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针对具有基本认知行为能力的行动不便老人、肢残人士、运动和语言患者这类服务对象,构建了助老助残服务机器人人机一体化导航系统。用户与机器人之间进行交互,自由切换随机行走和自主导航2种运动模式,机器人根据现场环境和作业条件的不同,实时触发人机条件响应生成规则而产生相应的行走行为,作业时人机界面同步呈现虚实结合、实时交互的智能空间,实现人机一体化感知、决策与执行。以移动作业服务机器人为对象进行室内人机一体化导航作业,验证了该人机一体化导航系统的可行性。 相似文献
智能汽车人机协同控制的研究现状与展望 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
随着人工智能、互联网技术、通信技术、计算机技术的快速发展,以电动化、智能化及网联化为基础的智能汽车成为汽车行业发展的一大趋势.按照汽车智能化、自动化的发展进程,美国汽车工程师协会将智能汽车的发展分为手动驾驶、驾驶辅助、部分自动化、有条件自动化、高度自动化和完全自动化6个级别,虽然不同层次、不同功能的汽车智能化技术正迅猛发展,但是真正意义上的全工况自动驾驶在短期内很难实现.因此,在未来很长一段时期内,智能汽车必然面对人机协同控制的局面,本文详细介绍了智能汽车人机协同控制中驾驶员建模及人机驾驶权动态优化控制的国内外研究现状,同时简要介绍了智能汽车测试与评价的国内外研究现状,提炼了共性问题,并对人机协同控制的发展趋势给出了一些观点. 相似文献
康复机器人与智能辅助系统的研究进展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
我国正面临日益严重的老龄化问题和数量庞大的残疾人群,康复机器人与智能辅助系统的研究开发和应用有望为解决养老、失能辅助和康复问题提供部分技术手段.康复机器人与智能辅助系统涉及医学、信息、机械、电子、材料、力学等多个学科领域,其研究与开发也面临诸多挑战和困难,本文从“康复机器人及多种康复训练模式”、“智能辅助系统与生机电技术”、“康复与辅助相关的多模态传感与控制方法”、“外骨骼和可穿戴系统、智能假肢与人机安全性”等方面介绍和讨论康复机器人和智能辅助系统的问题和研究进展,以期为未来康复机器人和智能辅助系统的研究与开发提供些许借鉴. 相似文献
体系作战是未来海上战争的主要模式,兵力协同是面向体系作战的具体手段。人机混合智能技术将人类智能和机器智能有机地结合起来,充分发挥人类和机器各自的智能优势,以提高系统整体的性能和效率,完成对海上协同作战任务的混合决策与作战。本文对现有人机混合智能决策作战的研究方法进行了论述和对比分析,并针对海战场协同作战决策系统,分析了不同模式的人机混合智能技术在海上协同作战方面的应用。在此基础上,提出了一种系统的人机混合智能协同作战方法,能够提高决策效率、增强态势感知能力和优化资源分配。为后续深入研究和完善海上智能协同作战提供了理论基础。 相似文献
针对当前自动化立体仓库出入库系统效率不高的问题,将机器人技术引入到立体仓库的设计中,初步提出了一套较为完整的基于机器人视觉和控制技术的出入库系统方案.机器人视觉方面,实现了图像的预处理、图像分割、边缘检测和特征提取;机器人控制方面,将示教方式与远程方式相结合,既充分利用了图像处理的结果,又降低了机器人控制的复杂性.最后的实验结果证明了设计的可行性和实用价值. 相似文献
本文结合多智能体系统控制理论与技术的研究现状,以地面无人系统为控制对象,对理论及其技术发展作了详细概述.从多智能体的行为协同控制和任务协同控制两个侧面讨论了相关的理论及应用问题,并指出当前协同控制研究中存在的一些问题以及今后的发展方向.地面无人系统的协同控制对于有效提升社会及军事效益,最大限度地发挥地面任务执行的效能具有重要意义. 相似文献
智能用户界面的发展及趋势 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
智能用户界面是致力于改善人机交互的高效率、有效性和自然性的人机界面。它通过表达、推理,并按照用户模型、领域模型、任务模型、谈话模型和媒体模型来实现人机交互。本文首先介绍了人机交互的基本内容,然后从用户和用户需求的多样化以及技术的变化为线索介绍了智能用户界面的发展,给出了智能用户界面的体系结构,总结了当前智能用户界面的主要研究课题。最后,简要介绍了智能用户界面当前的研究热点。未来的用户界面不仅能够通过认知因素来了解用户,也能够从非认知因素方面感知和理解用户。随着新的交互方式的出现和技术的更进一步发展,人们将很难区分当前进行的交互是人-机交互,还是人-人交互。 相似文献
随着深空探测及航天器智能化发展与应用,未来在轨智能协同控制将是关键性技术。本文首先讨论了卫星星载系统硬件设计的技术发展现状以及在监测卫星平台上应用的可行性;其次,面向未来卫星系统智能化发展要求,着重讨论了星载系统智能化现状与未来星载协同所具备的基本特性;再次,针对智能共位协同编队卫星群协同控制问题开展讨论,总结了在轨监测所需的关键技术实现路线;最后,针对卫星编队智能协同算法进行深入系统性分析,指出未来人工智能技术共位编队任务的应用可行性与良好前景。 相似文献
Advances in deep learning over the last decade have led to a flurry of research in the application of deep artificial neural networks to robotic systems, with at least 30 papers published on the subject between 2014 and the present. This review discusses the applications, benefits, and limitations of deep learning vis-à-vis physical robotic systems, using contemporary research as exemplars. It is intended to communicate recent advances to the wider robotics community and inspire additional interest in and application of deep learning in robotics. 相似文献
A. V. Shevchenko 《Cybernetics and Systems Analysis》2004,40(6):849-859
