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The results of a recent study of the effects of ternary alloying with Ti on the fatigue and fracture behavior of a new class of forged damage-tolerant niobium aluminide (Nb3Al-xTi) intermetallics are presented in this article. The alloys studied have the following nominal compositions: Nb-15Al-10Ti (10Ti alloy), Nb-15Al-25Ti (25Ti alloy), and Nb-15Al-40Ti (40Ti alloy). All compositions are quoted in atomic percentages unless stated otherwise. The 10Ti and 25Ti alloys exhibit fracture toughness levels between 10 and 20 MPa√m at room temperature. Fracture in these alloys occurs by brittle cleavage fracture modes. In contrast, a ductile dimpled fracture mode is observed at room-temperature for the alloy containing 40 at. pct Ti. The 40Ti alloy also exhibits exceptional combinations of room-temperature strength (695 to 904 MPa), ductility (4 to 30 pct), fracture toughness (40 to 100 MPa√m), and fatigue crack growth resistance (comparable to Ti-6Al-4V, monolithic Nb, and inconnel 718). The implications of the results are discussed for potential structural applications of the 40Ti alloy in the intermediate-temperature (∼700 °C to 750 °C) regime.  相似文献   

Microstructural effects on fatigue crack growth in a low carbon steel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study of the influence of microstructure on fatigue crack growth in an AISI 1018 steel has been carried out. Two distinctly different duplex microstructures were investigated. In one microstructure ferrite encapsulated islands of martensite; in the other martensite encapsulated islands of ferrite. The latter structure resulted in a significant increase in threshold level (18 MPa√mvs 8 MPa√m) together with an increase in yield strength. Fractographic analysis was used to investigate the influence of microstructure on the mode of fatigue crack growth. Formerly at the University of Connecticut  相似文献   

The effects of microstructure on the fatigue and creep crack growth of Waspaloy and P/M Astroloy were evaluated at 650°C. In Waspaloy, changes in γ′ size and distribution did not markedly affect fatigue crack growth. An increase in fatigue crack growth rate occurred at low test frequencies and was associated with a transition to intergranular crack propagation. In P/M Astroloy, a coarser grain size lowered the fatigue crack growth rate. Serrated grain boundaries, though beneficial under creep loading, have no effect in fatigue.  相似文献   

The micromechanics of small, naturally initiated fatigue cracks and large through-thickness fatigue cracks have been studied in the titanium aluminide alloy Super Alpha 2. The microstructure investigated had equal volume fractions ofα 2 and Β phases. Crack growth rates were higher than through α-Β titanium alloys. Initiation of small cracks was found always to occur in theα 2 phase, and small cracks grew belowΔK th, the minimum cyclic stress intensity required for growth of large fatigue cracks. A method previously proposed for reconciling the growth rates of large and small cracks is applied to these results.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an experimental study of the effects of temperature (25 °C, 450 °C, and 700 °C) on the fatigue crack growth behavior of three near-commercial cast gamma titanium aluminide alloys (Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb, Ti-47Al-2Mn-2Nb+0.8 pct TiB2, and Ti-45Al-2Mn-2Nb+0.8 pct TiB2). The trends in the fatigue crack growth rate data are explained by considering the combined effects of crack-tip deformation mechanisms and oxide-induced crack closure. Faster fatigue crack growth rates at 450 °C are attributed to the high incidence of irreversible deformation-induced twinning, while slower crack growth rates at 700 °C are due to increased deformation by slip and the effects of oxide-induced crack closure.  相似文献   

Crack growth and fatigue life predictions made with the MMCLIFE 3.0 code are compared to test data for unidirectional, continuously reinforced SCS-6/Ti-14Al-21Nb (wt pct) composite laminates. The MMCLIFE 3.0 analysis package is a design tool capable of predicting strength and fatigue performance in metal matrix composite (MMC) laminates. The code uses a combination of micromechanic lamina and macromechanic laminate analyses to predict stresses and uses linear elastic fracture mechanics to predict crack growth. The crack growth analysis includes a fiber bridging model to predict the growth of matrix flaws in 0-deg laminates and is capable of predicting the effects of interfacial shear stress and thermal residual stresses. The code has also been modified to include edge-notch flaws in addition to center-notch flaws. The model was correlated with constant amplitude, isothermal data from crack growth tests conducted on 0- and 90-deg SCS-6/Ti-14-21 laminates. Spectrum fatigue tests were conducted, which included dwell times and frequency effects. Strengths and areas for improvement for the analysis are discussed. This article is based on a presentation made in the symposium “Fatigue and Creep of Composite Materials” presented at the TMS Fall Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, September 14–18, 1997, under the auspices of the TMS/ASM Composite Materials Committee.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack path behavior of a series of Ti-Mn alloys heat treated to produce volume fractions of the alpha phase ranging from 0 to 97.5 pct was investigated. Both Widmanstätten and equiaxed morphologies of the α phase were used in this study. Interior and surface crack paths are discussed in terms of slip behavior and microstructural details.  相似文献   

