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The response and failure of magnesium alloy AZ31 specimens subjected to different pre-loaded-stress levels and heating rates were investigated with a Gleeble-1500 thermo-mechanical material testing system. It is found that the increases of either pre-loaded stresses or heating-rates decrease the failure temperatures of the specimens. The metallographs of the tested specimens were also observed. It is shown that the high heating-rate may cause stronger local thermal inconsistency, which remarkably increases the microdefects and reduces the macroscopic mechanical properties of the material.  相似文献   

The response and failure of brass H62 specimens subjected to different levels of pre-loaded stresses and heating rates were investigated using a Gleeble-1500 thermal-mechanical material testing system. The metallographs of the tested material were also observed and analyzed. It is found that the increase of either pre-loaded stress or heating-rate decreases the failure temperature. Metallographic analysis shows that high heating-rate may cause stronger local thermal inconsistency (LTI) and remarkably increase the microdefects in the material, which may markedly degrade the macroscopic mechanical properties of the material.  相似文献   

采用理论分析与有限元模拟相结合的方法对预应力钢丝缠绕液压缸关键技术参数进行了研究。将钢丝层简化为单层厚壁圆筒,建立1/4双层圆筒的平面应力轴对称有限元模型,钢丝层施加不同预紧力,得到外压随钢丝层厚度变化的曲线,可确定缠绕应力和钢丝层厚度。建立了参数化6层钢丝缠绕缸筒的1/4平面轴对称应力有限元模型,以不同预紧力递减增量进行遍历计算,以最终钢丝层对缸筒外壁压力的设计值为依据选择合适的钢丝层初始缠绕应力和预应力递减增量。最终确定了预应力钢丝缠绕缸筒关键技术参数,根据这些技术参数设计制造了内压为80 MPa的50 MN液压缸。  相似文献   

分析了孕育铁水低温静置对灰铸铁汽缸体内在质量的不利影响,提出改善汽缸体内在质量的关键在于降低原铁水硅量以及出炉铁水孕育后尽快浇注。  相似文献   

通过MSC.Marc有限元分析软件模拟气瓶收口热旋压的成形过程,分析了在不同温度和进给率下管坯壁厚、等效应变速率、应力及旋压力的变化规律.结果表明:径向旋压力与总旋压力很接近,导致管坯周向受压,壁厚在不同区段出现程度不同的减薄和增大;随着旋压温度和旋轮进给率的增加,管坯起旋点处单元壁厚减薄增加,直壁和口部单元的壁厚增厚...  相似文献   

在真空定向炉中浇注了具有[001]方向的不含Ru和含Ru两个单晶高温合金,其它合金元素的含量基本相同,研究Ru对单晶高温合金在(980℃,250 MPa),(1100℃,140 MPa)和(1120℃,140 MPa)条件下持久性能的影响。结果表明,加入Ru能提高单晶高温合金的高温持久性能,提高作用随着温度的升高而降低。在断裂后的两种合金试样中都观察到γ′相定向粗化和筏排化,并且在(1100℃,140 MPa)和(1120℃,140 MPa)条件试样中有针状的TCP相析出,而在(980 ℃,250 MPa)条件试样中无TCP相析出。加入Ru减少了TCP相的析出数量。最后,讨论了加入Ru带来的合金组织变化进而提高合金持久性能的原因。  相似文献   

The etching effect of ammonia (NH3) on the growth of vertically aligned nanotubes/nanofibers (CNTs) was investigated by direct-current plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (DC-PECVD). NH3 gas etches Ni catalyst layer to form nanoscale islands while NH3 plasma etches the deposited amorphous carbon. Based on the etching effect of NH3 gas on Ni catalyst, the differences of growing bundles of CNTs and single strand CNTs were discussed; specifically, the amount of optimal NH3 gas etching is different between bundles of CNTs and single strand CNTs. In contrast to the CNT carpet growth, the single strand CNT growth requires shorter etching time (5 min) than large catalytic patterns (10 min) since nano dots already form catalyst islands for CNT growth. Through removing the plasma pretreatment process, the damage from being exposed at high temperature substrate occurring during the plasma generation time is minimized. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HTEM) shows fishbone structure of CNTs grown by PECVD.  相似文献   


