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小株 《现代家电》2002,(9):41-42
电磁炉这个厨房革命的绿色先锋,自进入中国市场以来已经有十几年的时间,品牌进入也越业越多,尽管电磁炉具有环保、节能、清洁等诸多让人称道的优点、并且在国外家庭已经非常普及,但在国内的发展却比较缓慢,市场的燎原之势并未突显。原因何在呢?日前,笔者对北京电磁炉进行一番调查并做以分析。  相似文献   

刘显彰 《印刷世界》2003,(11):17-18
20世纪90年代后期,中国印刷市场烽烟四起,加入WTO以后,大量外资进入,抢占中国市场,民营资本不甘落后,竞争日益激烈,在计划经济襁褓中孕育的国有经济,也经过改制甩掉了沉重的包袱,抖落了身上的尘土,仓促奋起,在这场激烈的商战中,中小企业面临空前的严峻形势,他们的出路何在呢?  相似文献   

王瑨 《电击高手》2010,(4):40-40
投资市场是一个机遇与风险并存的世界,如何规避投资市场风险以及稳步提高资金收益率是当前人们关注的焦点.针对这方面,银行纷纷推出多款不同类型理财产品,如何从中挑选出适合当前市场形势的理财产品呢?  相似文献   

<今日印刷>:柔性版印刷相对于胶印,凹印等其他印刷方式的优势何在?最为吸引印刷业者的特点是什么?就目前看来,柔性版印刷在国内的应用市场与上世纪90年代相比有何新的拓展?  相似文献   

“中国市场优势企业品牌人气榜”反映了企业竞争力哪一个层面的问题?对企业的意义何在?“人气指数”对企业而言是一种什么样的资产?“人气”对企业品牌的全球化战略有何重要影响?伴随着“人气榜”的新鲜出炉,相信这是许多企业界人士最为关注的问题。在这里,借用产业经济学中的“微笑曲线”理论来回答这一系列问题。  相似文献   

目前,造纸行业中过去曾经荣获过国家金质奖、银质奖或部优、省优(市优)的某些产品,在市场的竞争力却不如后来居上、名不见经传的同类产品,原因何在呢?是获奖产品质量下降了,还是市场饱和了?要回答这个问题,我们首先应该树立社会主义市场经济形势下的质量观念,了解并掌握“需求性质量标准”和“适应性质量管理”,然后就市场需求、产品标准与  相似文献   

商业环境演变到今天,恐怕已没有哪个企业会忽略市场运作了.然而真正做到市场上成功的企业又有多少呢?有多少企业在渡过基本的存活阶段后能真正打响一个品牌?有多少能够击败众多的竞争对手而取得领先的市场份额?又有多少能够长期地维持市场的领先地位、保持不败的市场竞争力呢?  相似文献   

正今年2月份以来,玉米价格连续3个月出现反弹,5月份临储玉米拍卖恢复,玉米价格不仅没有出现预期的回落,成交价格、成交率、成交量之高更是超出了市场预期。在当前玉米库存高企、粮食供给宽余的形势下,玉米价格居高不下甚至出现上涨,原因何在?持续"火热"的市场能否为消化玉米库存开拓一条新的路径呢?  相似文献   

实践证明。柔印的综合效益良好。欧美一些国家已大面积地发展柔印,而我国柔印市场却迟迟打不开局面。缘由何在?我们对我国市场上主要的柔印设备供应商分别进行了采访。将从各位经理人那里获取的信息整理如下。  相似文献   

随着商品流通体制改革的进展,棉花这一大宗计划商品也逐步走向市场。国务院决定,从1999年起,棉花价格由市场来决定和调节,不再由国家统一定价。针对这一情况,棉花企业怎样才能在国家宏观调控下适应市场、把握市场,成为市场的主体呢?笔者认为,关键是要提倡“合竞”精神。  相似文献   

茶氨酸是茶叶特有一种氨基酸,50年代首次从茶叶中提取、精制出茶氨酸,此后许多学者对其进行大量研究工作,包括体内吸收与代谢,生理功能及在食品中应用,该文对茶氨酸国内外最新研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the contribution of special education approaches to MI (multiple intelligences) schooling. We argue that mainstream education is constructed on a flawed notion of intelligence and consequently disables many learners, perhaps even the majority of them. In this context, we suggest that approaches common in special education have a wider application in mainstream education than is generally supposed. This is particularly true from the perspective that students in mainstream education are multiply intelligent. Inclusive educators have suggested that special education approaches have merit in non-special education environments. For those who work in mainstream education, however, special education approaches, insofar as they are thought of at all, are thought of as deficit approaches. We propose that insights from a combination of the theory of multiple intelligences and special education perspectives can reformulate mainstream education to begin to respond effectively to the diverse needs of all learners.  相似文献   

