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Eight multiparous periparturient Holstein cows fitted with ruminal cannula were used in a split plot design to evaluate the effects of monensin on plasma glucose metabolism. Diets were top-dressed daily with 0 mg/cow of monensin (control) or 300 mg/cow of monensin (MON) both pre- and postpartum. Plasma glucose kinetic parameters on d ?13 ± 2.0 and 19 ± 1.6 relative to parturition were determined by using stable isotopes. Na-1-13C3-Propionate (labeled propionate) was infused into the rumen to measure glucose synthesis originating from ruminal propionate, and U-13C-glucose (labeled glucose) was injected into the jugular vein to determine total glucose kinetics. A sampling period of 480 min following labeled glucose injection was implemented. A compartmental analysis was employed to determine steady state glucose kinetic parameters. To develop a steady state glucose model, the Windows version of SAAM software (WinSAAM) was used. A 4-compartment model was adequate to comprehensively describe plasma glucose metabolism. The main model compartments consisted of propionate and plasma glucose. The time frame of the 480-min sampling period post-tracer glucose infusion allowed accurate quantification of glucose metabolism. The model estimated that glucose input from sources other than ruminal propionate decreased with MON, from 2.26 to 1.09 g/min postpartum. Gluconeogenesis, expressed as the propionate contribution to the plasma glucose pool, increased in cows fed MON (22 vs. 31%), whereas glucose oxidation, expressed as the glucose disposal rate, significantly decreased (1.67 vs. 0.92 g/min). In conclusion, MON may improve the energy status of transition cows by (1) improving the efficiency of propionate to produce glucose and (2) decreasing glucose oxidation in body tissues.  相似文献   

Blood plasma 3-methylhistidine, in comparison with other blood variables, has been measured in high-yielding dairy cows with relation to energy and protein supply. Circulating 3-methylhistidine markedly increased to 1 wk after calving, then continuously decreased to 5 wk postpartum to lower than during the last 2 wk of pregnancy. In experiments 36 d after calving, circulating 3-methylhistidine did not change during 24 h despite marked variations of food intake. Peak 3-methylhistidine immediately after parturition coincided with relatively low insulin, thyroxine, triiodothyronine, glucose, protein, and urea with elevated concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and with greatest estimated energy and protein deficiencies. However, during the ensuing period to 12 wk of lactation, circulating 3-methylhistidine was not closely related to these measures nor to creatinine, beta-hydroxybutyrate, and milk production, but relationships to milk protein yield were close. The postparturient increase of 3-methylhistidine may have been a consequence of enhanced breakdown of skeletal muscle and uterine smooth muscle or another pool with a transiently enhanced turnover rate. Variations of plasma 3-methylhistidine were associated only in part with estimated negative energy and protein balances and corresponding endocrine and metabolic adaptations.  相似文献   

The effects of a monensin premix on milk fatty acid content during grain-induced subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in Holstein cows receiving a total mixed ration was investigated. Six multiparous, rumen-fistulated Holstein cows were used in a two-treatment, two-period crossover design with 6-wk periods. Experimental treatments were either a monensin premix or a placebo premix. At the beginning of wk 4, SARA was induced in experimental cows for a 10-d period using a grain challenge model. The administration of a monensin premix elevated milk fat proportion of total short-chain saturated fatty acids (sum of C4 to C15). Milk fat proportions of conjugated linoleic acid isomers were unaffected. Linolenic acid (C18:3n3) proportion in milk fat of monensin-treated cows were lower when compared with placebo-treated cows during the SARA period. Results from this study indicate that dietary supplementation with monensin during SARA had little effect on milk fatty acid content.  相似文献   

Eighteen cows had been selected for their responsiveness to psychological stress during the first lactation and were classified as having low (n = 10) or high (n = 8) cortisol concentrations in response to isolation-induced stress. In the present study these cows, now in their second lactation, were used to determine the effect of social isolation stress on the permeability of mammary tight junctions. During the experiment, each cow was isolated from the rest of the herd for 55 h. After the 1st h of isolation, each cow received a bolus infusion of endotoxin in one hind quarter in order to challenge tight junctions. Blood samples were taken throughout to measure lactose, which was used as an indicator of tight-junction leakiness. After 1 h of isolation, stress caused an increase in tight junction permeability in both groups, which was further enhanced by the endotoxin treatment. Although the permeability did not differ significantly between the two groups, it was consistently higher in the high-cortisol group, which was also the most stress-responsive group. Thus, psychological stress may adversely affect milk quality by allowing serum components to leak into milk.  相似文献   

