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Passive treatment wetlands are conventionally designed with the primary objective of purifying contaminated mine water; any benefit of enhanced biodiversity is ancillary. We propose a new approach that incorporates enhanced biodiversity as an explicit objective. In this approach, treatment units are selected based on water flows and chemistry and the ecological requirements of key species are identified. Elements of the wetland design that meet these distinct requirements are selected and sized, then merged within the constraints imposed by site geomorphology and hydrology. This concept is illustrated with the wetland design for the Los Bronces Mine in Chile, where aspects of treatment, biodiversity, and water management were developed separately, and then integrated into a holistic design. The treatment wetlands are integrated within the local ecology. This approach adheres more closely to the objective of designing wetlands that offer ecosystem services and also meets the requirements for long-term water treatment.


我国西北地区煤炭资源丰富但水资源缺乏,对煤矿开采产生的矿井水进行综合利用具有重要意义。通过收集西北36个矿井设计报告,调研新疆神新公司和宁夏宁煤集团,分析计算得出西北矿区煤矿生产吨煤供水量平均为0.261m3,矿井吨煤涌水量为0.54m3,平均矿井吨煤涌水量是生产供水量的2倍以上;而即使在我国西北地区各矿井供水全部采用矿井水的情况下,预计仅可以利用矿井涌水总量的42.2%。因此建议,为了提高我国西北地区矿井水的利用率,亟需出台相关矿井水资源利用的优惠政策,协调煤矿对外供水,大力推进矿井水产业化综合利用。  相似文献   

为降低门克庆煤矿矿井水污染物等问题,采用以磁分离+高效沉淀+无阀过滤+消毒为主体的处理工艺进行处理,处理工程设计规模为600m~3/h。出水经处理后可以稳定达到《煤矿井下消防、洒水设计规范》(GB50383-2016)指定标准,工艺运行效果良好且经济效益显著。  相似文献   

煤矿开采过程中会产生大量的废弃矿井水,不仅造成水资源的大量浪费,而且还威胁着矿区生态环境。本文综述了我国常见矿井水的常规处理方法,以及将矿井水视为水资源的可持续矿井水水处理与资源化技术,首次提出以“时间维度和空间维度”对矿井水进行全时空处理,并着重阐述了矿井水分级处理、分质利用技术,反渗透浓水处理与资源化技术,煤泥处理与资源化技术,以及重金属回收与利用技术等,对煤矿区矿井水处理与资源化利用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Mu  Wenping  Wu  Xiong  Ding  Hanghang  Geng  Fuqiang  Yu  Shuai  Zhang  Xiao 《Mine Water and the Environment》2022,41(4):906-920
Mine Water and the Environment - Comprehensive analysis of hydrogeological conditions at a typical coal mine in northwestern China allowed us to establish a groundwater numerical model, which we...  相似文献   

分析了全国、西南地区及因民矿区的水资源形势,叙述了开发利用矿坑水发电的必要性.通过分析调查认为:因民矿区矿坑水流量稳定、水质良好、水头集中且落差大,具备发电利用的有利条件.在此基础上,初步计算出矿坑水理论出力为13 956.21 kW,理论水能蕴藏量为1.21975 ×108kW·h/a,发电利用可带来60 987 500元/a的经济效益,同时社会效益和环境效益显著.  相似文献   

利用矿坑水发电在云南东川因民矿区的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了全国、西南地区及因民矿区的水资源形势,叙述了开发利用矿坑水发电的必要性。通过分析调查认为:因民矿区矿坑水流量稳定、水质良好、水头集中且落差大,具备发电利用的有利条件。在此基础上,初步计算出矿坑水理论出力为13 956.21 kW,理论水能蕴藏量为1.219 75 ×108 kW·h/a,发电利用可带来60 987 500元/a的经济效益,同时社会效益和环境效益显著。  相似文献   

棋盘井煤矿主采16#煤层,掘进期间遇DF1、DF3断层,受到煤层底板奥灰水突水威胁。井田范围内16#煤层与奥陶系灰岩的平均间距为38.72 m,最高带压1.9 MPa。以此为例,提出了断层探查、泄压引流及靶面帷幕注浆治理方案。通过探放水及治理工程的实施,确保了导水断层带的掘进安全。  相似文献   

Mine Water and the Environment - To resolve issues of water resource conservation and avoid water inrush accidents, a case study was performed in the Gaozhuang coal mine, which lies under Weishan...  相似文献   