The rate of fatigue crack propagation for Ti-6Al-6V-2Sn and Ti-6 A1-4V in aqueous environments has been measured as a function of solution chemistry, frequency, and stress wave form. Depending on the specific encironment, three types of fatigue crack growth rate behavior have been observed as a function of frequency. Crack growth rates increase with decreasing frequency in distilled water, while addition of Na2SO4 produces frequency-independent behavior. In solutions containing chloride or bromide ions, a reversal in frequency-dependence takes place at ΔKscc. Below this transition ΔK level, crack growth rates decrease with decreasing frequency due to passive film formation at the crack tip. Above ΔKscc corrosion fatigue crack growth is due to SCC under cyclic loading. The ΔK transition in fatigue is lower than the static stress corrosion threshold because of repeated rupture of the passive film at the crack tip, approaching KIsco only for very slow cycling frequencies. This paper is based upon a thesis submitted by D. B. Dawson in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Doctor of Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack growth studies have been conducted on a two-phase alloy with a nominal composition of Ti-46.5Al-3Nb-2Cr-0.2W (at. pct), heat treated to produce duplex and lamellar microstructures. Fatigue crack growth tests were conducted at 23 °C using computer-controlled servohydraulic loading at a cyclic frequency of 20 Hz. Several test methods were used to obtain fatigue crack growth rate data, including decreasing-load-range-threshold, constant-load-range, and constant-K max increasing-load-ratio crack growth control. The lamellar microstructure showed substantial improvement in crack growth resistance and an increase in the threshold stress intensity factor range, ΔK th , when compared with the behavior of the duplex microstructure. The stress ratio had a significant influence on crack growth behavior in both microstructures, which appeared to be a result of roughness-induced crack closure mechanisms. Fractographic characterization of fatigue crack propagation modes indicated a highly tortuous crack path in the fully lamellar microstructure, compared to the duplex microstructure. In addition, limited shear ligament bridging and secondary cracking parallel to the lamellar interfaces were observed in the fully lamellar microstructure during fatigue crack propagation. These observations were incorporated into a model that analyzes the contribution of intrinsic vs extrinsic mechanisms, such as shear ligament bridging and roughness-induced crack closure, to the increased fatigue crack growth resistance observed for the fully lamellar microstructure.  相似文献   