Dairy cows experience hypocalcemia at the onset of lactation; however, the contribution of bone metabolism to circulating Ca concentrations during the periparturient period is not well understood. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) protects against loss of skeletal mass by regulating osteoclastogenesis. We previously reported that the bone resorption increased around parturition in dairy cows from the perspective of bone markers in blood. The aim of this study was to explore osteoclastic bone resorption in periparturient dairy cows by measuring changes in serum OPG concentrations around calving. The OPG concentrations were evaluated in primiparous (n = 9) and multiparous (n = 9) cows at 21 d precalving and over 5 d after calving. Based on mixed model analyses, the multiparous cows had a higher serum OPG concentration than primiparous cows at precalving and exhibited a significant decline in serum OPG and Ca concentrations after calving. In contrast to multiparous cows, primiparous cows did not exhibit these changes. Therefore, we hypothesized that multiparous cows preserve their bone mineral content during late pregnancy and activate the osteoclastic bone resorption after calving. Based on our serum OPG data, we identified the different periparturient osteoclastic bone resorption patterns in healthy primiparous and multiparous dairy cows.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the long-term effects of feeding monensin on methane (CH4) production in lactating dairy cows. Twenty-four lactating Holstein dairy cows (1.46 ± 0.17 parity; 620 ± 5.9 kg of live weight; 92.5 ± 2.62 d in milk) housed in a tie-stall facility were used in the study. The study was conducted as paired comparisons in a completely randomized design with repeated measurements in a color-coded, double-blind experiment. The cows were paired by parity and days in milk and allocated to 1 of 2 treatments: 1) the regular milking cow total mixed ration (TMR) with a forage-to-concentrate ratio of 60:40 (control TMR; placebo premix) vs. a medicated TMR (monensin TMR; regular TMR + 24 mg of Rumensin Premix/kg of dry matter) fed ad libitum. The animals were fed and milked twice daily (feeding at 0830 and 1300 h; milking at 0500 and 1500 h) and CH4 production was measured prior to introducing the treatments and monthly thereafter for 6 mo using an open-circuit indirect calorimetry system. Monensin reduced CH4 production by 7% (expressed as grams per day) and by 9% (expressed as grams per kilogram of body weight), which were sustained for 6 mo (mean, 458.7 vs. 428.7 ± 7.75 g/d and 0.738 vs. 0.675 ± 0.0141, control vs. monensin, respectively). Monensin reduced milk fat percentage by 9% (3.90 vs. 3.53 ± 0.098%, control vs. monensin, respectively) and reduced milk protein by 4% (3.37 vs. 3.23 ± 0.031%, control vs. monensin, respectively). Monensin did not affect the dry matter intake or milk yield of the cows. These results suggest that medicating a 60:40 forage-to-concentrate TMR with 24 mg of Rumensin Premix/kg of dry matter is a viable strategy for reducing CH4 production in lactating Holstein dairy cows.  相似文献   

