prognosis patients.  相似文献   

Negative regulation of T-cell adhesion and activation by CD43   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CD43 is a cell-surface sialoglycoprotein expressed by a variety of haematopoietically derived cells, including T lymphocytes. Earlier observations of defective CD43 expression by T lymphocytes from boys with the X-chromosome-linked Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome suggested the importance of CD43 in lymphocyte function. Subsequent studies have suggested that CD43 facilitates leukocyte adhesion and has a co-stimulatory role during T-cell activation. To define the physiologically relevant function(s) of CD43, we have generated CD43-knockout mice. We report here that CD43-deficient T cells from such mice show a marked increase in their in vitro proliferative response to concanavalin A, anti-CD3, the superantigen SEB and allostimulation. Additionally, CD43-deficient T cells show a substantial enhancement in homotypic adhesion and in their ability to bind different ligands, including fibronectin and the intercellular adhesion molecule ICAM-1. Vaccinia-virus-infected CD43-knockout mice mounted an augmented anti-vaccinia cytotoxic T-cell response compared with their wild-type littermates, yet developed an increased virus load. We conclude that CD43 negatively regulates T-cell activation and adhesion and is important for viral clearance.  相似文献   

Primary isolates (PI) of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) are considerably less sensitive than T-cell line-adapted strains to neutralization by soluble CD4 and by most cross-reactive monoclonal antibodies to the viral envelope (Env) glycoprotein, as well as by postinfection and postvaccination sera (J. P. Moore and D. D. Ho, AIDS 9 [suppl. A]:5117-5136, 1995). We developed a quantitative model to explain the neutralization resistance of PI. The factors incorporated into the model are the dissociation constants for the binding of the neutralizing agent to native Env oligomers, the number of outer Env molecules on the viral surface (which decreases by shedding), and the minimum number of Env molecules required for attachment and fusion. We conclude that modest differences in all these factors can, when combined, explain a relative neutralization resistance of PI versus T-cell line-adapted strains that sometimes amounts to several orders of magnitude. The hypothesis that neutralization of HIV is due to the reduction below a minimum number of the Env molecules on a virion available for attachment and fusion is at odds with single- and few-hit neutralization theories. Our analysis of these ideas favors the hypothesis that neutralization of HIV is instead a competitive blocking of interactions with cellular factors, including adsorption receptors.  相似文献   

Injection of formalin into the hind paw of mice produced a biphasic nociceptive response consisting of immediate (first-phase) and tonic (second-phase) components. Although the duration of the first-phase response was significantly longer in diabetic mice than in nondiabetic mice, the second phase was significantly shorter in diabetic mice. The first-phase response was dose-dependently and significantly reduced by pretreatment with calphostin C (0.3 to 3 pmol, i.t.), a specific protein kinase C inhibitor, in diabetic mice. The second-phase response was markedly increased when diabetic mice were pretreated with calphostin C. However, calphostin C (3 nmol, i. t.) had no significant effect on either the first-phase or second-phase response in nondiabetic mice. On the other hand, pretreatment with phorbol-12,13-dibutyrate (50 pmol, i.t.), a protein kinase C activator, significantly enhanced the first-phase response in nondiabetic mice. These results suggest that the change in the formalin-induced nociceptive response in diabetic mice may be due, at least in part, to the modification of nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord by the activation of protein kinase C.  相似文献   

A number of studies have demonstrated an increased frequency of allergen-specific T cells producing increased amounts of interleukin-4 (IL-4) and IL-5, but little interferon-y in both the peripheral blood and skin lesions of patients with atopic dermatitis (AD). In this study, to further clarify the characteristics of T cells obtained from AD patients, we examined the dependency of the antigen-specific proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from AD patients on costimulatory molecules. The antigens used were Candida albicans and Dermatophagoides farinae, for which AD patients show increased levels of IgE antibodies. PBMC from control healthy donors stimulated with these antigens incorporated [3H]-thymidine much more than PBMC from AD patients. The addition of anti-CD54, -CD40, -CD80 and -CD86 monoclonal antibodies to the cultures showed that the PBMC required only CD54 and CD86 for stimulation with C. albicans, but required CD54, CD80 and CD86 for stimulation with D. farinae. Among these monoclonal antibodies, the anti-CD54 antibody suppressed the proliferative responses of most PBMC, most effectively followed by the anti-CD86 antibody. However, there were no significant differences in the requirement for costimulatory molecules of PBMC proliferation stimulated with C. albicans or D. farinae between AD patients and healthy donors. Since many studies have suggested that T-helper type 1 and T-helper type 2 immune responses are different in their dependency on CD80 or CD86 costimulation, our present results suggest that the allergen-specific T cells of AD patients are not completely shifted to a T-helper type 2 subset.  相似文献   

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