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Electron spin resonance in semimagnetic Cd1?xMnxTe (0<x<0.7) and Zn1?xMnxTe (0<x<0.53) compounds was studied at temperatures of 77 and 300 K. It is found that two types of paramagnetic centers exist in Zn1?xMnxTe, one of which is related to Mn2+ ions and the other is attributed to structural defects in the crystals.  相似文献   

Results of studies of the conductivity σ and the Hall coefficient R in the Cd x Hg1 − x Te crystals with x = 0.1, 0.12, 0.14, and 0.15 are analyzed in the temperature range T = 4.2–300 K and the magnetic field range B = 0.005–2.22 T. Using data on the R(B) in low and high magnetic fields and the data on σ(T), electron and hole concentrations and mobilities are determined. It is shown that the electron concentration n in the studied samples is almost independent of T in the range 4.2–15 K, while as T increases, it increases according to the law nT r (r > 3/2), where r = f(n, T, x). It is found that r varies from 1.7 at x = 0.1 to 3.1 at compositions with x = 0.14 and 0.15. The results for n(T) are compared with theory, taking into account nonparabolicity of the variance law for ⃛(T), and with the theory of impurity states in narrow-gap and zero-gap semiconductors. It is shown that the constancy of n(T) up to ∼15 K and the strong dependence n(T) (r > 3/2) at higher temperatures are caused by the intense ionization of electrons localized at acceptor states.  相似文献   

CdMnTe offers several potential advantages over CdZnTe as a room- temperature gamma-ray detector, but many drawbacks in its growth process impede the production of large, defect-free single crystals with high electrical resistivity and high electron lifetimes. Here, we report our findings of the defects in several vanadium-doped as-grown as well as annealed Cd1−x Mn x Te crystals, using etch pit techniques. We carefully selected single crystals from the raw wafer to fabricate and test as a gamma-ray detector. We describe the quality of the processed Cd1−x Mn x Te surfaces, and compare them with similarly treated CdZnTe crystals. We discuss the characterization experiments aimed at clarifying the electrical properties of fabricated detectors, and evaluate their performance as gamma-ray spectrometers.  相似文献   

A detailed study is presented of multicarrier transport properties in liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE)-grown n-type HgCdTe films using advanced mobility spectrum analysis techniques over the temperature range from 95 K to 300 K. Three separate electron species were identified that contribute to the total conduction, and the temperature-dependent characteristics of carrier concentration and mobility were extracted for each individual carrier species. Detailed analysis allows the three observed contributions to be assigned to carriers located in the bulk long-wave infrared (LWIR) absorbing layer, the wider-gap substrate/HgCdTe transition layer, and a surface accumulation layer. The activation energy of the dominant high-mobility LWIR bulk carrier concentration in the high temperature range gives a very good fit to the Hansen and Schmit expression for intrinsic carrier concentration in HgCdTe with a bandgap of 172 meV. The mobility of these bulk electrons follows the classic μ ~ T −3/2 dependence for the phonon scattering regime. The much lower sheet densities found for the other two, lower-mobility electron species show activation energies of the order of ~20 meV, and mobilities that are only weakly dependent on temperature and consistent with expected values for the wider-bandgap transition layer and a surface accumulation layer.  相似文献   

Photoluminescence (PL) of Hg1 − x Cd x Te-based heterostructures grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) on GaAs and Si substrates has been studied. It is shown that a pronounced disruption of the long-range order in the crystal lattice is characteristic of structures of this kind. It is demonstrated that the observed disordering is mostly due to the nonequilibrium nature of MBE and can be partly eliminated by postgrowth thermal annealing. Low-temperature spectra of epitaxial layers and structures with wide potential wells are dominated by the recombination peak of an exciton localized in density-of-states tails; the energy of this peak is substantially lower than the energy gap. In quantum-well (QW) structures at low temperatures, the main PL peak is due to carrier recombination between QW levels and the energy of the emitted photon is strictly determined by the effective (with the QW levels taken into account) energy gap.  相似文献   

The effects of switching and electroluminescence as well as the interrelation between these effects in single crystals of GaS x Se1?x alloys are detected and studied. It is established that the threshold voltage for switching depends on temperature, resistivity, and composition of alloys, and also on the intensity and spectrum of photoactive light. As a result, a phototrigger effect is observed; this effect arises under irradiation with light from the fundamental-absorption region. Electroluminescence is observed in the subthreshold region of the current-voltage characteristic; the electroluminescence intensity decreases drastically to zero as the sample is switched from a high-resistivity state to a low-resistivity state. Experimental data indicating that the electroluminescence and the switching effect are based on the injection mechanism (as it takes place in other layered crystals of the III-V type) are reported.  相似文献   

Structural properties of Hg1–x Cd x Te are investigated by using first-principles calculations based on density functional theory. An energetically minimized and geometrically optimized model for Hg1–x Cd x Te was formulated. A virtual crystal approximation model for Hg1–x Cd x Te produced a poor fit to experimental lattice parameters and Vegard’s law. However, the virtual crystal approximation model provides reasonably accurate values for the band gap␣energy. An ordered alloy approximation model produced a good fit to Hg1–x Cd x Te lattice parameters and followed Vegard’s law. The ordered alloy approximation also produced a bimodal distribution in Hg-Te and Cd-Te bond lengths in agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