A prospective field study involving 251 Holstein cows and heifers from five dairy farms near Guelph, Ontario, Canada, was conducted to measure the effect of monensin delivered in a controlled release capsule 3 wk precalving on metabolic function in dairy cows immediately pre- and postcalving. At 3 wk before expected calving, cows were randomly assigned to receive either a controlled release capsule containing monensin or to serve as negative controls. Cows were blood sampled once per week precalving and once in the week following calving, at the same time of day and the same day of the week. Serum was evaluated for beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), cholesterol, urea, glucose, calcium, and phosphorus. Monensin-treated cows had significantly decreased NEFA and BHBA and significantly increased concentrations of serum cholesterol and urea in the week immediately precalving. No effect of treatment was observed for calcium, phosphorus, or glucose in the precalving period. After calving, concentrations of phosphorus were lower and BHBA tended to be lower, and cholesterol and urea were higher in monensin-treated cows. There was no effect of treatment on NEFA, glucose, or calcium in the first week postcalving. Monensin treatment administered precalving significantly improved indicators of energy balance in both the immediate precalving and postcalving periods. The findings indicate better energy metabolism in monensin-treated cows as they approach calving. Improvement of energy balance before calving is important for the prevention of energy associated metabolic diseases, such as retained placenta, clinical ketosis, and displaced abomasum, which might occur immediately postcalving.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the hypothesis that a sufficient proportion of histidine (His) included in the drinking water of lactating cows bypasses the rumen to have an effect on milk synthesis. Eight dairy cows (45 ± 15 d in milk) were given either 0 or 2.5 g/L of His in the drinking water in a crossover design of two 7-d periods. Cows were offered a corn and alfalfa silage-based total mixed ration for ad libitum intake. Water was provided ad libitum to each cow in an individual automatic drinking vessel with a flow meter attached. Water intake tended to increase from 85.1 to 92.1 L/d when His was added. Concentrations of His in plasma samples collected on the last day of each period tended to increase from 14.6 to 21.6 μM, corresponding to an estimated 0.4% bypass of the imbibed histidine. Other amino acid concentrations in plasma were not affected by His supplementation. Milk yield increased by 1.7 L/d with His treatment, lactose yield increased by 90 g/d, and there were tendencies for protein yield to increase, fat percentage to decrease, and protein to fat ratio to increase. An improvement in postruminal histidine flow can influence milk production and composition but the proportion of imbibed water that bypasses the rumen will have to be increased to take advantage of drinking water as a vehicle to transfer His postruminally.  相似文献   

In response to oral application, monensin alters the rumen microbiota, increasing ruminal propionate production and energy availability in the animal. Data from different studies indicate that the susceptibility of rumen bacteria to monensin is mainly cell-wall dependent but tracing its activity to specific microbial groups has been challenging. Several studies have shown a similar effect for essential oils but results are inconsistent. To investigate the influence of monensin and a blend of essential oils (BEO, containing thymol, guaiacol, eugenol, vanillin, salicylaldehyde, and limonene) on the rumen microbiome, rumen liquid samples were collected orally on d 56 postpartum from cows that had either received a monensin controlled-release capsule 3 wk antepartum, a diet containing a BEO from 3 wk antepartum onward, or a control diet (n = 12). The samples were analyzed for pH, volatile fatty acid, ammonia, and lipopolysaccharide concentrations and protozoal counts. A 16S rRNA gene fingerprinting analysis (PCR–single-strand conformation polymorphism) and sequencing revealed that the BEO treatment had no effect on the rumen microbiota, whereas monensin decreased bacterial diversity. Twenty-three bacterial species-level operational taxonomic units were identified for which monensin caused a significant decrease in their relative abundance, all belonging to the phyla Bacteroidetes (uncultured BS11 gut group and BS9 gut group) and Firmicutes (Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, and Erysipelotrichaceae). Ten bacterial operational taxonomic units belonging to the phyla Actinobacteria (Coriobacteriaceae), Bacteroidetes (Prevotella), Cyanobacteria (SHA-109), and Firmicutes (Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae) increased in relative abundance due to the monensin treatment. These results confirm the hypothesis that varying effects depending on cell-wall constitution and thickness might apply for monensin sensitivity rather than a clear-cut difference between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. No effect of monensin on the archaea population was observed, confirming the assumption that reported inhibition of methanogenesis is most likely caused through a decrease in substrate availability, rather than by a direct effect on the methanogens. The data support the hypothesis that the observed increase in ruminal molar propionate proportions due to monensin may be caused by a decrease in abundance of non-producers and moderate producers of propionate and an increase in abundance of succinate and propionate producers.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure net portal absorption of 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoate (HMTBA) in dairy cows. Four multicatheterized lactating cows were used in a cross-over design with 7-d experimental periods. They were fed every other hour a total mixed ration and received, in addition, twice a day, 12.5 or 25 g/meal of HMTBA. On the last day of treatment, net portal absorption of HMTBA was numerically greater after the 25-g compared with the 12.5-g bolus meal of HMTBA, and the amount absorbed relative to the dose ingested was unchanged between treatments averaging 11.2 ± 4.7% of the dose. This represents a minimum value of HMTBA availability because it does not take into account any HMTBA metabolized to Met by gut tissues (in sheep this amounted to another 5% of the dose). A rapid method to estimate net portal absorption based on temporal variations of the peripheral plasma HMTBA concentrations following the HMTBA meal is also presented. Based on the good relationship (concordance correlation coefficient = 0.97) observed between direct measurements and estimations, this simplified approach offers a reasonable approach to assess HMTBA absorption under different feeding situations.  相似文献   