为研究激光选区熔化(selective laser melting, SLM)成形IN718持久各向异性的影响因素,对其打印态分别进行固溶时效(solution treatment and aging, SA)和直接时效(direct aging, DA)处理,采用X射线衍射、扫描电子显微镜及电子背散射衍射对两种状态试样xOy面及yOz物相、显微组织和织构进行表征,并在690 MPa,650 ℃下对两种状态的横向/纵向试样进行持久性能测试,测试后对断口和截面裂纹进行了表征分析量化研究.研究表明,DA态试样很大程度保持了打印态的显微组织,有明显熔池痕迹. 晶粒尺寸几乎没有变化. 显微组织中有大量偏析,XRD显示有衍射强度微弱的MC相的峰.而SA态试样晶粒尺寸及分布与DA态试样类似,同时存在大范围的δ相析出.横向/纵向试样的高温持久性能的差异随着加载时裂纹萌生点数量差异的减小而减小.垂直于应力加载轴向的熔池结构及晶界结构的差异是影响其高温持久各向异性的关键因素.


通过显微硬度、拉伸性能测试、显微组织分析、扫描电镜分析以及背散射电子衍射分析,研究了室温与液氮控温80%轧制变形对Al-Sc合金组织及力学性能的影响。结果表明:室温轧制与液氮控温轧制后合金的硬度分别为105 HV0.3和162 HV0.3,抗拉强度、屈服强度、伸长率分别为335 MPa、296 MPa、5.5%和443 MPa、415 MPa、6.7%;轧制后合金中多为小角度晶界,室温与液氮控温轧制后平均晶粒尺寸分别为40 μm和1 μm;由于层错能的影响,合金液氮控温轧制之后的主要织构类型为Brass织构{110}<112>、S织构{123}<634>和 Copper织构{112}<111>。  相似文献   

Acoustic emission testing for the periodic inspection of steel cylinders used for the storage of natural gas on vehicles was investigated. Normal refuelling pressurization does not produce adequate emission to enable structural integrity assessment. Detection of cracks through 15% or more of the side wall is feasible using overpressurization to 33% above the nominal refuelling pressure. A methodology was developed to distinguish between general corrosion product signals and those primarily associated with cracks. The effects of test interruption and the rate of cylinder pressurization on acoustic emissions were examined. The test method involves the application of one conditioning pressure cycle followed by one overpressure cycle. The sensitivity of the test method is adequate to permit an inspection interval of five years in service.  相似文献   

The silicon carbide thin film formation process, which was completely performed at room temperature, was developed by employing a reactive silicon surface preparation using argon plasma and a chemical vapor deposition using monomethylsilane gas. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry showed that silicon-carbon bonds existed in the obtained film, the surface of which could remain specular after exposure to hydrogen chloride gas at 800 °C. The silicon dangling bonds formed at the silicon surface by the argon plasma are considered to easily accept the monomethylsilane molecules at room temperature to produce the amorphous silicon carbide film thicker than monolayer. Thus, the entire silicon carbide thin film formation process at room temperature is possible.  相似文献   

通过不同温度的退火试验研究了化学气相沉积高纯钨冷轧后的再结晶行为.结果表明,冷轧钨中形成层状异质结构,提高了材料的应变硬化率,进而提高了塑性,韧脆转变温度降低到200℃以下,硬度从沉积态的402 HV0.2提高到547 HV0.2.高温退火后,冷轧钨在1100℃发生再结晶,与沉积态钨相比,再结晶温度降低了880℃,这是...  相似文献   

研究了温度对3555和471硬质合金抗弯强度的影响.结果表明,3555和471硬质合金的抗弯强度在室温至300℃的范围内基本保持不变,在300~400℃开始下降,在400~500℃范围内剧烈下降,在500~600℃范围内下降变缓,在600~700℃时,抗弯强度值出现一个平台,比室温时强度降低30%左右.这是由于高温下合金的软化,hcp γ→fcc γ相变,W、C在粘结相中的固溶以及热应力共同作用的结果.3540和3475合金高温下断面的粗糙度降低,孔洞增多,沿晶断裂比例增加.高温下合金表面发生氧化,形成疏松的垂直于表面生长的柱状晶氧化层,3555抗氧化能力比471合金高.  相似文献   