张恬熙 《葡萄酒》2020,(4):38-43
随着疫情在全球范围内的扩效。为了减少人员聚集,阻断病毒传播,不少国内外的葡萄酒大型展会都宣布了延期或取消举办。鉴于每年上半年都有许多重要的酒展,小编为大家整理出这份名单,盘点疫情下各大葡萄酒展会的现况。  相似文献   

In the past 10 years, many thousands of research papers covering the many different aspects of endocrine disruption in the environment have been published. What has been learned from all this research? We have tried to reduce this very large volume of research into a relatively small number of "lessons". Hence, this paper is not a typical review, but instead it summarizes our personal opinions on what we consider are the major messages to have come from all this research. We realize that what has been a lesson to us may have been obvious from the outset to someone more knowledgeable on that particular aspect of the burgeoning field of endocrine disruption. In addition, it is inevitable that others will consider that we have "missed" some lessons that they would have expected to find included in our list. If so, we encourage them to submit them as responses to our paper. Our own lessons range widely, from the design and interpretation of data from fieldwork studies, through some key messages to come out of the very many laboratory studies that have been conducted, to issues around the sources and fates in the environment of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, and finally to the key role of sewage treatment in controlling the concentrations of these chemicals in the aquatic environment. Having (hopefully) learned our lessons, we have then applied them to the difficult issue of how best to approach future concerns about the potential impacts of other new and emerging contaminants (e.g., pharmaceuticals) on wildlife.  相似文献   

Recently, many Japanese females have turned their attention to dilated pores. In our clinic, the number of female patients with complaints of dilated pores have increased. For these patients, we have shown the way of skin care firstly. Then, we have selected laser and IPL (intense pulsed light) therapies. In this paper, I introduce treatments of dilated pores in the ladies clinic of the Dermatology Department in Kinki University Hospital.  相似文献   

棉酚是一种毒性较强的化合物,且分布较广.本文研究了用60%的乙醇萃取棉籽油中的游离棉酚,然后用UV—240分光光度计在233nm波长下进行测定,所得结果相对误差小于6.25%.此法灵敏度高,重现性好,操作简便,理论检测下限为5ppm.  相似文献   

目前我国高校多媒体艺术教育正处在逐步兴起的关键时刻.北京印刷学院自1996年率先开创多媒体艺术设计专业方向,目前在国内外已获得较好声誉.在未来的激烈竞争中,我们的多媒体艺术教育应该注意哪些方面?多媒体数字艺术作品中的艺术性角度如何创造,怎样使最新多媒体技术为多媒体数字艺术作品带来独特的艺术性?这是需要思考的问题.  相似文献   

<正> 多年以来,奶类(包括牛奶及豆奶)产品、果汁等较易变坏的饮料,大部分都是以无菌纸板包装方法推出市场。但最近在世界上很多地方,包括欧洲、东南亚及中国,塑料瓶包装奶类饮料,正卷土重来。塑料瓶包装无论在外观形状、大小、颜色等各方面都十分有弹性,以配合在不同时间及地方的市场推广。另外,塑料瓶“瓶内”无菌的工艺要求比较简单;因此,成品的坏包率也很低(在中国市场内可低于万分之一),所以品质控制方面也比较易于处理。这种包装不仅为生产商提供更具经济效益的加工及包装方法,而且更为消费者提供了另外一种优质的选择。  相似文献   

In recent decades India has achieved one of the fastest economic growth rates in the world, yet its progress against both child and adult undernutrition has been sluggish at best. While this Indian variant of the so-called Asian enigma presents many puzzles, one of the puzzles pertains to agriculture’s role. Many researchers and policymakers have high expectations of agriculture’s potential to reduce undernutrition, despite a lack of substantive evidence. In this paper we assess this tenuous evidence base by exploring two key channels by which agricultural production conditions can influence nutritional outomes: a food consumption pathway and a maternal employment–time use pathway. We conclude with an appraisal of some possible entry points for pro-nutrition agricultural policies.  相似文献   

茶氨酸的国内外研究现状   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
赵丹  王朝旭 《食品科学》2002,23(5):145-147
茶氨酸是绿茶中特有的一种氨基酸。50年代首次从茶叶中提取、精制出茶氨酸,并确定了它的化学结构,此后许多学者对其进行了大量的研究工作。包括在体内的吸收与代谢,检测方法,生理功能及在食品中的应用研究。茶氨酸主要作为食品添加剂,用于几乎所有食品中,除了改善食品风味外,还有多种保健功能,如降血压、抗疲劳,并对临床癌症患者的化疗有益。本文对茶氨酸的国内外最新研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

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