Undoped mid-wave infrared Hg1?xCdxSe epitaxial layers have been grown to a nominal thickness of 8–14 μm on GaSb (211)B substrates by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using constant beam equivalent pressure ratios. The effects of growth temperature from 70°C to 120°C on epilayer quality and its electronic parameters has been examined using x-ray diffraction (XRD) rocking curves, atomic force microscopy, Nomarski optical imaging, photoconductive decay measurements, and variable magnetic field Hall effect analysis. For samples grown at 70°C, the measured values of XRD rocking curve full width at half maximum (FWHM) (116 arcsec), root mean square (RMS) surface roughness (2.7 nm), electron mobility (6.6?×?104 cm2 V?1 s?1 at 130 K), minority carrier lifetime (~?2 μs at 130 K), and background n-type doping (~?3?×?1016 cm?3 at 130 K), indicate device-grade material quality that is significantly superior to that previously published in the open literature. All of these parameters were found to degrade monotonically with increasing growth temperature, although a reasonably wide growth window exists from 70°C to 90°C, within which good quality HgCdSe can be grown via MBE.  相似文献   

On the basis of the temperature and field dependences of the Hall coefficient R H , it was found that samples with a low electron density are, as a rule, compensated, and the degree of compensation changes upon thermal conversion of the conductivity of the sample to p type. For n-CdxHg1?xTe, the ionization energy of the donor level was found from the temperature dependences of resistivity ρ(T): E d =24–32 meV. For the same samples, after their thermal conversion to p type, the ionization energies of acceptors, which are related to doubly charged vacancies V Hg ++ , were determined: E a =32 and 48 meV. In addition, a deep level E t , related to an unknown amphoteric impurity, was found (E t ?E v ≈0.7E g ).  相似文献   

The results of measurements of frequency dependences of conductivity and electron spin resonance (ESR) of the Cd1 ? x FexTe alloys (0.01 ≤ x ≤ 0.05) at room temperature are presented. It is found that, in the composition range 0.003 ≤ x ≤ 0.05, a new asymmetric ESR absorption line with g ≈ 3.9 emerges, and its hysteresis manifests itself while the samples are magnetized. The line with g ≈ 3.9 is attributed to the charge state 3+ of the Fe atoms, which occurs in tetrahedra with three Fe atoms.  相似文献   

The search for alternative energy sources is at the forefront of applied research. In this context, thermoelectricity, i.e., direct conversion of thermal into electrical energy, plays an important role, particularly for exploitation of waste heat. Materials for such applications should exhibit thermoelectric potential and mechanical stability. PbTe-based compounds include well-known n-type and p-type compounds for thermoelectric applications in the 50°C to 600°C temperature range. This paper is concerned with the mechanical and transport properties of p-type Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te and PbTe<Na> samples, both of which have a hole concentration of ∼1 × 1020 cm−3. The ZT values of PbTe<Na> were found to be higher than those of Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te, and they exhibited a maximal value of 0.8 compared with 0.5 for Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te at 450°C. However, the microhardness value of 49 HV found for Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te was closer to that of the mechanically stable n-type PbTe (30 HV) than to that of PbTe<Na> (71 HV). Thus, although lower ZT values were obtained, from a mechanical point of view Pb0.5Sn0.5Te:Te is preferable over PbTe<Na> for practical applications.  相似文献   

Mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe, or MCT) with low n-type indium doping concentration offers a means for obtaining high performance infrared detectors. Characterizing carrier transport in materials with ultra low doping (ND?=?1014 cm?3 and lower), and multi-layer material structures designed for infrared detector devices, is particularly challenging using traditional methods. In this work, Hall effect measurements with a swept B-field were used in conjunction with a multi-carrier fitting procedure and Fourier-domain mobility spectrum analysis to analyze multi-layered MCT samples. Low temperature measurements (77 K) were able to identify multiple carrier species, including an epitaxial layer (x?=?0.2195) with n-type carrier concentration of n?=?1?×?1014 cm?3 and electron mobility of μ?=?280000 cm2/Vs. The extracted electron mobility matches or exceeds prior empirical models for MCT, illustrating the outstanding material quality achievable using current epitaxial growth methods, and motivating further study to revisit previously published material parameters for MCT carrier transport. The high material quality is further demonstrated via observation of the quantum Hall effect at low temperature (5 K and below).  相似文献   

In the zero-gap Cd x Hg1?x Te semiconductor subjected to an axial elastic strain, a band gap is formed between the bottom of the conduction band and the top of the valence band. In the new state, the band structure is found to depend on the initial arrangement of the valence subbands, i.e., on the composition defined by the parameter x. At x < 0.135–0.140, the material becomes a semiconductor with an indirect band gap. If 0.140 < x < 160, the band of light holes at k = 0, Γ6, is found to be above the Γ8 band. As a result, the material becomes a direct-gap semiconductor, and a double “metal-semiconductor-metal” phase transition in conductivity occurs. In this case, as the strain is increased, the type of conductivity of the zero-gap semiconductor at low temperatures changes according to the sequence as follows: electron metallic conductivity-electron activation conductivity-hopping conductivity-hole metallic conductivity.  相似文献   