The effects of microstructure on the tensile properties and deformation behavior of a binary Ti-48Al gamma titanium aluminide were studied. Tensile-mechanical properties of samples with microstructures ranging from near γ to duplex to fine grained, near- and fully-lamellar were determined at a range of temperatures, and the deformation structures in these characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Microstructure was observed to exert a strong influence on the tensile properties, with the grain size and lamellar volume fraction playing connected, but complex, roles. Acoustic emission response monitored during the tensile test revealed spikes whose amplitude and frequency increased with an increase in the volume fraction of lamellar grains in the microstructure. Analysis of failed samples suggested that microcracking was the main factor responsible for the spikes, with twinning providing a minor contribution in the near-lamellar materials. The most important factor that controls ductility of these alloys is grain size. The ductility, yield stress, and work-hardening rate of the binary Ti-48Al alloy exhibit maximum values between 0.50 and 0.60 volume fraction of the lamellar constituent. The high work-hardening rate, which is associated with the low mobility of dislocations, is the likely cause of low ductility of these alloys. In the near-γ and duplex structures, slip by motion of 1/2<110] unit dislocations and twinning are the prevalent deformation modes at room temperature (RT), whereas twinning is more common in the near- and fully-lamellar structures. The occurrence of twinning is largely dictated by the Schmid factor. The 1/2<110] unit dislocations are prevalent even for grain orientations for which the Schmid factor is higher for <101] superdislocations, though the latter are observed in favorably oriented grains. The activity of both of these systems is responsible for the higher ductility at ambient temperatures compared with Al-rich single-phase γ alloys. A higher twin density is observed in lamellar grains, but their propagation depends on the orientation and geometry of the individual γ lamellae. The increase in ductility at high temperatures correlates with increased activity of 1/2<110] dislocations (including their climb motion) and twin thickening. The role of microstructural variables on strength, ductility, and fracture are discussed. This article is based on a presentation made in the symposium entitled “Fundamentals of Structural Intermetallics,” presented at the 2002 TMS Annual Meeting, February 21–27, 2002, in Seattle, Washington, under the auspices of the ASM and TMS Joint Committee on Mechanical Behavior of Materials.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack growth through magnesia stabilized zirconia at 20, 450 and 650°C has been observed dynamically in a high temperature loading stage for the scanning electron microscope. Crack tip micromechanics parameters were measured using the stereoimaging technique. Fatigue crack growth at ambient temperature was found to be very similar to crack growth through metallic alloys. With increasing temperature, the stress intensity levels in which stable fatigue crack growth could be sustained were found to narrow significantly, until fatigue is expected to not be a valid mechanism of crack growth above about 750°C. Measured crack tip parameters were used to derive the low-cycle fatigue and the stress-cycles to failure characteristics. The latter agreed with measured SN curves. Deformation within the plastic zone was shown to account for the measured value of fracture toughness. The mechanisms of crack growth are discussed.  相似文献   

Strain-controlled low-cycle fatigue tests of cylindrical smooth specimens of two kinds of directionally solidified Ni-base superalloys, RENé 80+Hf and CM 247LC, were carried out at a temperature of 873 K, and the successive process from the crack initiation to small crack propagation was investigated by employing a replication technique. Both materials exhibited typical features of stage I fatigue fracture; that is, the fracture occurred on the crystallographic 111 planes, the most important slip planes in face-centered cubic (fcc) materials. It was found that the rate of stage I crack growth, when not influenced by a nearby grain boundary, proportionally increased with the crack length. However, as the crack tip neared a grain boundary, the rate rapidly decreased. It was also shown that the crack growth rate fell when the crack deflection occurred due to secondary slip. Comparison was also made between the stage I crack growth rate and the long crack growth rate in polycrystalline Ni-base superalloys.  相似文献   

The fatigue crack growth behavior of TiC/Ti-alloy composite was examined at 450 °C and compared to the room-temperature behavior. Contrary to the temperature-dependent fatigue crack growth behavior of the monolithic alloy, fatigue crack growth resistance of the composite was improved at the elevated temperature. At 450 °C, the fatigue threshold of the composite was found to be 50 Pct higher than at room temperature. Such an improved fatigue crack growth resistance is shown to result from extensive microcracking of reinforcing particles, which promotes fatigue crack closure at the elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack propagation rates in an A.P.I. 5L Grade steel were investigated by means of constant deflection amplitude bending fatigue tests at 640 c.p.m. on single edge notched specimens at — 50, — 10, 20 and 70°C in argon. The data were evaluated in terms of the crack propagation rate (da/dN) as a function of the stress intensity range (Δ/K), according toda/dN = ΔK m . It was found that dynamic strain aging has a major influence on fatigue crack propagation, resulting in a maximum of the crack propagation rate at room temperature. Similarly, the cyclic plastic zone size is a maximum at room temperature. D. H. Andreasen, formerly with the Department of Mining and Metallurgy, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  相似文献   

A two-phase gamma titanium aluminide alloy, Ti-47Al-1Cr-1V-2.5Nb (in at.%), was studied under forged and various subsequent heat treatment conditions, to investigate the microstructural evolution and the effect of microstructure on room temperature (RT) tensile properties and fracture toughness behavior. Four classes of microstructure and three types of lamellar formation were identified, and their formation mechanisms were analyzed using various analytical techniques including metallography, electron optics, differential thermal analysis (DTA), and crystallography. It was found that both tensile and toughness behavior were profoundly affected by the microstructural variations.  相似文献   