侯星宇  孙元 《焊接》2019,(1):40-44
采用一种镍基合金钎料钎焊CMSX-4单晶高温合金,利用扫描电镜、电子探针等分析手段研究接头的微观组织与相组成,并利用高温持久试验机测试接头的高温持久性能,讨论不同钎焊工艺条件下,接头的组织与性能变化规律及接头的断裂机制。研究发现,随着钎焊温度的提高,焊缝中低熔点化合物相减少,小尺寸凝固缺陷消失,白色硼化物比例先升高后降低,γ′沉淀相增多,接头的高温组织稳定性增加。当钎焊温度不低于1 290 ℃时,CMSX-4单晶高温合金接头在980 ℃/100 MPa条件下的持久寿命可达到400 h。观察接头的断口形貌发现,断裂均发生在焊缝处,断裂模式为以脆性断裂为主的混合断裂。  相似文献   

采用有限差分方法,利用Matlab脚本编写程序,针对不同温度分布条件下气体渗碳的碳浓度场进行数值计算,分析温度分布对碳浓度场的影响。结果表明,温度值的高低对碳浓度场有比较大的影响,在气体渗碳数值计算过程中将温度场简化为均匀温度场是有一定条件的,当工件表面温度差别超过4 ℃,工件内部相应位置碳浓度的最大差值即达到0.01%以上。但是温度梯度对碳浓度场的影响可以忽略不计,因此在气体渗碳的碳浓度场数值计算过程中可以按照工件表面当地温度计算碳浓度场的分布。  相似文献   

Boron-doped diamond (BDD) films were deposited on the tungsten carbide substrates at different substrate temperatures ranging from 450 to 850 °C by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) method. The effect of deposition temperature on the properties of the boron-doped diamond films on tungsten carbide substrate was investigated. It is found that boron doping obviously enhances the growth rate of diamond films. A relatively high growth rate of 544 nm/h was obtained for the BDD film deposited on the tungsten carbide at 650 °C. The added boron-containing precursor gas apparently reduced activation energy of film growth to be 53.1 kJ/mol, thus accelerated the rate of deposition chemical reaction. Moreover, Raman and XRD analysis showed that heavy boron doping (750 and 850 °C) deteriorated the diamond crystallinity and produced a high defect density in the BDD films. Overall, 600–700 °C is found to be an optimum substrate temperature range for depositing BDD films on tungsten carbide substrate.  相似文献   

研究了不同浇注温度下的K417G合金试样。结果表明,1 450℃浇注,合金中碳化物以块状为主,γ′相边缘钝化,γ′尺寸为1μm左右;1 500℃浇注,合金中碳化物以长条形为主,γ′相边缘清晰,立方度较好,γ′尺寸为0.8μm左右。1 450℃浇注的合金屈服强度及断裂强度均高于1 500℃浇注的合金。合金拉伸裂纹主要产生于碳化物处,1 450℃浇注的合金,碳化物尺寸较小,产生裂纹需要的应力较大;1 500℃浇注的合金,碳化物细长,碳化物断裂所需应力较小。在760℃/645 MPa条件下,1 450℃浇注的合金,平均持久寿命可达到219 h,而1 500℃浇注的合金,平均持久寿命仅为25 h。前者的断裂方式为穿晶断裂,后者为沿枝晶断裂,断口上存在有部分疏松组织。  相似文献   

预热对激光束钎熔焊温度场和应力场的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
研究预热对铍环激光束钎熔焊过程温度场和应力场分布的影响。采用轴对称模型和热力解耦有限元方法,假定沉积到钎缝表面的激光束能量为Gauss分布,通过在焊接前添加一个能量密度低,但有效加热半径大的工况分析预热温度。研究表明,预热使铍环钎缝外表面的焊接最高温度增加,温度梯度减小,熔深增加;采用预热工况焊接后,钎缝附近塑性变形区残余应力明显减小,而热影响区残余应力增大。从整体分布来看,预热使铍环外表面焊接残余应力分布均匀化。对铍环外表面钎缝附近焊接残余应力进行X射线应力测试,并与有限元分析结果对比,表明二者应力变化趋势基本一致。  相似文献   

基于热力学热传导原理和材料力学力和力矩的平衡原理,提出了考虑温度场的电弧快速成形涂层和基体热应力分析方法,能计算涂层成形后,由于自身温度降低以及向基体热传导产生温度场变化引起涂层和基体的热应力.借助广义热传导方程并赋予给定初始和边界条件,推导了基体厚度方向各位置温度分布函数,将推导的温度分布函数结合温度应变方程、力和力矩平衡方程推导了涂层和基体由于温度场变化产生的热应力理论计算方法.结果表明,热应力理论计算方法较好反映喷涂成形后涂层和基体间热应力分布规律,能较好控制涂层的质量,实现厚成形.  相似文献   

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