This paper deals with the problematics of artificial intelligence and is devoted to problems of investigation of natural systems and synthesis of artificial intelligence systems. The specificity of functioning of biological intelligence systems is illustrated by simple examples. These examples allow one to disclose a probable mechanism that provides the formation of consciousness inherent in living beings and whose explicit manifestation is thinking. The natural-science aspect of the content of fundamental concepts such as semantics and knowledge is also considered as applied to the functioning of these systems. Based on paradigms of several scientific schools and that of system approach, general concepts and approaches to the solution of the problem of artificial intelligence are presented.Translated from Kibernetika i Sistemnyi Analiz, No. 6, pp. 73–86, November–December 2004.This revised version was published online in April 2005 with a corrected cover date. 相似文献
其发展对于中国康复事业具有重大的理论意义与实际应用价值。人因工程研究可有效提高下肢康复机器人 HRI
和未来发展趋势。 相似文献
K. S. Metaxiotis Dimitris Askounis John Psarras 《Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing》2002,13(4):253-260
Intelligent solutions, based on expert systems, to solve problems in the field of production planning and scheduling are becoming more and more widespread nowadays. Especially the last decade has witnessed a growing number of manufacturing companies, including glass, oil, aerospace, computers, electronics, metal and chemical industries—to name just a few—interested in the applications of expert systems (ESs) in manufacturing. This paper is a state-of-the-art review of the use of ESs in the field of production planning and scheduling. The paper presents famous expert systems known in the literature and current applications, analyzes the relative benefits and concludes by sharing thoughts and estimations on ESs future prospects in this area. 相似文献
Ann Blandford 《Expert Systems》2001,18(1):3-18
As more intelligent systems are introduced into the marketplace, it is becoming increasingly urgent to consider usability for such systems. Historically, the two fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and human- computer interaction (HCI) have had little in common. In this paper, we consider how established HCI techniques can usefully be applied to the design and evaluation of intelligent systems, and where there is an urgent need for new approaches. Some techniques - notably those for requirements acquisition and empirical evaluation - can usefully be adopted, and indeed are, within many projects. However, many of the tools and techniques developed within HCI to support design and theory-based evaluation cannot be applied in their present forms to intelligent systems because they are based on inappropriate assumptions; there is consequently a need for new approaches. Conversely, there are approaches that have been developed within AI - e.g. in research on dialogue and on ontologies - that could usefully be adapted and encapsulated to respond to this need. These should form the core of a future research agenda for intelligent interaction design. 相似文献