The generation of dislocations with even a relatively low density (Ndis≤107cm?2) leads to significant variations in the kinetic coefficients of CdxHg1?xTe (x=0.20–0.21) crystals. In n-type crystals, a substantial decrease in electron mobility takes place along with a marked growth in electron concentration. For p-type crystals, the transition from the activation conductivity to the metal one is observed in the low-temperature range of 4.2–40 K, as is the alternating-sign behavior of the Hall coefficient R H depending on temperature and magnetic-field strength. A dominant role in the observed modifications is played by electronic states of point defects formed during the dislocation motion rather than the dislocations themselves. The totality of the data can be explained in terms of the formation of connected channels of an opposite-type conductivity in the form of a three-dimensional dislocation network in the matrix of the main crystal.  相似文献   

We present an overview concerning the modification of properties of HgCdTe solid solutions and related Hg-containing materials under surface treatment with low-energy (60–2000 eV) ion beams. The conditions for conductivity-type conversion in p-material, dose, and time dependences of the depth of the conversion layer are analyzed. The modification of electrical properties of n-type material subjected to ion-beam treatment is discussed. The suggested mechanisms of conductivity-type conversion under low-energy ion treatment of HgCdTe doped with vacancies or acceptor impurities are regarded. Properties of p-n junctions produced by this technique are reviewed, and electrical and photoelectric parameters of HgCdTe IR photodetectors fabricated by low-energy ion treatment are analyzed. Several examples of novel device structures developed with the use of the method are presented.  相似文献   

The complex refractive indices of Cd x Zn1−x O thin films were determined by transmission spectrophotometry. Transmission spectra were modeled from 375 nm to 800 nm for samples having cadmium concentrations ranging from 2% to 77%. The transparent and absorptive regimes were fitted separately by Sellmeier and Forouhi–Bloomer models, respectively. Real refractive indices of Cd x Zn1−x O shift to higher values in the transparent region and the optical absorption edge shifts to longer wavelengths with increasing cadmium concentration. Spectroscopic ellipsometry was carried out on one sample from λ = 190 nm to 1.8 μm. Comparison between the two methods shows that the results are in general agreement.  相似文献   

Liquid-phase epitaxy is used to fabricate Pb0.8Sn0.2Te films, undoped or doped with indium to different levels. The depth profiles of the carrier density and dopant concentration in the films are measured and examined. A uniform dopant concentration to a depth of 15 μm is obtained. Electrical-conduction inversion is observed at a temperature of 77.3 K as the doping level is varied. The liquid-phase epitaxial method is shown to be a more suitable technology for the reproducible manufacture of epitaxial films with a given carrier density, such as the ones used in terahertz detectors.  相似文献   

A hardware-software complex based on a spectroscopic ellipsometer integrated into a molecular beam epitaxy installation and destined to monitor the composition of the Cd1 − z Zn z Te alloy at small values of z is described. Methodical features of determination of the composition of growing layers by the spectra of ellipsometric parameters are considered. The procedure of determination of the composition by the absorption edge that allows measuring this parameter accurate to 1.2% is developed. Problems are considered the solutions of which will allow one to increase the resolution by the composition. In particular, maintaining a stable temperature during growth is required for this purpose.  相似文献   

Steady-state electron transport and low-field electron mobility characteristics of wurtzite ZnO and Zn1−x Mg x O are examined using the ensemble Monte Carlo model. The Monte Carlo calculations are carried out using a three-valley model for the systems under consideration. Acoustic and optical phonon scattering, intervalley (equivalent and nonequivalent) scattering, ionized impurity scattering, and alloy disorder scattering are used in the Monte Carlo simulations. Steady-state electron transport is analyzed, and the population of valleys is also obtained as a function of applied electric field and ionized impurity concentrations. The negative differential mobility phenomena is clearly observed and seems compatible with the occupancy and effective nonparabolicity factors of the valleys in bulk ZnO and in Zn1−x Mg x O with low Mg content. The low-field mobilities are obtained as a function of temperature and ionized impurity concentrations from the slope of the linear part of each velocity–field curve. It is seen that mobilities begin to be significantly affected for ionized impurity concentrations above 5 × 1015/cm3. The calculated Monte Carlo simulation results for low-field electron mobilities are found to be consistent with published data.  相似文献   

The electrical properties of chromium-doped n-Pb1?x Ge x Te alloys (x = 0.02–0.13) have been studied. A decrease in the free-electron concentration and a metal-insulator transition are observed as the germanium content of alloys increases. This is due to the Fermi level pinning by the chromium impurity level and to the flow of electrons from the conduction band to the impurity level. The experimental data obtained are used to calculate, in terms of the two-band Kane dispersion law, the dependences of the electron concentration and Fermi energy on the germanium content in the alloy. The motion rate of the chromium-related level with respect to the conduction band bottom is determined and a model of variation of the electronic structure with the matrix composition is suggested.  相似文献   

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