Previous research from our laboratory and others indicates that liver copper concentrations in dairy cattle are commonly well above those recognized as adequate for the nutritional needs of the animal. It has also been speculated that hepatic copper concentrations have been increasing in recent years. Unlike other species, the threshold at which elevated liver copper concentrations becomes deleterious to hepatocytes is not known for cattle. Therefore, the objectives of this study were 3-fold: (1) to delineate differences in the range and mean dry matter hepatic copper concentration for dairy cattle in a retrospective analysis (January 1, 2007, to December 31, 2015), (2) to investigate hepatic copper concentrations in Midwest cull dairy cattle, and (3) to evaluate histologic changes in hepatocellular morphology in the context of copper concentration in cull cows. Furthermore, microscopic changes in hepatocellular morphology or architecture were examined and scored for evidence of inflammation, fibrosis, necrosis, and abundance of rhodanine-stained granules using hematoxylin and eosin and rhodanine staining. The retrospective analysis found copper concentrations within a range of 3 to 1,963 µg/g, with a mean of 473 µg/g. Hepatic copper concentrations in our retrospective study did not increase with time. In our abattoir analysis, copper concentrations ranged from 15 to 978 μg/g, with a mean of 390 μg/g. This study found that the range and mean hepatic copper concentrations were comparatively less in the current abattoir study than copper concentrations in our retrospective analysis. There was no evidence for hepatocellular changes associated with increased copper burdens in this study population.  相似文献   

Dry matter intake is a main driver of energy balance in lactating dairy cows, and some plant extracts have been commercially fed to dairy cows to stimulate feed intake. Citrus extracts contain several bioactive components and have been shown to modify metabolism in other animal models. Our hypothesis was that a citrus extract would increase dry matter intake. Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of a citrus extract on intake and milk production in lactating dairy cows. In experiment one, 11 early-lactation dairy cows (experiment 1; 77 ± 15 d in milk, mean ± standard deviation) were used in a switchback design, and in experiment two, 15 mid-lactation Holstein cows (experiment 2; 157 ± 44 d in milk, mean ± standard deviation) were used in a crossover design. In both experiments, treatments were control (no supplement) or a citrus extract (4 g/d in experiment 1 and 4.5 g/d in experiment 2). Treatment periods were 21 and 14 d in experiment 1 and experiment 2, respectively, with the final 7 d used for sample and data collection. No effect was observed for treatment on dry matter intake, feeding behavior, milk yield, milk fat yield, milk protein yield, or milk composition in either experiment. Treatment also had no effect on milk trans fatty acid profile, but the extract increased total 16 carbon fatty acids 0.9 and 0.6 percentage points in experiment 1 and experiment 2, respectively. Plasma nonesterified fatty acids were decreased 6 h after feeding in both experiments (11.1 and 16.0 μEq/L in experiment 1 and experiment 2, respectively). Plasma insulin was increased 1 h before feeding compared with the control in experiment 1 (3.36 vs. 2.13 µIU/mL) and tended to increase 1.79 units 1 h before feeding in experiment 2. The citrus extract had no effect on feed intake or milk production at the dose investigated, but changed plasma insulin and nonesterified fatty acids, indicating some metabolic effects requiring further investigation.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to investigate how the provision of a mechanical brush affects the grooming (scratching) behavior of group-housed dairy cattle. To do this, we compared the grooming behavior of 72 dairy cows, split into 6 groups of 12, in the absence of a brush (control) and when provided with a mechanical brush (experimental). We analyzed the duration and frequency of scratching on pen objects (wall and water trough) and on the mechanical brush between the control and experimental treatments. Further, we compared the relative frequency of scratching on parts of the cow's body (head, neck, back, tail, and thigh) between the control and experimental treatments. Within 24 h of installation of the mechanical brush, 56.9% of the cows utilized the brush. Within 7 d, 93.0% of cows used the brush, and by the end of the treatment period, all but one of the cows had used the brush. When the mechanical brush was added to the pen, cows dramatically increased the total time spent scratching by 508% and the frequency of scratching events by 226%. These increases were primarily driven by use of the mechanical brush, which accounted for 91.1% of total scratching time and 79.8% of scratching events. When cows were provided with the mechanical brush, they decreased the frequency of scratching their heads, increased the frequency of scratching on their necks, backs, and tails, and tended to decrease the frequency of scratching their thighs. In conclusion, the results of this study show that the use of a mechanical brush makes it easier for cows to groom themselves, particularly in places that are hard to reach by the cow. This may help satisfy this natural behavior and keep them clean, as well as possibly reducing frustration or stress due to boredom when housed in freestall barns.  相似文献   