福建省某铁矿岩溶水疏干试验方案优化设计   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
福建省某铁矿属于水文地质条件复杂的岩溶充水矿床,转入深部开采不仅面临水压高、涌水量大等问题,且深部水文地质条件局部不明,大型疏干试验势在必行。介绍了如何根据矿区水文地质条件和生产需求来设计疏干试验,包括选择疏干试验方式和布置疏干试验工程,合理设计疏干试验顺序、估算疏干流量与降深等多个部分,可满足降低矿区岩溶水位和查清水文地质条件的要求。其中在地下巷道放水孔的设计中利用本水平(中段)疏干和超前水平(中段)联合疏干,放水孔非均匀布置等,可为今后其他矿山深部开采疏干试验提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The possible use of mine effluent for irrigation of agricultural crops was investigated for BCL Ltd. nickel mine (Selebi Phikwe, Botswana). The aims were to estimate the long-term water and salt balance under irrigation with gypsiferous mine water, as well as to make recommendations on cropping and management options. A simple but mechanistic edynamic soil water-salt balance generic crop growth model (SWB, Soil Water Balance) and a weather data generator (CLIMGEN) were used for long-term predictions. Eleven years of irrigation with BCL effluent were simulated for different cropping systems and irrigation management practices, followed by 39 years of irrigation with freshwater or dry land cropping. The long-term simulations indicated that between 661 and 2017 mm of mine effluent could be used annually through irrigation, depending on crop choice and irrigation management. Between 18% and 32% ot the total amount of salt added through irrigation was predicted to leach in 11 years, the remainder being precipitated in the 1.1 m deep soil profile in the form of gypsum. The rate of gypsum dissolution and leaching after 11 years of irrigation with mine water depended on management. Simulated root density-weighted electrical conductivities at saturation indicated favorable conditions for growth of summer crops, but a leaching fraction is recommended in winter. A lucerne perennial pasture was the most suitable cropping system from the point of view of mine water utilization and salt precipitation in the soil profile. Deficit irrigation (room for rain) followed by dry land cropping was the most suitable management strategy in order to limit salt leaching and possible ground water contamination. The acceptability of the proposed strategies will depend on Botswana's standards for environmental protection, as well as social and economic issues.  相似文献   

矿井水净化处理混凝剂投加控制技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
混凝剂投加控制是矿井水净处理工艺过程中的关键环节,其结果直接影响到矿井水处理效果。当采用转子流量计或计量泵混凝剂控制技术时,在处理水量和水质变化时,混凝剂的投加量不能及时改变,从而影响矿井水净化处理效果;采用单因子流动电流混凝剂投加控制技术时,由于矿井水中含有一定量的乳化液和机油,使单因子流动电流传感器产生较大的误差,因此阻碍了该技术在矿井水净化处理中的应用;而混凝剂自动投加控制技术ADSMD在数学模型的基础上,由模拟试验取得工艺技术参数,再通过在线传感器、变送器、PLC、上位机和计量泵实现控制,从而确保了出水水质,并可降低运行成本,提高了矿井水处理技术的自动化水平。  相似文献   

在水文地质条件相似的情况下,与21109综采工作面临近的21301综采工作面发生了底板灰岩突水事故。通过分析陈四楼煤矿21109综采工作面水文地质条件,实施工作面底板瞬变电磁法勘探探测底板富水异常区,采用底板扰动破坏深度数值模拟及基于BP神经网络的底板扰动破坏深度模型等方法预测了21109综采工作面底板扰动破坏深度,优化设计了底板注浆改造钻孔,杜绝21109综采工作面突水事故的发生,保证了工作面安全生产。  相似文献   

王雪峰 《金属矿山》2014,43(8):129-133
涌水量特别大、水文地质条件复杂的矿山不适合采用先疏干、后采矿的传统技术。通过地下矿山防治水技术研究与开发,采用坑内近矿体顶板灰岩注浆堵水技术进行治理涌水问题,取得了较好的成效。该技术的总体思路是对近矿体顶板灰岩岩溶裂隙充塞、密实,将灰岩连接加固形成隔水层,使之形成平行与矿体的倾斜隔水帷幕,防止地下水进入采场。本研究结合实例分析多水矿山地下采矿注浆堵水技术的设计思路、实施方法和应用成效。根据矿床、矿体和矿物特征和矿区水文地质条件,论述了工程布置和钻探注浆工程量统计方法,解析了注浆层安全厚度的确定、顶板注浆堵水工艺设计、注浆方式和注浆段高、压水试验、注浆顺序、注浆参数等注浆技术参数等确定原则和方法。  相似文献   

张银海 《中州煤炭》2006,(6):22-23,37
介绍了李粮店矿区含水层、隔水层的地层情况和断层水文地质条件,对矿井地下水赋存、补给进行了分析,并提出了矿井水防治和综合利用的方案。  相似文献   

基于区域水资源受多种因素影响,而存在很大的模糊性和不确定性的特点,该文采用层次分析法对区域水资源可持续利用预警指标进行了分析,在得出各指标权重的基础上,利用功效系数法对水资源在研究时期内是否可持续利用及其程度作出了恰切的预警判断。  相似文献   

龙滩煤矿采煤工作面岩溶水防治技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了防止矿井和工作面出现严重水害,在首采区采取了工作面坑透物探,钻孔探放水,放水试验和布置专用排水巷等多项防治水措施,形成了综合防治水技术,成功解决了龙滩矿井首采区顶水威胁,保证了矿井首采面3116南工作面安全顺利回采。可为南方受岩溶水严重威胁影响的工作面安全开采提供借鉴。  相似文献   

矿井下组煤开采受奥灰水威胁的前提下,要从上组煤与下组煤隔离、下组煤采区隔离、下组煤工作面隔离等方面进行隔离开采设计,还要设计计算边界断层煤柱的留设宽度.通过隔离开采才可实现下组煤隔离开采,以减轻矿井受水害威胁的程度.  相似文献   

Mei  Aoshuang  Wu  Qiang  Zeng  Yifan  Cui  Yashuai  Zhao  Di 《Mine Water and the Environment》2023,42(2):312-329
Mine Water and the Environment - The shallow groundwater of the Quaternary Salawusu Formation in China is distributed widely in the arid and semi-arid areas of northern Shaanxi and is an essential...  相似文献   

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