Fatigue crack growth behavior of a peak-aged Al2O3/Al-Cu composite was examined at 150 °C and compared to the behavior at room temperature (RT). At 150 °C, fatigue crack growth rates showed strong dependence on loading time. At short loading time, when stress-intensity range was decreased to approach fatigue threshold, crack growth rates at 150 °C were comparable to those measured at RT. Prolonged fatigue testing at near-threshold crack growth rates resulted in oscillations of crack growth rate until the fatigue crack growth behavior was stabilized to become similar to that in an overaged composite. Measurement of the matrix hardness at different distances from the crack plane and transmission electron microscopy examination of the fatigue specimen have shown that the matrix microstructure at the tip of the fatigue crack underwent overaging during prolonged testing in the near-threshold regime. Consequently, the fatigue fracture mechanism was modified, a lower crack closure developed, and the fatigue threshold reduced to that of the overaged composite.  相似文献   

《Acta Metallurgica Materialia》1990,38(12):2393-2410
The influence of chromium additions on crack growth and oxidation have been examined in the nickel aluminide, Ni3Al. Crack growth rates were measured in a chromium containing alloy as a function of stress intensity at temperatures between 600 and 760°C in air, together with rates of oxide film growth, and compared with previous measurements taken from Ni3Al. The mechanisms of crack propagation and oxidation were investigated with a range of analytical techniques, including SEM, AES, XPS, SIMS, TEM and STEM. An addition of 8% chromium had a significantly beneficial effect on both crack growth resistance and oxidation resistance between 600 and 760°C. Low oxidation rates were associated with the formation of Cr2O3 together with Al2O3 at the metal/oxide interface, consistent with chromium acting initially as an oxygen getter, and promoting the formation of a protective Al2O3 layer, with little internal oxidation. It is proposed that chromium was also responsible for inhibiting oxygen access to and diffusion along grain boundaries at crack tips, modifying the mechanism of crack propagation from “step-wise cracking”, dominated by oxygen embrittlement (observed in the absence of chromium), to a more conventional creep crack growth process.  相似文献   

The growth of short fatigue cracks in a NiCrMoV steel forging was examined, under constant applied stress intensity range (ΔK = 31 MPa-m1/2) in deaerated deionized water and 0.3 M Na2SO4 solution, as a function of frequency and temperature. Measurements were also made of the kinetics of electrochemical reactions of bare steel surfaces with the deaerated 0.3 M Na2SO4 solution, under free corrosion, to provide for comparison and correlation. Fatigue crack growth rate increased with reductions in frequency and with increases in temperature. The maximum amount of crack growth enhancement by the different environments appeared to be equal, although the crack growth response in deionized water appeared to be consistent with a faster reaction rate. The temperature and frequency dependence for corrosion fatigue crack growth corresponded directly with that for charge transfer between the “bare” and “filmed” metal surfaces under free corrosion. The results showed that shortcrack growth in the aqueous environments is controlled by the rate of electrochemical reactions, and is thermally activated with an apparent activation energy of about 40 kJ/M.  相似文献   

Creep crack growth tests at 871 °C have been performed on compact tension specimens of HK40 steel having different microstructures. The skeleton-shaped carbides on the grain boundaries have a higher resistance to crack growth than the blocky-shaped carbides. The secondary carbide size and distribution explicitly affect crack growth behavior. There exists a critical size of the secondary carbides. With an increase in the secondary carbide size, the resistance to crack growth increases up to the critical size and decreases beyond the critical size.  相似文献   

Effects of orientation on dislocation structures which evolve during the elevated temperature fatigue of copper single crystals have been studied using crystals oriented for double slip. The resulting dislocation reactions produce sessile jogs, Cottrell-Lomer locks, or cells formed by coplanar slip. The relative strengths of the reaction products vary markedly with increasing temperature. At room temperature coplanar slip crystals are strongest, crystals forming Cottrell-Lomer locks weakest. At 678 K (0.5 Tm) Cottrell-Lomer lock crystals are strongest, those forming sessile jogs weakest. The orientation dependence of the saturation stress is much greater at 678 K than at room temperature. A plateau in the saturation stress of about 14 MPa is observed in sessile jog and Lomer lock crystals cycled at 523 K. Persistent slip bands (PSBs) with the familiar ladder structure are observed by electron microscopy in these crystals. No saturation stress plateau or TEM evidence of PSB formation was found at 678 K. Only cells, usually equiaxed, were seen.  相似文献   

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