Patterns and persistency of fecal shedding of Klebsiella spp. by healthy adult dairy cattle were explored with probabilistic, statistical, and molecular methods. Fecal shedding was monitored longitudinally in 92 animals in 1 herd for 5 mo. Shedding patterns followed a random binomial distribution, and associations with host factors were not detected. For 12 animals from 4 herds, strain-typing of multiple fecal Klebsiella isolates was performed by means of random-amplified polymorphic DNA typing. For 2 animals, additional typing was performed on isolates from samples collected on several consecutive days. A large variety of Klebsiella strains was detected within samples (on average, 3.1 strains per 4 isolates) and between samples (18 of 20 strains were detected only once in feces from cows that were sampled for 5 d consecutively). Results from each method suggest that fecal shedding of Klebsiella is associated with transient rather than persistent presence of the organism in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Clinical mastitis is a commonly occurring and economically important problem in the dairy industry. Researchers have suggested that changes in lying behavior could be useful as early indicators of cow discomfort and poor welfare. The objective of this study was to determine the associations between the onset of illness resulting from experimentally induced clinical mastitis and measures of lying behavior. Clinical mastitis was induced in 21 lactating dairy cows (parity=2.0±1.0, range=1 to 4; days in milk=61±18) by intramammary infusion of 25 or 100 μg of Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) into 1 uninfected mammary quarter. Lying behavior was monitored from 2 d before through 3 d after the LPS challenge by fitting each cow with a data logger. Calculated outcome measures were total lying time, lying time on the side of the intramammary infusion, number of lying bouts, and average lying bout duration. Cows spent less time lying down on the day of the challenge compared with the 2 d before (633.3 vs. 707.0 min/d; SE=29.6), particularly during the 4 to 7h following LPS infusion. However, no significant relationship was found between the mammary quarter challenged and cow preference for lying side throughout the episode of induced clinical mastitis. Given that lying is a high-priority behavior in dairy cows and that increased lying time is an adaptive sickness behavior to facilitate recovery, we infer that this reduction in lying time may present a concern for cows with clinical mastitis. Although additional studies with larger numbers of animals are needed, automated monitoring of lying behavior could be an important component of the on-farm early detection of health problems, such as mastitis, in the future.  相似文献   

Infrared thermography (IRT) absorbs infrared radiation and generates images based on the amount of heat generated. It has been used in human medicine for diagnosis of various cancers. This experiment was conducted to determine if IRT had merit for early detection of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows. Milk sample and skin surface temperature (SST) were simultaneously evaluated using the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and IRT for each quarter in 94 dairy cows (49 Brown Swiss and 45 Holstein). Average days in milk (DIM) and milk production were 93 ± 37 d and 16 ± 2.2 kg (mean ± SD) and their ages ranged from 4 to 8 yr. There was a strong correlation between SST and CMT score (r = 0.92). Average SST was 33.19, 34.08, 34.99, and 36.15°C for quarters with the CMT score of 0 (n = 156), +1 (n = 116), +2 (n = 80), and +3 (n = 24), respectively. This association was best described by a linear model as follows: y = 0.94x + 33.17, R2 = 0.85, where y = SST and x = CMT score. Changes in rectal temperature (RT) due to the CMT score were minor (y = 0.09x + 38.39, R2 = 0.07, where y = RT and x = average CMT score). In conclusion, RT may not confirm mastitis. However, IRT is sensitive enough to perceive changes in SST in response to varying degrees of severity of the mammary gland infection as reflected by the CMT score, suggesting that as a noninvasive tool, IRT can be employed for screening dairy cows for mastitis.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we analyzed the effects of day length, the daily change in day length, and heat load prevailing on test days, and on milk yield and composition of dairy cows in hot weather. For this analysis we used milk tests of three herds in Israel between 1994 and 1996. We used the same database to analyze the effects of the day length and the daily change in day length 3 wk prepartum. The prepartum day length effect was negatively related to milk yield and to milk fat and protein percentages. The daily change in day length was negative for milk yield and lactose percentage and positive for protein content and did not affect fat content. The difference of 4 h between the shortest and the longest day, plus the seasonal change in day length, accounted for the addition of 1.9 kg of milk/d for a cow calving after the shortest day compared with a cow calving after the longest day. The difference in milk composition between these two cows was estimated to be 0.27 and 0.08% of fat and protein, respectively.  相似文献   

We used on-farm records from dairy infrastructure to examine the consistency of the milking order over 150 d in 5 Australian dairy herds that were milking more than 500 cows as a single group. Within a single day the difference in milking order rank position was less than 20 percentage points for 72% of cows. The correlation coefficient comparing milking rank position in the morning and afternoon was 0.72, with the position of cows at the beginning and end of the milking order being more consistent than cows toward the middle of the milking order. Over a period of 150 d, cows with a mean position in the first and last 20% of the milking order maintained their position more consistently than cows in the middle of the milking order. Milking position of cows between one month and the next was highly correlated (r = 0.88). In large herds, subpopulations of cows are regularly milked toward the beginning and the end of the milking order. It is common for cows to be collected from the paddock as a group, to wait as a group in the dairy yard to be milked, and to return individually to the paddock or feed pad immediately after they have been milked. Thus, cows milked later in the milking order are likely to be away from the paddock for several hours longer than cows milked earlier in the milking order. This may affect their welfare though differences in time available for lying down, equality of pasture eaten, and time spent standing in the dairy yard.  相似文献   

Lameness in dairy cattle is a common welfare problem with significant economic implications. All too often, appropriate treatment is delayed or neglected due to insufficient detection of lame cows. Brush usage is considered a low-resilience activity; that is, one that typically decreases when energy resources are limited or when the cost involved in the activity increases, such as during sickness and stress. The aim of this study was to determine the association between brush usage and different degrees of lameness. Locomotion scores of 209 lactating Holstein dairy cows were collected individually once a week for 14 consecutive weeks, using a 5-point visual assessment scoring system (1 = nonlame, 2 = uneven gait, 3 = mild lameness, 4 = lameness, 5 = severe lameness). Daily brush usage was collected automatically from 3 cowsheds of similar size and structure located on a commercial dairy farm. In each of the 3 cowsheds, 2 brushes were installed, one next to the feed bunk, and the other away from the feed bunk (on the opposite side of the cowshed). Linear and generalized linear mixed-effects models were used to evaluate the association between locomotion scores and daily measures of brush usage. We found a significant interaction between locomotion score and brush location (near to/distant from feed bunk) on the daily proportion of cows using the brush at least once and on daily duration of brush usage. Specifically, we showed that lame and severely lame cows did not use brushes that were installed away from the feed bunk but continued to use brushes that were installed next to the feed bunk. Brush usage by cows with uneven gait (locomotion score 2) or with mild lameness (locomotion score 3) did not differ from that of nonlame cows (locomotion score 1). The results of this study suggest that monitoring of daily usage of brushes located away from the feed bunk could be a useful method for detecting lameness and severe lameness in dairy cows. However, the use of this method to detect mild lameness or cases of abnormal gait is, at this stage, less promising.  相似文献   

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